How to check the pdf whetther correct ?

Hi Guru,
I am writing the send PDF attached mail program which is using the function 'SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1'.Now i found that there has one problem, it is the attached file can not be opened. the Adobe showed me a dialog : "the file format is incorrect....".
Has somebody can tell me how to correct this problem ?
thanks a lot !
Carlos Zhang

How did this problem get solved? I too face the same issue but could not find a solution.. appreciate any words...

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    Hi ,
    Go through these links....

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    PROCEDURE FPC_COPY_REPORT (p_report_name varchar2) IS
         repid REPORT_OBJECT;
         v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
         rep_status varchar2(20);
         lv_id varchar2(1000);
    repid := find_report_object('AMTP_995.RDF');
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
         if rep_status = 'FINISHED' then
         message('Report Completed'); message('Report Completed');
              message('Error when running report.');           message('Error when running report.');
         end if;
    Any Help

    actually My code is this:
         ln_alert          number;
         pl_id               ParamList;
         lv_report_name varchar2(10000);
         lv_path  varchar2 (100) := 'C:\';
         lv_shared_path  varchar2(1000);
         lv_copy_file varchar2(10000);
      cursor cr_dir_path IS
      select v_dir_path
      from md_directory
      where v_dir_code ='SHR';
      lv_file_name varchar2(1000);
      open cr_dir_path;
      fetch cr_dir_path into lv_shared_path;
      close cr_dir_path;
    lv_report_name :=  lv_path||:fn_cntl.nb_ref_no||'_M08600000_'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD-HHmmss')||'.pdf';
      if ffn_check_fields  THEN
         pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('LAI');
             IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
                 Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
              END IF;             
              pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('LAI');
           if :fn_cntl.nb_report_name ='MMAT_REPORT'
                     if :fn_cntl.nb_report_desc ='EXPORT'
                         Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'PARAMFORM',TEXT_PARAMETER, 'NO');
             Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'DESTYPE',  TEXT_PARAMETER,'File');
            Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'DESNAME',  TEXT_PARAMETER, lv_report_name);
            Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'DESFORMAT',TEXT_PARAMETER,'PDF');
            Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'p_mat_no',TEXT_PARAMETER, :fn_cntl.nb_mat_no);   
            Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'p_ref_no',     TEXT_PARAMETER, :fn_cntl.nb_ref_no);
            Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'p_verified_by',TEXT_PARAMETER, user);
                     Run_Product(REPORTS,:fn_cntl.nb_report_name,ASYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME, FILESYSTEM,pl_id, NULL);
               repid REPORT_OBJECT;     v_rep VARCHAR2(100);     rep_status varchar2(20);BEGIN
             repid := find_report_object('MMAT_REPORT');      v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
                        rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);          
          if rep_status = 'FINISHED' then
              message('Report Completed');          message('Report Completed');
             -- host('netscape c:\tlocal.pdf');     
         else          message('Error when running report.');
                                          message('Error when running report.');     
         end if;
         end if;
      end if;
           if :fn_cntl.nb_report_desc ='EXPORT'
                  error_handler('This report will be Storde in ' ||lv_report_name||' and '||lv_shared_path|| ' Location',3);
                     lv_copy_file :='copy '||' "'||lv_report_name||'" "'||lv_shared_path||'"';
                  error_handler('Report Has been Generated Sucessfully.',3);
           end if;
        end if;
    END;I will try first the another solution you have replied perviously... and will let you no the results... thanks a lot...

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    Have you looked in the IMG menu path: Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Withholding Tax > (either Withholding Tax or Extended Withholding Tax) > Generic Withholding Tax Reporting > Define Output Groups.
    View the output group used in the S_P00_07000134 selection screen.  In the Printouts section, Printout 1 and Printout 2 have smart forms identified, either Smart Form or PDF form types.

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    Acrobat isn't available with a server license. You might like to look into PitStop Server.

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    Edited by: gbhatia8 on Sep 9, 2010 7:04 AM

    The major/minor version of the class file is the way to go.
    Also, it's not necessary to write a separate program to get to those. javap prints them out when being passed the -v flag.
    Note, however that "JDK version" is not a correct term, as I can create 1.4-compatible class files with a Java 6 JDK (by passing the -target flag to javac). Those won't look any different than .class files written with a 1.4 JDK.

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    Have you checked Forums » Community Discussions » Code Snippets 
    I believe there were some examples on converting/sending PDF.
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    Have you checked Forums » Community Discussions » Code Snippets 
    I believe there were some examples on converting/sending PDF.
    Or check FM 'SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' and documentation for it.

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    Hi Kiran,
    From what I gather from your brief question, you are perhaps looking for CRM_DNO_MONITOR that would display all queries created from Satellite/SolMan system itself, as support messages.
    If you are looking for Notifications underlying those messages, please look for DNOTIFWL.
    For more specific answers, please provide more description of what you are looking for.
    Trust this helps.

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    mkvdk - Verity, Inc. Version 5.0.1 (_nti40, Jul 23 2004)
    Usage: mkvdk [<option>...] <filespec>...
    Where <option> can be a VDK switch, or any of:
    -about Show the collection's about resources
    -autodel Delete bulk insert file when no longer needed
    -backup <dir> Specify collection backup location
    -bulk Submit bulk insert file(s)
    -charmap <name> Specify the character map to VDK
    -collection <path> Specify the collection (required)
    -create Create the collection
    -credentials <user> Specify user[:passwd][:domain][:mailbox]
    -datapath <path> Specify VDK datapath
    -datefmt <fmt> Specify date format to VDK
    -debug Enable debugging output
    -delete Delete documents
    -description <desc> Set the collection's description
    -diskcache <num> Set VDK's disk cache size (kbytes)
    -extract Extract field values from text
    -help Print this usage information
    -insert Insert documents (default)
    -locale <locale> Specify the locale to VDK
    -logfile <file> Save output in a log file
    -loglevel <num> Set the VDK output level for the log
    -mailboxes This option is depracated. Use the credentials option inste
    -maxfiles <num> Set VDK's maximum number of open files
    -maxmemory <num> Set VDK's maximum memory usage (kbytes)
    -mode <mode> Set the indexing mode
    -modify Modify fields using field/value pairs from a bulkfile
    -nohousekeep Disable housekeeping
    -noindex Disable indexing
    -nolock Turns off locking (dangerous)
    -nooptimize Disable optimizations
    -nosave Don't save collection work list
    -noservice Prevents servicing of submitted work
    -nosubmit Don't submit work to VDK
    -numdocs <num> Number of documents to insert from bulk insert file(s)
    -numpages <num> Synonym for diskcache for backward compatibility
    -offset <num> Specify offset into bulk insert file(s)
    -online Flag for online Bulk Modify
    -optimize <spec> Optimize the collection
    -outlevel <num> Set the VDK output level
    -persist Service the collection forever
    -purge Remove all documents from collection
    -purgeback Purge in the background
    -purgewait <secs> Specify delay before purge
    -quiet Suppress all non-error messages
    -repair Repair the collection
    -servlev <spec> Advanced option for overriding service level
    -sleeptime <secs> Interval between service calls for persist
    -style <dir> Specify style directory for create
    -submit Synonym for noservice for backward compatibility
    -synch Perform work synchronously
    -topicset <path> Specify VDK topic set
    -update Update documents
    -vdkhome <path> Specify VDK home
    -verbose Output more information
    -words Build word assist list
    -wordindex Build word assist index
    The <spec> for -optimize is a hyphenated string of:
    maxmerge Perform maximal merging of partitions
    squeeze Recover space from deleted documents
    vdbopt Build optimized VDB's
    spanword Create word list spanning all partitions
    ngramindex Create ngram index into spanning word list
    maxclean Really clean (not for read-write)
    readonly Make the collection read-only
    tuneup Fully optimize for read-write use
    publish Fully optimize for read-only use
    The <spec> for -servlev is a hyphenated string of:
    search Enable search and retrieval
    insert Enable adding and updating documents
    optimize Enable opportunistic collection optimization
    assist Enable building of word list
    housekeep Enable housekeeping of unneeded files
    delete Enable document deletion
    backup Enable backup
    purge Enable background purging
    repair Enable collection repair
    dataprep Same as search-index-optimize-assist-housekeep
    index Same as insert-delete
    Error: must specify collection
    mkvdk done

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    Pls reply

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  • How to check the current EHP stack level? in SAP

    Dear All,
    How to check the current EHP stack level? in SAP  . i have checked forum before i am posting but still comfused .
    same one said SAP_APPL , EA_Appl  and SAP _HR is 60n if n= if n =1 is enhanced package 1 similarly 2,3,4 .
    some one said SAP_BASIS 701,702,703,704 . according ehp1,2,3,4.
    Pls check the details and confirm either is ehp1 or ehp4 .
    Component version is simply shows SAP ECC 6.0 in system -> status.
    Software Component  - Release  - SP level
    SAP_ABA     701     0007
    SAP_BASIS     701     0007
    PI_BASIS     701     0007
    ST-PI     2008_1_700     0003
    SAP_BS_FND     701     0008
    SAP_BW     701     0007
    SAP_AP     700     0021
    WEBCUIF     700     0008
    SAP_APPL     604     0008
    SAP_HR     604     0029
    SAP_HRCAR     604     0029
    SAP_HRCAT     604     0029
    SAP_HRCAU     604     0029
    SAP_HRCBE     604     0029
    SAP_HRCBR     604     0029
    SAP_HRCCA     604     0029
    SAP_HRCCH     604     0029
    SAP_HRCCL     604     0029
    SAP_HRCCN     604     0029
    SAP_HRCDE     604     0029
    SAP_HRCDK     604     0029
    SAP_HRCES     604     0029
    SAP_HRCFI     604     0029
    SAP_HRCFR     604     0029
    SAP_HRCGB     604     0031
    SAP_HRCHK     604     0029
    SAP_HRCID     604     0029
    SAP_HRCIE     604     0029
    SAP_HRCIN     604     0029
    SAP_HRCIT     604     0029
    SAP_HRCJP     604     0029
    SAP_HRCKR     604     0029
    SAP_HRCMX     604     0029
    SAP_HRCMY     604     0029
    SAP_HRCNL     604     0029
    SAP_HRCNO     604     0029
    SAP_HRCNZ     604     0029
    SAP_HRCPH     604     0029
    SAP_HRCPT     604     0029
    SAP_HRCRU     604     0029
    SAP_HRCSE     604     0029
    SAP_HRCSG     604     0029
    SAP_HRCTH     604     0029
    SAP_HRCTW     604     0029
    SAP_HRCUN     604     0029
    SAP_HRCUS     604     0029
    SAP_HRCVE     604     0029
    SAP_HRCZA     604     0029
    SAP_HRGXX     604     0029
    SAP_HRRXX     604     0029
    EA-IPPE     400     0018
    EA-APPL     604     0008
    EA-DFPS     600     0018
    EA-FINSERV     604     0007
    EA-GLTRADE     604     0008
    EA-HR     604     0029
    EA-HRCAR     604     0029
    EA-HRCAT     604     0029
    EA-HRCAU     604     0029
    EA-HRCBE     604     0029
    EA-HRCBR     604     0029
    EA-HRCCA     604     0029
    EA-HRCCH     604     0029
    EA-HRCCN     604     0029
    EA-HRCDE     604     0029
    EA-HRCDK     604     0029
    EA-HRCES     604     0029
    EA-HRCFI     604     0029
    EA-HRCFR     604     0029
    EA-HRCGB     604     0029
    EA-HRCHK     604     0029
    EA-HRCID     604     0029
    EA-HRCIE     604     0029
    EA-HRCIN     604     0029
    EA-HRCIT     604     0029
    EA-HRCJP     604     0029
    EA-HRCKR     604     0029
    EA-HRCMX     604     0029
    EA-HRCMY     604     0029
    EA-HRCNL     604     0029
    EA-HRCNO     604     0029
    EA-HRCNZ     604     0029
    EA-HRCPH     604     0029
    EA-HRCPT     604     0029
    EA-HRCRU     604     0029
    EA-HRCSE     604     0029
    EA-HRCSG     604     0029
    EA-HRCTH     604     0029
    EA-HRCTW     604     0029
    EA-HRCUN     604     0029
    EA-HRCUS     604     0029
    EA-HRCVE     604     0029
    EA-HRCZA     604     0029
    EA-HRGXX     604     0029
    EA-HRRXX     604     0029
    EA-PS     604     0007
    EA-RETAIL     604     0007
    FINBASIS     604     0008
    ECC-DIMP     600     0018
    ERECRUIT     604     0008
    FI-CA     604     0008
    FI-CAX     604     0007
    INSURANCE     600     0018
    IS-CWM     600     0018
    IS-H     600     0024
    IS-M     600     0018
    IS-OIL     600     0018
    IS-PS-CA     604     0007
    IS-UT     600     0018
    LSOFE     600     0018
    SEM-BW     604     0008
    ST-A/PI     01M_ECC600     0001
    Edited by: satheesh0812 on Nov 17, 2011 7:57 AM

    Hi Sateesh,
    SAP_ABA 701 0007
    SAP_BASIS 701 0007
    PI_BASIS 701 0007
    ST-PI 2008_1_700 0003
    SAP_BS_FND 701 0008
    SAP_BW 701 0007
    SAP_AP 700 0021
    WEBCUIF 700 0008
    SAP_APPL 604 0008
    Based on the component information provided by you, I can conclude that your system is ECC 6.0 EHP4.
    EHP4 is derived from your component SAP_APPL 604.
    In addition to this your EHP4 system has NW stack on NW 7.0 EHP1.
    Hence your system is ECC 6.0 EHP4 with NW 7.0 EHP1.
    Hope this answers your query.
    Deepak Kori

Maybe you are looking for