How to create radiobutton in webdynpro

In my screen we have to enter the material no in I/O Box and click on Create radio button and press ok  button means. It should go to Create View..
How to give action code for create  radiobutton and where we have to enter the code..
Please post the sample code for giving action to radiobutton.... Tell in step by step process

When you want to navigate to create view?. when click on Ok button or when selecting radio button..?
If you want to navigate to create view when click on ok button you need to write in OnActionOk. else for radio button also you will have one event called onSelect. You can create an action for that and write your code.
In onActionOk or onActionCreate,
Read the attribute using wizard to which you bind your radio button texts.
Let say you created a node called NODEA with cardinality 0..n and you created attribute TEXT under NODEA and you binded your radiobutton texts to TEXT attribute under node.
Now Read the attribute TEXT under NODEA using wizard.
now it will automatically generate code.
Now lv_text contains the selected radio button text.
if lv_text is create,
Navigate to create view using fire outbound plug.
check this code below,
DATA lo_nd_rdb TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.   " here rdb is your node name.
    DATA lo_el_rdb TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
    DATA ls_rdb TYPE wd_this->Element_rdb.
    DATA lv_text TYPE wd_this->Element_rdb-text.
*   navigate from <CONTEXT> to <RDB> via lead selection
    lo_nd_rdb = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_rdb ).
*   @TODO handle non existant child
*   IF lo_nd_rdb IS INITIAL.
*   ENDIF.
*   get element via lead selection
    lo_el_rdb = lo_nd_rdb->get_element( ).
*   alternative access  via index
*   lo_el_rdb = lo_nd_rdb->get_element( index = 1 ).
*   @TODO handle not set lead selection
    IF lo_el_rdb IS INITIAL.
*   get single attribute
        name =  `TEXT`
        value = lv_text ).   " this lv_text contains your selected radio button value
if lv_text = 'Create'.
wd_this->fire_to_create_plg(       " here to_create is the outbound plug name.
elseif ....
check this article for navigation demo: [Navigation in WDA|]
Hope this helps u,
Thanks & Regards,

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    Refer the Standard comp : wdr_test_events . View - Radiobutton.
    SAP Online help :
    For TextView and TextEdit :
    Refer this  :
    This will give a clear idea with diagram about both these UI element.
    Edited by: Saurav Mago on Aug 21, 2009 8:35 AM

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    Hi prasanna,
    Refer this links.
    BAPI Exposed as Web Service
    Connect R/3 from Java web application
    Web Dynpro integration with R/3

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    Have a look at the following thread:
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    Hi Armin,
    I am encountering a similar problem.
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    Open the function group that has this function module in SE80 and right click on the fucnction group name and select Create->Screen.
    You can call that screen in your Function module using CALL SCREEN.
    Click on Layout to goto Screen painter SE51 and add radio buttons there.
    OR Double clikc on the screen number in the below statement.
    CALL SCREEN 9000.
    When you double click on 9000 in your function module you will be taken to Screen painter there you can add radio buttons.

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    Logon to portal, Content Administration->Portal Content and by right clicking, select New iView. In the "Template Selection" select SAP Web Dynpro iView. In the 2nd step, give the name and id of the iView. In the 3rd step you have the option to select either 'Java' or 'ABAP'. In your case select ABAP.In the 4th step, select the System and supply namespace and application name of your Web Dynpro ABAP Application. Click and Next->Finish. Now you will find the iView for your web dynpro ABAP application.
    A doc on integrating web dynpro appl in portal,
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    Srinivasan T
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    Hi Vani,
    *Its possible to create a reports and Charts in Webdynpro Java.
    *There are lot of UI element funcationalities are available in webdynpro Java.
    *See this link,
    *you can store your asset information from R/3 and bring those data
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    *Please visit this link,
    <a href="">Webdynpro Sample Applications ans Tutorials</a>
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    No, your statements are accurate and increasingly a request that I hear from customers.  I pass on this request to the people who do the portfolio planning.  Also the ASUG UI Influence Council has recently taken up this topic as well.  It would also be helpful if you add your voice to the sticky thread on this forum asking for enhancement suggestions.  All these things help add weight to a feature request.
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    You can create global layouts for the ALV by logging on in Admin mode.  Are you just saying you would like to be able to "promote" user specific layouts to global ones?

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    Hi DS,
                Whatever application u create in WD, has to be integrated with portal as IViews. u can check this for details
    <a href=""></a>
    <a href=""></a>
    Message was edited by:
            Sumit Malhotra

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         IWDNodeInfo info =wdContext.getNodeInfo().addChild("RadioBUttonDymanicNode",null,true,false,true,false,false,true,null,null,null);
         IWDRadioButton rb = (IWDRadioButton)view.createElement(IWDRadioButton.class,null);
         String testAtt = "testAtt";
         info.addAttribute ("testAtt","");
         rb.bindSelectedKey("RadioBUttonDymanicNode." + testAtt);
    Please suggest me how to make it enable.

    Hi Sandip,
    Try this code inside the wdModifyView(),
    if (firstTime)
            IWDRadioButtonGroupByKey radioButtonGroup =(IWDRadioButtonGroupByKey)
            view.createElement(IWDRadioButtonGroupByKey.class, "MyRadioButtonGroupByKey");
            IWDTransparentContainer container=(IWDTransparentContainer)

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    Please suggest me.
    Thank You.

    Please follow the steps below;
    Follow these steps;
    1.create a node 'FILEUPLOAD' with 2 attributes
    2. Create a fileuplaod uielement
    a) bind the data property with attribute 'FILECONTENT'
    b) bind the filename property with attribute 'FILENAME'
    3. Create a button 'UPLOAD'
    a) create the action method for this button
    Paste the following code in this method
    Data l_node type ref to if_wd_context_node.
    Data l_stru type wd_this->elements_cn_fileupload.
    l_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'FILEUPLOAD' ).
    l_node->get_static_attributes( importing static_attributes = l_stru ).
    "save l_stru-fielcontent in database. Your file will be saved in the database in XSTRING format.
    Now when you want to display  this file;
    1. Create a Node 'FILEDOWNLOAD' with 1 attribute
    a) FILE type XSTRING
    2. Create a filedownload uielement
    a) bind the data property with the attribute 'FILE'
    Fetch the file from databased and set the File attribute of teh filedownload uielemnt to display the file.
    Hope this helps!

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       I am getting the following error while creating a dynamic context node with 2 attributes. Please help me resolve this problem.
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    The error occurred on the application server FMSAP995_PET_02 and in the work process 0 .
    The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: GET_REF_TO_TABLE of program CL_SALV_WD_DATA_TABLE=========CP
    My code is like the following:
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_type,
                CARRID TYPE sflight-carrid,
                CONNID TYPE sflight-connid,
             END OF t_type.
      Data:  i_struc type table of t_type,
      dyn_node   type ref to if_wd_context_node,
      rootnode_info   type ref to if_wd_context_node_info,
      i_node_att type wdr_context_attr_info_map,
      wa_node_att type line of wdr_context_attr_info_map.
          wa_node_att-name = 'CARRID'.
          wa_node_att-TYPE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT-CARRID'.
          insert wa_node_att into table i_node_att.
          wa_node_att-name = 'CONNID'.
          wa_node_att-TYPE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT-CONNID'.
          insert wa_node_att into table i_node_att.
    clear i_struc. refresh i_struc.
      select carrid connid into corresponding fields of table i_struc from sflight where carrid = 'AA'.
    rootnode_info = wd_context->get_node_info( ).
    rootnode_info->add_new_child_node( name = 'DYNFLIGHT'
                                       attributes = i_node_att
                                       is_multiple = abap_true ).
    dyn_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'DYNFLIGHT' ).
    dyn_node->bind_table( i_struc ).
    l_ref_interfacecontroller->set_data( dyn_node ).
    I am trying to create a new node. That is
    As you see above I am trying to create 'DYNFLIGHT' along with the 2 attributes which are inside this node. The structure of the node that is, no.of attributes may vary based on some condition. Thats why I am trying to create a node dynamically.
    Also I cannot define the structure in the ABAP dictionary because it changes based on condition
    Message was edited by: gopalkrishna baliga

  • How to create a webdynpro view dynamically and embed into view container?

    Hi all,
    Anyone knows how to create a view dynamically and embed the view into an existing view container?
    My layout looks like this:
    I have an existing view named main_view.
    Inside main_view, I create a view ui container named vcu_view.
    I embed the main_view into my window.
    I need the codes to create a view dynamically and embed the view into the view container. Anyone have any idea?
    Thanks in advance.
    Siong Chao

    hi Siong Chao   ,,
    empty view insence ..( create a view without any UI element in it  ) in design time ..
    Siong Chao wrote:
    > Hi Chinnaiya,
    > How do you create an empty view dynamically then? Thanks in advance.
    i think we cannot create a new view dynamically because it is a webdynpro restriction ..
    NOTE: experts correct me if i am wrong in this answer
    Chinnaiya P

  • How to create the PDF file in WebDynpro?

           How to create PDF file in Webdynpro?
    I have one WD screen In there i have one File Download action. Once i click that it will open one PDF file which consisting of all details.
    Pls reply me.
    with regards,

    Check these links
    Re: Opening a PDF File from WebDynpro
    Re: Generating PDF file using FOP API in Web Dynpro
    Edited by: Anup Bharti on Oct 16, 2008 11:51 AM

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