How to disable FW and enable PAT on the MSI965 moby

Hello guys,
Just got hold of my 865PE-PS (Platinum edition)
Having some problems disabling FW (cause I'm using ATI vid card)
Also having problems enabling PAT dispite setting Performance mode to max ultra settings.
Pls help .... its been a while since I dabbled with MSI boards.

Well as far as FW is concerened you are going to have to Dissable this with either the ATI Catalyst Driver Control Panel, or get a third Party Driver Tweaker For ATI Gpu Cards, as there is no option available in the BIOS, as there usually never is with Intel, VIA or SIS based Chipset's (only on Nvidia or ATI Based Chipset Mo-Bo's)...You wont even find a BIOS Option for Side Band Addressing with most Intel Based Motherboards, only the Option that tell you whether or not you have it Enabled at the Vidio Driver Level.......Now getting to MAT, MSI'S i865 Version of the Intel i875 PAT option, Well sorry to say this also...But there was talk (Because of intels threat of a Lawsuit).of Disabling this at the BIOS level also, whethere or not you have this you should be able to tell by going into your BIOS, and on the "Frequency and Voltage" Page it should be the Option at the Top of the Slow, Fast, Turbo, Ultra-Turbo,...This is NOT to be Confused with the DOT (Dynamic. Overclocking. Technology.) Which in turn is a Method to Choose an Auto Preset to Overclock the Speed of the FSB (Front Side Bus)..This Option has the Choices of Disabled, Private, Sargent, Captain, Colonel, General, Commander,..And the stepping goes something like a 2%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 15% FSB increase in MHZ......This Option I believe is also on the Freq. and Voltage Page......Sorry if I did not tell you what you wanted to Hear ...But I think that is about the "Whole Bowl Of Wax" ...Now I would like to Congratulate You on your New MSI Motherboard Ownership and Welcome you as a Member to our Forum, I do Have to Admit, that I was Not Aware of any Platinum Edition Products (But I'm Glad To Hear That There Is Such A Product )...And If you have any Further Questions.....By all means Ask (post) Away!!.....................Sean REILLY875

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      You can NOT disable the "Checkbox" of particular row using HTMLB. I had the same requirement. I achieved using <b>2 Tableviews</b>, one after another. 1st tableview will show all the rows and 2nd Tableview(without Table Header) and without any row. The <b>total</b> will be displayed as <b>Column title</b> of 2nd Tableview.
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                               headerVisible       = "false"
                               keyColumn           = "appid"
                               footerVisible       = "false"
                               selectionMode       = "SINGLESELECT"
                               design              = "ALTERNATING"
                               fillUpEmptyRows     = "false"
                               visibleRowCount     = "0"
                               width               = "100%"
                               table               = "<%= tot_header %>" >
                  <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "empno"
                                         title      = "Total"
                                         width      = "50"
                                         type       = "TEXT" >
                  <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "ename"
                                         title      = "  *      "
                                         width      = "90"
                                         type       = "TEXT" >
                  <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "appamount"
                                         title      = "   <%= tot_appamt %> "
                                         width      = "60" >
                  <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "ugjr_amt"
                                         width      = "60"
                                         title      = "<%= tot_ugjr %>" >
                  <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "apprvd"
                                         width      = "50"
                                         title      = "*" >
    Hope this will help you.
    <b>Note: Reward each useful post.</b>
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Raja T

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    I think that's it...
    If I have forgotten anything don't be afraid to send me a private message about it!

    cluelessjoe wrote:
    Hey! Welcome to the community :) 
    If you have 11,000 songs in a Spotify playlist (not as local files you own) you won't be able to mark them all to be available offline, since Spotify limits each device to 3,333 offline stored tracks due to licensing restrictions. 

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