How to Correlate in OpenScript

I am new to e-Load. we are doing some R&D on empirix e-Load tool.
we are using Oracle OpenScript for record the http application.
we are able to record and play the script but we are unable to enhance the script.
When we recored the script it saves as
But when i went through this threads i came to know that we can use JAVA Code for enhancing the script. current we are using "oracle Load Testing for web applications 8.5" version.
And how we Correlate the script in Oracle OpenScript tool?
Can any body please guide me and explain the procedure for enhancing the script and what is the use of open script.
Is it required for e-load or e-tester. pls specify me its very urgent
thanks inadvance...........pls

Thanks for giving replay.
And when i try to run the script i got the following java code.
Can you please refer into that and give me the brief details about that code.
public void run() throws Exception {
http.get(2, "http://bsd-pcs035420/AMS/Login.aspx", null, null, true, "UTF8", "UTF8");, "http://bsd-pcs035420/AMS/Login.aspx", null, http.postdata(http.param("__EVENTTARGET", ""), http.param("__EVENTARGUMENT", ""), http.param("__VIEWSTATE", "/wEPDwUJNjE5Njc4NjEwD2QWAgIDD2QWBAIBDw9kFgQeB29uZm9jdXMFKkNoYW5nZUJhY2tncm91bmRDb2xvdXJPbkZvY3VzKCd0eHRVc2VySWQnKR4Gb25ibHVyBS5DaGFuZ2VCYWNrZ3JvdW5kQ29sb3VyT25Mb3N0Rm9jdXMoJ3R4dFVzZXJJZCcpZAIDDw9kFgQfAAUsQ2hhbmdlQmFja2dyb3VuZENvbG91ck9uRm9jdXMoJ3R4dFBhc3N3b3JkJykfAQUwQ2hhbmdlQmFja2dyb3VuZENvbG91ck9uTG9zdEZvY3VzKCd0eHRQYXNzd29yZCcpZGT7QQldyOE1QYjbRPPcPxRkc6WKoA=="), http.param("__EVENTVALIDATION", "/wEWBALBiN2UCQKz8dy8BQK1qbSRCwLCi9reA6pxgyLoDvvi8CVS6q5JQIAeBbLE"), http.param("txtUserId", "111"), http.param("txtPassword", "satyam"), http.param("btnSubmit", " Sign In ")), null, true, "UTF8", "UTF8");
http.get(13, "http://bsd-pcs035420/AMS/Webpages/AddAsset.aspx", null, null, true, "UTF8", "UTF8");, "http://bsd-pcs035420/AMS/Webpages/AddAsset.aspx", null, http.postdata(http.param("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ScriptManager1", "ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$UpdatePanel1|ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$ddlAssetCategory"), http.param("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_TabContainer1_ClientState", "{\"ActiveTabIndex\":0,\"TabState\":[true,true]}"), http.param("__EVENTTARGET", "ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$ddlAssetCategory"), http.param("__EVENTARGUMENT", ""), http.param("__LASTFOCUS", ""), http.param("__VIEWSTATE", "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"), http.param("__EVENTVALIDATION", "/wEWHwLdvKSdAQLYt6G8AwKR3rrLDgKb47KJBQKLjJjnCQKUjJjnCQKVjJjnCQKWjJjnCQKXjJjnCQKQjJjnCQLs79LfBQL8gPixCQLjgPixCQLigPixCQLkxs3gAQL0qeeODQK1xqy5CAKlqYbXBALTrPqWDgLDw9D4AgLJwsL5CAKukIyzBQLJn7HPCgKJuYu7AwKJuYe7AwKJuYO7AwKJuf+6AwKJufu6AwKJufe6AwKJufO6AwLs56bODfUFXWyZIYhawZW312Vq6qtrvNTw"), http.param("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$ddlAssetCategory", "1"), http.param("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$ddlCountry", "0"), http.param("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$ddlCity", "0"), http.param("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$ddlLocation", "0"), http.param("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$ddlLab", "0"), http.param("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$TabContainer1$tabPanelAddAsset$txtCost", ""), http.param("__ASYNCPOST", "true")), null, true, "UTF8", "UTF8");
//and here some related code//
Please help me *"How to correalte this scripts"*
Thanking you.
Ramesh Dodda

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    Please tip your answer providers with kudos.
    Any attached Code is provided As Is. It has not been tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or system,
    or for use in hazardous environments. You assume all risks for use of the Code and use of the Code is subject
    to the Sample Code License Terms which can be found at:
    Base ‏29 KB

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    Try adding this to your applet to emulate a mutex:
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    action 2.1 set instances 0
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    action 5.0   increment instances
    action 6.0  end
    action 7.0 end
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    action 9.1 end
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    Hi Rune,
    for that task you have to extend the standard monitoring. Plz have a look at <a href="/people/alessandro.guarneri/blog/2006/02/14/super-message-monitor-for-sap-xi Message Monitor for SAP XI</a>
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    mac port : 4 <- port ID
    fw_instance : 4
    mac status polling : 1
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    switch# show hardware internal carmel asic 3 counters interrupt match stomp
    Slot 0 Carmel 3 interrupt statistics:
    Interrupt name |Count |ThresRch|ThresCnt|Ivls
    car_fi4_INT_fi_rx_pkt_crc_stomp |1 |0 |1 |0
    car_fi5_INT_fi_rx_pkt_crc_stomp |bc4d5 |0 |1 |0
    car_fi6_INT_fi_rx_pkt_crc_stomp |817d5 |0 |1 |0
    car_fi7_INT_fi_rx_pkt_crc_stomp |bc474 |0 |4 |0
    car_bm4_INT_norm_igrd_crc_stomp |bc52c |0 |4 |0
    car_bm4_INT_norm_egrd_crc_stomp |1 |0 |1 |0
    car_bm5_INT_norm_egrd_crc_stomp |bc4d5 |0 |1 |0
    car_bm6_INT_norm_egrd_crc_stomp |817d5 |0 |1 |0
    car_bm7_INT_norm_igrd_crc_stomp |1 |0 |1 |0
    car_bm7_INT_norm_egrd_crc_stomp |bc474 |0 |4 |0
    car_fw4_INT_ig_pkt_err_eth_crc_stomp |3e |0 |2 |0
    car_fw4_INT_eg_pkt_err_eth_crc_stomp |1 |0 |1 |0
    car_fw5_INT_eg_pkt_err_eth_crc_stomp |bc4d5 |0 |1 |0
    car_fw6_INT_eg_pkt_err_eth_crc_stomp |817d5 |0 |1 |0
    car_fw7_INT_ig_pkt_err_eth_crc_stomp |1 |0 |1 |0
    car_fw7_INT_eg_pkt_err_eth_crc_stomp |bc474 |0 |4 |0
    car_mm4_pb_INT_buf_ecc_crc_rx_crc_stomp |3e |0 |2 |0
    car_mm4_pb_INT_buf_ecc_crc_tx_crc_stomp |1 |0 |1 |0
    car_mm5_pb_INT_buf_ecc_crc_tx_crc_stomp |bc4d5 |0 |1 |0
    car_mm6_pb_INT_buf_ecc_crc_tx_crc_stomp |817d6 |0 |2 |0
    car_mm7_pb_INT_buf_ecc_crc_rx_crc_stomp |1 |0 |1 |0
    car_mm7_pb_INT_buf_ecc_crc_tx_crc_stomp |bc474 |0 |4 |0
    Is it as simple as all of the lines above that have '4' in the name (like car_fi4_INT_fi_rx_pkt_crc_stomp) correspond to the port I am concerned with?
    I have checked MTU and and cleaned / reseated the fibers on both ends.

    An update to my problem.  Apparently I misunderstood the concept behind channels and tasks in DAQmx.  With the same type of output I could really just have grouped the two channels under the same task.  All I had to do was to call the DAQmxCreateAIVoltageChan twice and specifiy the two different output terminals for the two channels.  Both of which will be regulated under the same sample clock.
    After that I called the DAQmxWriteAnalogF64 function once, specifying the "dataLayout" parameter to DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber, which should output the sample array interleavingly.
    The program now outputs two identical waveforms synchronized by the same sample clock.
    However the second problem remains.  What happens when I want to vary the frequency of the second channel?  A simple and obvious solution would be to write and equal number of samples for both channels and just change the value of the sample for the second channel according to the frequency.  However this would result in a gigantic array if I have to add more channels later on.
    Is there any way around this?
    Thank you

  • How to schedule a job which needs to run evry day 1(AM) o clk?

    DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
    job_name=> 'BJAZPROPMAINTAIN',
    job_type=> 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
    job_action=> schemaname.schedule_procedure;',
    start_date=> '02-aug-08 01:00:00 PM',
    repeat_interval=> 'FREQ=DAILY; BYHOUR=01',
    enabled =>TRUE,
    Hi all,
    i want to schedule a job which needs to be run every day one o clock early morning i haven't set the job_scheduler before this. by searching thru net and prev scheduler coding i have written the above code here for running evry day early morning 1 o clock i m little bit of confused in the time
    repeat_interval=>'FREQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=01'; whether is is correct one or wrong?
    and also there are some other job is scheduled in the same time . will it create any problem of executing at the sametime or we need to change the timing of 1:15 like that?
    please advise me..

    Thanks a lot so it will be executing every night 1 o clock am i right?
    It should.But I shall say that schedule it and than only we can be sure about it.About the timing part, its correct syntatically.
    i saw that job_priority column in dba_scheduler_jobs table but dont know what it does?
    and also how can fetch this job scheduler sid,serial# i checked v$session but how to correlate this ..
    please explain me
    In schedulerjobs,there is a column ,client_id.You can map it to the sid from the V$session.I don't have a box running Oracle at the moment so I wont be test it for you.Do it and post feedback.
    what will happen if more than one job is scheduled in the sametime
    i think for this only we set the priority on the two which one needs to be first exec(depends on the high priority)
    let me know about this.
    Jobs are prioritized by two parts,within the class they are a part of and individualy.If you have two jobs in the same class than they can be make run with a different priority with the priority clause set within them.This has a number which start from 1 meaning highest priority.So if there are two jobs scheduled for the same time,you need to check which job class they fall into. If they are in the same class than you have to change the priority of them.
    I suggest you read the books,they cover all these topics in much more detail.
    Also there is a dedicated forum about Scheduler.In future for Scheduler regarded questions, you can visit there.

  • How can I optimally stream data to disk at 5 MS/s on 4 channels using a PCI-6110?

    I am using a PCI-6110 to acquire data streaming from a camera. Data arrives on all four analog input channels at 5 MHz. An A2D clock is attached to PFI8, also originating from the camera and operating at 5 MHz. Finally, there is a Valid-data signal from the camera that signals when the data stream coming in on the four analog channels is actual data (each Validate pulse is about 132 samples wide). This is attached to PFI0. Ideally, I would like to have a program that captures data at the full rate and is correctly synchronized with the Valid-data line. It should also be able to stream to disk for several seconds at least before pausing for the buffer.
    Though I'm something of an inexper
    ienced programmer, I have attempted programs both in LabView and C (using DAQmx) to resolve this, but I have experienced much slower behavior than I'd like. In LabView, this seems to be the result of slow streaming to disk, such that I have to pause and reset the task every frame (132x512 samples per channel). Using DAQmx in C, I have found it necessary to restart the task after every line (132 samples per channel) in order to correctly trigger from the Validata pulse. Both are far from optimal. I would appreciate any advice that those of you with more experience reading at very high rates from this card may have to offer.
    Steven Israel
    Duke University

    I'm not sure if I fully understand your application, but maybe some of these hints will help.
    First your streaming to disk rate is going to vary widely depending on your system. Sometimes using a faster processor helps, but most of the time using a faster hard drive will give you the best performance increase.
    Second, writing less data will often have a dramatic impact in streaming to disk applications. If you're reading back scaled data, I would strongly recommend switching to unscaled or raw reads and storing off the scaling constants so you can scale the data off line. This could reduce the required streaming to disk bandwidth by a factor of 4 alone.
    Third, since the 6110 is a 12 bit device, you can try compressing two 12 bit samples into one 24 b
    it piece of data. This will allow you to store in three bytes what used to take four.
    Last, you might consider using your signal on PFI0 as a pause trigger. Depending on the frequency of the pulses on your Valid-data signal, this could significantly reduce the required bandwidth of both the PCI bus and your hard drive. However, since the 6110 uses pipelined ADCs, you need to be careful if the time between valid data pulses is greater than one millisecond. This would violate the minimum sampling frequency of the board and the points in the pipeline that are returned after unpausing (3 in this case) might not be digitized at the full accuracy specification for the device. Because of the pipelining, you also need to be careful how you correlate the data. The first time you unpause for the Valid-data pulse, the first three points will be garbage points. The second and subsequent times you unpause, the first three points are really the last three points from the previous Valid-dat
    a pulse. See the Device Considerations->Timing chapter in the NI-DAQmx Help file for more information on timing considerations with pipelined ADCs.
    I hope this information helps. Good luck!

  • How to update a specific cell value in a CSV file.

    I would like to know whether it is possible in openscript to update a cell value of the CSV file.
    For example if the test script requires to update the cell of 6th row and 8th column, then how to achieve through openscript API?
    Please kindly let me know.

    Hope this helps!
    Table table;
    String[] rowvalus;
    int targetRow=5,targetColumn=7;
    * Note: Rows and columns are 0-based index.
    table =utilities.loadCSV("C:\OracleATS\OFT\DataBank\Test.csv");
    info("Before change :"+rowvalus[targetColumn]);
    utilities.saveCSV(table, "C:\OracleATS\OFT\DataBank\Test.csv", true);
    table =utilities.loadCSV("C:\OracleATS\OFT\DataBank\Test.csv");
    info("After change :"+rowvalus[targetColumn]);
    Note:- Please first take the backup of your CSV file before using this code snippet

  • How to recognize the text inside a text box

    we have a scenario where we are validating the text inside a text box. Actually, we are inserting a text matching test on a node.
    The scenario is like this:
    When we open the screen it contains 6 text boxes.
    We have to enter the text in the first 3 text boxes and save.
    Then based on the entry the values are populated on the other three text boxes.
    We have to validate the values in these text boxes , so we click and highlight the value.
    Openscript identfiy the text box ,but it did not identify or recorded the values we have highlighted.
    How to make the openscript recognize the values? Can we do it through menu options or else we need to write the code?
    Any help will be appreciated.

    I answer to myself:
    Put all inside a PanelGroupLayout and set the layout to SCROLL.
    Edited by: baol on Mar 15, 2010 9:09 AM

  • How to populate values into DFF

    hi all
    kindly tell me how to create a LOV for a DFF field based on some other field in the form?
    for ex:
    i created a DFF to catch supplier site based on supplier name entered in the form , how to correlate both?
    kindly answer

    Hi Ghattamaneni,
    Issue resolved?
    if not, try with this.
    Create a Value set based on suppplier name to get supplier site.
    then go to DFF.
    either Sys Admin/Application/DFF or AP/Set-up/DFF.
    Then create DFF with Context Prompt or with context.
    add the attributes and add Value set to each attribute.
    try with this.

Maybe you are looking for

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