How to deploy a sql server compact 4.0 in windows xp?

My program is developed by visual basic 6.0 with sql server compact 4.0.   How can I deploy it in windows xp sp3?
Should I install .netframework version X in windows xp before sql server compact 4.0 ? 
When I copy my program  to windows xp and run it , it shows not found provider error.

I you use ADO, the OLEDB provider must be registered. To do the simply install the SQL Server Compact 4.0 SP1 runtime MSI
Please mark as answer, if this was it. Visit my SQL Server Compact blog

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    *OS: First of all: *
    3 files (msbase.jar,mssqlserver.jar and msutility.jar )should be zipped to file only for UNIX OS.
    For Windows OS only sqljdbc.jar file which in every version of JDBC driver should be zipped to
    You can deploy JDBC driver through SDM tool which mention in guide below:
    New version of JDBC driver installation guiade:
    External Driver Configuration for Process Integration 7.0
    Drivertool from this guide you can find at
    Then Exchange Infrastructure How-to Guides for SAP NetWeaver 2004 HYPERLINK ""
    How to Install and Configure External Drivers for JDBC & JMS
    AdaptersHYPERLINK ""
    Download attached system files (ZIP 16KB)
    Any questions - let me know

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    Thank you very much!
    BR Matthias

    Sorry, I don´t understand your post ?!
    Maybe the question is if SQL Server is able to allocate more memory than the installed Windows Version is able to?
    Since your OS is Windows Standard edition(X64) it cannot use or a process running cannot use more than 32 G of memory.
    Now SQL server can use as much memory possible but it is now limited by Windows as your OS can only see 32 G.So it would be good part from your side to go to sp_configure and set 25 G for SQL server and can leave rest for OS( it just a figure not a actual
    value i have given,actual you have to calculate by yourself or refer to below link) .
    As Andrew said after 32 G what ever memory you put it is waste.
    Hope this helps
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • Build error on EF 6 + SQL Server compact 4.0 privately deployed application

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
    <!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit -->
    <add name="ADAPTdatabase" connectionString="metadata=res://*/ADAPTmodel.csdl|res://*/ADAPTmodel.ssdl|res://*/ADAPTmodel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0;provider connection string=&quot;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\APTdata.sdf&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />
    <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlCeConnectionFactory, EntityFramework">
    <parameter value="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" />
    <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
    <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServerCompact.SqlCeProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact" />
    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" publicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    <remove invariant="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" />
    <add name="Microsoft SQL Server Compact Data Provider 4.0"
    description=".NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact"
    type="System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeProviderFactory, System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" />
    packages.config created by NuGet:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <package id="EntityFramework" version="6.1.0" targetFramework="net45" />
    <package id="EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact" version="6.1.0" targetFramework="net45" />
    <package id="Microsoft.SqlServer.Compact" version="4.0.8854.1" targetFramework="net45" />
    Do you know what I'm doing wrong here? I used ObjectContext instead of DBContext. Can i be the cause of the problem?

    Remove the runtime section below from app.config
    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" publicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    Please mark as answer, if this was it. Visit my SQL Server Compact blog

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    Just select the KB article, at the top of each there is a link to request a hotfix, you will then get a email with a download link. The 8088 and 8109 hotfixes also apply to Windows Mobile.
    Please mark as answer, if this was it. Visit my SQL Server Compact blog

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    SELECT b.Symbol,b.DateTrade, b.ValueClose,
    HistoryPrice a
    a.DateTrade >= DATEADD(d,-30,b.DateTrade)
    AND a.DateTrade <= b.DateTrade
    AND a.Symbol = b.Symbol
    ) as Rolling30Close
    HistoryPrice a
    a.DateTrade >= DATEADD(d,-30,b.DateTrade)
    AND a.DateTrade <= b.DateTrade
    AND a.Symbol = b.Symbol
    ) as Min30Day
    HistoryPrice a
    a.DateTrade >= DATEADD(d,-30,b.DateTrade)
    AND a.DateTrade <= b.DateTrade
    AND a.Symbol = b.Symbol
    ) as Max30Day
    HistoryPrice b
    order by Symbol,DateTrade desc

    AVG function is supported in SQL Server Compact. However, embedded select clause is not supported in Visual Studio and a SQL Execution error will be thrown out.
    I suggest you optimize your query. You can refer to the below code:
    AVG (SQL Server Compact)
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException (0x80004005): Native components of SQL Server Compact engine are not loaded. Please reinstall Microsoft SQL Server Compact.

    I have followed to support private deployment for my application in anycpu mode.
    Though its working fine on several XP and Windows 7 , on on particular XP machine , I get this
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       at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeEngine.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
       at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeEngine.Finalize()
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    Do you use LINQ to SQL or EF or ADO.NET, is what 
    Yes, I would start by investigating:
    - Do you REALLY need "any CPU", or can you cope with just x86 to make things simpler (See my LINQ to SQL blog post)
    - Is SQL Server Compact installed on this PC, and which build (is it same or different from the one you distribute)
    - Use Process Explorer from sysinternals on the machine to find out where the app tries to load the native libraries from (and fails)
    Please mark as answer, if this was it. Visit my SQL Server Compact blog

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    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: java/sql/DriverManager.getCallerClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)...
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    I am a novice with coding so this could be a very simple answer. I am coding an application in Visual Studio 2013 with VB. I included a Compact SQL Server database using the SQL Server Compact Toolbox add in. The database shows up in my solutions explorer.
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    Dim newCustomerRow As DHA_dbDataSet.CustomerRow
    My database is named "DHA_db". I am sure there are steps I am missing.
    How do I reference the typed dataset so I can add rows and data to it?
    Thanks in advance.

    The Toolbox (I am the author of it) does not support Typed DataSets (and neither does VS 2013, I believe). You should use LINQ to SQL instead, and the Toolbox supports code generation for this.
    Please mark as answer, if this was it. Visit my SQL Server Compact blog
    Thank you a ton. I started off with an incorrect assumption about the dataset. Your advice and a google search led me to description of how to add a typed DataSet. 
    I like the Toolbox add in. Thanks for authoring it!

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    TestStand works with SQL server express. (not sure about SQL server compact).

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    As I can't find this data source within the dropdown - is the Compact Edition of the SQL Server supported by the BI Publisher? Any experiences?
    Thank you,

    I tried that, but I couldn't establish the connection...
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  • Inserting data to a . SDF database (SQL Server Compact Edition connection)

    Hi, all.
    I'm working on a project that worked fine while connecting to SQL Server 2008. I used a connection string like this:
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    Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=myDir\myDataBase.sdf; 
    After changing the type of connection, I'm getting an error on "DB Tools Insert". This is what I get:
    Error -2147217872 occurred at NI_Database_API.lvlib:Cmd>NI_Database_API.lvlib: DB Tools Insert>
    Possible reason(s):ADO Error: 0x80040E30 Exception occured in Microsoft SQL Server Compact OLE DB Provider: The given type name was unrecognized. [,,,,,] in NI_Database_API.lvlib:Rec Create ->NI_Database_API.lvlib:Cmd>NI_Database_API.lvlib: DB Tools Insert>
    This is a simplified block diagram (as I said, it worked perfectly while using SQL Server 2008 connection):
    Could you please help me?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi, Steve. Thanks for your answers.
    I worked around this problem by using directly a SQL query instead of this function (you were right, using DBTools Execute Query VI). But now I'm getting problems with other functions, when inserting data into the DB including NULL values.
    I make a SQL query like this using DBTools Execute Query VI:
    INSERT INTO Table1 (Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, Column5, Column6) VALUES ('Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3', 'NULL', 'Value5', 'Value6') 
    and get the following error:
    ADO Error: 0x80040E07Exception occured in Microsoft SQL Server Compact OLE DB Provider: A literal value in the command could not be converted to the correct type due to a reason other than data overflow. [,,,,,] in NI_Database_API.lvlib:Conn>INSERT (new) restricción (DBCT).vi->Restricciones a Base de Datos (DBCT).vi->Definir - editar>
    The same SQL query worked perfectly when using the SQL Server 2008 connection, so it's not a database structure issue.
    Could somebody please help me?

  • SQL Server Compact 3.5 Merge Replication With SQL Server 2012 - Causing IIS App Pool to Crash

    Hi, I may be the only person in the world doing this but I wanted to give this information to anyone else who may follow this path in the future, and hopefully avoid a headache, or at least a paid support call to Microsoft.
    My original scenario was we had a SQL Server 2008 Server using Merge Replication through and IIS (web server) to several Windows Mobile 6 devices.  This has worked fairly well for a few years.
    Recently we upgraded our SQL server to version 2012 SP 1.  After moving the database over to the new server, and re-setting the merge replication stuff, we couldn't get merge replication to work on the Windows Mobile 6 handheld devices.  The replication
    would appear to start, and then we would get a message saying that the device could not get to the web site.  The message on the handheld device was this:
    "The IIS service is not available."
    After doing some more research, we found that the start of the replication process was causing the Thread Pool that was running the SQLCESA35.dll to crash.  
    The SQLCESALOG.txt file had this information:
    Date Time == SQLCESA Version ==> 3.5.8088.0
    Date Time Hr=80004005 ERR:Couldn't find existing RSCB 1
    After 2 days of trying to figure out the issue on our own, we gave in and called for paid Microsoft support.  They eventually found a known issue where a cumulative update was able to fix the problem.
    We installed the update on the IIS server and everything ran smoothly again.
    FIX: Merge replication fails when you use SQL Server Compact to perform a merge replication that synchronizes changes with a publisher in SQL Server 2012
    Seth O'Neal

    Hi sonealtx,
    Glad to hear that the issue is resolved. Thanks for your sharing, other community members could benefit from your solution.
    Lydia Zhang
    Lydia Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Will the reports developed in sql server 2008 r2 BIDS work when deployed on sql server 2012 reporting manager

    Will the reports developed in sql server 2008 r2 BIDS work when deployed on sql server 2012 reporting manager?
    when I check on Microsoft site it says
    Reports are not upgraded when you upload a report definition file directly to the report server
    or SharePoint site. Upgrading a report definition in SQL Server Data Tools is the only way to upgrade the .rdl file.
    When you open an .rdl file in Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), if the report was
    created for a previous namespace, Report Designer automatically creates a backup file and upgrades the report to the current namespace.
    This is the only way you can upgrade a report definition file.
    Now here is another confusing statement which says
    You can upload an .rdl file created in an earlier version of Reporting Services to a SQL Server
    2012 report server and it is automatically upgraded on first use. The report server stores the report definition file in the original format. The report is automatically upgraded the first time it is viewed, but the stored report definition file remains
    All I want to know is if I deploy a rdl made in 2008 r2 to 2012 will it work on the report manager of

    I have tested this fucntionality and can confirm that ssrs 2008 r2 reports work when you deploy them on new ssrs 2012 report manager .
    No Migration is required .
    I didnt even moved report server dbs .All I did is just deployed reports on the report manager and it worked .
    can upload an .rdl file created in an earlier version of Reporting Services to a SQL Server 2012 report server and it is automatically upgraded on first use. "
    Microsoft needs to correct this the documentation is misleading

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    Am I suppose to develope some script which FTP the spool file directly to the server I want to
    i Have to use UTL_FILE Package ?
    Thanks for reply

    You may not be able to...
    SQL*Plus can only spool to the local machine. If you have mapped a directory on the Unix server from your Windows machine, you can specify that directory in your SPOOL command.
    You could telnet to the Unix server, run SQL*Plus there, and spool the file to a local (Unix) directory.
    If the Unix server is also the Oracle database server, you could use the UTL_FILE package rather than using SQL*Plus to spool a file.
    If the Unix server is also an FTP server, you could also FTP the file from your local machine to the server.
    Of course, I would tend to re-examine a requirement to regularly generate a 2 GB text file. It seems likely that there is a better way...

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