How to deal with empty tags in a SAX Parser

I hope someone can help me with the problem I am having!
Basically, I have written an xml-editor application. When an XML file is selected, I parse the file with a SAX parser and save the start and end locations of all the tags and character data. This enables me to display the xml file with the tags all nicely formatted with pretty colours. Truly it is a Joy To Behold. However, I have a problem with tags in this form:
<package name="boo"/>
because the SAX parser treats them like this:
<package name = boo>
for various complex reasons the latter is unaccetable so my question is: Is there some fiendishly clever method to detect tags of this type as they occur, so that I can treat them accordingly?

I have spent some time on googling for code doing this, but found nothing better, than I had to write in by myself.
So, it would be something like this. Enjoy :)
package comd;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Enumeration;
public class EmptyTagsHandler extends DefaultHandler {
     private StringBuilder xmlBuilder;
     private Stack<XmlElement> elementStack;
     private String processedXml;
     private class XmlElement{
          private String name;
          private boolean isEmpty = true;
          public XmlElement(String name) {
      = name;
          public void setNotEmpty(){
               isEmpty = false;
     public EmptyTagsHandler(){
          xmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
          elementStack = new Stack();
     private String getElementXPath(){
          StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
          for (Enumeration en=elementStack.elements();en.hasMoreElements();){
          return builder.toString();
     public String getXml(){
          return processedXml;
     public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
          xmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
          processedXml = null;
     public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
          processedXml = xmlBuilder.toString();
     public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
          if (!elementStack.empty()) {
               XmlElement elem = elementStack.peek();
          for (int i=0; i<attributes.getLength();i++){
               xmlBuilder.append(" ");
          elementStack.push(new XmlElement(qName));
     public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
          XmlElement elem = elementStack.peek();
          if (elem.isEmpty) {
               xmlBuilder.insert(xmlBuilder.length()-1, "/");
          } else {
     public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException {
          if (!elementStack.empty()) {
               XmlElement elem = elementStack.peek();
          String str = new String(ch, start, length);
     public void ignorableWhitespace(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException {
          String str = new String(ch, start, length);

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              try {
                   XMLReader parser = new SAXParser();
                   ContentHandler contentHandler = new MyContentHandler();
              } //try ends here
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                   System.out.println("Error reading URI: " + e.getMessage());
              } //catch ends here
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                   System.out.println("Error in parsing: " + e.getMessage());
              } //catch ends here
         } //function
    }//close class
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         private Locator locator;
         //public String m_bodyDetail=new String();
         public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
              System.out.println(" * setDocumentLocator() called");
              this.locator = locator;
         public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("Parsing begins...");
         public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("...Parsing ends.");
         public void processingInstruction(String target, String data)throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("PI: Target:" + target + " and Data:" + data);
         public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) {
              System.out.println("Mapping starts for prefix " + prefix + " mapped to URI " + uri);
         public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) {
              System.out.println("Mapping ends for prefix " + prefix);
         public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,String rawName, Attributes atts)throws SAXException {
              System.out.print("startElement: " + localName);
              if (!namespaceURI.equals("")) {
                   System.out.println(" in namespace " + namespaceURI + " (" + rawName + ")");
              else {
                   System.out.println(" has no associated namespace");
              for (int i=0; i<atts.getLength(); i++)
                   System.out.println(" Attribute: " + atts.getLocalName(i) +"=" + atts.getValue(i));
         public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String rawName) throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("endElement: " + localName + "\n");
         public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int end) throws SAXException {
              String s = new String(ch, start, end);
              System.out.println("characters: " + s);
         public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int end)throws SAXException {
              String s = new String(ch, start, end);
              System.out.println("ignorableWhitespace: [" + s + "]");
         public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("Skipping entity " + name);
    } //close class

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    Hi Abhijeet,
    i think i should have mentioned this earlier. My Employee node is inside another node.  So, the actual input structure of the WS is this:
    InputValues (1...1)
       Employees (0..n)
          FirstName: String
          LastName: String
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       Employees - "Skip" checkbox not activated
          FirstName - "Skip" checkbox activated
          LastName - "Skip" checkbox activated
    However, if instead of activating the checkbox of, say, "FirstName", I enter a "" value, I get an error from the WS saying that's not a vaild first name, which is also how it should work.
    In java code, I would just pass an empty InputValues object to the WS, but I'm not sure how to do this in a BPM without it being considered null, and without having to set on of its String-child values to "".
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    public Hello() { }
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    g.drawString("Hello!", 5, 25);
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    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Hello
    at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass (
    at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass (
    at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.securedClassLoad (
    at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent (
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    If you compiled the applet with SUN jdk then use -source 1.3 -target 1.1 to make it run in
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    First of all. Have a good look at the bad performing query. Maybe you can improve it that it will succeed before the http server will timeout.
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    Secondly you could increase the timeout parameter of the http server. Although this not the best way.
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    Mathieu Meeuwissen

    Hello Shmoove,
    I saw your reply here and you probably understand the problems the HTTP 100 response may cause.
    I am trying to send image that was taken by getSnapshot. The problem is that the server respond with this HTTP 100 message.
    I suspect that the reason that my server doesn't recognize the file that I'm sending from J2me is that the "server to client" response to the 100 message comes after the second message of (see what the TCPIP viewer shows down here):
    POST /up01/up02.aspx HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=xxxxyyyyzzz
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-length: 6294
    User-Agent: UNTRUSTED/1.0
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    400: Client to Server (126 bytes)
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="pic"; filename="david.jpg"
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    400: Connected to Server
    400: Server to Client (112 bytes)
    HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.1
    Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 00:47:02 GMT
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Any help will be appreciated,

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    open a command windows (using WinKey + R, and type cmd <enter>)
    type "cd C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)" <enter>
    type "sniffer_gpu" <enter>  -->> to check your GPU has OpenCL in Photoshop?
    When GPU is in power-saving mode (core running in 51Mhz, using MSI Afterburner monitor), I running sniffer_gpu, got this report
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)>sniffer_gpu
    Device: 0000000000328D68 has video RAM(MB): 1023
    Vendor string:    NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer string:  GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    Version string:   3.0.0
    OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
    OpenGL Version 3.0
    Has NPOT support: TRUE
    Has Framebuffer Object Extension support: TRUE
    OpenGL ok
    Return code: 1
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)>
    No OpenCL support
    Then, I switch GPU back to normal status (core running at 900Mhz)
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)>sniffer_gpu
    Device: 00000000001F8D68 has video RAM(MB): 1023
    Vendor string:    NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer string:  GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    Version string:   3.0.0
    OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
    OpenGL Version 3.0
    Has NPOT support: TRUE
    Has Framebuffer Object Extension support: TRUE
    OpenGL ok
    OpenCL ok, version=1.1 CUDA 4.2.1
    Return code: 3
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)>
    OpenCL support !!
    Nowadays, most of new GPUs were support power-saving, but when sniffer_gpu running at GPU power-saving state, the OpenCL computing report maybe "time-out", cause the detector "guess" the GPU does not support OpenCL. This is why many people says "OpenCL" sometimes work, sometimes grey-out.
    I hope this bug can be fixed, or at least people can understand how to "enable OpenCL everytime when you launch photoshop".

    Do check the following link

  • How to deal with "Error 1001. The specified service already exists" when install a service using installer package?

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    I wrote a "Class Library" project which is a service using Visual Stodio 2008 recently, then tried to use a Visual Studio 2008
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    1. Finish the program.cs, Service.cs
    2. Add Installer
    3. Change the serviceInstaller so that "StartType" to be Aotumatic
    4. Change the ServiceProcessInstaller2 so that "Account" to be LocalSystem
    6. Click in F5 (Start Debugging)
    Here is what I did for the Setup Project:
    1. Add the exe file built from the "Class Library" project to the Application Folder
    2. On the Custom Action Editor, add the exe file from 1 to Install and Commit
    3. Change the property of the project so that "RemovePreviousVersion" to be true
    4. Click on F6(Build Solution)
    Then I tried to run the msi file from the built of the Setup Project. Because I modified the two projects serveral times, I uninstalled the Class Library using "Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs" before I reinstall. Two things I notived:
    1. After unstall, the registry was not cleaned up about the installed program
    2. After several rounds install/uninstall, I got "Error 1001. The specified service already exists"
    My questions are:
    1. How to cleanup the registry when uninstall a program?
    2. How to deal with the "Error 1001. The specified service already exists"?
    3. Did I do anytbing wrong with the "Class Library" or the "Setup Project"?
    Thanks a lot!

    Hi Simon, not a problem!
    I spent some more time on this and here are few more notes:
    it is called Major Upgrade, when you are installing new version of the product upon a previous one and
    MSI supports 2 strategies:
    Strategy 1. Install a new version and uninstall previous one. (Install a new version right upon previously installed version (file merging is performed based on dll version number) and the delete previously
    installed files)
    Strategy 2. Uninstall previous version and install a new one (Delete all previous files and install from scratch new files.)
    From the first look it seems that 1st strategy is weird and buggy. But, remember, MSI is great because it's transactional!!! That means that if once some of the phases (Installation, Uninstallation, Rollback, Comit) fails, your machine
    will be reverted to the previous state and it'll be still functional. 
    Let's consider both strategies:
    Consider you have installed product_v1.msi and you want to install product_v2.msi.
    Strategy 1
    1. MSI engine copies files from Product_v1 directory to TEMP directory
    2. MSI engine merges files based on the assembly version (between v1 and v2)
    3. Once merging is completed successfully it removes files in TEMP (RemoveExistingProducts  action triggers it) and you got product_v2 installed, otherwise if it fails MSI engine revert machine to V1 and copies previous files from TEMP.
    Strategy 2
    1. MSI engine tottaly removes all files from v1.
    2. MSI engine installs v2 files and if something goes wrong you cannot revert back, because RemoveExistingProducts  allready worked out and MSI doesn't have files to revert machine back
    I recommend to everybody to use Strategy 1 and leverage MSI transaction functionality. And you can set this strategies by defining sequence of RemoveExistingProducts action. See more info
    here.  So, I think it's not even a bug in VS as I said in the upper post it is default recommened behaviour.
    AND, you got "Error 1001. The specified service already exists"
    because if we follow Strategy 1 MSI engine tries to install Windows Service on top of the existing service and OF COURSE it fails MSI engine (StopServices, DeleteServices actions are executed before actual
    installation and  they look at ServiceControl table). In order to stop service first and delete them you have to fill ServiceContol table of the MSI (and then StopServices, DeleteServices actions will recognize what to they have to stop
    and delete), like this:
    ' see for more info
    ' Update the Service Entry to stop and delete service while uninstalling
    query = "INSERT INTO ServiceControl (ServiceControl, Name, Event, Arguments, Wait, Component_) VALUES ('MAD_Service', 'Service name', '160', '', '1', '"
    + componentName + "')"
    Set view = database.OpenView(query)
    : CheckError
    view.Execute : CheckError
    ' Update the Service Entry to stop and delete service while installing
    query = "INSERT INTO ServiceControl (ServiceControl, Name, Event, Arguments, Wait, Component_) VALUES ('MAD2_Service', 'Service name', '10', '', '1', '"
    + componentName + "')"
    Set view = database.OpenView(query)
    : CheckError
    view.Execute : CheckError
    We can uninstall service first by following Strategy 2, but then we lose transactional support.
    So, Simon did I encourage you to change your code a bit?:)
    And, btw, if you don't want to change the strategy, please don't rely on SequenceID in MSI table, it can be change, you have to get the at the runtime.
    Hope it will help to everybody!
    See also more advanced explanation of how MSI works
    Truly yours, Marat

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    This is the case. I am integrating an external application with an ADF Application. I have implemented some programmatic ViewObjects that are being filled up by a REST Java Client Wrapper. Everything is working fine but the issue is that the credentials the wrapper is using are hard coded inside the java class. I am thinking to ask for the credentials at the beginning of my taskflow and then store them somewhere and use them then to create my client wrapper (passing them in the constructor).
    However, I don't know if my approach is good and I would like you to share your experiences or how to deal with this.

    You can use Credential Store Framework to store the credentials securely in the weblogic server instead of hardcoding in the java class.
    The Credential Store Framework:
    - enables you to manage credentials securely
    - provides an API for storage, retrieval, and maintenance of credentials in different back-end repositories
    Check the documentation on CSF API -
    Major Steps -
    1. Create a credential map and key in em console to store the password (
    2. Use CSF API to retrieve the stored password
    3. In jazn-data.xml give permissions to access CSF key and map

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    How to deal with this kind ot transactions? What transaction can I use the best for payments like this
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    whith F-02 it is possible I noticed.

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    Hi Kamlesh,
    Thanks for your response.
    Actually, In the "Process External Bank Statement" window, i see that there are few entries which is for the previous year and which has not been reconciled. I have never worked practically on BRS and hence, i am scared to make any changes in the clients database without being confident on what i am doing. I need to reconcile for one of their Bank a/c for the month of April '08. I have the copy of the statements for the month ending 31st Mar 08 and 30th Apr 08. The closing balances are as below:
    31/03/08 - 2300000.00
    30/04/08 - 3100000.00
    Now my OB for Bank a/c for April '08 in SAP is 2300000.00 Dr.
    When i go to External Bank Reconciliation - Selection Criteria Screen (Manual Reconciliation), here are the detail that i enter:
    Last Balance: INR -7,000,000.00000 (Grayed out by the system)
    Ending Balance: INR -3,100,000.00000 (Entered by me)
    End Date: 30/04/08 (Entered by me)
    "Reconciliation Bank Statement" Screen opens up and shows the below balances in the screen:
    Cleared Book Balance: INR -7,000,000.00000
    Statement Ending Balance: INR -3,100,000.00000
    Difference: INR 3,800,000.00000
    As per the Bank statement, i have found all the transactions listed out here for the month of Apr '08 but, i also found that the open transactions for the previous month from April '08 have been lying in "Process External Bank Statement" window.
    Could you please help me solve my issue as to what needs to be done or could you also get me some links from where i can get few documents for processing External Bank Reconciliations?
    That will be of a great help for me. I need steps as to what needs to be done first and then the next so that i can arrive at the correct closing balance for the month April '08.
    Thanks in Advance....

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    if an organizational unit has been transfered to another upper organizational unit ,and there are already persons assigned to different positions of it,so how to deal with this problem?are those person's IT 0000,0001should be changed too?and how to maintain this kind of change?is a personnel action necessary?or there is some other more efficient way for it?

    In IT0001 You have a Position which is linked to a Org unit. If you want to change the org units reporting relationship then you have to change it in OM by creating a new relationship with the upper org unit.
    All the person are assigned to position so nothing needs to be done in  PA.
    Reward points if useful.

  • IMac SSD full - how to deal with the two drives

    Greetings all,
    I've been using an iMac i7 with two drives SSC and HDD.  Recently, I've been having issues with the SSD being close to full.  I use it for applications only, although some apps need lots of space (iTunes, iMovie, Photoshop, etc.)  I use Lightroom and have all the images on the spinning drive.  Does anyone know how to deal with this issue?  Any way I can move the music from iTunes to the separate drive, or any way to figure out what exactly is using most of my space?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Here's some utilities for analyzing disk space:
    You might want to consider putting your home directory on the HDD.
    How to Move the Home Folder in OS X – and Why
    Moving your home folder in OS X

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    i use the barcode scanner to scan the file and get images of these files from the scanner , but i have no idea how to deal with these images,
    i need the barcode information on the images, and i know there're some java components can help me to read the barcode from images , for example : BarcodeReader from Barcode Library, but these components were too expensive for me , is there any other way can solve this problem?

    yes, look for a cheaper component...
    Or write your own...
    Or save up until you can afford the more expensive ones...

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    junez wrote:
    Every tables are growing in any applications. In some applications, tables become larger and larger quickly. How to deal with this problem?
    I am developing an application system now. Should I add a lot of delete commands in the code for each table?Uh, well, yes if you continually add rows to a table the table will grow ... sooner or later you will want to delete rows that are no longer needed. What did you expect? You have to decide what the business rules are to determine when a row can be deleted, and make sure your design allows for such rows to be identified. This is called ..... analysis and design.

Maybe you are looking for

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    - We have completed implementing one way EXPORT profile sync between OID to AD - SSL configs are complete as per documentation and password synchronizing from OID to AD successfully - We now want to implement a new import profile to synchronize ONLY

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    This bug has existed for a number of Lightroom versions, starting from 1.4. After working with a lot of images and using the shortcut menu extensively (right-click menu), right-clicking will suddenly stop working, and so will many shortcut keys. For

  • Incoterms are wrong on Intercompany invoices

    Hi All, II have a Inter-company scenario in which the Inco terms are not getting copied from Inter-company customer master. The scenario is u2013 There is a SA for Sales org u2013 Europe (0280) and the material has to be delivered in Poland (sales or

  • Reg value table and check table

    Hi Friends,     I have defined a value table(ZVALTAB) for a domain and defined the relation ship between check table(ZCHKTAB) and dependent table(ZDEPTAB). Here value table and check table both are different. My problem is while I am entering the val