How to deploy in oracle9iAS urgent

I want to know how to deploy ejb in oracle9i using Jdeveloper3.2.It is available on the remote machine(i mean application server).
What all th eclasspath to be set.
If somebody knows step by step procedure plz write to me since i am very much need ofthis very urgent.

check out the support matrix for deployment of EJB's to Oracle9iAS containers for J2EE (OC4J)
The matrix also has links to supported HowTo's

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    The current release of Borland JBuilder only allows you to deploy to standalone OC4J. If you want to deploy to Oracle9iAS (Enterprise OC4J), please try Oracle9i JDeveloper 9.0.3:
    JDeveloper 9.0.3 uses DCM to deploy to Oracle9iAS

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    How did You deploy WAR file? Did You try to do this with Application Server Admin Console?

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    Hi BUB,
    FYI : For Your Information....
    When you have created a Dictionary table, click on "Save All Metadata" on your
    second Toolbar of the perspective.
    If it is a local Project:
    1. Then Right Click on Your Project and click "Rebuild Project".
    2. Then similarly, click on "Create Archive".
    3. And then "Deploy".
    If it is a dictionary DC:
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    2. Select "Build .." from the extended menu of "Development Component".
    3. Then Select "Deploy" from the extended menu of "Development Component".
    I think this may help... Also look out for any errors in the Tasks Window.

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    It is not urgent ... no one is drowning, your house is not on fire, so please don't abuse this forum. Thank you.
    Audit Vault is auditing one database ... multiple instances. First create the RAC cluster the way you normally would. Then go to any single cluster node and install the agent. The agent installation will recognize that it is a cluster and ask you whether you want to install on one or all nodes and let you choose which ones.
    There is no need to perform separate installations on each node.

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    Moving this discussion to the Enterprise Deployment for Creative Cloud, Creative Suite forum.

  • [Forum FAQ] How to deploy applications remotely

    In some situations, we may need some ways to install applications remotely, here we summarize four general ways to deploy applications.
    1. Using PowerShell to install
    We can use the Win32_Product class to install Windows Installer packages, remotely or locally, so in this way, we can use powerShell command to invoke this function. For example, to install the NewPackage.msi package located in the network
    share \\AppServ\remote on the remote computer PC01, type the following command at the Windows PowerShell prompt:
    (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName PC01 -List | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "Win32_Product"}).Install(\\AppSrv\remote\NewPackage.msi)
    In same method, we can use the following command to deploy .exe application:
    (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName PC01 -List | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "Win32_Process"}).Create(\\AppSrv\remote\NewPackage.exe)
    Note: The applications should use Windows Installer technology.
    2. PsExec tool: one of sysinternals utilities
    PsExec's most powerful uses include launching interactive command-prompts on remote systems and remote-enabling tools like IpConfig that otherwise do not have the ability to show information about remote systems. So, we can use this feature to install our
    applications, in fact this is similar with PowerShell methods, the only difference is that PsExec is a comprehensive tool. Similarly, we can use the following command to achieve our goal:
    psexec \\PC01  cmd /c  "\\AppSrv\remote\NewPackage.msi" /quiet /norestart
    Note: we can also use PsExec tool to install Microsoft Update file (.msu)
    psexec \\PC01  -s -h -d wusa.exe  "\\AppSrv\remote\NewPackage.msu" /quiet /norestart
    3. Group Policy Software Installation
    In domain environment, this method is very useful to deploy our software. It only supports MSI package for deployment.
    We can choose assign a program to user or computer. If you assign the program to a user, it is installed when the user logs on to the computer. When the user first runs the program, the installation is completed. If you assign the program to a computer,
    it is installed when the computer starts, and it is available to all users who log on to the computer. When a user first runs the program, the installation is completed.
    You can get the installation information of group policy software installation in event viewer, including success or failure.
    4. System Center Configuration Manger
    The Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager software distribution feature provides a set of tools and resources that help you create and manage packages and advertisements used to distribute software to client resources within your enterprise. This
    is a comprehensive suit for deployment.
    How to Deploy Applications in Configuration Manager
    There are a lot of methods for software deployment, here just introduce some generic ways.
    Here is another important point of software deployment: Some applications do not use windows installer technology. 
    Applications that do not use Windows Installer technology may have application-specific methods for automated deployment. For example, a .exe file may be just a wrapper, it can be anything. To determine whether there is a method for deployment automation,
    check the documentation for the application or consult the application vendor's support system. In some cases, even if the application vendor did not specifically design the application for installation automation, the installer software manufacturer may have
    some techniques for automation.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    In some situations, we may need some ways to install applications remotely, here we summarize four general ways to deploy applications.
    1. Using PowerShell to install
    We can use the Win32_Product class to install Windows Installer packages, remotely or locally, so in this way, we can use powerShell command to invoke this function. For example, to install the NewPackage.msi package located in the network
    share \\AppServ\remote on the remote computer PC01, type the following command at the Windows PowerShell prompt:
    (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName PC01 -List | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "Win32_Product"}).Install(\\AppSrv\remote\NewPackage.msi)
    In same method, we can use the following command to deploy .exe application:
    (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName PC01 -List | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "Win32_Process"}).Create(\\AppSrv\remote\NewPackage.exe)
    Note: The applications should use Windows Installer technology.
    2. PsExec tool: one of sysinternals utilities
    PsExec's most powerful uses include launching interactive command-prompts on remote systems and remote-enabling tools like IpConfig that otherwise do not have the ability to show information about remote systems. So, we can use this feature to install our
    applications, in fact this is similar with PowerShell methods, the only difference is that PsExec is a comprehensive tool. Similarly, we can use the following command to achieve our goal:
    psexec \\PC01  cmd /c  "\\AppSrv\remote\NewPackage.msi" /quiet /norestart
    Note: we can also use PsExec tool to install Microsoft Update file (.msu)
    psexec \\PC01  -s -h -d wusa.exe  "\\AppSrv\remote\NewPackage.msu" /quiet /norestart
    3. Group Policy Software Installation
    In domain environment, this method is very useful to deploy our software. It only supports MSI package for deployment.
    We can choose assign a program to user or computer. If you assign the program to a user, it is installed when the user logs on to the computer. When the user first runs the program, the installation is completed. If you assign the program to a computer,
    it is installed when the computer starts, and it is available to all users who log on to the computer. When a user first runs the program, the installation is completed.
    You can get the installation information of group policy software installation in event viewer, including success or failure.
    4. System Center Configuration Manger
    The Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager software distribution feature provides a set of tools and resources that help you create and manage packages and advertisements used to distribute software to client resources within your enterprise. This
    is a comprehensive suit for deployment.
    How to Deploy Applications in Configuration Manager
    There are a lot of methods for software deployment, here just introduce some generic ways.
    Here is another important point of software deployment: Some applications do not use windows installer technology. 
    Applications that do not use Windows Installer technology may have application-specific methods for automated deployment. For example, a .exe file may be just a wrapper, it can be anything. To determine whether there is a method for deployment automation,
    check the documentation for the application or consult the application vendor's support system. In some cases, even if the application vendor did not specifically design the application for installation automation, the installer software manufacturer may have
    some techniques for automation.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • How to deploy BI  on EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1

    Hello Gurus,
    i have installed SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version  at home on vista 32 bits.
    it's running well...
    next i have installed EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 - Preview Version
    and follow this guide :
    the portal is running well....coooool.. ( http//:localhost:50100/irj/portal)
    after i follow this documentation to create some cubes on BI abap trail (client 001).
    i create my report with the query designer,
    and i see my bi report with transaction RSRT and ABAP WEB tab ( http://localhost:80000)
    it's running well....whaooouuu !!!!
    Now i'm lost, i would like to deploy my bi report on the portal, but i don't know what i must do.
    ( and when i try with the query designer or rsrt + java web i have a error message )
    - perhaps create an user communication  between portal/bi abap  where ?
    - how to deploy bi java on portal (EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1)
    by the way, i can't find the bi post install template in the configuration wizard on the the portal...
    thank's for your help.
    Edited by: Florent BUTTY on Mar 24, 2009 1:43 PM

    Can you please tell me what is the diff between 7.01 & 7.1? if you can share any docs, is highly appreciated.

  • How to deploy a secured ADF 11g application to WebLogic 10.3 server?

    I have just enabled security in our ADF 11g application, as descripbed in [chapter 29|] of the Fusion Developer's Guide. It works fine in the embedded WebLogic server of JDeveloper.
    Now I'm trying to deploy to our WebLogic 10.3 server, which runs in production mode. I'm running into all sorts of problems. The WebLogic console seems to have hundreds of security related pages, I don't know which one I should use, let alone how to use it. The Fusion Developer's Guide doesn't cover deployment to a production server:
    When the target server is configured for production mode, you typically handle the migration task outside of JDeveloper using tools like Oracle Enterprise Manager. For details about using tools outside of JDeveloper to migrate the policy store to the domain-level in a production environment, see the [Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide|].
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    Long story short: I'm totally lost. I'm looking for a step by step guide on how to deploy a secured ADF 11g application to a WegLogic 10.3 server that is running in production mode. Any help is highly appreciated.

    Ok, I found a [very helpful blog post |] by [Andrejus Baranovski|]. I wish Oracle's documentation was as clear as this...
    The blog post refers to an article by Steve Muench, called [Simplified ADF 11g Application Credential and Policy Migration to Standalone WebLogic Servers|]. This article presents an Ant script that migrates policies from JDeveloper to WebLogic, using some PFM. (See the last definition here.)
    The problem is that Steve Muench's script assumes that JDeveloper and the standalone WebLogic are on the same machine. However, in a typical environment, such as the one I'm working in currently, this is not the case. In our case the developer stations are Windows machines, while our WebLogic server runs on a HP-UX machine. So the question is: how to perform this migration between two machines with different operating systems?
    Bart Kummel

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    How to deploy Oracle Forms & Reports in Weblogic Server 11g (10.3)?

    when i am going through your bleow link.
    I am not able understand the 3.3.1 step :2
    edit this file in the Web Configuration,
    configuration of an application called "my_application" with a form module called "form=hrapp.fmx":
    can deploy only.fmx file ?
    if not how to find the realation between my_application and hrapp.fmx ?
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    Check this link, may help you

  • How to deploy a war file on Weblogic Server 7.0??

    Hello Everyone
    I am trying to deploy a servlet on Weblogic Server 7.0 as a WAR file. Can anyone of u plz tell me the steps required to do that. I am posting this question on EJb forum and not on servlets coz this is not a servlet problem, rather this is something which is related to J2EE, ie how to deploy a war file on J2EE Server.
    This is how i have done it, but this is not working---
    (1) First i created a directory structure for the web application according to J2EE Specification.
    i.e within work directory, there is a dic called myServletWAR which is my application directory which contains 2 sub directories viz META-INF which contains the mainifest file being generated by the jar utility. the second directory in the myServletWAR application dir is WEB-INF, which contains one file called web.xml for servlet mapping and one directory classes which contains HelloServlet.class
    (2) I used following command for creating war file from myServletWAR director(i.e from my web application's directory).
    jar -cvf TestServletWAR.war .
    This creates the TestServletWAR.war file in myServletWAR dir.
    Here is how my Servlet and web.xml looks like...
    Servlet code
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet
    public void doPost ( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res )
    throws IOException, ServletException
    doGet( req, res );
    public void doGet ( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res )
    throws IOException, ServletException
    res.setContentType( "text/html" ); // Can also use "text/plain" or others.
    PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
    // Get the requestor's IP address (See JavaDocs to see how to get other info):
    String addr = req.getRemoteAddr();
    // Create output (the response):
    out.println( "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>HelloServlet in myServletWAR</TITLE></HEAD>" );
    out.println( "<BODY><H1 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">" );
    out.println( "Hello " + addr + ", from HelloServlet in myServletWAR!" );
    out.println( "</H1></BODY></HTML>" );
    ************************Servlet Ends Here **************************
    ---------------------------------------------------------- <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
    <display-name>myServletWAR, a first Web Application</display-name>
    This is a simple web application containing a single servlet
    of the "Hello, World" variety.
    ****************************web.xml file ends here********************
    After deploying the TestServletWAR.war file on the weblogic 7.0, i tried to execute the servlet from the browser by the following URL
    I am getting the HTTP 404 Error, which is an indication that weblogic was unable to find the resourse, which it was requested for. Can anybody plz tell me what i m doing worng?? do i need to use weblogic related xml file (i.e weblogic.xml) also along with web.xml. If yes, then what all i need to include that. I m not very sure. A sample weblogic.xml file for this HelloWorld example will help me a lot.
    Looking forward for your help
    Thanx in advance

    hi i have read ur answer regarding deploing a servlet in weblogic 7.0
    i am facing another problem
    when i try to access the servlet inside my classes directory it throwa an error stating this :
    <May 28, 2003 1:46:25 PM IST> <Error> <HTTP> <101250> <[ServletContext(id=6057728,name=WebApp,context-path=/WebApp)]: Se
    rvlet class myclasses.Wservlet for servlet welcome could not be loaded because a class on which it depends was not found
    in the classpath D:\bea\user_projects\PuneetDomain\applications\WebApp;D:\bea\user_projects\PuneetDomain\applications\W
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: myclasses/Wservlet (wrong name: Wservlet)>
    <May 28, 2003 1:46:26 PM IST> <Error> <HTTP> <101018> <[ServletContext(id=6057728,name=WebApp,context-path=/WebApp)] Ser
    vlet failed with ServletException
    javax.servlet.ServletException: [ServletContext(id=6057728,name=WebApp,context-path=/WebApp)]: Servlet class myclasses.W
    servlet for servlet welcome could not be loaded because a class on which it depends was not found in the classpath D:\be
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: myclasses/Wservlet (wrong name: Wservlet)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.getServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

  • How to deploy forms? Or: FRM-92101 on Forms 10g (

    we have a problem with deploying changed FMX-Files.
    We work with an OAS and the Developer Suite The Compilation works fine with on the server (Linux X86).
    And these Files are accessible within the JInitiator-Applet. All fine.
    But now there's the problem: If anyone has opened a FMX-File within JInitiator and this FMX-File is compiled again, the compilation is successful but the access on this form is not. The user only get an error
    FRM-92101: There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup. This could happen due to invalid configuration.
    Please look into the web-server log file for detatails.
    Java Exception: Forms.session <46> aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process.
    at ...
    I remember, there was an equivalent problem under 9i and the solution there was to set the FORMS90_MMAP-Variable. Under 10g there is no such setting. (and this is clearly no solution)
    Now my question: There had to be a way to treat this problem. And all of the Forms-Developer had to have the same problem. I would be very happy if anybody could tell here how to deploy correctly.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Yes, indeed.
    We want to change fmx-files in a running installation because the functionality of the forms have to change, errors have to be corrected and so on.
    I read the suggestions in Note 286762.1, but honestly I think it is to complicated in a development team to handle with two or more directories and to make clear, which one is the production-directory
    I think this could not be the only possibility.
    We thought about this:
    - we have a development directory, a "waiting" directory and a productivity-directory.
    The process could be:
    - compiling in the development directory
    - checking, if the fmx-file is in use (with lsof)
    - if the fmx-file is in use, the fmx-file will be transferred into the "waiting" directory
    - it the fmx-file is not in use, it will be transferred into the productivity-directory
    - in regular intervalls a job has to test, if the files in the "waiting" directory are freed. If so they will be transferred, else not.
    Only if changes are needed to do immediately (e.g. heavily errors), the fmx-file can be moved manually in the productivity-directory.
    But this is only our idea. I thought there has to be a standard deployment-strategy from Oracle or better ideas from other developers.
    Perhaps someone has a even better suggestion for us.
    Many thanks in advance for every idea,

  • How to deploy Servlet Application in Weblogic 8.1

    I am new to BEA Weblogic 8.1 .
    I was trying to create a sample application using InelliJ IDea 5.1 , and IntelliJIdea 10.5 . i configured weblogic with IDE , but now i do not know how to deploy my application in weblogic .
    I am new in IntelliJ also .
    So Can anyone tell me how can i deploy a servlet application in any IDE like i also have eclipse indigo.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Komi
    Basically you deploy your Servlet as a WAR File. I am not familiar with IntellJ IDE. But it should have a provision to export/create a WAR file that has your Servlet. Also I hope you already have web.xml file with 2 sections like this: First you mention full package of your servlet and give it a name. Then enter a mapping url. You will use this url to run your servlet like http://weblogichost:weblogicport/yourWebappcontextroot/myservlet
    Coming to deployment, I hope you already created a Weblogic Domain and have admin username/password. Start your domain. Login into weblogic console like http://host:port/console and use admin username/password. Then from Deployments section, deploy the above WAR file. In Weblogic you can deploy JAR (EJBs, java files), WAR (web jsp, html, webservices, servlets) or EAR (JAR + WAR). In your case its just a WAR file.
    Refer the online docs for more details on Deployments in Weblogic.
    Ravi Jegga

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