How to concatenate many rows to be one row?

How can I do if I concatenate two rows or many rows become one row in the same column with different values (CHAR or VARCHAR2). It's possible to do that?
Column A
to become
Column A
Anybody can help me, please...
I will very appreciated.

I'm not sure if SQL Plus supports this feature. But programmatically it is possible if you use oracle procedure. Also if you're using some front end application (like VB, ASP etc) where you need the concatenated result then you can easily concatenate all rows under a loop on Recordset.

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  • How to Plot number and string in one row (data logger counter) ?

    hi all i made data log quantity using Digital Counter via modbus to monitoring quantity and reject that has and Name Operator, Machine and Part Number.
    i have problem about plot the number & string in one row, as shown on the picture below :
    how to move that string on one row ? i attach my vi.

    Duplicate and answered -

  • Producedure givng two rows instead of one row

    Please find below my procedure..when I execute this proc...displays two rows instead of one row. Please help me incase if I did mistake.
    CREATE PROCEDURE SP_CWCTravel_Cruise_Amenities_S(
            @Cruise_Line_Code varchar(2500) = NULL,
            @Ship_Code varchar(2500) = NULL,
            @Sail_Id varchar(100) = NULL,
            @Base_Price decimal(8, 2),
            @Category_Groups varchar(2500) = NULL,
            @Categories varchar(2500) = NULL,
            @Rate_Codes varchar(2500) = NULL,
            @Booking_Date VARCHAR( 10 ),
            @Sail_Start_Date VARCHAR( 10 )
        SELECT  TOP 1 *
        FROM CWCTravel_Cruise_Amenities_Definition as cad
                                    JOIN CWCTravel_Cruise_Amenities_Definition_Date_Range AS caddr
                                    ON = caddr.Amenities_Definition_Id
        WHERE Cruise_Line_Code in (SELECT item FROM SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Cruise_Line_Code))
            AND (Min_Base_Price = 0 OR Min_Base_Price <= @Base_Price)
            AND (Max_Base_Price = 0 OR Max_Base_Price >= @Base_Price)
            AND (Ship_Code IS NULL OR Ship_Code = '' OR Ship_Code IN (SELECT item FROM SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Ship_Code)))
            AND (Sail_Id IS NULL OR Sail_Id = '' OR Sail_Id IN (SELECT item FROM SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Sail_Id))) 
            AND (Rate_Codes IS NULL OR Rate_Codes = '' OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
                                                                                       (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Rate_Codes)) A,
                                                                                       (SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(Item,'?', '_'), '*', '%') Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(Rate_Codes)) B
                                                                                        WHERE A.Item LIKE B.Item) > 0))
                                    AND (Category_Groups IS NULL OR Category_Groups = '' OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
                                                                                       (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Category_Groups)) A,
                                                                                       (SELECT  Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(Category_Groups)) B
                                                                                        WHERE A.Item LIKE B.Item) > 0))
                    AND (Categories IS NULL OR Categories = '' OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
                                                                                       (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Categories)) A,
                                                                                       (SELECT  Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(Categories)) B
                                                                                        WHERE A.Item LIKE B.Item) > 0))
                                    AND  (@Booking_Date is null or @Booking_Date=''
                                                                                                    OR (( caddr.from_date IS NULL OR caddr.from_date <= @Booking_Date ) AND ( caddr.to_date IS NULL OR caddr.to_date >= @Booking_Date )                                                                                   
                                                                                    AND  (( caddr.date_range_type IS NULL ) OR ( caddr.date_range_type = 'BOOK_DATE' ))) )
        SELECT  TOP 1 *
        FROM CWCTravel_Cruise_Amenities_Definition as cad
                                    JOIN CWCTravel_Cruise_Amenities_Definition_Date_Range AS caddr
                                    ON = caddr.Amenities_Definition_Id
        WHERE Cruise_Line_Code in (SELECT item FROM SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Cruise_Line_Code))
            AND (Min_Base_Price = 0 OR Min_Base_Price <= @Base_Price)
            AND (Max_Base_Price = 0 OR Max_Base_Price >= @Base_Price)
            AND (Ship_Code IS NULL OR Ship_Code = '' OR Ship_Code IN (SELECT item FROM SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Ship_Code)))
            AND (Sail_Id IS NULL OR Sail_Id = '' OR Sail_Id IN (SELECT item FROM SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Sail_Id))) 
            AND (Rate_Codes IS NULL OR Rate_Codes = '' OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
                                                                                       (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Rate_Codes)) A,
                                                                                       (SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(Item,'?', '_'), '*', '%') Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(Rate_Codes)) B
                                                                                        WHERE A.Item LIKE B.Item) > 0))
                                    AND (Category_Groups IS NULL OR Category_Groups = '' OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
                                                                                       (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Category_Groups)) A,
                                                                                       (SELECT  Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(Category_Groups)) B
                                                                                        WHERE A.Item LIKE B.Item) > 0))
                    AND (Categories IS NULL OR Categories = '' OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
                                                                                       (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(@Categories)) A,
                                                                                       (SELECT  Item FROM dbo.SF_CWCTravel_GetStrTableFromCommaSeparatedStr(Categories)) B
                                                                                        WHERE A.Item LIKE B.Item) > 0))
            AND  (@Sail_Start_Date is null or @Sail_Start_Date=''
                                                                                                    OR (( caddr.from_date IS NULL OR caddr.from_date <= @Sail_Start_Date ) AND ( caddr.to_date IS NULL OR caddr.to_date >= @Sail_Start_Date )                                                                                   
                                                                                    AND  (( caddr.date_range_type IS NULL ) OR ( caddr.date_range_type = 'TRAVEL_DATE' ))) )                                                                        
        ORDER BY Cruise_Line_Code DESC, Ship_Code DESC, Sail_Id DESC, Rate_Codes DESC, Category_Groups DESC, Categories DESC
    ENDWhile executing this SP
    I am getting the following results.
    2043 23-07-2010 AM 11:22:10 23-08-2011 PM 04:57:19 8 princess caribbeanPrincess 2043 20-08-2011 AM 12:00:00 30-11-2011 AM 12:00:00 BOOK_DATE
    2043 23-07-2010 AM 11:22:10 23-08-2011 PM 04:57:19 8 princess caribbeanPrincess 2043 01-10-2011 AM 12:00:00 30-11-2011 AM 12:00:00 TRAVEL_DATE
    I need only the first record.
    Thanks in adv

    871270 wrote:
    Please find below my procedure..when I execute this proc...displays two rows instead of one row. Please help me incase if I did mistake.Seriously?
    You wrote a query against tables we've never seen, containing data we can't possibly have any idea about and you expect us to be able to help you?
    Please go discuss this with someone in your organization who understands the data model and have them explain to you how it is supposed to work.
    Put yourself in our situation (forum volunteers) ... if we threw some arbitrary code with no explanation as to what it does, what the data model looks like and what's supposed to be happening, do you think you'd be very successful ?

  • How to Plot number and string in one row (data logger counter via MODBUS) ?

    hi all i made data log quantity using Digital Counter via modbus (RS-485) to monitoring quantity and reject that has and Name Operator, Machine and Part Number.
    i have problem about plot the number & string in one row, as shown on the picture below :
    how to move that string on one row ? i attach my vi.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi rhiesnand,
    right now you add 2 new rows to your array.
    The solution is to concatenate both row parts to one bigger 1D array before adding that array as new row to your 2D array!
    Like this:
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • How I can display the values in one row when they come from the same colum

    This query
    saturn.sorints a,
    sorints_ints_code like 'Z%'
    and sorints_pidm = prospect_pidm
    give me the results of
    I want to use this query in a cursor to update a column in another table, the problem is that I need to update the table concatenating the values ZA,ZB,ZC
    I have 24 different codes stored in the column sorints_ints_code, so I don’t want to use 24 different cursors and I don’t to use cross reference, It is there any way that I DON’T know to display the data like this za,zb,zc without using cross reference, I don’t want to use the table 24 times…
    Like THIS, this is only for two values…
    b. sorints_ints_code
    saturn.sorints a,
    saturn.sorints b
    a.sorints_ints_code = ‘ZA’
    AND a.sorints_ints_code = ‘ZB’
    and a.sorints_pidm = prospect_pidm
    and b.sorints_pidm = prospect_pidm
    REMEMBER, I have 24 different values
    I am trying to write a procedure like this;
    Someone suggest this v_int_code1 := v_int_code1||interest_coach_rec.sorints_ints_code;
    PROCEDURE prospect_coach_interest_upd
    p_prospect_term_code IN srbrecr.srbrecr_term_code%TYPE,
    p_prospect_admin_err_code OUT VARCHAR2,
    p_ora_err_code OUT NUMBER,
    p_ora_err_msg OUT VARCHAR2
    ) IS
    v_out_path VARCHAR2(40) := '/home/connman/student';
    v_out_file VARCHAR2(40) := 'cc_adm_prospect_'||p_prospect_term_code||'_'||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDDHH');
    v_file_handle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_pidm NUMBER;
    v_int_code1 varchar2(30);
    v_int_code2 varchar2(2);
    v_int_code3 varchar2(2);
    CURSOR cur_pidms IS
    SELECT prospect_pidm
    FROM connman.cc_adm_prospect_master
    WHERE prospect_term_code = p_prospect_term_code
    CURSOR interest_coach_cur is
    sorints_ints_code like 'Z%'
    and sorints_pidm = v_pidm ;
    interest_coach_rec interest_coach_cur%ROWTYPE;
    v_file_handle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (v_out_path, v_out_file, 'a');
    UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (v_file_handle,
    UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (v_file_handle, 'Entering the Admin Name procedure.');
    --- BEGIN
    FOR rec_pidms IN cur_pidms
    EXIT WHEN cur_pidms%NOTFOUND;
    v_pidm := rec_pidms.PROSPECT_pidm;
    v_int_code1 := v_int_code1||interest_coach_rec.sorints_ints_code;
    IF interest_coach_cur%ISOPEN
    CLOSE interest_coach_cur;
    END IF;
    OPEN interest_coach_cur;
    FETCH interest_coach_cur
    INTO interest_coach_rec;
    IF interest_coach_cur%FOUND
    PROSPECT_COACH_INTEREST = interest_coach_rec.sorints_ints_code
    WHERE CURRENT OF cur_pidms;
    END IF;
    p_prospect_admin_err_code := '0';
    UTL_FILE.put_line (v_file_handle, 'Successful Completion.');
    p_prospect_admin_err_code := '1';
    p_ora_err_msg := SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 2000);
    p_ora_err_code := SQLCODE;
    END; -- prospect_coach_interest_upd;

    Search in the forum or web you will find many solutions
    Return multi-row result as one comma-delimited row

  • One to many to return only one row

    hi guys,
    i have an urgent problem here. i have a sql statement like below;
    AND ALM_SWAP2_REP.M_NB = 228128
    When I join few tables, the results are returned in two rows because I have two records that in table PAY_FLOW_DBF that matches one row in table ALM_SWAP2_REP. I need these two matches but I want it to be returned in only one row without using group by. Pls help me. Thankls

    user9274041 wrote:
    i have an urgent problem here.
    4. Use of Community Services
    Community Services are provided as a convenience to users and Oracle is not obligated to provide any technical support for, or participate in, Community Services. While Community Services may include information regarding Oracle products and services, including information from Oracle employees, they are not an official customer support channel for Oracle.
    You may use Community Services subject to the following: (a) Community Services may be used solely for your personal, informational, noncommercial purposes; (b) Content provided on or through Community Services may not be redistributed; and (c) personal data about other users may not be stored or collected except where expressly authorized by Oracle
    Could you explain how something that is for your personal, informational, noncommercial purposes can be urgent?
    Or is this a violation of the terms of use and abuse of these forums?

  • How to use 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'  for more then one row selected ???

    I am using bapi , BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE  ,  my requirement is that first perform ALV display with check boxes & then user can selsct any number of rows  & then on clicking execute button  this bapi is triggered , now my ques is that  if i am selecting rows one by one & executing , then am able to post data successfully, but if am selecting  more then one row at a time then its giving me error
    " exactly one serial no must be selected  (instead of more then two / three ) ."
    plz help me .
    this is how i am filling data in BAPi & bapi call
      wa_GOODSMVT_HEADER-PSTNG_DATE = sy-datum.
      wa_GOODSMVT_HEADER-doc_DATE = sy-datum.
      wa_goodsmvt_code-gm_code = c_gmcode.
      LOOP AT it_final INTO wa_final.
        wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM-MOVE_TYPE = c_movtype.                 " '313'.
        wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM-material =  WA_final-MATNR.
        wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM-ENTRY_QNT = wa_final-verme.
        wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM-plant =  WA_final-WERKS.               "'DB10'.
        wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM-STGE_LOC =  WA_final-LGORT.
        wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM-BATCH = WA_final-CHARG.
    wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM-BATCH = l_charg.
        append wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM to IT_GOODSMVT_ITEM.
        clear: wa_GOODSMVT_ITEM.
      LOOP AT it_final INTO wa_final.
        wa_serialnumber-SERIALNO = wa_final-sernr.
        APPEND wa_serialnumber to it_serialnumber.
        CLEAR wa_serialnumber.
      LOOP AT it_position2 INTO wa_position2.
        wa_serialnumber-MATDOC_ITM = wa_position2-wepos .
        MODIFY it_serialnumber INDEX sy-tabix from wa_serialnumber TRANSPORTING MATDOC_ITM .
    data: begin of mthead.
            include structure bapi2017_gm_head_ret.
    data: end of mthead.
          GOODSMVT_HEADER               = wa_GOODSMVT_HEADER
          GOODSMVT_CODE                 = wa_GOODSMVT_CODE
          GOODSMVT_HEADRET              = mthead
          GOODSMVT_ITEM                 = IT_GOODSMVT_ITEM
          RETURN                        = IT_RETURN
      EXTENSIONIN                   =
    IF sy-subrc = 0 .
    *MESSAGE text-016 TYPE 'I'.
    PERFORM msg_log  .

    Did u check the serial numbers table before calling the BAPI. Might be the case tht same serial number is assigned for all items, in this case the goods movement may be possible with same serial number for all items.
    Edited by: aditya on Aug 11, 2009 11:46 AM

  • How to merge many XML files into one?

    Hi: I got a small project to combine many XML files into one and convert the combined XML file in Excel using AppleScript. My XML files look like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <from>[email protected]</from>
    and like this...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <from>[email protected]</from>
        <jobname>P1_FR1330G006007_Kate_van der Vaart</jobname>
    I get many XML files like this. And I want them to be combined and shown like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <job id="1">
        <from>[email protected]</from>
        <job id="1">
        <from>[email protected]</from>
        <jobname>P1_FR1330G006007_Kate_van der Vaart</jobname>
    And finally the combined XML file converts in Excel sheet with column headings "Job ID", "From", "Job Name" and so on...
    Or there is another best way to get the same result...

    That is just an intermediary state to get to the excel version. Actually I get many small XML files (as shown above) from client and I want them all combined in an excel sheet with common column headings... like this...
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Thanks for your response.

  • Depicting multiple rows' data in one row

    Hi All,
    Pls. check the below query:
    select manager_id mg_id, employee_id emp_id, last_name name from employees
    where manager_id = '100'
    and DEPARTMENT_ID = '80'if i run the following query, then o/p comes row wise; like below:
           mg_id           emp_id            name
           100             145                     Russell
           100             146                     Partners
           100             147                     Errazuriz
           100             148                     Cambrault
           100             149                     Zlotkeybut if i want the o/p like below; i.e; under manager # 100, all employees' emp_id and name should come in only ONE row NOT in multiple rows:
    mg_id                   emp_id     name          emp_id       name       emp_id     name         emp_id     name                emp_id         name
    100                             145             Russell     146       Partners        147     Errazuriz       148              Cambrault        149        Zlotkeypls. help me to sort out the above sought o/p.
    kindly tell me if there is any posting guidelines (except "Plain Text Help" on the right side) in this forum. i tried a lot to post above two o/p in easily readable format, but couldn't do that.
    Edited by: Shariful on Sep 20, 2009 4:28 AM
    Edited by: Shariful on Sep 20, 2009 4:29 AM

    Shariful wrote:
    Hi All,
    Pls. check the below query:
    select manager_id mg_id, employee_id emp_id, last_name name from employees
    where manager_id = '100'
    and DEPARTMENT_ID = '80'
    if i run the following query, then o/p comes row wise; like below:
    mg_id           emp_id            name
    100     145     Russell
    100     146     Partners
    100     147     Errazuriz
    100     148     Cambrault
    100     149     Zlotkey
    but if i want the o/p like below; i.e; under manager # 100, all employees' emp_id and name should come in only ONE row NOT in multiple rows:
    mg_id                   emp_id     name          emp_id       name       emp_id     name         emp_id     name                emp_id         name
    100     145     Russell     146     Partners     147     Errazuriz     148     Cambrault     149     ZlotkeyIf you want all the emp_ids and names concatenated into one big VARCHAR2 column, that's called String Aggregation
    [|] shows several different ways to do it.
    You can format that one big column so that it looks like separate columns.
    If you want each emp_id and name in its own column, that's called Pivoting .
    Look up "pivot" for various techniques. If you do not know exactly how many rows were in the original query (and therefore how many columns you'll need in the output), then it will require Dynamic SQL , which can be complicated.
    Unfortunately, when you do search for "pivot", mlost of the hits will be things like "Search for pivot and you'll get lots of examples".
    Re: Help for a query to add columns is one that actually has some information. It was a question very much like yours.
    kindly tell me if there is any posting guidelines (except "Plain Text Help" on the right side) in this forum. i tried a lot to post above two o/p and query in easily readable format, but couldn't do that.Type these 6 characters:
    (small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after formatted text, to preserve spacing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Missing rows / output only one row in a Report after applying patchset 2

    We use Reports Builder for 10g R2. We had the problem with our AS 10g R2 on windows 2003, that some reports creates duplicate rows when it is a ASCII report (desformat = delimited), see Bug 3340546.
    Now we apply Patchset 2 on a local machine, to test the functionality. It fix the problem (look in metalink doc ID 398955.1 under "2.12 Oracle Reports Developer Bugs")-
    But now most csv reports creates only one row instead of multiple rows.
    We run reports on our local machine with OC4N and local started Form (via Forms Builder) to generate the reports (local started report server) from DevSuite).
    When we start the reports with desformat=delimited the txt-file has only the header row and one data row (instead of multiple ones).
    And when we generate the same report with desformat=delimiteddata it looks fine and generates all rows as expected.
    We found neither here in the forum or in metalink knowledge base nor on the internet.
    Have you any suggestions for us how to fix this problem?
    Using delimiteddata is now acceptable solution for us, because delimited is easier to use.
    Thanks for your help!

    Hey folks.
    We have solved the problem. :)
    We applied PatchSet2 for 10gR2. But we don´t know how the csv-report outputs only 1 data-row instead of several rows.
    Than we create a similar report (with the same sql-query) as a new one with the reports builder assistant.
    This one works pretty fine. So we looked for the attributes and see the "max. number datasets for each site" and it was in the new one set to 0 and in our old one set to 1.
    So we change this and ... the old one works pretty fine! :)
    So the problem is, that this attribute does not had any consequences in the old version. But since we update with PatchSet 2 it respect this attribute but we don´t "see" it.
    Hope this helps others.

  • Showing report data columns into two rows instead of one row using SSRS 2012

    Hi All,
    I have a ssrs report with 13 columns and I want to show those 13 columns data into two rows instead of showing in one row. please send me step by step process.
    id     fullname     firstname      lastname        mailingaddress     billingaddress       
    city       state       zipcode   
    1       ABC                A                  C                  
        xyz                      xyz123                   york     
    PA          12345    
     homephone     cellphone          workphone          company    
    1234567890      4567890123     0123456789         ABC,Inc
    id     fullname     firstname      lastname        mailingaddress     billingaddress        
    city          state     zipcode   
    2          XYZ               X                  Z                      
         abc                     abc123           lewisburg     
    PA      54321    
     homephone     cellphone           workphone        company    
    4567890123      0123456789     1234567890         xyz,Inc
    id     fullname     firstname      lastname        mailingaddress     billingaddress        
    city          state     zipcode   
    3       BCD                  B                  D                  
    123abc                  xyz123                leesburg       PA     
     homephone     cellphone          workphone        company    
    4567895623      0783456789     1238967890       Hey,Inc
    Thanks in advance,

    Do a right mouse click on the left, gray row marker => "Insert Row"=> "Inside Group
    - Above or Below", then you get a second detail row.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • How to enter many receiving lines for one PO Line

    we are working in oracle applications 11i
    From Oracle Inventory Responsibility->Transactions->Receiving: Enter Purchase Order Number: Receipts Window:
    we have a line with item quantity of 100 (for example). I need to receive that item on many lines (depending on our descriptive flexfield inputs).
    how do you suggest I enter those receiving lines for the PO LINE? I can see that I cannot I enter lines in that window so I am not sure If I can use dataload.
    I need a solution that can be applied to receiving transactions window too.
    Any ideas please?

    If you enter a partial Qty and save it, then it will be a seperate line on the receipt.
    Ex: Rcpt 120 first time rcv 10, next enter the same info and then use Add to receipt button and enter rcpt number i.e. 120 and enter the next Qty say 30.
    Now if you query view Receving Txns form for rcpt 120 you will see 10,30 on separate lines. If you want suggestions on how much to enter on each line is going to be challenging (may be using the note to reciver can help)

  • How to connect many devices with only one FW800 port in iMac?

    I am upgrading to a new Intel iMac from a 2004 vintage Dual2.0GHz PowerMac. I currently have 8x d2 Quadra drives chained by FW800, and 2x Iomega drives connected vis FW400 hub which also connects HD cams.
    My questions is that with only one FW800 port in iMac, I think my devices connectivity is the following?
    (1) Get a FW 800 hub (I can only find 2 port ones at the Apple store and BestBuy)
    (2) Connect the d2 Quadras to one port of the FW800 hub
    (3) Get a FW 800 to FW 400 cable
    (4) Connect my 6 port FW400 hub to the 2nd port of the FW800 hub
    Thanks for reviewing this solution, and I would also appreciate other suggestions or hear about your experiences if you have a similar set-up.

    In addition to your listed considerations, you should consider the following.
    Many storage needs do not required FireWire 800 speed. For example, USB 2.0 works fine for your Time Machine backup drive. If you are just storing user data such as your iPhoto or iTunes media files, USB 2.0 is more than fast enough. So, as much as possible, if any of those external drives have USB 2.0 connections and the data storage does not need FireWire 800 speed, offload as much as possible to USB 2.0. I used to be a +FireWire snob+, but since getting an Intel iMac, I find that USB 2.0 works quite well for most data storage purposes.
    There are new hard drives that are power efficient and as large as 2TB. Consolidate your data storage needs onto a smaller number of very large drives, partitioned as needed. This will make your setup more reliable (smaller number drives), and save reduce power consumption. If any of your current externals are SATA, you can probably replace the existing drive with an extra large one.
    So, I think you setup should be, extra large FireWire 800 drive connected to the FireWire 800 port directly. Using a 9-pin to 6-pin cable, connect the FireWire 400 hub. Connect any non-storage FireWire 400 devices there. Do some data transfer testing to make sure having the 400 hub there on the chain does not cause the 800 connection to slow down.
    Connect other drives as needed using USB 2.0, existing or new. Retire the smaller of your external drives.

  • How to control many VI's in one module ?

    i have principle question. i work with DAQ board, that acquire digital infirmation ("1" or "0"),
     in addition, i need to control motor through rs-232 cable. 
    i want do acquire  data "non-stop", and show in leds (on the control panel) the actual state ("1" or "0").
    simultaneously, i want to control (=send/red data) the motor.
    how i need build this program (if it possible) ?
    Message Edited by pro111 on 12-03-2006 11:33 AM
    Message Edited by pro111 on 12-03-2006 11:33 AM

    It's allowed but it's pretty bad style to use gloabal variables and a sequence structure alone or together. To run two functions in parallel, the simplest mcthod is to have two different while loops. As long as there is no data dependendy (wires connecting the output of one to the input of the other) they will be completely independent. If you need to pass data from one to the other, one good technique is a queue. Also, instead of a sequence structure, you should look at using state machine. A sequence structure doesn't give you any flexibility. There are shipping examples and design templates avialable for both queues and state machines.
    Since you didn't attach your program, there's no way of telling why you are seeing a delay. At the very least, attach an image of the block diagram.

  • How to create many objects listening for one event

    I'm experimenting with the EventDispatcher class and I have a
    test class working. I want to use a loop to create a variety of
    movie clips that all listen for an event that gets dispatched every
    half a second. I have the event dispatching properly. My problem is
    that when creating the objects, the temporary variable I use to
    hold each created object has a life that extends beyond the loop in
    which it is instantiated. Rather than all five created objects
    changing color, only the last one changes color (see the code
    below--it lives on the first frame of an FLA file).
    This is not entirely surprising when I look at the code --
    'this' refers to the global scope and 'square' refers to the last
    created object that it pointed to. Here's the resulting trace:
    handler runing, square name is square 4
    this class name is global
    handler runing, square name is square 4
    this class name is global
    handler runing, square name is square 4
    this class name is global
    handler runing, square name is square 4
    this class name is global
    handler runing, square name is square 4
    this class name is global
    How can I modify this code so that each square object changes
    its own color?

    graphics.clear in the context of that function handler in my
    code would refer not to the squares but to the global scope,
    wouldn't it? In which case you'd be clearing all the graphics from
    your top level movie. I tried changing '' to just
    'graphics' in my handler and my squares just remained the original
    steady black.
    Your code doesn't use a loop and therefore isn't re-using a
    variable. You've escaped my 'logical errors' through brute force.
    (BTW, I think my code would work in AS2 if I used the old-school
    draw methods). Suppose you had to create 100 objects? Would you
    want to manually instantiate each one, typing that function over
    and over again? You'd have 500 lines of highly redundant code!
    Maybe try your example using a loop instead? I think you'll
    find it's pretty tough to sneak any vars like 'i' or 'square' from
    the global scope into the handler--the handler refers to the
    living, breathing variable rather than it's value at the time the
    handler was instantiated. Furthermore, you can't sneak any
    information about the square into your handler via the event object
    because the event object is created in a totally different place.

Maybe you are looking for

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