How to create custom toolbar in safari pluin

I am crearing a safari plugin in mac through objective c and i want to create toolbar where i can show button of my plugin.

The best way I see here is to develop your custom calender in any of the UI technologies supported like Flash (flex) or HTML5 (or maybe even SilverLight? not sure) and embed it in your WD view. You can also handle interactions between the embedded component and the WD controller.

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    There's a link on the main page under "Customizing Firefox", to this article: [[How do I customize the toolbars?]] in case it helps you or anyone else finding this topic. It has a section on adding a new toolbar to Firefox.
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    Your question is not clear for me. Since it is a TEM infotype, it could be a PD infotype.
    If you wish to create a PD infotype, use transaction PPCI to create the infotype.
    But before that you need to create a structure HRInnnn (where nnnn is the infotype number) with all the fields relevant for the infotype.
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    If you’re not fixed your requirement with the Out of the box SharePoint place holders, you can create as many as you want as long as the ID doesn’t conflict. On the master page add the content place holder 
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    I suggest you provide your basic requirement for further research.
    If you want to customize a master page, the Rajendra's method would be helpful.
    Best Regards,
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
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    Hi Kostya,
        Look at this presentation recorded at

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    Hello Av,
    Please see the Development and extension guide @
    => Release 7.0
    => Operate

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    Hi Aamir,
    Have a look at below link it shows step by step how to create custom SSRS report.
    It tells using fetchxml, you can use SQL query as well. You need to use pre filtering to run report on selected record.
    Make sure to "Vote as Helpful" and "Mark As Answer",if you get answer of your question.

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    Hi Nicolette,
    Thanks for the reply. I know where to find the metadata, just asking for idea on how the rendering process will be.
    Start from determining column heading, column order until finish rendering the report. The same way how apex
    render the classic report.
    Previously this imy my rendering process:
                         P_PLUGIN IN APEX_PLUGIN.T_PLUGIN,
        VCOLCOUNT       NUMBER;
        VCOLNAMES       VARCHAR2(2000);
        VJSCODE         VARCHAR2(32767);
                                                        P_MIN_COLUMNS    => 1,
                                                        P_MAX_COLUMNS    => 999,
                                                        P_COMPONENT_NAME => P_REGION.ID);
          VCOLNAMES := VCOLNAMES || '{name: "' ||
                       UPPER(VSQLHANDLER.COLUMN_LIST(I).COL_NAME) || '",';
        END LOOP;
    So this is how i get the header for my report plugin. The same method is use to get the value / data for each column. This process is work. So now
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    the normal apex rendering process but this is what i want to achieve.
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    If you want create any custom components, you should use SAP QTP to create it.
    Here are the simple steps:
    i) Go to QTP -> Click on New - > Select Scripted Component - > ((Select SAP_Doc) area (i.e. whatever application area you have created for SAP TAO installation)) -> Record or Write a script based on your requirement & save
    ii) Go to QC -> BPT -> open above component and insert the parameters and call these values in QTP script level (either way you can do)
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    Good luck.

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    How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
    Eric Steven Raymond
    Rick Moen
    Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language
    We've found by experience that people who are careless and sloppy writers are usually also careless and sloppy at thinking and coding (often enough to bet on, anyway). Answering questions for careless and sloppy thinkers is not rewarding; we'd rather spend our time elsewhere.
    So expressing your question clearly and well is important. If you can't be bothered to do that, we can't be bothered to pay attention. Spend the extra effort to polish your language. It doesn't have to be stiff or formal ? in fact, hacker culture values informal, slangy and humorous language used with precision. But it has to be precise; there has to be some indication that you're thinking and paying attention.
    Spell, punctuate, and capitalize correctly. Don't confuse "its" with "it's", "loose" with "lose", or "discrete" with "discreet". Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS; this is read as shouting and considered rude. (All-smalls is only slightly less annoying, as it's difficult to read. Alan Cox can get away with it, but you can't.)
    More generally, if you write like a semi-literate b o o b you will very likely be ignored. So don't use instant-messaging shortcuts. Spelling "you" as "u" makes you look like a semi-literate b o o b to save two entire keystrokes.

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    Check the following link regarding Model dialog box and appication toolbar
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  • How we create custom infotype and how to configure with its subtypes.

    hai abap-hr gurus,
    how to create custom infotype and how to configure with its subtypes. when i am creating infotypes i am not getting how to configure subtypes.
    plz help me for this with an example code.
    kiran kumar

    Hi Kiran,
        Please fallow the below steps to create the custom infotype. If you have any quires let me know.
    For Creation of Infotype first Go to Transaction PM01, Enter the custom Infotype number which you want to create, it should be a 4 digit number and have to start with 9xxx.
    then select the `Employee Infotype' radio button
    after that select the `PS Structure Infotype'
    then click on Create… A separate table maintenance window appears
    then Create a PS structure with all the fields you want on the infotype
    Save and Activate the PS structure
    now Go back to the initial screen of PM01
    Click on `All' push button. It takes a few moments
    Click on `Technical Characteristics’. Infotype list screen appears
    Click on `Change'(pencil) button
    Now select your Infotype and click on `Detail' (magnifying glass) button
    Give `T591A' as subtype table & also Give `T591S' as subtype txt tab
    Give your subtype field as subtype field & Save and come back to PM01 initial screen
    Click on `Infotype Characteristics' … Infotype list screen appears
    Click on `Change' (pencil) button & on New Entries
    and then Enter your Infotype number and short text Here we have to set different Infotype Characteristics as per the requirement. (Better open another session with some standard Infotype's infotype characteristics screen and use as the reference
    to fill yours). Now save ur entries
    Now the Infotype is created and ready to use.
    If you want to change the layout of the Infotype as per your
    In the PM01 initial screen…Select `Screen' radio button and give
    2000 as the screen name, then click on edit.
    In the next screen.. Select `Layout Editor' and click `Change'.
    Screen default layout appears…here you can design/modify the
    screen..change the attributes of the fields..etc.
    Save and activate. (Don't forget to `Activate at every level)
    Ramakrishna kotha.

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    Hi, buddies
    Does anyone know how to create customized F4 help for an InfoObject?
    What I need to do is when user clicks F4 help on the variable screen of query, only certain master data values should be displayed, not all of them.
    Currently, I can only make setting in InfoObject to restrict the F4 value either in master data or in Cube. I couldn't create a customized F4 value list.

    i have H4 Help problem.
    how can i restrict an attributes of infoobject in H4 Help value.
    Please help me

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    How to create custom calendar in Webdynpro Abap ?.

    The best way I see here is to develop your custom calender in any of the UI technologies supported like Flash (flex) or HTML5 (or maybe even SilverLight? not sure) and embed it in your WD view. You can also handle interactions between the embedded component and the WD controller.

  • How to create custom reports.

    Hi ,
    Could you please let us know how to create custom reports which are data based and not analytics. Which is the best method , is it to devlop reports in sites or integrate with OBIEE reports. could you please let us know the best practices for this approach.
    Thank you,
    Sashank P.

    Hi Jiri ,
    Thanks a lot for your support. Below are my answers for the request:
    1) what data you want to report on? Is it data from a database? file system? Web service outputs?
    Ans : The Data would be mostly from Database only.
    2) what is the overall purpose of your solution?
    Ans: The overall purpose of this solution is to generate reports with sorting capability and should be able to export in different format documents.
    3) what is your architecture?
    Ans :
    4) why Sites?
    Ans: The customers login into our site and can be able to view the different reports and the present site is already a webcenter site. and the reporting capability is an enhancement .
    Can you please provide the right approach here. We have an option of using ADF or even we can use Webcenter Portals. So which would be the best approach to go. And can you please guide us any approach or examples for integrating Webcenter Portals and Sites and even integrating ADf with Sites.
    Thank you,
    Sashank P.

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