How to convert XML data into binary data (opaque data)

I am trying to develop a process that delivers files after reading data from a database.
However, it is required not to deliver the data immediately. We want to perform some checks before the files get written.
So the way we want to design this is,
1. Read data from database (or any other input). The data is in XML format (this is a requirement, as in general, we have xml data)
2. This data is written, opaquely, to a JMS queue that can store binary data, along with what is the filename of the file that would be written (filename is passed using JMS Headers)
3. When required, another process reads the JMS queue's binary data, and dumps into a file
The reason I want to use opaque data while inserting in the JMS queue is, that enables me to develop a single process in Step 3 that can write any file, irrespective of the format.
My questions are
1. How to convert the xml data to opaque data. In BPEL I may use a embedded java, but how about ESB. Any other way....?
2. how to pass filename to the jms queue, when payload is opaque. Can I use a header attribute...custom attributes?
3. Which jms message type is better for this kind of requirement - SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE or SYS.AQ$_JMS_STREAM_MESSAGE

We are doing the same thing--using one variable with the schema as the source of the .xsl and assigning the resulting html to another variable--the content body of the email, in our case. I just posted how we did it here: Re: Using XSLT to generate the email HTML body
Let me know if this helps.

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    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:49 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:50 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:51 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:51 AM

    Hi Eunice
    Use the FM 'SMUM_XML_PARSE'
    for more info
    [Convert XML string to ABAP|XML String to ABAP or GUI]
    hope it helps you.

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    Hi Sarvesh,
    The pdf has details of ABAP mapping. The example given almost matches the xml file you want to be converted. to use abap-mapping in xi 3.0.pdf
    Just in case you have not seen this

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    This is the requirement with an example.
    eg. if the following SQL query is fed into the 3rd party system,
    select last_name,job_id,salary from employees a, deptno b
    where a.deptno = b.deptno
    the output would be,
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <sqlscript dbvendor="MSSQL">
    <fullselectstmt nestlevel="0">
    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="field">last_name</sourcetoken>
    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="field">job_id</sourcetoken>
    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="field">salary</sourcetoken>
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    </attr><aliasclause withas="false"><sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="table alias">b</sourcetoken></aliasclause></simpletable></lztable></join></joinlist></fromclause>
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    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="table alias">a</sourcetoken>
    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="unknown">.</sourcetoken>
    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="field">deptno</sourcetoken>
    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="table alias">b</sourcetoken>
    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="unknown">.</sourcetoken>
    <sourcetoken toketype="" dbobjtype="field">deptno</sourcetoken>
    So, using the output file, the list of columns (under token "field") last_name,job_id and salary should be inserted into LIST_COLUMNS table. So 3 INSERT statements should be created for 3 columns.
    The list of tables (under token "table") employees and dept should be inserted into LIST_TABLES table. So 2 INSERT statements should be created for the 2 tables.

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      modulus:          1149848018...
      public exponent:  65537
      private exponent: 3967455520...
      prime p:          1210859164...
      prime q:          9496133427...
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             BigInteger exp = new BigInteger(Base64.decode(exponent));
              KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
              RSAPrivateKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(mod, exp);
              RSAPrivateKey privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);I only got the following:
    Sun RSA private CRT key, 1024 bits
      modulus:          1149848018...
      private exponent: 3967455520...Please help!

    at no charge for you:
    import java.math.BigInteger;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    public class DotNetXMLPrivateKeyReader {
         private Document privateKeyDocument;
         private InputStream xmlInputStream;
         public DotNetXMLPrivateKeyReader(InputStream xmlInputStream) throws SAXException, IOException{
              this.xmlInputStream = xmlInputStream;
         public DotNetXMLPrivateKeyReader(byte xmlBytes[]) throws SAXException, IOException{
              this(new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlBytes));
         public DotNetXMLPrivateKeyReader(String xmlString) throws SAXException, IOException{
         public PrivateKey getPrivateKey() throws IOException, InvalidKeySpecException {
              KeyFactory keyFactory;
              try {
                   keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
              } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
                   throw new RuntimeException("Error loading RSA KeyFactory", e);
              RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec keySpec = loadKeySpec();
              return keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
         private void parseDocument() throws SAXException, IOException {
              DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              DocumentBuilder builder;
              try {
                   builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
              } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                   throw new RuntimeException("Error creating DocumentBuilder from DocumentBuilderFactory", e);
              privateKeyDocument = builder.parse(xmlInputStream);
         private RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec loadKeySpec() throws IOException {
              String modulusStr = getNodeContent("Modulus");
              String publicExpStr = getNodeContent("Exponent");
              String primePStr = getNodeContent("P");
              String primeQStr = getNodeContent("Q");
              String primeEPStr = getNodeContent("DP");
              String primeEqStr = getNodeContent("DQ");
              String crtCoefficientStr = getNodeContent("InverseQ");
              String privateExpStr = getNodeContent("D");
              RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(
                        decodeBigDecimal(modulusStr), decodeBigDecimal(publicExpStr),
                        decodeBigDecimal(privateExpStr), decodeBigDecimal(primePStr),
                        decodeBigDecimal(primeQStr), decodeBigDecimal(primeEPStr),
                        decodeBigDecimal(primeEqStr), decodeBigDecimal(crtCoefficientStr));
              return keySpec;
         private String getNodeContent(String nodeName) {
              NodeList elementsByTagName = privateKeyDocument.getElementsByTagName(nodeName);
              Node node = elementsByTagName.item(0);
              String modulusStr = node.getTextContent();
              return modulusStr;
         private byte[] b64Decode(String data) throws IOException {
              return Base64Util.decode(data);
         private BigInteger decodeBigDecimal(String str) throws IOException {
              byte decodedMod[] = b64Decode(str);
              byte positiveMod[] = new byte[decodedMod.length + 1];
              System.arraycopy(decodedMod, 0, positiveMod, 1, decodedMod.length);
              return new BigInteger(positiveMod);
    Marcus Vin�cius Travassos Haickel de Oliveira
    Software Architect
    Live Source IT Solutions

  • How to convert Xml Document into orcale tempary table

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    Xml Structure
    <Department deptno="100">
    <Employee empno="200"><Ename>John</Ename><Salary>33333</Salary>
    <Employee empno="300"><Ename>Jack</Ename><Salary>333444</Salary>
    i need like this format
    Deptno DeptName empno Ename Salary
    100 Sports 200 Jhon 2500
    100 Sports 300 Jack 3000

    It does depend on your version as odie suggests.
    Here's a way that will work in 10g...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select xmltype('<Department deptno="100">
      2  <DeptName>Sports</DeptName>
      3  <EmployeeList>
      4  <Employee empno="200"><Ename>John</Ename><Salary>33333</Salary>
      5  </Employee>
      6  <Employee empno="300"><Ename>Jack</Ename><Salary>333444</Salary>
      7  </Employee>
      8  </EmployeeList>
      9  </Department>
    10  ') as xml from dual)
    11  --
    12  -- End of test data, Use query below
    13  --
    14  select x.deptno, x.deptname
    15        ,y.empno, y.ename, y.salary
    16  from t
    17      ,xmltable('/'
    18                passing t.xml
    19                columns deptno   number       path '/Department/@deptno'
    20                       ,deptname varchar2(10) path '/Department/DeptName'
    21                       ,emps     xmltype      path '/Department/EmployeeList'
    22               ) x
    23      ,xmltable('/EmployeeList/Employee'
    24                passing x.emps
    25                columns empno    number       path '/Employee/@empno'
    26                       ,ename    varchar2(10) path '/Employee/Ename'
    27                       ,salary   number       path '/Employee/Salary'
    28*              ) y
    SQL> /
           100 Sports            200 John            33333
           100 Sports            300 Jack           333444
    SQL>If the XML is a string e.g. a CLOB then it can easily be converted to XMLTYPE using the XMLTYPE function.

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    I want to convert this string into DOM Node or Document.
    How can I do this?
    Any help or pointer?

    Try this :
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc = db.parse(new org.xml.sax.InputSource(new StringReader(strXml)));Hope this helps.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <Command xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Command.xsd">
    - <WriteTagData readerID="EasyDP">
    - <Item>
    - <FieldList format="C:\Documents and Settings\wlee\Desktop\Format_4A.btw" jobName="Test1" quantity="1">
      <Field name="PlantNo">4012</Field>
      <Field name="PlantName">ANE</Field>
      <Field name="SKU">12000001</Field>
      <  </FieldList>
    Please help me How would I create Data type for this. Your help is highly apreciated

    Hi Enivas,
    >>>>>>>>>Please help me how would I delete ns0.
    For  remove ns0,  you have to do use XMLAnonymizerBean module  in adpater module (In Communication channel).
    Insert the XMLAnonymizerBean before the CallSapAdapter .
    The module name u2018CallSapAdapteru2019 is default one that can be left as it is.
    Module Name : AF_Modules/XMLAnonymizerBean
    Type: Local Enterprise Bean
    Module Key: 0  
    Add Parameters in the Module Configuration
    2.       Module Key: 0
    Parameter Name: anonymizer.acceptNamespaces
    Parameter Value: <namespace> u2018u2019  
    Enter a list of namespaces and their prefixes that are to be kept in the target XML document and to result a namespace without a prefix, enter u2018 u2018 (two single quotation marks).   In your case like namespace follow with two single quotation marks.
    3.       Module Key: 0
    Parameter Name: anonymizer.quote
    Parameter Value: u2018
    Here specify the character to be used to enclose the attribute values.  The default value is u2018.  
    When scenario is executed, the target message contains the namespace with no prefix.  
    Then, you are not facing any issue in target messages.

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    hi all ,
    i ve to create a xml with specified alignment,but while taking print out alignments changing according to IE's alignment.
    So, Plz some one tel me whether any solution is there in xml itself or it have to be convert into word doc or PDF.If so, tell me an idea for how to convert xml file into Word doc or PDF.

    thanx ,i saw about FOP in site and i learned something abt tat . But i dont know how to download FOP package from apache..
    Actually they gave links to download
    inside tat link they mentioned as parent,Directory,binaries,sources and tar files.From this i dont know how to download?
    Plz can someone tell a solution..

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    How to convert XML file into XSD Using Altova XML Spy.
    I want to use that XSD as an External Def in my IR

    Following is the path where you could get the PDF's and zip file. [original link is broken]
    please check out the following Heading, and at the bottom corner you will find the download option where you will get the zip file:
    How to Generate XSD Schemas from Existing MDM 5.5 Repositories
    You can download xomlite45.jar from sdn
    copy the jar file to your java installation location like c:>java in
    Java –jar xomLite45.jar MyFile.xml
    then you get correspondig MyFile.xsd

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    Hi All,
    I am new to HL7,can any one tell how to convert HL7 file into an XML.Give sample demo or related links.
    My sample HL7 file is as follows how can I convert.
    FHS|^~\&||Tax ID123^Lab Name123^L|||201110191435||HL7.txt||1234567|123||
    PID|seqno|123||john^chambers^^Dr^Dr|2456 california ave^San jose^CA^85254|19601212|M
    FHS|^~\&||Tax ID123^Lab Name123^L|||File Creaqted Date|File Security|FileName||File HeaderComment||Facility|FileCreatedDateTime|File Security|File Name|File Header Comment|FileControlId|Reference File Control ID|
    <FileSendingApplication> </FileSendingApplication>
    <TaxID>Tax ID123</TaxID>
    <LabName>Lab Name123</LabName>
    <seqno> </seqno>
    <patientId>Tax ID123</patientId>
    <LastName>Lab Name123</LastName>
    <Title> </Title>

    Hi Prabu,
    With input as in single line I'm able to get the the output but with the multiple lines of input,error was occured.Any suggestions.
    Error while translating. Translation exception. Error occured while translating content from file C:\temp\sampleHL7.txt Please make sure that the file content conforms to the schema. Make necessary changes to the file content or the schema.
    The payload details for this rejected message can be retrieved.          Show payload...

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    Thank you   

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    Please let me know.

    This not really a specific APEX question... but I search the database forum and found this thread which I think will help
    Exporting Oracle table to XML
    If it does not I suggest looking at the database forum or have a look at this document on using the XML toolkit
    Hope this helps

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    do anyone know how to convert a decimal to binary
    i wants to convert 1 into 01, but the computer print out 1, it didn't print 0
    also 0 it also print only 0, and 3 it print11
    so decimal of 3, the computer print correct, but 0 and 1 it print wrong
    how can i print 01 if my decimal is 1
    int a=1;
    can anyone help me solve this question
    you can use java or jsp
    if you can use jsp it would be better, if not use java

    it's not printing anything 'wrong'.
    0 in binary is 0
    1 in binary is 1
    All it's doing is cutting off leading zeros since they don't change the value.
    1 is the same as 01 is the same as difference
    Similarly, when you print decimal 3 as 11, it could just as easily say 00000011 and be correct, since the zeros don't change anything.

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    How to convert an Integer to byte[] without lose data?

    I use the following to convert any java Object to a byte array
    public static byte[] getBytes(Object obj) throws
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
            byte [] data = bos.toByteArray();
            return data;

Maybe you are looking for