How to create readonly backup

I  have one Database, and I want to create one readonly backup so that If give that to someone they can just read the Data. Can we do this in sql server.
Regards Vikas Pathak

I  have one Database, and I want to create one readonly backup so that If give that to someone they can just read the Data. Can we do this in sql server.
Regards Vikas Pathak
You cannot create readonly backup in SQL Server as a fact there is no concept of read only backup. If you give somebody your backup they can see data and can restore and modify it but that wont affect your original database unless you restore that backup on
prod server
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    The whole story is not described well and we don't know what do you mean exactly.
    The question is: why you write about external HDD?
    External HDD has nothing to do with recovery image.
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    # To order original recovery disc by Toshiba -
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    Time Machine settings are machine-specific, not "backup-specific." In other words, any exclusions you make will persist across any backups you make.
    If you wish to make backups of your iTunes and iPhoto libraries, it would be better to do so manually. When you connect a drive that you might use for this purpose, simply open the Time Machine preferences and place that drive in the excluded list; there's no need to turn Time Machine off beforehand (if you exclude the drive while a backup is in progress, Time Machine will recover nicely and restart the backup).
    In making your "additional" backup, I recommend using optical media. Burn your music to audio CDs, which could be re-imported into iTunes. Do the same with your images, which you would naturally burn to CDs/DVDs according to event or subject, then file those disks in an organized fashion. This will help you to keep your images organized, and you will feel safe in deleting some content from iPhoto as your need for it approaches nil. This in turn will help in taking the load off both your startup disk space requirements and Time Machine requirements.
    A second external drive could be used to store those libraries, too, but I would do this in addition to the method described above. Optical disks, while bringing their own vulnerabilities, are less prone to failure than hard drives. One might lose the data on a single CD/DVD due to damage, but the rest would be OK. Store everything on one hard drive, and every file is dependent on the vitality of that one device. Overall, optical media wins out on this score. Then, there is the important issue of organization. A single drive allow one to be sloppy; use of optical media encourages (perhaps even enforces) the use of some type of file organization.

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    Drives fail. Often in the first six months, and after that, they may last 5-6 years. Or not. A weak (not just bad) sector block is usually the best indication. Having spare drives on hand should be a must, and rotate primary drives to backup or archive every two years maybe after giving them a long erase - to ease your fears and hopefully find the worst possible error.
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    SoftRAID 5 will scan drives in the background for weak blocks, monitor I/O better for read/write errors (without impacting performance is important) and can be well worth its $140 ish price (worth it in tech support alone, too if ever you need it)
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    *Hi UMich..., Welcome (Back)* to Apple's Users Help Users Forums.
    Wow, that was fast. You must have already had CCC on hand or live across the street from CCC provider. I happen to use SD but they seem similar. Now your anxiety level can go down when you do an Update / Upgrade.
    Purchase at $27.95 will allow smart backups that look at the bu files and only move over new ones. It's quick at ~7 mins to change ~1 gig out of 20.
    Be sure to test that the clone boots and apps behave properly.
    Here are other popular cloners.
    Good Luck, JP

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    I recommend you to use very good third part software called NORTON GHOST. I use it for a years. You can create own recovery DVD and use it anytime when there is some problem.
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    In fact the History should be turned on and children should not have access to clear the History.

    It can be done.
    The problem is many kids will bypass almost anything you try. They presumably have internet access on phones, friends computers and internet cafes. Even if you block access to the UI for History there is a very simple method of clearing it still.
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    How to create backup file on itunes for ipod touch 4g game apps data? Is there a way to do it? I want to try an app on my friend's computer, but you can't add apps on another computer without having your own ipod's data being deleted. Thx for any help!
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    If anyone can help, it'd be great! Thank you so much!

    Sure-glad to help you. You will not lose any data by changing synching to MacBook Pro from imac. You have set up Time Machine, right? that's how you'd do your backup, so I was told, and how I do my backup on my mac.  You should be able to set a password for it. Save it.  Your stuff should be saved there. So if you want to make your MacBook Pro your primary computer,  I suppose,  back up your stuff with Time machine, turn off Time machine on the iMac, turn it on on the new MacBook Pro, select the hard drive in your Time Capsule, enter your password, and do a backup from there. It might work, and it might take a while, but it should go. As for clogging the hard drive, I can't say. Depends how much stuff you have, and the hard drive's capacity.  As for moving syncing from your iMac to your macbook pro, should be the same. Your phone uses iTunes to sync and so that data should be in the cloud. You can move your iTunes Library to your new Macbook pro
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    This handy article from Apple explains how
    How to move your iTunes library to a new computer - Apple Support''
    don't forget to de-authorize your iMac if you don't want to play purchased stuff there
    and re-authorize your new macBook Pro
    time machine is an application, and should be found in the Applications folder. it is built in to OS X, so there is nothing else to buy. double click on it, get it going, choose the Hard drive in your Time capsule/Airport as your backup Time Machine  and go for it.  You should see a circle with an arrow on the top right hand of your screen (the Desktop), next to the bluetooth icon, and just after the wifi and eject key (looks sorta like a clock face). This will do automatic backups  of your stuff.

  • How create a backup

    Hi experts,
    I install my first system in ASE... and I have a big problem; how can do a backup?
    In db13 only appear two actions:
    - SQL Script
    - Central Calendar Log Collector
    How can create a backup with this actions?
    My system is SAP ERP 6.0 with EHP5
    Thanks in advance,

    I attach the script:
      --script to set up stored procedure sp_dumpdb in database saptools
    --version 1.0.2
    --date 04 Oct 2012
    --1.0.1 fix issue that cause sp to not run in jobscheduler
    --1.0.2 no change
    use saptools
    if not exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'dump_history' and type = 'U')
    exec('create table dump_history (DBName VARCHAR(30), Type VARCHAR(10), Command VARCHAR(512), StartTime DATETIME, EndTime DATETIME, RC INTEGER, Status CHAR(1))')
    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'sp_dumpdb' and type = 'P')
    drop procedure sp_dumpdb
    create procedure sp_dumpdb (@sapdb_name varchar (256))
    declare @sqlstatus smallint
    declare @sqlerror int
    declare @curr_logdev varchar(1024)
    declare @current_ts char(19)
    declare @starttime datetime
    declare @dumpcmd varchar(1024)
    declare @sjobid int
    declare @sec_past int
    declare @backup_active int
    declare @dbid smallint
    set chained on
    set quoted_identifier on
    set @sqlerror = 0
    set @sqlstatus = 0
    -- is it a valid DB name?
    select @dbid = db_id(@sapdb_name)
    if @dbid IS NULL
    print '%1! is not a valid database name', @sapdb_name
    select @sqlerror=-100
    goto exit_sp
    -- work-around JS timing issue
    -- 1. determine own sched_job_id
    SELECT @sjobid = jsh_sjobid FROM sybmgmtdb..js_history WHERE jsh_spid = @@spid AND jsh_jobend IS NULL AND jsh_state='R2' AND jsh_exit_code = 0
    -- 2. get seconds since last execution
    SELECT @sec_past = datediff(ss,MAX(jsh_jobstart),current_bigdatetime()) FROM sybmgmtdb..js_history WHERE jsh_sjobid = @sjobid AND jsh_jobend IS NOT NULL
    -- 3. skip dump trans if last execution time is within the past 120sec
    if @sjobid IS NULL or @sjobid < 1 or @sec_past > 120 or @sec_past IS NULL
    -- ensure no dump database is running
    select @backup_active = BackupInProgress from master..monOpenDatabases where DBName = @sapdb_name
    if @backup_active = 0
    -- execute dump db
    select @starttime = getdate()
    select @current_ts = CONVERT(varchar,@starttime,23)
    select @current_ts = str_replace(@current_ts,':','_')
    select @curr_logdev = 'F:\backup\'+@sapdb_name+'_'+@current_ts+'.dmp'
    select @dumpcmd = 'dump database ' || @sapdb_name || ' to "' || @curr_logdev || '" with compression = 101'
    insert into saptools..dump_history(DBName,Type,Command,StartTime,EndTime,RC,Status) VALUES (@sapdb_name,'DB',@dumpcmd,@starttime,NULL,NULL,'R')
    select @sqlstatus = @@sqlstatus, @sqlerror = @@error
    if @sqlerror <> 0
    update saptools..dump_history set EndTime = getdate(), Status = 'E', RC = @sqlerror where StartTime = @starttime
    update saptools..dump_history set EndTime = getdate(), Status = 'F', RC = 0 where StartTime = @starttime
    insert into saptools..dump_history(DBName,Type,Command,StartTime,EndTime,RC,Status) VALUES (@sapdb_name,'DB','',getdate(),getdate(),0,'S')
    print 'skipping database dump due to an active database backup'
    select @sqlerror=-100
    if (@sqlerror<>0)
    return @sqlerror
    return 0

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