How to create an IBASE?

I  go to txn IB52 and see no any IBASE defined.
Could you tell me how to create an IBASE using txn IB51 for CHARM project?
In my previous project , there were some IBASEs existing already so I used them as granted.
Thanks a lot!
We are SM7.0 Basis SP16, ABAP SP16. Thanks!

This is master data so you have to do it  as per below
Create the Component Systems and Assign as iBase Components
To be able to use the Service Desk, Change Request Management, or Issue Management scenarios in SAP Solution Manager, you must first define the installed base (IBase). An IBase component must be created for each component system used to send Service Desk messages to the SAP Solution Manager system.
You can generate the IBase specific to a solution or across all solutions.
You have defined your system landscape in the Solution Manager System Landscape.
Default Settings
When you create new system or change existing systems in the System Landscape Maintenance (transaction SMSY), the system automatically creates the corresponding IBase component.
A) Solution-specific
1. Choose the relevant solution from the solution overview.
2. Choose Edit -> Initial Data Transfer for IBase.
The IBase components are automatically assigned to the installation SOL_MAN_DATA_REP (external ID).
Choose the relevant system(s) from the list and confirm.
The data is automatically retrieved from the System Landscape Maintenance (transaction SMSY). The system creates an IBase component for each entry. The IBase components are automatically assigned to the installation SOL_MAN_DATA_REP (external ID).
Moreover use the tcde IB_GEN to geneerate cross solution
Hope prb is solved
Edited by: Prakhar Saxena on Mar 30, 2010 8:49 PM

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    Check this link
    Service Desk: Ibase for Service Messages for non-SAP systems
    Hope this helps.
    Feel free to revert back.

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    Apparently after creating new IBase Component and new Product (assigned to the newly created IBase Component) it is required to execute transaction save and commit for the object of newly created Product. After that system sees newly created objects.
    Required code (after creation of a new Product):
      lo_core TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_core,
      lo_new_product TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
      lo_factory TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity_factory,
      lo_transaction TYPE REF TO if_bol_transaction_context.
      lo_core = cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ).
      lo_factory = lo_core->get_entity_factory( 'Product' ).
      lo_new_product = lo_factory->create( )
      lo_transaction = lo_core->get_transaction( iv_entity = lo_new_product ).
      lo_transaction->save( iv_force_save = abap_true ).
      lo_transaction->commit( ).

  • Solution Manager create an IBase...

    Hi fellows,
    My question is, if in the future I must apply more satellite/backend systems in my SLD (SMSY) in Solution Manager... As you know when we want setup maintenance optimizer generally appears an error which it said that we must have to Generate an IBASE (IB51 & IB52) and so I created that Ibase entry with my all systems landscape... but imagine that I want to apply more systems in tcode SMSY (System Landscape Directory tree) when that happens I must create again on more time an Ibase, this is,  I will have problems in maintenance optimizer if I apply more systems and don´t make the regenerate the IBASE ?
    Best regards,
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Prakhar Saxena,
    Thanks a lot for your quick and usefull answer... you have right!!
    One more question about IBASE and the respective tcodes IB_GEN and IB52, I duplicate the systems in IBase monitor on IB52 I see in that tree of SAP solution Manager Installations I have twice systems, because when I regenerate the Ibase (in IB_GEN) I select the same systems that I have apply in past... so I want to delete the systems that are repeated... How can I do that ?! ...
    Can you explain how I delete systems in that tree on IB52  (with Ext.ID: SOL_MAN_DATA_REP) ??
    Thanks indeed...
    I will give you a max point !
    João Dimas

  • How to Create the Custom print Quote Report ?

    Hi All,
    I want to create the custom Print Quote report . I know the below details and referred the below metalinks .
    Note: 780722.1 - How to Create a Custom Print Quote Template in Oracle Quoting ?
    Note: 392728.1 - How to Modify the data source for the XML version of the Print Quote report
    Note: 468982.1 - How To Customize The Asoprint.Xsl
    Oracle Metalink:
    Note: To add a column to the print quote report, following files need to be updated:
    LinesVO.xml --- xml files containing the sql query and attribute definition
    LinesVORowImpl.class - public class extending the framework class OAViewRowImpl.
    This class contains the set and get for the attributes defined in xml file.
    ASOPRINT.xsl - this is the xsl stylesheet file used to describe the report layout.
    This file needs to be modified to include the new column being added to the report
    My question is,
    1. wether my approach (below iare the details)of trying to extend the PromptVO is the right way or is there any other way to add the new columns.
    I want to add new fields on to the report . When i looked into the it says the below
    Here we find that to add a new column, oracle says to update the LINESVO.xml, do they really mean to update the base files.
    This report uses following VO's
    To create new Headers & Prompts, i tried extending the PROMPTVO. Once the extended VO is substitued , i dont even get the data for standard oracle Prompts. is this the right way to add columns?

    Hi All,
    I want to create the custom Print Quote report . I know the below details and referred the below metalinks .
    Note: 780722.1 - How to Create a Custom Print Quote Template in Oracle Quoting ?
    Note: 392728.1 - How to Modify the data source for the XML version of the Print Quote report
    Note: 468982.1 - How To Customize The Asoprint.Xsl
    Oracle Metalink:
    Note: To add a column to the print quote report, following files need to be updated:
    LinesVO.xml --- xml files containing the sql query and attribute definition
    LinesVORowImpl.class - public class extending the framework class OAViewRowImpl.
    This class contains the set and get for the attributes defined in xml file.
    ASOPRINT.xsl - this is the xsl stylesheet file used to describe the report layout.
    This file needs to be modified to include the new column being added to the report
    My question is,
    1. wether my approach (below iare the details)of trying to extend the PromptVO is the right way or is there any other way to add the new columns.
    I want to add new fields on to the report . When i looked into the it says the below
    Here we find that to add a new column, oracle says to update the LINESVO.xml, do they really mean to update the base files.
    This report uses following VO's
    To create new Headers & Prompts, i tried extending the PROMPTVO. Once the extended VO is substitued , i dont even get the data for standard oracle Prompts. is this the right way to add columns?

  • How to create a report based on a DataSet programatically

    I'm working on a CR 2008 Add-in.
    Usage of this add-in is: Let the user choose from a list of predefined datasets, and create a totally empty report with this dataset attached to is. So the user can create a report based on this dataset.
    I have a dataset in memory, and want to create a new report in cr2008.
    The new report is a blank report (with no connection information).
    If I set the ReportDocument.SetDataSource(Dataset dataSet) property, I get the error:
    The report has no tables.
    So I must programmatically define the table definition in my blank report.
    I found the following article:, and came up with something like this:
    internal class NewReportWorker : Worker
          public NewReportWorker(string reportFileName)
             : base(reportFileName)
    public override void Process()
             DatabaseController databaseController = ClientDoc.DatabaseController;
             Table table = new Table();
             string tabelName = "Table140";
             table.Name = tabelName;
             table.Alias = tabelName;
             table.QualifiedName = tabelName;
             table.Description = tabelName;
             var fields = new Fields();
             var dbField = new DBField();
             var fieldName = "ID";
             dbField.Description = fieldName;
             dbField.HeadingText = fieldName;
             dbField.Name = fieldName;
             dbField.Type = CrFieldValueTypeEnum.crFieldValueTypeInt64sField;
             dbField = new DBField();
             fieldName = "IDLEGITIMATIEBEWIJS";
             dbField.Description = fieldName;
             dbField.HeadingText = fieldName;
             dbField.Name = fieldName;
             dbField.Type = CrFieldValueTypeEnum.crFieldValueTypeInt64sField;
             // More code for more tables to add.
             table.DataFields = fields;
             //CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ConnectionInfo info =
             //   new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ConnectionInfo();
             //info.Attributes.Add("Databse DLL", "xxx.dll");
             //table.ConnectionInfo = info;
             // Here an error occurs.
             databaseController.AddTable(table, null);
             ReportDoc.SetDataSource( [MyFilledDataSet] );
             //object path = @"d:\logfiles\";
             //ClientDoc.SaveAs("test.rpt", ref path, 0);
    The object ClientDoc referes to a ISCDReportClientDocument in a base class:
       internal abstract class Worker
          private ReportDocument _ReportDoc;
          private ISCDReportClientDocument _ClientDoc;
          private string _ReportFileName;
          public Worker(string reportFileName)
             _ReportFileName = reportFileName;
             _ReportDoc = new ReportDocument();
             // Load the report from file path passed by the designer.
             // Create a RAS Document through In-Proc RAS through the RPTDoc.
             _ClientDoc = _ReportDoc.ReportClientDocument;
          public string ReportFileName
                return _ReportFileName;
          public ReportDocument ReportDoc
                return _ReportDoc;
          public ISCDReportClientDocument ClientDoc
                return _ClientDoc;
    But I get an "Unspecified error" on the line databaseController.AddTable(table, null);
    What am i doing wrong? Or is there another way to create a new report based on a DataSet in C# code?

    Have a look at the snippet code below written for version 9 that you might accommodate to CR 2008, it demonstrates how to create a report based on a DataSet programmatically.
    +           * the following two string values can be modified to reflect your system+
    +          ************************************************************************************************/+
    +          string mdb_path = "C:
    program files
    crystal decisions
    crystal reports 9
    xtreme.mdb";    // path to xtreme.mdb file+
    +          string xsd_path = "C:
    customer.xsd";  // path to customer schema file+
    +          // Dataset+
    +          OleDbConnection m_connection;                         // connection+
    +          OleDbDataAdapter m_adapter;                              // adapter+
    +          System.Data.DataSet m_dataset;                         // dataset+
    +          // CR variables+
    +          ReportClientDocument m_crReportDocument;          // report client document+
    +          Field m_crFieldCustomer;+
    +          Field m_crFieldCountry;+
    +          void CreateData()+
    +          {+
    +               // Create OLEDB connection+
    +               m_connection = new OleDbConnection();+
    +               m_connection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + mdb_path;+
    +               // Create Data Adapter+
    +               m_adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from Customer where Country='Canada'", m_connection);+
    +               // create dataset and fill+
    +               m_dataset = new System.Data.DataSet();+
    +               m_adapter.Fill(m_dataset, "Customer");+
    +               // create a schema file+
    +               m_dataset.WriteXmlSchema(xsd_path);+
    +          }+
    +          // Adds a DataSource using dataset. Since this does not require intermediate schema file, this method+
    +          // will work in a distributed environment where you have IIS box on server A and RAS Server on server B.+
    +          void AddDataSourceUsingDataSet(+
    +               ReportClientDocument rcDoc,          // report client document+
    +               System.Data.DataSet data)          // dataset+
    +          {+
    +               // add a datasource+
    +               DataSetConverter.AddDataSource(rcDoc, data);+
    +          }+
    +          // Adds a DataSource using a physical schema file. This method require you to have schema file in RAS Server+
    +          // box (NOT ON SDK BOX). In distributed environment where you have IIS on server A and RAS on server B,+
    +          // and you execute CreateData above, schema file is created in IIS box, and this method will fail, because+
    +          // RAS server cannot see that schema file on its local machine. In such environment, you must use method+
    +          // above.+
    +          void AddDataSourceUsingSchemaFile(+
    +               ReportClientDocument rcDoc,          // report client document+
    +               string schema_file_name,          // xml schema file location+
    +               string table_name,                    // table to be added+
    +               System.Data.DataSet data)          // dataset+
    +          {+
    +               PropertyBag crLogonInfo;               // logon info+
    +               PropertyBag crAttributes;               // logon attributes+
    +               ConnectionInfo crConnectionInfo;     // connection info+
    +               CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table crTable;+
    +               // database table+
    +               // create logon property+
    +               crLogonInfo = new PropertyBag();+
    +               crLogonInfo["XML File Path"] = schema_file_name;+
    +               // create logon attributes+
    +               crAttributes = new PropertyBag();+
    +               crAttributes["Database DLL"] = "crdb_adoplus.dll";+
    +               crAttributes["QE_DatabaseType"] = "ADO.NET (XML)";+
    +               crAttributes["QE_ServerDescription"] = "NewDataSet";+
    +               crAttributes["QE_SQLDB"] = true;+
    +               crAttributes["QE_LogonProperties"] = crLogonInfo;+
    +               // create connection info+
    +               crConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();+
    +               crConnectionInfo.Kind = CrConnectionInfoKindEnum.crConnectionInfoKindCRQE;+
    +               crConnectionInfo.Attributes = crAttributes;+
    +               // create a table+
    +               crTable = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table();+
    +               crTable.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo;+
    +               crTable.Name = table_name;+
    +               crTable.Alias = table_name;+
    +               // add a table+
    +               rcDoc.DatabaseController.AddTable(crTable, null);+
    +               // pass dataset+
    +               rcDoc.DatabaseController.SetDataSource(DataSetConverter.Convert(data), table_name, table_name);+
    +          }+
    +          void CreateReport()+
    +          {+
    +               int iField;+
    +               // create dataset+
    +               CreateData();+
    +               // create report client document+
    +               m_crReportDocument = new ReportClientDocument();+
    +               m_crReportDocument.ReportAppServer = "";+
    +               // new report document+
    +               m_crReportDocument.New();+
    +               // add a datasource using a schema file+
    +               // note that if you have distributed environment, you should use AddDataSourceUsingDataSet method instead.+
    +               // for more information, refer to comments on these methods.+
    +               AddDataSourceUsingSchemaFile(m_crReportDocument, xsd_path, "Customer", m_dataset);+
    +                              +
    +               // get Customer Name and Country fields+
    +               iField = m_crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].DataFields.Find("Customer Name", CrFieldDisplayNameTypeEnum.crFieldDisplayNameName, CeLocale.ceLocaleUserDefault);+
    +               m_crFieldCustomer = (Field)m_crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].DataFields[iField];+
    +               iField = m_crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].DataFields.Find("Country", CrFieldDisplayNameTypeEnum.crFieldDisplayNameName, CeLocale.ceLocaleUserDefault);+
    +               m_crFieldCountry = (Field)m_crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].DataFields[iField];+
    +               // add Customer Name and Country fields+
    +               m_crReportDocument.DataDefController.ResultFieldController.Add(-1, m_crFieldCustomer);+
    +               m_crReportDocument.DataDefController.ResultFieldController.Add(-1, m_crFieldCountry);+
    +               // view report+
    +               crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = m_crReportDocument;+
    +          }+
    +          public Form1()+
    +          {+
    +               //+
    +               // Required for Windows Form Designer support+
    +               //+
    +               InitializeComponent();+
    +               // Create Report+
    +               CreateReport();+
    +               //+
    +               // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call+
    +               //+
    +          }+//=========================================================================

  • How to create a group calendar?

    i am sorry but this is one more question on wiki-group-calendars.
    *In short:*
    I am not able to create a group calendar with the wiki frontend. the calendar that is created with a wiki is owned by the admin of the wiki. So it is always a personal calendar that cannot be shared in iCal.
    I want to create a group calendar that is viewed and edited through and the web service. Apple´s "wiki deployment" guide says on page 57:
    +"The web calendar allows you to easily schedule events for yourself or your group. ...+
    +There are *two types of web calendars: personal and group*. You can send and receive event invitations through the personal calendar but not through the group calendar. Also, *while anyone in a group can create or edit events in a group calendar*, you can edit only events in your own personal calendar or event invitations you send to other people.+
    +The web calendar uses iCal Server to store events and invitations. ..."+
    But there is not mentioned how to create a group calendar. The calendar created with the wiki web-frontend belongs to the admin of that particular wiki. This is why the calendar data ist stored in folder named with the UUID of the wiki admin. Also the alias "http://server.fqdn:8008/principals/groups/mygroupname/" which i provided in iCal turns into ..._uids_UUID-of-the-wiki-admin and only the wiki-admin can access this calendar in
    My research on this topic reveals that there were in issue that should be resolved in 10.6.4 (that is running on our Server). So, again, how to create a group calendar?
    Thanks, Philipp.
    10.6.4 OSX Server
    10.6.x Clients

    farmer tan wrote:
    you need to go to the wiki page and add the wiki's there and then in the setting of the wiki is where you set permissions and services such as calendar, blog, and podcast you can also set all permissions for the wiki in the settings tab
    fyi none of my groups were available unless i logged into the wiki as the Directory Admin not Server Admin
    migrated from 10.5.7 to 10.6
    Message was edited by: farmer tan
    Could you be more specific farmer tan, please?
    You said "you need to go to the wiki page and add the wiki's there...." What is the "wiki page" you mention? Is that some place I go to via the browser or the Server Admin tool?
    I went to and logged in as the Directory Administrator but didn't see anything resembling what you described.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

  • How to  create i view  in visual composer give details screenshots

    how to  create i view  in visual composer give details screenshots

    Go through these threads

  • How to create a variant to a maintenance view (trans: SM31)

    Hi gurus.
    I have created a maintenance view (called z_jest). By running it from SM31 there is a variant option. However, I am not able to create the variant which I want to filter a selection upon in this transaction.
    I have even looked into transaction SE54 and created a variant for the maintenance table view there( called z_jestv). Then going back to transaction SM31 and view z_jest, i push 'Variant' radiobutton and type as variant: 'z_jestv', I only get the message: "Variant z_jestv for object z_jest does not exist".
    Can anybody please advice on how to create and/or connect the variant to the maintenance view?
    Regards LL.

    Hi Mahalakshmi
    Thanks for reply.
    When I look into the procedure, there is a prerequisite: "The basis dialog for which the maintenance variant is created already exists."
    I am a little bit unsertain if I miss this 'Basic dialog'. Can you please advice on how to check / create this 'basic dialog' before I go on to create the variant. (I need this 'basic dialog' as input in the procedure you sent.)
    (Note: I have already created a 'maintenance dialog' for the view, but I have a feeling, that is something different...)

  • How to create transaction for a maintenance view, Thank you.

    How to create transaction for a maintenance view,
    Thank you.

    Hi Deniz,
    Go to se93.
    Then create the new T.code.
    Under that select parameter Transaction.
    Then give the sm30 in the t.code in default values tab.
    check the checkbox skip initial screen.
    in classification tab.
    click checkbox inherit gui attributes..
    Now below..
    In the default values..
    viewname and give ur table name.
    UPDATE= Xsave
    view - table name ( Should be upper case
    update X ( should be upper case).
    Hope this helps you.

  • How to create a query view in sap bw?

    can any one please tell me how to create a query view in sap bw 3.5?

    you can do this by using Bex analyzer and WAD ..
    gop through this link ..
    hope this helps you ..

  • How to create a tree view in adobe configurator

              How to create a tree view in adobe configurator

    Please, can you explain what you mean exactly?

  • How to create a error message for Deleted batch while creating a PO

    Hi ,
    Can any body tell me how to create error message for a deleted batch while creating a PO in ME21n,
    when a PO is created for a deleted batch at GI &GR lebel it is showing  a error message,
    but i want to show a error message while doing the PO creation.

    in badi  me_process_po_cust u can  put this message
    METHOD if_ex_me_process_po_cust~check.

  • How to create a job card and how to add waranty card in sales order

    I have one scenario for CS.the scenario is realted to automotive industry. Basically its a trading industry of HCV,MCV,LCV apart from that they will do servicing also. First the customer comes for a service.he is having free services. he will have waranty for spare parts of the vehicle. once he comes for servicing first the executive will take complains from the customer after that a Job card will be issued to the customer. there his chasis no ,engine no and registration no will be there. once enter the chasis no entire customer details has to come. how many free services he is having for how many kilo meters.then job card will go to the spare parts dept.that dept will issue the spare parts.then they will invoice the customer. he will pay the payment.and finally the gate pass will be given to the customer to deliver the vehicle.
    painful area is how to create a job card and how to add waranty in sales order.

    Have u resolved it then Please let me know !!! It is a very interesting problem and owuld like to know the solution...

  • How to create the logical file name

    Hi All,
        I have requirement where i need to post the Inventory Management data. for this i need to execute std. program RM07MMBL which is having logical file name in the selection screen. but i have placed my input file in application server.
       Can any one tell how to create the Logical filename which refers the physical path. I also tried <b>t-code SF01 & Table - FILENAMEC</b>I and found that we need to add an entry in this table but i really dont know how we have to do since this table cannot be maintained in SM30 also..
      Help Me.
      Thanks in Advance!...

    Hi Ram,
    Try using FILE transaction code...
    Follow these steps to create:::
    Double click on Logical file Path Definition
    Click on New Entries,
    Give Logical file Path name as Z_LOGICAL PATH and save it
    now choose this path and double click on Assignemt of Physical path to Logical path
    double click on the OS name
    Give some description and give some Physical path name from AL11 transaction and save it
    Now Double click on Logical File Name Definition,
    Click on New Entries,
    Give some logical file name: Z_LOGICAL_FILENAME
    Physical file: test
    Data Format: BIN
    Logical Path: Z_LOGICAL PATH
    Hope this helps
    Message was edited by:
            Sivapuram Phani Kumar

Maybe you are looking for