How to control the addition of documents

Hi Experts ,
I have a scenario in which i need some method to stop the addition of a marketing document of SAP .
Lets suppose the GRPO ,i need if any error occurs in my add on then GRPO should also not to be added.

Hi Shafi,
Thanks for reply...
But the scenario is that
'In Form Data Event
If BusinessObjectInfo.FormTypeEx = "143" And BusinessObjectInfo.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_DATA_ADD And BusinessObjectInfo.BeforeAction = False And BusinessObjectInfo.ActionSuccess = True Then
'My code should run
end if
it will ensure that my code will run only when the GRPO will be added successfully but i need the vice versa also if any error occurs in my code the GRPO should also not to be added

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    Hi DjPhantasy5,
    All movieclips on the stage are children of the stage,
    So on the "mouseover" all movieclips on the stage could be stopped with stop and on the "mouseout" all children could be restarted with gotoAndPlay like this:
    function Stop()
              if (stage && stage.children)
                        var i, l = stage.children.length;
                        for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
                                  var child = stage.children[i];
                                  if ("stop" in child)
    function Restart()
              if (stage && stage.children)
                        var i, l = stage.children.length;
                        for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
                                  var child = stage.children[i];
                                  if ("gotoAndPlay" in child)
    But it is also possible to expose "ball1", for example, by adding it to the document.
    This can be done by adding code to "ball1" like so:
    /* js
    document.ball1 = this;
    Then the stopping of the animation would look like:
    function Stop()
         if ("ball1" in document)
    Have fun!

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    Open the form with dialog once. and then other forms pass ' ' to dialog parameter in OPEN_FORM .
    Open the form for printing
      Capture the return code
      Capture messages
    Other froms
    Open the form for printing
      Capture the return code
      Capture messages
    Whenever you have a new form use START_FORM
          device                      = 'PRINTER'
          dialog                      = 'X'
          form                        = p_fname
          language                    = sy-langu
          OPTIONS                     = p_itcpo
          canceled                    = 1
          device                      = 2
          form                        = 3
          OPTIONS                     = 4
          unclosed                    = 5
          mail_options                = 6
          archive_error               = 7
          invalid_fax_number          = 8
          more_params_needed_in_batch = 9
          spool_error                 = 10
          codepage                    = 11
          OTHERS                      = 12.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        w_retcode = 1.
        PERFORM protocol_update.
          device                      = 'PRINTER'
          dialog                      = ' '
          form                        = p_fname
          language                    = sy-langu
          OPTIONS                     = p_itcpo
          canceled                    = 1
          device                      = 2
          form                        = 3
          OPTIONS                     = 4
          unclosed                    = 5
          mail_options                = 6
          archive_error               = 7
          invalid_fax_number          = 8
          more_params_needed_in_batch = 9
          spool_error                 = 10
          codepage                    = 11
          OTHERS                      = 12.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        w_retcode = 1.
        PERFORM protocol_update.
          form      = w_fname
          language  = sy-langu
          startpage = 'PAGE'
          program   = sy-repid.

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    If your source file is flat file, add extra three fields with blank (just add field separator say comma for each extra field) and then load. It should be ok.
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    var vid1:Video = new Video(734, 408);
    flvPlaceHolder1.x = 1059;
    flvPlaceHolder1.y = 152;
    var nc1:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns1:NetStream = new NetStream(nc1);
    var listener1:Object = new Object();
    listener1.onMetaData = function(evt:Object):void {};
    ns1.client = listener1;"GV-1600 TURNING.flv");
    ns1.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, statusChanged1);
    function statusChanged1(ns1:NetStatusEvent):void
            if ( == 'NetStream.Buffer.Empty')
                 trace('the video has ended');
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    In this presentation the left  side the text animation are displayed then right side the our product video is displayed.
    In this presentation i need the following option :
    1, The first product video and animation is finished then the next product is played
    2, then the video displayed  (size width and height 400x300) , I click this video to increase the size(ex:1000x700)
    3, then the playing video i control  it play, stop, paus button and volume bar, seek bar.
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    I have finished first two steps 1 and 2
    the following are the screen short and code:-
    code :-
    var count=0;
    var flvPlaceHolder2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();   
    var vid2:Video = new Video(734, 408);
    flvPlaceHolder2.x = 1059;
    flvPlaceHolder2.y = 152;
    var nc2:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns2:NetStream = new NetStream(nc2);
    var listener2:Object = new Object();
    listener2.onMetaData = function(evt:Object):void {};
    ns2.client = listener2;"GS-4000.flv");
    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, BtnFadeIn2);
    function BtnFadeIn2(event:Event):void
        if (this.currentFrame == 387)
            /*flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
            trace('Screen size is changed');*/
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
    ns2.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, statusChanged2);
    function statusChanged2(ns2:NetStatusEvent):void
        if ( == 'NetStream.Buffer.Empty')
                trace('the video has ended');
    function home2(e:MouseEvent):void
        if(vid2.width==734 && vid2.height==408)
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 1059;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 152;

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    Hi Experts,
    In order to improve performance, I have created three kinds of time tables in DB,such as Year .Month, Day.
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    when users drag the Year,Sales column, it will come from Year Dimension and Year Fact Table.
    when users drag the Month,Sales column, it will come from Month Dimension and Month Fact Table.
    when users drag the Day,Sales column, it will come from Day Dimension and Day Fact Table.

    Create a dimension Hierarchy, with Year >> Month >> Day Levels and
    Next Double click on Year Table LTS >> click on Ocntetnt Tab >> set as Year
    same way for Month LTS and Day LTS.
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    Mark If Helpfu/correct

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    Thanks in ADV.
    Rupesh Khemka

    Hi Rupesh,
    I have written the code for you and it works with WebDynpro, no seperate java program is required.
    Just try to paste it in your application code and run it.
         // Will check the user athentication for EP
                    IWDClientUser wdClientUser = WDClientUser.getCurrentUser();
         IUser sapUser = wdClientUser.getSAPUser();  ep5User = WPUMFactory.getUserFactory().getEP5User(sapUser);
         ResourceContext context = new ResourceContext(ep5User);
                    // The path in which your folder resides
         RID rid1 =RID.getRID("/documents/Public Documents/SCAP/");
         IResourceFactory factory1 = ResourceFactory.getInstance();
         ICollection icollection = (ICollection)factory1.getResource(rid1, context);
         IResourceList resourcelist = icollection.getChildren();
         int size1 = resourcelist.size();
         for(int s=0; s<listOfDocuments.getLength(); s++){
              IResource resource = resourcelist.get(i);
              InputStream input = new InputStream();
              input = resource.getContent().getInputStream();
    }catch(Exception e){
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    Rekha Malavathu

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    Pause times increase as the amount of live data in the heap increases. We recommend not exceeding 70% live data in your heap. This includes primary data, backup data, indexes, and application data.
    --Excerpted from                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    best regards!

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    I want your genial ideas.
    Best regards!

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    In any Java program, it is good practice to make sure your live objects leave some room in the heap for "scratch space." Without this, you will spend too much time in GC, and, in the worst cases, run out of memory. In the general case, you can see how much live data your application requires by looking at the heap used after a full GC's. For Coherence, you should ensure that live data, as you say, is under 70% of the maximum heap size.
    Coherence provides you tools to help enforce this policy. [] describes how to size limit your cache. By implementing an eviction policy, you can control what happens when a size limit is exceeded.

  • How to control the looping time of the for loop in 10 microseconds in labview?

    I need to create a +/- 9 volt square wave with period of 20us using a D/A card (Not NI card). I can write command to the card using outport provide by Labview. Right now, I can generate square wave with 4ms period which is limited by the resolution of the wait until next ms icon I used inside the for loop. Could anyone tell me how to control the execution time of the for loop to about 10 us? Your help would be much appreciated.

    I'm not sure if this will hep, but this answer seems to answer this question

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    My problem is " how to extract the actual XML document from soap message? "
    i just want to extract the attachment i.e. (pure XML document without any soap header or envolope).
    i could be ver thank full if u could solve my problem.
    [email protected]

    This is some skeleton code for extracting an attachment from a SOAPMessage.
    import javax.activation.DataHandler.;
    import javax.xml.soap.*;
    import javax.xml.message.*;
    Iterator allAttachments = message.getAttachments();
    AttachmentPart ap1 = null;
    ap1 = (AttachmentPart);
    //Check that the attachment is correct one. By looking at its mime headers
    //Convert the attachment part into its DOM representation:
    if(ap1.getContentType() == "text/xml"){
    //Use the activation dataHandler class to extract the content, then create a StreamSource from
    //the content.
    DataHandler attachmentContent = ap1.getDataHandler();
    StreamSource attachmentStream = new StreamSource(attachmentContent.getInputStream());
    DOMResult domAttachment = getDOMResult(attachmentStream);
    domAttachment holds an xml representation of the attachment.
    Hope this helps.

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    You can uncheck the Querable property of the attributes which you need not show up in the Advanced Mode (but they will not show up in other modes too !) or programatically set the same as mentioned here - you can hide the AddFields button as suggested here -

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