How to convert row data into columns without using pivot table?

Hello guys
I have a report that has several columns about sales call type and call counts
It looks like this:
Calls Type Call Counts
Missed 200
Handled 3000000
Rejected 40000
Dropped 50000
Now I wanna create a report that look like this:
Missed call counts Handled Call counts Rejected Counts Drop counts Other Columns
200 300000000 40000 50000 Data
So that I can perform other calculations on the difference and comparison of handled calls counts vs other call counts..
I know pivot table view can make the report look like in such way, but they cant do further calculations on that..
So I need to create new solid columns that capture call counts based on call types..
How would I be able to do that on Answers? I don't have access to the RPD, so is it possible to do it sololy on answers? Or should I just ask ETL support on this?
Any pointers will be deeply appreciated!
Thank you

Thanks MMA
I followed your guidance and I was able to create a few new columns of call missed count, call handled counts and call abandoned counts.. Then I create new columns of ave missed counts, ave handled counts and so forth..
Then I went to the pivot view, I realized there is a small problem.. Basically the report still includes the column "call types" which has 3 different types of call "miss, abandon and handled". When I exclude this column in my report, the rest of the measures will return wrong values. When I include this column in the report, it shows duplicate values by 3 rows. It looks like this:
Queue name Call types Call handled Call missed Call abondoned
A Miss 8 10 15
A Handled 8 10 15
A Abandoned 8 10 15
in pivot table view, if I move call type to column area, the resulted measures will become 8X3, 10X3 and 15X3
So is there a way to eliminate duplicate rows or let the system know not to mulitply by 3?
Or is this as far as presentation service can go in terms of this? Or should I advice to provide better data from the back end?
Please let me know, thanks

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         lHTMLOutput XMLType;
         lXSL CLOB;
              lXMLData XMLType;
              HTML_RESULT CLOB;
              SQL_QUERY VARCHAR2(300);
              WHERE_QUERY VARCHAR2(200);
              fileDirectory VARCHAR2(100);
              slashPosition NUMBER;
              actual_fileName VARCHAR2(100);
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                        END IF;
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                   end if;
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                                  dbms_output.put_line('lHTMLOutput pass');
                                            dbms_output.put_line('lHTMLOutput fail');
                   end if;
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                                  dbms_output.put_line('HTML_RESULT pass'||HTML_RESULT);
                                            dbms_output.put_line('HTML_RESULT fail');
                   end if;
                   -- If the filename has been supplied ...
    -- locate the final '/' or '\' in the pathname ...
         slashPosition := INSTR(FILE_NAME, '/', -1 );
         IF slashPosition = 0 THEN
         slashPosition := INSTR(FILE_NAME,'\', -1 );
         END IF;
    -- separate the filename from the directory name ...
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                   END IF;
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                   UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (FILEID);
                   RETURN HTML_RESULT;
                   --RETURN lHTMLOutput;
                        WHEN OTHERS
                             THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!');
              END GENERATE_HTML;
              qryCtx DBMS_XMLGEN.ctxHandle;
              result CLOB;
              result1 xmltype;
                   qryCtx := DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext(XML_HTML_REF_CUR_PT);
                   result := DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML(qryCtx);
                   result1 := xmltype(result);
                   INSERT INTO temp_clob VALUES(result);
                   if(result1 is not null) then
                   end if;
                        return result1;
         END GENERATE_XML;     
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    SELECT 'Bike','Honda' FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Model','Zmr' FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Count','40' FROM dual UNION ALL
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    SELECT 'Count','25' FROM dual
    SELECT * from data1
    PIVOT ( MIN(col_value) -- checked:
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    BiKe   MoDeL  CNT
    Honda  Zmr    40
    Yamaha R1     45
    Ducati Xxx    25Even, if it is not possible with pivot, then tell me some other way around. I tried with that common link(hierarchical links thread) in forum; but not able to get proper result in that.
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    Ashutosh Nath
    Edited by: Ashu_Neo on Nov 29, 2012 11:03 AM

    something like this assuming u have something in order.
    WITH data1 (col_name, col_value) AS
            (SELECT 'Bike', 'Honda' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 'Model', 'Zmr' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 'Count', '40' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 'Bike', 'Yamaha' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 'Model', 'R1' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 'Count', '45' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 'Bike', 'Ducati' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 'Model', 'Xxx' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 'Count', '25' FROM DUAL)
    SELECT bike, model, cnt
      FROM (SELECT col_name,
                   col_value bike,
                   t model,
                   LEAD (t, 1, NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY 1) cnt
              FROM (SELECT a.*,
                           LEAD (col_value, 1, NULL)
                              OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY 1)
                      FROM data1 a) a)
    WHERE 1 = 1 AND col_name = 'Bike';output:
    BIKE     MODEL     CNT
    Honda     Zmr     40
    Yamaha     R1     45
    Ducati     Xxx     25Cheers,

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    1     PROJ1     1     AA     100     PR1_TASK1
    1     PROJ1     3     CC     102     PR1_TASK3
    1     PROJ1     4     DD     103     PR1_TASK4
    1     PROJ1     5     EE     104     PR1_TASK5
    1     PROJ1     6     FF     105     PR1_TASK6
    2     PROJ2     5     EE     114     PR2_TASK1
    2     PROJ2     6     FF     115     PR2_TASK2
    2     PROJ2     7     GG     116     PR2_TASK3
    2     PROJ2     8     HH     117     PR2_TASK4
    2     PROJ2     9     JJ     118     PR2_TASK5
    2     PROJ2     10     KK     119     PR2_TASK6
    2     PROJ2     1     AA     120     PR2_TASK7
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    project AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH JJ KK
    1 2 0 1 5 3 2 0 2 1 0
    2 1 2 0 2 1 0 2 4 3 1
    Thanks in advance ,

    WITH t1 AS
    (SELECT 1 ID,
             'PROJ1' PROJECT,
             1 MID,
             'AA' MINAME,
             100 TASKID,
             'PR1_TASK1' TASKNAME
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 1, 'PROJ1', 3, 'CC', 102, 'PR1_TASK3'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 1, 'PROJ1', 4, 'DD', 103, 'PR1_TASK4'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 1, 'PROJ1', 5, 'EE', 104, 'PR1_TASK5'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 1, 'PROJ1', 6, 'FF', 105, 'PR1_TASK6'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 2, 'PROJ2', 5, 'EE', 114, 'PR2_TASK1'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 2, 'PROJ2', 6, 'FF', 115, 'PR2_TASK2'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 2, 'PROJ2', 7, 'GG', 116, 'PR2_TASK3'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 2, 'PROJ2', 8, 'HH', 117, 'PR2_TASK4'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 2, 'PROJ2', 9, 'JJ', 118, 'PR1_TASK5'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 2, 'PROJ2', 10, 'KK', 119, 'PR1_TASK6'
        FROM DUAL
      SELECT 2, 'PROJ2', 1, 'AA', 120, 'PR1_TASK7' FROM DUAL)
    SELECT id project,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'AA'
                  AND id =,
               0) AA,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'BB'
                  AND id =,
               0) BB,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'CC'
                  AND id =,
               0) CC,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'DD'
                  AND id =,
               0) DD,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'EE'
                  AND id =,
               0) EE,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'FF'
                  AND id =,
               0) FF,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'GG'
                  AND id =,
               0) GG,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'HH'
                  AND id =,
               0) HH,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'JJ'
                  AND id =,
               0) JJ,
           NVL((SELECT mid
                 FROM t1
                WHERE miname = 'KK'
                  AND id =,
               0) KK
      FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM t1) t_out
    PROJECT     AA     BB     CC     DD     EE     FF     GG     HH     JJ     KK
    1     1     0     3     4     5     6     0     0     0     0
    2     1     0     0     0     5     6     7     8     9     10As I understand, you want MID of MINAMEs displayed ? But output is not like yours.. What is exactly your requirements?

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    1---          kish_rel2---     sister---     2222
    1---          kish_rel3---     brother---     3333
    2---          ram_rel1---     brother---     4444
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    1---kish_rel1---     wife---     1111---kish_rel2---     sister---     2222---kish_rel3---     brother---     3333
    2---ram_rel1---     brother---     4444
    Thanks in advance,

    I have found this is useful. But it is static. It wont work if we dont know the maximum number of rows present when grouped by ID.
    Is there any other solution, which will give correct values, if we dont know the row count when grouped by ID.
    SELECT hrid,
    MAX(case when seq=1 then rel_name end) AS "rel_name1",
    MAX(case when seq=1 then rel_relation end) AS "rel_relation1",
    MAX(case when seq=1 then rel_phone end) AS "rel_phone1",
    MAX(case when seq=2 then rel_name end) AS "rel_name2",
    MAX(case when seq=2 then rel_relation end) AS "rel_relation2",
    MAX(case when seq=2 then rel_phone end) AS "rel_phone2",
    MAX(case when seq=3 then rel_name end) AS "rel_name3",
    MAX(case when seq=3 then rel_relation end) AS "rel_relation3",
    MAX(case when seq=3 then rel_phone end) AS "rel_phone3",
    MAX(case when seq=4 then rel_name end) AS "rel_name4",
    MAX(case when seq=4 then rel_relation end) AS "rel_relation4",
    MAX(case when seq=4 then rel_phone end) AS "rel_phone4"
    FROM (SELECT hrid, rel_name, rel_relation, rel_phone, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by hrid ORDER BY hrid) AS seq FROM address)
    GROUP BY hrid

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    hi friends,
    please help me How to convert system Date into DD-MMM-YYYY Format.

    data: w_dt(11) type c,
    w_month = p_date+4(2). **p_date = given date**
    case w_month.
    when '01'.
    w_mon = 'Jan'.
    when '02'.
    w_mon = 'Feb'.
    when '03'.
    w_mon = 'Mar'.
    when '04'.
    w_mon = 'Apr'.
    when '05'.
    w_mon = 'May'.
    when '06'.
    w_mon = 'Jun'.
    when '07'.
    w_mon = 'Jul'.
    when '08'.
    w_mon = 'Aug'.
    when '09'.
    w_mon = 'Sep'.
    when '10'.
    w_mon = 'Oct'.
    when '11'.
    w_mon = 'Nov'.
    when '12'.
    w_mon = 'Dec'.
      concatenate p_date6(2)  '-'  w_mon  '-'   p_date0(4)  into w_dt.
    write w_dt.

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    I have problem while converting blob data into string format.
    for example,
    Select dbms_lob.substr(c.shape.Get_wkb(),4000,1) from geotable c
    will get me the first 4000 byte of BLOB .
    When i using SQL as i did above,the max length is 4000, but i can get 32K using plsql as below:
    my_var CLOB;
    for x in (Select X from T)
    end loop
    return my_var;
    I comfortably convert 32k BLOB field to string.
    My problem is how to convert blob to varchar having size more than 32K.
    Please help me to resolve this,
    Thanx in advance for the support,

    . . . .The result of get_wkb() will not be human readable (all values are encoded into some binary format).
    SELECT utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(tbl.geometry.get_wkt()) from FeatureTable tbl;
    -- resulting string:
    Å\(÷. . . .You may also want to have a look at { dbms_lob | } "The DBMS_LOB package provides subprograms to operate on BLOBs, CLOBs, NCLOBs, BFILEs, and temporary LOBs."

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    I want convert julian Date to calendar Date (mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy format) in java.
    Can any one help me how to convert julian date to calendar Date.

    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class jdate {
    Calendar date;
    public jdate(int j)
    date = Calendar.getInstance();
    date.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, j);
    public String toString()
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    return (formatter.format( date.getTime() ));
    public static void main(String args[])
    if(args.length == 1)
    int j = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    jdate julian = new jdate(j);
    System.out.println("Julian date(" + j + ") = " + julian.toString());

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    I have to display icons(traffic lights) in a normal report.
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    Hi Pagidala,
    Go to txcode - ABAPDOCU and in that expand BC-ABAP Programming->ABAP User Dialog->Screens->complex screen elements->status icons on Screens.
    In this you can see sample code which may help you.

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    I am trying to get the following result:
    2006-Cat     January     February     March     April     May     June     July     August     September     October     November     December     Totals
    Euthanise     159     203     188     252     376     501     393     315     304     276     212     207     3386
    Intake     192     220     234     305     412     538     409     330     329     305     244     241     3759
    Redeem     10     4     4     3     5     3     2     1     2     1     2     5     42
    Rescue     0     0     2     10     0     0     0     1     0     2     0     4     19
    2006-Dog     January     February     March     April     May     June     July     August     September     October     November     December     Totals
    Euthanise     306     375     347     341     458     484     385     441     317     384     325     318     4481
    Intake     455     514     495     465     571     595     486     570     438     511     434     473     6007
    Redeem     65     63     57     34     57     43     58     46     58     67     53     59     660
    Rescue     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     3     1     0     0     5
    2007-Cat     January     February     March     April     May     June     July     August     September     October     November     December     Totals
    Euthanise     223     265     229     275     569     508     451     359     310     318     231     225     3963
    Intake     268     286     274     315     594     567     488     397     329     344     279     249     4390
    Redeem     11     7     11     1     5     2     0     2     4     3     16     2     64
    Rescue     7     0     0     1     0     1     2     1     1     0     1     0     14
    2007-Dog     January     February     March     April     May     June     July     August     September     October     November     December     Totals
    Euthanise     436     374     313     343     395     362     422     403     394     350     275     343     4410
    Intake     594     510     480     477     508     520     553     502     509     544     410     480     6087
    Redeem     67     72     77     57     47     51     50     40     41     62     45     45     654
    Rescue     2     3     0     1     0     0     4     0     3     0     1     1     15
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ROWSET>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
    <header>2006 - CAT</header>
    - <ROW>
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  • How to convert blob data into clob using plsql

    hi all,
    I have requirement to convert blob column into clob .
    version details
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
       v_blob      temp.blob_column%TYPE;------this is blob data type column contains  (CSV file which is  inserted  from screens)
       v_clob      CLOB; --i want to copy blob column data into this clob
       v_warning   NUMBER;
       SELECT blob_column
         INTO v_blob
         FROM temp
        WHERE pk = 75000676;
       DBMS_LOB.converttoclob (dest_lob          => v_clob,
                               src_blob          => v_blob,
                               amount            => DBMS_LOB.lobmaxsize,
                               dest_offset       => 1,
                               src_offset        => 1,
                               blob_csid         => 1, -- what  is the use of this parameter
                               lang_context      => 1,
                               warning           => v_warning
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_warning);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLCODE);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLERRM);
    END;I am not getting what is the use of blob_csid , lang_context parameters after going the trough the documentation .
    Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated .......
    Edited by: prakash on Feb 5, 2012 11:41 PM

    Post the 4 digit Oracle version.
    Did you read the Doc for DBMS_LOB.CONVERTTOCLOB? -
    The function can convert data from one character set to another. If the source data uses a different character set than the target you need to provide the character set id of the source data.
    The blob_csid parameter is where you would provide the value for the source character set.
    If the source and target use the same character set then just pass zero. Your code is passing a one.
    General Notes
    You must specify the character set of the source data in the blob_csid parameter. You can pass a zero value for blob_csid. When you do so, the database assumes that the BLOB contains character data in the same character set as the destination CLOB.
    Same for 'lang_context' - your code is using 1; just use 0. It is an IN OUT
    (IN) Language context, such as shift status, for the current conversion.
    (OUT) The language context at the time when the current conversion is done.
    This information is returned so you can use it for subsequent conversions without losing or misinterpreting any source data. For the very first conversion, or if do not care, use the default value of zero.

  • How to convert XML data into binary data (opaque data)

    I am trying to develop a process that delivers files after reading data from a database.
    However, it is required not to deliver the data immediately. We want to perform some checks before the files get written.
    So the way we want to design this is,
    1. Read data from database (or any other input). The data is in XML format (this is a requirement, as in general, we have xml data)
    2. This data is written, opaquely, to a JMS queue that can store binary data, along with what is the filename of the file that would be written (filename is passed using JMS Headers)
    3. When required, another process reads the JMS queue's binary data, and dumps into a file
    The reason I want to use opaque data while inserting in the JMS queue is, that enables me to develop a single process in Step 3 that can write any file, irrespective of the format.
    My questions are
    1. How to convert the xml data to opaque data. In BPEL I may use a embedded java, but how about ESB. Any other way....?
    2. how to pass filename to the jms queue, when payload is opaque. Can I use a header attribute...custom attributes?
    3. Which jms message type is better for this kind of requirement - SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE or SYS.AQ$_JMS_STREAM_MESSAGE

    We are doing the same thing--using one variable with the schema as the source of the .xsl and assigning the resulting html to another variable--the content body of the email, in our case. I just posted how we did it here: Re: Using XSLT to generate the email HTML body
    Let me know if this helps.

  • Show row data into columns

    Hi guys
    i have data coming in multiple rows and want to show same data in columns like multiple colours per product. colour are fixed in numbers i.e only three colours are there per product not more than that..
    sample data is like this
    id product_name colour
    101 A red
    101 A black
    101 A Green
    result required:-
    id product_name colour1 colour2 colour3
    101 A red black green
    thanks & Regards

    That's called a Pivot.  In Oracle 8.1 and higher, you can use ROW_NUMBER, CASE, and an aggregate function, such as MIN for pivoting. (Starting in Oracle 11, there's SELECT ... PIVOT.)
    You didn't post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for your table, so I'll use scott.emp to illustrate:
    WITH   got_r_num   AS
        SELECT  deptno
        ,       job
        ,       ename
        ,       ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  deptno
                                     ,             job
                                     ORDER BY      ename
                                    )  AS r_num
        FROM    scott.emp
    SELECT    deptno
    ,         job
    ,         MIN (CASE WHEN r_num = 1 THEN ename END)   AS ename_1
    ,         MIN (CASE WHEN r_num = 2 THEN ename END)   AS ename_2
    ,         MIN (CASE WHEN r_num = 3 THEN ename END)   AS ename_3
    FROM      got_r_num
    GROUP BY  deptno
    ,         job
    ORDER BY  deptno
    ,         job
        DEPTNO JOB       ENAME_1    ENAME_2    ENAME_3
            10 CLERK     MILLER
            10 MANAGER   CLARK
            10 PRESIDENT KING
            20 ANALYST   FORD       SCOTT
            20 CLERK     ADAMS      SMITH
            20 MANAGER   JONES
            30 CLERK     JAMES
            30 MANAGER   BLAKE
            30 SALESMAN  ALLEN      MARTIN     TURNER
    If you do happen to have more than 3 items, the query still works, but only the first 3 are shown.  (In deptno=10, there is a 4th SALESMAN named WARD.)

  • How do I put data into a template using the Labview report generation toolkit for Microsoft Office?

    I am running Lookout 5.0 and have recently purchased the Labview Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office to create reports from my Lookout logged data. Since I have never used Labview I am having my problems. I tried following the tutorials but they do not seem to be examples of what I want to do.
    I log rainfall totals (1 spreadsheet)in Lookout from 40 different sites in 5 minute increments. I copy these totals and paste them into another spreadsheet which sums them up to give me hourly totals and then paste those totals into a spreadsheet for distribution.
    In Labview I create a new report and use the distribution sheet as my template, but how do I complete
    the steps of loading the raw 5 minute data into labview and then paste it into the hourly total spreadsheet and then transfer those totals into the distribution template?
    I have been trying to figure this out for over a week, and I am getting nowhere.
    Any response would be appreciated.
    Jason P
    Jason Phillips

    Lookout saves the files in .csv form which can be opened in Excel. I did make some progress by using the "append table to report" vi which allowed me to put values into an array and then those values were entered into my template on my report vi.
    Where I am stuck now is I want to be able to put values into my template from a .csv file, not from an array I have to manually put numbers in.
    Once those values are in my template I want to pull summed values from the template and place them into a final excel file for printing.
    I have attached examples of the files I am working with to help you better understand what I am trying to do.
    I hope that makes sense.
    Jason Phillips
    HourlyTotalsTemplate.xls ‏120 KB
    eb_rain_gauge_ss.csv ‏23 KB
    EastBankHourlyRainReport.xls ‏28 KB

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