How to check: password expired,password forced to change,user disable

I am writing application to detect the following. I just need to check whether the condition is true. What are the things that I need to check for:
- when a user password is going to expired in x days?
- when a user is forced to changed a his password?
- when a user is disabled? For this, do I check the attribute "nsaccountlock=true"?

I am writing application to detect the following. I
just need to check whether the condition is true.
What are the things that I need to check for:
- when a user password is going to expired in x
you can use he passwordControls during a BIND operation and investigate if the password expired/expiring in so many secs
- when a user is forced to changed a his password?
- when a user is disabled? For this, do I check the
attribute "nsaccountlock=true"?Yes, if some interface is actually using this to disable the user in the first place.

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    I am trying to build an authentication scheme that deals with expired passwords. After the user has provided their valid but expired password they should be redirected to a password reset page. After they have provided a new password they should be allowed to continue to the page they would have otherwise gone to had their password not expired.
    I have written my authentication processs as follows:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION inventory_test.inventory_authentication (
    p_username IN VARCHAR2,
    p_password IN VARCHAR2
    r1 apex_users%ROWTYPE;
    valid_password BOOLEAN;
    IF p_password IS NULL
    END IF;
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    INTO r1
    FROM apex_users
    WHERE UPPER (username) = UPPER (p_username);
    valid_password :=
    DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.md5 (input_string => p_password
    || TO_CHAR (r1.SEED, '99999')
    ) = r1.PASSWORD;
    IF valid_password AND (r1.password_expiration_date < SYSDATE)
    apex_util.set_session_state ('FSP_AFTER_PASSWORD_RESET_URL', v ('FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL')); -- My new application item
    apex_util.set_session_state ('FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL',
    'F?P=' || v ('APP_ID') || ':14:' || v ('APP_SESSION')
    END IF;
    RETURN valid_password;
    This redirects the user to the password reset page but FSP_AFTER_PASSWORD_RESET_URL is null - presumably because the login process changes the session.
    This seems the wrong approach anyway as the user, once authenticated, can change the page number in the URL and avoid the password reset. I would guess that I need to use the APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH package somehow. However, I am thoroughly confused about the relationship between the LOGIN and POST_LOGIN procedures. Also, I gather from other posts in this forum that there is some asynchronous processing that goes on as new sessions are created. Can someone point me in the right direction please?

    Sorry for taking so long to acknowledge your helpful suggestions.
    Scott's proposal is a tiny tiny bit awkward as,if i understand it correctly, the user would have to reauthenticate after resetting the password.
    /dev/null's suggestion is actually not too bad for me. I already have each page being authorised and I use only a limited mumber of (once per session) authorization schemes. I think all I have to do is to place an extra line or two in each scheme to check the expiration date of the user's password and remember to call APEX_UTIL.RESET_AUTHORIZATIONS when the password is reset.
    I successfully redirected to the password reset page using owa_util.redirect_url from the post-authentication procedure but what I am still having trouble with is the deep-linking bit. It seems I have to obtain the target URL by 'editing' FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL to replace '|' characters by ':' characters and inserting the session id in the right place. Given the fact that FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL may not be set and that there may not be sufficient ':' characters in the URL this is very clunky.
    Is there an easier way to do this?
    --- Never mind. I worked out how to use regular expressions with SQL to do this. A full explanation is in my blog.
    Edited by: TonyHasler on Sep 6, 2008 3:17 PM

  • Ad-User script to check if expired password = true and email helpdesk

    I have a script that runs each day and reminds my users that their password will expire. This works well.
    I'm having trouble creating a script to email our helpdesk once the password has expired so engineers can reset it automatically.
    The code I have displays nothing yet I know I have expired passwords.
    Get-ADUser -filter {(Enabled -eq $True) -and (PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False) -and (PasswordExpired -eq $True)} -properties PasswordLastSet, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, EmailAddress, GivenName
    Please help!

    I looked at a test user meeting these criteria. Although the AccountExpirationDate was in the past, the AccountExpired property was still $False. I'm not sure what process is responsible for changing the AccountExpired property based on AccountExpirationDate,
    but this is where your script seems to fail. 
    This works:
    Get-ADUser -filter {(Enabled -eq $True) -and (PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False)} -properties PasswordLastSet, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, EmailAddress, GivenName, AccountExpirationDate |
    Where { $_.AccountExpirationDate -lt (Get-Date) }
    Sam Boutros, Senior Consultant, Software Logic, KOP, PA (Please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and/or Mark as Answer, where applicable) _________________________________________________________________________________
    Powershell: Learn it before it's an emergency
    Account expired is derived by the Classes.  It is not on the raw object. It is all that needs to be checked.  If an account is not set to be expired then that will always be false.
    Like this:
    Get-ADUser -filter * -properties * |?{$_.passwordexpired}  | select passwordexpired
    You can also do the math.

  • Remove password expiration time limit for ocs users

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    SQL> select * from dba_profiles where RESOURCE_NAME LIKE 'PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';
    Profile altered.
    SQL> select * from dba_profiles where RESOURCE_NAME LIKE 'PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';
    To change the password for a user:
    alter user username identified by new_password;
    Edited by: hitgon on Apr 30, 2012 7:33 PM

  • Cannot change password expired password

    Hi there,
    I am not able to change expired password on Windows server 2012. I am getting the error message that "You must change your password before logging on the first time. Please update your password or contact your system administrator or technical support"
    I had similar issue in Windows 2008 servers and was resolved when I changed the the RDP security layer to negociate. But I couldn't find Session host configuration snap-in since RDS is not enabled.
    Any one faced same issue?

    Hi Ranjith,
    How are things going?
    You could try to change the Security Layer to
    RDP Security Layer in the Security section of
    Session Collection properties.
    In addition, if you are using remote desktop over RD Gateway, there is no support for being able to use the “User must change password at next logon”.
    Please refer to these two threads which is similar with your issues.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

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    Thanks in advance for your answers.
    Message was edited by:

    Public key doesn't have an expiration date. Certificate has. Run keytool -list -v and you can read something looks like:
    Valid from: ... until: ...

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    Hi Sravan,
    Import this package in your login view;
    And if your context attributes are Name and Password.And if you are navigating from LoginView to HomeView. Write the code given below inside your action event.
    String login=wdContext.currentContextElement().getName();
    String password=wdContext.currentContextElement().getPassword();
         if(login!=null && login.equalsIgnoreCase("XXX") && password!=null && password.equalsIgnoreCase("YYY"))
    MessageManager msgMgr= (MessageManager) wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getMessageManager();
    msgMgr.reportException("Login failure.Pls check login details",true);
    Hope this will help you     

  • How can you create a customized page to change user password?

    Hello to all,
    I would like to create a customized page for a user to change their password. We are using Portal version 3.0.9 on Windows NT/2000. Currently there is a page in portal where a user can change their password.
    I tried linking to that page by copying the shortcut url and adding it as an html portlet. The problem is that we want to direct the users to a
    page of our choosing when they click on the "cancel" and "ok" buttons. I read in the forums that there is a selfreg.cmd script.
    I also read that there is some code that has been available.
    Has anyone implemented a customized user password change page? Do you know of any links that might have steps to follow or
    more informatioin?
    Thanks in advance,

    I was able to customize the change password screen through a procedure. This is what I did:
    * Created a procedure under the Portal30_sso schema:
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure reports_chage_password
    site2pstoretoken in varchar2 default null
    ,p_username in varchar2 default null
    ,p_error_code in varchar2 default null
    ,p_submit_url in varchar2 default null
    ,p_done_url in varchar2 default null
    ,p_pwd_is_exp in varchar2 default null
    ,p_password in varchar2 default null
    htp.title ('<TITLE of Page>');
    htp.p('<table width="100%"><tr><td colspan=2 align=center><IMG SRC=<directory of image if you want>"><br><hr><br></td></tr>');
    htp.p('<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>');
    htp.p('<font COLOR="#000080" face="Times New Roman" size=+2><b>');
    htp.header(nsize => 1 ,cheader => 'Change Password');
    htp.p('</td></tr><tr><td align=right>');
    htp.formopen(curl => p_submit_url );
    htp.p('<font color="#000080" face="Times New Roman" size=+1>');
    htp.p ('Username:');
    htp.p('</td><td alight=left><font color="#000080" face="Times New Roman" size=+1>');
    htp.formHidden(cname => 'p_username',cvalue => p_username);;
    htp.p('<tr><td align=right>');
    htp.p('<font color="#000080" face="Times New Roman" size=+1>');
    htp.p ('Old Password: ');
    htp.p('</td><td align=left>');
    htp.p ( htf.formPassword(cname => 'p_old_password',csize => 30,cmaxlength => 30) );
    htp.p('<tr><td align=right>');
    htp.p('<font color="#000080" face="Times New Roman" size=+1>');
    htp.p ('New Password: ');
    htp.p('</td><td align=left>');
    htp.p ( htf.formPassword(cname => 'p_new_password',csize => 30,cmaxlength => 30) );
    htp.p('<tr><td align=right>');
    htp.p('<font color="#000080" face="Times New Roman" size=+1>');
    htp.p ('Confirm New Password: ');
    htp.p('</td><td align=left>');
    htp.p ( htf.formPassword(cname => 'p_new_password_confirm',csize => 30,cmaxlength => 30) );
    htp.p('<tr><td rowsapn=2>');
    htp.formHidden(cname => 'p_done_url',cvalue => '<the url that you want users to go to when they are done>');
    htp.formHidden(cname => 'p_pwd_is_exp',cvalue => p_pwd_is_exp);
    htp.formHidden(cname => 'p_password',cvalue => p_password);
    htp.formHidden(cname => 'site2pstoretoken',cvalue => site2pstoretoken);
    htp.p('<tr><td align=right>');
    htp.formSubmit(cname => 'p_action',cvalue => 'OK');
    htp.p('</td><td align=left>');
    htp.formSubmit(cname => 'p_action',cvalue => 'CANCEL');
    if p_error_code is not null then;
    htp.fontOpen(ccolor=> 'red', csize=> 4);
    if p_error_code = 'auth_fail_err' then
    htp.p('Old password is incorrect');
    elsif p_error_code = 'pwd_rule_err' then
    htp.p('The new password does not follow '||
    'the password policies.');;
    htp.p('Verify with your System Administrator '||
    'about the Password Policies');
    elsif p_error_code = 'confirm_pwd_fail_txt' then
    htp.p('Confirmation for new passord is not '||
    'the same as the New Passowrd');
    elsif p_error_code = 'null_new_pwd_err' then
    htp.p('New password cannot be null');
    elsif p_error_code = 'null_old_pwd_err' then
    htp.p('Old password cannot be null');
    htp.p ('Error: ' || p_error_code );
    end if;
    end if;
    * Grant this procedure to PUBLIC
    * Update the portal30_sso.wwsso_ls_configuration_info_$:
    UPDATE portal30_sso.wwsso_ls_configuration_info_$
    * After you update the table, go to your account information link, and click on the change password link.
    * Then copy the url that you see in your address line
    * And if you want a change password link at the top of your portal page, just go to EDIT on your page, then edit the banner defaults. Then in the links add the Lable and the URL. The URL would be the URL you copied from the previous step.
    Hope this helps.
    I've customized the login page too if you would like some sample code for that. Let me know.

  • How to check which license is assign to current user?

    Hi all,
    I want to fire some action when a CRM user click on my sdk program but if a Prof user click on it, other action will be fire. May I know how to do it?

    I don't know the programming part how to access the information, but which licence is assigned to which user is stored in the file B1Upf.xml on the licence server.
    HTH, Sandra

  • How to check query is getting reused after changing parametr cursor_sharing

    Oracle Version: 11g
    OS Version: Windows 2003 64Bit
    How to find if a particular query is getting reused after change in a cursor_sharing parameter from EXACT to SIMILAR.
    Which set of Views/DD's should i query go get the relevant details.
    Thanks in advance.

    SQL> desc v$sqlarea
    Name                                                  Null?    Type
    SQL_TEXT                                                       VARCHAR2(1000)
    SQL_FULLTEXT                                                   CLOB
    SQL_ID                                                         VARCHAR2(13)
    SHARABLE_MEM                                                   NUMBER
    PERSISTENT_MEM                                                 NUMBER
    RUNTIME_MEM                                                    NUMBER
    SORTS                                                          NUMBER
    VERSION_COUNT                                                  NUMBER
    LOADED_VERSIONS                                                NUMBER
    OPEN_VERSIONS                                                  NUMBER
    USERS_OPENING                                                  NUMBER
    FETCHES                                                        NUMBER
    EXECUTIONS                                                     NUMBER
    PX_SERVERS_EXECUTIONS                                          NUMBER
    END_OF_FETCH_COUNT                                             NUMBER
    USERS_EXECUTING                                                NUMBER
    LOADS                                                          NUMBER
    FIRST_LOAD_TIME                                                VARCHAR2(19)
    INVALIDATIONS                                                  NUMBER
    PARSE_CALLS                                                    NUMBER
    DISK_READS                                                     NUMBER
    DIRECT_WRITES                                                  NUMBER
    BUFFER_GETS                                                    NUMBER
    APPLICATION_WAIT_TIME                                          NUMBER
    CONCURRENCY_WAIT_TIME                                          NUMBER
    CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME                                              NUMBER
    USER_IO_WAIT_TIME                                              NUMBER
    PLSQL_EXEC_TIME                                                NUMBER
    JAVA_EXEC_TIME                                                 NUMBER
    ROWS_PROCESSED                                                 NUMBER
    COMMAND_TYPE                                                   NUMBER
    OPTIMIZER_MODE                                                 VARCHAR2(10)
    OPTIMIZER_COST                                                 NUMBER
    OPTIMIZER_ENV                                                  RAW(797)
    OPTIMIZER_ENV_HASH_VALUE                                       NUMBER
    PARSING_USER_ID                                                NUMBER
    PARSING_SCHEMA_ID                                              NUMBER
    PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME                                            VARCHAR2(30)
    KEPT_VERSIONS                                                  NUMBER
    ADDRESS                                                        RAW(4)
    HASH_VALUE                                                     NUMBER
    OLD_HASH_VALUE                                                 NUMBER
    PLAN_HASH_VALUE                                                NUMBER
    MODULE                                                         VARCHAR2(64)
    MODULE_HASH                                                    NUMBER
    ACTION                                                         VARCHAR2(64)
    ACTION_HASH                                                    NUMBER
    SERIALIZABLE_ABORTS                                            NUMBER
    OUTLINE_CATEGORY                                               VARCHAR2(64)
    CPU_TIME                                                       NUMBER
    ELAPSED_TIME                                                   NUMBER
    OUTLINE_SID                                                    VARCHAR2(40)
    LAST_ACTIVE_CHILD_ADDRESS                                      RAW(4)
    REMOTE                                                         VARCHAR2(1)
    OBJECT_STATUS                                                  VARCHAR2(19)
    LITERAL_HASH_VALUE                                             NUMBER
    LAST_LOAD_TIME                                                 DATE
    IS_OBSOLETE                                                    VARCHAR2(1)
    CHILD_LATCH                                                    NUMBER
    SQL_PROFILE                                                    VARCHAR2(64)
    PROGRAM_ID                                                     NUMBER
    PROGRAM_LINE#                                                  NUMBER
    EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE                                       NUMBER
    FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE                                       NUMBER
    LAST_ACTIVE_TIME                                               DATE
    BIND_DATA                                                      RAW(2000)

  • Want a solution for a scenario-To Set Password expiration in OID from OIM

    I have one scenario. Please guide me in some details to achieve this.
    I have one password policy in OIM. When user's password expires in OIM, then his password should also expire in OID. We have OID as user's repository.
    For this I have one solution but dont know how to implement this in OIM.
    "OID has the LDAP attribute called “pwdMaxAge” map this attribute to the OIM resource object and reset this value to number of days (as per password policy) whenever you change the password in OIM. This will set the password expiration time in the OID without having the password policy in place. "
    Plesae suggest.
    Thanks in advance.

    Well here is what you can do:
    - For OIM the user's password will be governed with the Xellerate User password policy, which says that password must be changed every 28 days. So you are good in handling this in OIM.
    Now for OID side, you have two options - *1. User changes OID password directly* and *2. User changes OID password through update in OIM profile password*. Most probably tou would want the second case. If true then here is what you can do.
    - As user changes the OIM password. Create automatic trigger Change User Password which updates the password in the process form of OID.
    - This invokes the Password Updated task.
    - On SUCCESS of this task, call another task which goes to OID target and updates the attribute pwdMaxAge to Current date + 28

  • Password expire date back to 2011 from 2012  after assigned  a user profile

    I created a profile test as
    IDLE_TIME 60
    PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME           60
    PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX           30
    the user default profile default PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME is 180 and password expired date is 1/7/2012. the test account was created in 7/11/2011.
    Now I assign test user to test profile successfully.
    However. expire date becomes 11/8/2011 1 from 1/7/2012 by select dba_users
    which wrong is in my profile or somewhere?
    As I think, the account password expired should be start after assigned new profile with PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME. but is seems expire date is start from original account created date.
    Edited by: Oradb on May 24, 2012 1:56 PM

    I would think the expire time would be based on the last password change time which Oracle stores in the rdbms base table for user information (user$). Find a second user, alter the password, check the expire date, then assign the user to the new profile, re-check the expiration date. Post back. Behavior may vary between releases so include full Oracle version of test.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Remove Password Expiration Time setup

    I want to know how to remove password expiration time limit for ocs users? In our system all user accounts are getting expired after 3 to 4 weeks. I have to remove this restriction and make password never expires

    You have to do this directly in OID using oidadmin (Oracle Directory Administrator)
    Instructions are in the admin guide at this URL

  • Changing expired password on a cbckend database from a frontend database

    I have a split database with an Oracle backend (BE) and MS Access frontend (FE). My question is how to reset an expired password on the BE from the FE.
    If I log on to the backend via sqlplus an error ORA-28001 (Password expired) occurs and the system immediately prompts for a new password before completing the login process.
    If I log on from the frontend I get the same ORA error from the BE, but as far as I can tell, I can't reset the password from the FE.
    I can capture the error fine at the FE and I am thinking that I could use this to open a dialog to reset the password and change it over the ODBC connection. The problem is that I need to get a connection to the BE database before sending a command to change the password from the FE, but since login cannot be completed from the FE, because of the expired password, I can't get an ALTER USER statement to execute on the BE to reset the password.
    Is there a way to change a pre-expired password on an Oracle backend database from a frontend database? I don't see this as an Oracle/Access problem but as a problem that exists for any split database.

    I have thought about this a little and I am thinking about keeping a table of password update information. I can use this to create a "soft" expired password, using an expiration date in the table for each account. If the password is expired by the database then we can just update it with sqlplus or one of the other options.
    As far as getting the organization to change it is waaaay to big and stupid to change their policy.

  • CFLDAP & Expired password

    We have recently implmented CFLDAP authentication on one of
    our websites & discovered a new issue of expired passwords.
    I have been trying to read attrubutes like maxPwdAge or
    accountExpires but not able to read the values as I guesss they are
    flags. What I found on net is that coldfusion is not capable to
    read ADSI & need to use java or vb object. Is that correct or
    is there any other method of checking the expired password &
    redirecting the page to change password form.
    Thanks in advance
    Any help is greatly appreciated

    alter user <username> identified by <new_password>;
    to make password unexpired:
    in the profile of the user--> alter profile <profile_name> LIMIT password_life_time UNLIMITED;
    *not recommended                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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