How to determine the level Of FRBs

Hi All
Can anybody tell me how to determine the level of profit center ( FRBs)
in SAP. I mean for example that how will i find out the level the level of
FRBs in the table BSIS.

Below query will help
select Serverproperty('productlevel'),
The last column will show you edition which will confirm whether it is enterprise ,standard,evaluation or express
Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

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    I speak better French. So you can translate with google.
    L'astuce que j'utilise est la suivante :
    1 - Extraire les données, un select
    2 - Enregistrer les données dans un fichiers txt ou csv
    3 - ouvrir le fichier avec excel
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    Bonne chance.

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    If the server farm is running production levels of traffic today you can get statistics off a variety of networking devices passing the existing traffic. Switches, routers and firewalls all count every byte of traffic they pass. There are plenty of tools that can gather this traffic into tables via SNMP too, such as MRTG.
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    In order to determine what type of transaction you are extending, you will need to look at the customizing for the transaction.
    In the IMG:
    Customer Relationship Management->Transactions->Basic Settings->Define Transaction Types.
    You will then choose the transaction defined that you want to extend.  If you display the details of the transaction you will find an attribute called:
    "Leading Transaction Category".  This tells you the general context in which the transaction is used.  The other item to view is the assignment of business transaction categories found in the maintenance screen.
    This information general corresponds to one of the options that the EEWB will give you on the transaction type.
    As far as extensions go, my recommendation is the following:
    - Use CUSTOMER_H Customer Header Extensions for any new fields at the header level.
    - Use CUSTOMER_I Customer Item Extensions for any new fields at the item level.
    Unless you have a specific requirement to extend a segment of the transaction, I recommend placing all new fields in these segments.  The CUSTOMER_H & CUSTOMER_I segments are considered "standard" segments, that are already built into all the necessary API structures. 
    Let me know if you have any further questions.
    Good luck,

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    private void processTree(Node node) {
    LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
    while (queue.size() > 0) {
         Node node1 =(Node)queue.removeFirst();
         if (node1 != null) {
              processNode(node1);//Do some processing on this node
              NodeList nodeList = node1.getChildNodes();
              for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
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    Workspace: ediazjorge
    Username: test
    Password: test
    App Name: Sample App
    App Number: 1550
    BTW, I am using Apex and Oracle DB 10.3.2.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello VC,
    Thank you for your time and help.
    Unfortunately, it is still not working properly:
    1. When the Popup LOV opens, the first row of the tabular form is 0, the second row is 1, and so on. How can I assign the values starting with 1 and in the format *0001* ? (I am still a novice on Apex and new to JavaScript :-), sorry about that).
    --2. Also, when I close the Popup LOV, the value of P1_ROWNUM is ‘undefined’ again so I'm not sure if the Product Name column will be populated.--
    3. And finally, you are using the jQuery Selector uPopupLOVIcon, which is an attribute of the Cloudy Theme. In my real application (Apex, my element looks like: *<img src="/i/lov_16x16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="Popup Lov" alt="List" style="vertical-align:middle;" align="middle" />*. What do you recommend me to use as a jQuery Selector?
    Again, I really appreciate your help and time. I think you solved the most difficult part.
    Thank you so much,
    Update: I just found out that the problem with my comment 2 is because I didn’t delete the previous dynamic action that set the value to P1_ROWNUM.
    Edited by: ediazjorge on Sep 18, 2012 11:20 AM

  • How to find the level of each child table in a relational model?

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         O /* This is a child who makes N references to each of the follow N parent tables (here: three), and so on. */
        /↑\ Fks
       O"O O" <-- level 2 for first table (circle)
      /↑\ Fks
    "o"o"o" <-- level 1 for middle table (circle)
       ↑ Fk
    - each circle represents a table;
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    - the table in first line of tree, for example, has level 3, but when 3 becomes N? How much is N? This's the question.
    I started thinking about the following:
    First I have to know how to take the children:
    select distinct child.table_name child
      from all_cons_columns father
      join all_cons_columns child
    using (owner, position)
      join (select child.owner,
                   child.constraint_name fk,
                   child.table_name child,
                   child.r_constraint_name pk,
                   father.table_name father
              from all_constraints father, all_constraints child
             where child.r_owner = father.owner
               and child.r_constraint_name = father.constraint_name
               and father.constraint_type in ('P', 'U')
               and child.constraint_type = 'R'
               and child.owner = 'OWNER') aux
    using (owner)
    where child.constraint_name =
       and child.table_name = aux.child
       and father.constraint_name =
       and father.table_name = aux.father;Thinking...
    Let's Share!
    My thanks in advance,
    Edited by: BluShadow on 01-Apr-2011 15:08
    formatted the code and the hierarchy for readbility

    Nocycle not work in 9.2 and, even that would work, would not be appropriate.
    With your help, I decided a much simpler way (but there is still a small problem, <font color=red>IN RED</font>):
    -- 1
      type udt_roles is table of varchar2(30) index by pls_integer;
      cRoles udt_roles;
      execute immediate 'create user philips
        identified by philips';
      select granted_role bulk collect
        into cRoles
        from user_role_privs
       where username = user;
      for i in cRoles.first .. cRoles.count loop
        execute immediate 'grant ' || cRoles(i) || ' to philips';
      end loop;
    -- 2
    create table philips.root1(root1_id number,
                               constraint root1_id_pk primary key(root1_id)
    grant all on philips.root1 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_root1
       before delete or insert or update on philips.root1
    create table philips.root2(root2_id number,
                               constraint root2_id_pk primary key(root2_id)
    grant all on philips.root2 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_root2
       before delete or insert or update on philips.root2
    create table philips.node1(node1_id number,
                               root1_id number,
                               node2_id number,
                               node4_id number,
                               constraint node1_id_pk primary key(node1_id)
                               constraint n1_r1_id_fk foreign key(root1_id)
                               references philips.root1(root1_id) enable,
                               constraint n1_n2_id_fk foreign key(node2_id)
                               references philips.node2(node2_id) enable,
                               constraint n1_n4_id_fk foreign key(node4_id)
                               references philips.node4(node4_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node1 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node1
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node1
    create table philips.node2(node2_id number,
                               root1_id number,
                               node3_id number,
                               constraint node2_id_pk primary key(node2_id)
                               constraint n2_r1_id_fk foreign key(root1_id)
                               references philips.root1(root1_id) enable,
                               constraint n2_n3_id_fk foreign key(node3_id)
                               references philips.node3(node3_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node2 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node2
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node2
    create table philips.node3(node3_id number,
                               root2_id number,
                               constraint node3_id_pk primary key(node3_id)
                               constraint n3_r2_id_fk foreign key(root2_id)
                               references philips.root2(root2_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node3 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node3
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node3
    create table philips.node4(node4_id number,
                               node2_id number,
                               constraint node4_id_pk primary key(node4_id)
                               constraint n4_n2_id_fk foreign key(node2_id)
                               references philips.node2(node2_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node4 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node4
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node4
    -- out of the relational model
    create table philips.node5(node5_id number,
                               constraint node5_id_pk primary key(node5_id)
    grant all on philips.node5 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node5
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node5
    -- 3
    create table philips.dictionary(table_name varchar2(30));
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('ROOT1');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('ROOT2');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE1');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE2');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE3');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE4');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE5');
    create or replace package body philips.pck_restore_philips as
      procedure sp_select_tables is
        aExportTablesPhilips     utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of tables   
        aExportReferencesPhilips utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of references
        aExportIndexesPhilips    utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of indexes
        aExportGrantsPhilips     utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of grants
        aExportTriggersPhilips   utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of triggers
        sDirectory               varchar2(100) := '/app/oracle/admin/tace/utlfile'; -- directory \\bmduhom01or02 
        cTables                  udt_tables; -- collection to store table names for the relational depth
        -- omits all referential constraints:
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'REF_CONSTRAINTS', false);
        -- omits segment attributes (physical attributes, storage attributes, tablespace, logging):
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES', false);
        -- append a SQL terminator (; or /) to each DDL statement:
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'SQLTERMINATOR', true);
        -- create/open files for export DDL:
        aExportTablesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLTablesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportReferencesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLReferencesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportIndexesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLIndexesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportGrantsPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLGrantsPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportTriggersPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLTriggersPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        select d.table_name bulk collect
          into cTables -- collection with the names of tables in the schema philips
          from all_tables t, philips.dictionary d
         where owner = 'PHILIPS'
           and t.table_name = d.table_name;
        -- execution
        -- closes all files
      end sp_select_tables;
      procedure sp_seeks_ddl(aExportTablesPhilips     in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportReferencesPhilips in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportIndexesPhilips    in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportGrantsPhilips     in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportTriggersPhilips   in utl_file.file_type,
                             cTables                  in out nocopy udt_tables) is
        cDDL       clob := null; -- colletion to save DDL
        plIndex    pls_integer := null;
        sTableName varchar(30) := null;
        for i in cTables.first .. cTables.count loop
          plIndex    := i;
          sTableName := cTables(plIndex);
           * Retrieves the DDL and the dependent DDL into cDDL clob       *      
          * for the selected table in the collection, and writes to file.*
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportTablesPHILIPS, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('REF_CONSTRAINT', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportReferencesPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('INDEX', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportIndexesPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('OBJECT_GRANT', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportGrantsPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('TRIGGER', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportTriggersPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
        end loop;
      end sp_seeks_ddl;
      procedure sp_writes_ddl(aExport in utl_file.file_type,
                              cDDL    in out nocopy clob) is
        pLengthDDL  pls_integer := length(cDDL);
        plQuotient  pls_integer := null;
        plRemainder pls_integer := null;
          * Register variables to control the amount of lines needed   *
         * for each DDL and the remaining characters to the last row. *
        select trunc(pLengthDDL / 32766), mod(pLengthDDL, 32766)
          into plQuotient, plRemainder
          from dual;
          * Join DDL in the export file.                            *
         * ps. 32766 characters + 1 character for each line break. *
        -- if the size of the DDL is greater than or equal to limit the line ...
        if plQuotient >= 1 then
          -- loops for substring (lines of 32766 characters + 1 break character):
          for i in 1 .. plQuotient loop
            utl_file.put_line(aExport, substr(cDDL, 1, 32766));
            -- removes the last line, of clob, recorded in the buffer:
            cDDL := substr(cDDL, 32767, length(cDDL) - 32766);
          end loop;
        end if;
          * If any remains or the number of characters is less than the threshold (quotient = 0), *
         * no need to substring.                                                                 *
        if plRemainder > 0 then
          utl_file.put_line(aExport, cDDL);
        end if;
        -- record DDL buffered in the export file:
      end sp_writes_ddl;
      -- executes main procedure:
    end pck_restore_philips;<font color="red">The problem is that I still have ...
    When creating the primary key index is created and this is repeated in the file indexes.
    How to avoid?</font>

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    How have other sites handled this?
    has anyone found a solution that if a user enters lets say "paper" into the free text box, a pop up appears with a match on possible materials with the word "paper" in the short description? This sounds like a pretty easy function to implement? Does anyone have the code?

    Ravi.or.raj wrote:
    > The search function you ask for is pretty much a standard functionality.
    > In ME21N , click on  "Personal Settings"    , and select the check box "int search help on"  .
    Yes this works, but you have to tell that the user has to enter the text  in the material number field, then SAP will search thru the database.

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    "Free Space: Rac2: /tmp"
    Cause: Could not determine mount point for location specified.
    Action: Ensure location specified is available.
    Expected value: n/a
    Actual value: n/a
    I have checked the free space using the command:
    [root@Rac2 /]# df -k /tmp
    Filesystem     1k-blocks     used     Available     Use%     Mounted on
    /dev/sda1     30470144     7826952     21070432     28%     /
    As you see above, the free space is enough, but could not determine mount point for /tmp.
    Do any folk understand how to determine the mount point for directory /tmp ?

    I have just checked "/home/oracle/.bash_profile". But in my computer, there is no "oracle" under /home directory.Is this your first time Linux and Oracle installation? I had a brief look at your referenced link. The reason why you do not find a "oracle" user is because the instructions use "ora11g" instead, which, btw, is not standard. The directories of your installation and your installation source can be somewhat different from known standards and you will have to adjust it to your system.
    My best guess is that you have either missed something in the instructions or you need to ask the author of the blog what is wrong. The chance to find someone here who has experience with these custom instructions is probably unlikely.
    I suggest you try to locate the cluster verification tool, which should be in the bin directory of your grid installation. Alternatively you might want to check the RAC, ASM & Clusterware Installation forum: RAC, ASM & Clusterware Installation

  • How to determine the field size

    I am going to make a multiplatform application that hopefully
    will run on linux and windows 2000.If the os is 2000, then I will use else I'll use java servlets. I make the connection
    to the web server ( through HTTP) not directly to database server.
    So, the resultset will be stored in the String object. The columns
    will be separated by delimeter. Our problem is how to determine
    the size and type of the fields of mssql,oracle and postgres database
    so that we can include it in the String object.
    String sResultSet=new String();
    ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(sSQL);
    sResultset=sResultSet + rs.getString(field1) + "||" + rs.getString(field2) + "||";
    vertical bars acts as delimeter
    supposedly this is the code:
    sResultset=sResultSet + rs.getString(field1) +"_" + rs.getFieldType() + "_"+
    rs.getFieldSize() + "||" + rs.getString(field2) +"_" + rs.getFieldType() + "_"+
    rs.getFieldSize() + "||";
    supposedly this is the code if rs.getFieldType() and rs.getFieldSize() methods are existing
    Anyone can give me an idea how to get the field type and field size of the database?
    thanks in advance

    Yes, but I dont know how to do it.
    Can you give me an example of using it.
    Thanks in advance

  • How to determine the cost center

    Dear experts:
    Could you give me some suggestions about how to determine the cost center depending on the different
    storage location when we use the t-cdoe MI07
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello experts!!!
    how have you resolved this issue???
    I have the same situation, and i dont know how to manage this.
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Best regards,
    M. Cecilia Vacatello.

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    this is something similar to instanceof we use in java.
    is there any thing like 'instanceof' in JNI. if there how to use it?
    i got this as objective question for which answers were(i do not remember exactly)
    i could nt het much help in googling.
    thanks in advance

    The JNI provides a native version to the java instanceof operator, this function takes two arguments
    an object refrence and a class refrence and reports JNI_TRUE.
    jclass myclass = env->FindClass("your class name");
    if(env->IsInstanceOf(obj,myclass) == JNI_TRUE)
    // obj is of type myclass

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    Hello Community,
    I have a simple question yet I fear there is no simple answer (possibly no answer at all).
    The question is:
    Does any body know ways how to determine the ID (e.g. Y123ABCDY_) of the solution the code is running in?
    My use case is the following:
    We have a solution template which will be deployed in different customer tenant.
    Thus, each deployment will have a different solution ID.
    Now, somewhere in code, we generat PDFs using the OutputManagementUtilities.GetPDF reuse library.
    This method requires the form template code of the pdf to be generated as a parameter.
    However, this PDF form template code is composed of the solution ID and a fixed suffix.
    Thus, currently I need to modify the absl code in each customer installation to manually modify the form template code prefix to the solutions solution ID.
    Therefore I'd like to construct the form template code in absl but for this I need a way to determine the solution's ID.
    Any ideas?
    Best regards,

    Hi Fernando.
    After reading your post I initially thought "what is the ObjectTypeCode" supposed to do any good to determine the solution ID"?
    Using the Object Type code of a custom bo is indeed a way to solve this problem.
    With a little additional code I can extract the relevant solution ID part from there.
    Thanks for the hint, that was really useful.
    Best reegards,

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    The free Patharea/Pathlength Filters from Telegraphics is your friend (the former gives you both area and length, both in different units):
    Telegraphics - Free plugins for Photoshop & Illustrator...and other software

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    ZipFile zipF = new ZipFile(absPath);  //<-- here is the root causeIs it possible to pre-determine the maximum allowable filepath length prior i generate the zip file ? This is weird since i got no error while i created the zip file, but have problem in extracting the zip file ......

    Assuming you could determine the max, what would you do about it? I'd say you should just assume it will be successful, but accommodate (handle) the possible exception gracefully. Either way you're going to have to handle it as an "exception", whether you "catch" an actual "Exception" object and deal with that, or manually deal with the length exceeding the max.

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    I am using BI Publisher Template Builder for Word. I am using Word 2007 and the patch 9821068 of the Template Builder. I am attempting to create a chart in an rtf template using the chart wizard. I can go through the wizard fine and preview my chart

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    A little problem with my iPod Touch 3rd Gen, when i connect it up to my iTunes to try and update to the new iOS 5 it says there are no new updates? My iPod is currently running on 4.2.1,I know it is out in the U.K as my friends have been able to down

  • Time Machine for Partitioned iMac Drive - Wireless Backup w/o TIme Capsule

    Hi all, does anyone think it is possible to set up a Time Capsule type backup on a large iMac hard drive. my household has one iMac and two mac books. I would like to partition a portion of my 1TB imac drive and wirelessly back up the mac books on th

  • Horizontal Photo Scroll/Swipe Gallery

    Hi All, I am making a horizontal Photo Gallery larger than 10,000 px in width. Users should be able to Swipe  (on touch devices) and Scroll on Pc. I came across some previous posts like this, but i dont know where to begin.

  • Third Party PC Outlook Sync app, and accompanying BB10Sync PC software For above link takes you to an article that details a paid for two way sync Outlook software solution for BB10 users. I do not regard the paid for solution to be acceptable and wo