How to dispatch to a servlet

Up to now i made my dispatches to a "jsp file"(page="/index.jsp") or to an "url pattern".(page="/index")
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(page);
dispatcher.forward(request, response);Now i need to dispatch my servlet directly to a servlet like page="com.mydomain.album.postnewalbum"
is it possible to do this... If not is there any alternative way.
thank you?

i know with servlet mapping on web.xml we can do it.
My servlets which are written to catch form posts are first goes to a front controller so they are just defined in web.xml...if i dispatch them to a pattern they will go infinite loop in the front controller.
So thats why i am asking if it is possible to dispatch to directly to servlet name like exmp: com.mydomain.album.catchpostdata

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    srinivas_rao wrote:
    Hi i am having doubt in servlets,
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