How to display a PDP, Tasks list, risks list from a specific project into SharePoint 2013 site.

I customized a PWA site (PS 2013)  with SharePoint sites linked to each project plan.  Also I have a corporate portal with site collections per department.
The question is if it is possible to use primarily the SharePoint Corporate Portal to link with  PWA web parts. For example to display in the IT Department portal a list of the projects of that department, or to display a Project Summary for
a named project.

Hi Diego,
One of the things you can try is to have an excel/reporting services webpart connecting to the project server database and displaying the relevant information. Please note the licensing implications of having the real time data displayed to 'non-project
server' users

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    Madhu Prabhat

    To develop a custom web part, you can take a look at the links below with steps in detail for a start:
    Creating Web Parts for SharePoint
    Sharepoint 2013 Create a Visual Web Part
    Another three links for your reference:
    Here are some samples of custom calendar web part for your reference:
    You can also do more customization by adding your own logic in it.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Controls in ITEM and LIST tabs of Ribbon disabled always in Punishing SharePoint 2013 site if i add list to home page as List View Webpart

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    Thanks for your reply.
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  • How to display URL images and URL link (html) from Smartforms?

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm having difficulty on how to display targeted URL images and URL link from the smartforms, after i sending it out as html mail. The mail i sent just can be preview as a plain text, which can't execute the html code that i put inside the smartforms itself. I follow a few step from this very useful blog.. Hopefully, you guys can give me some solutions or ideas on this.
    /people/pavan.bayyapu/blog/2005/08/30/sending-html-email-from-sap-crmerp -thanks to Pavan for his useful blog.
    My code is like this..
    <--- Start Code.
    FORM call_smartforms.
      DATA : lv_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
             lc_true(1) VALUE 'X',
             lw_control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
             lw_output_options TYPE ssfcompop,
             lc_graphics(8) VALUE 'GRAPHICS',
             lw_xsfparam_line TYPE ssfxsfp,
             lc_extract(7) VALUE 'EXTRACT',
             lc_graphics_directory(18) VALUE 'GRAPHICS-DIRECTORY',
             lc_mygraphics(11) VALUE 'mygraphics/',
             lc_content_id(10) VALUE 'CONTENT-ID',
             lc_enable(6) VALUE 'ENABLE',
             lw_job_output_info TYPE ssfcrescl,
             lw_html_data TYPE trfresult,
             lw_graphics TYPE ssf_xsf_gr,
             lt_graphics TYPE tsf_xsf_gr,
             lv_html_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_html_raw LIKE LINE OF lw_html_data-content,
             lv_incode TYPE tcp00-cpcodepage VALUE '4110',
             lv_html_str TYPE string,
             lv_html_len TYPE i,
             lc_utf8(5) VALUE 'utf-8',
             lc_latin1(6) VALUE 'latin1',
             lv_offset TYPE i,
             lv_length TYPE i,
             lv_diff TYPE i,
             lt_soli TYPE soli_tab,
             lw_soli TYPE soli,
             lc_mime_helper TYPE REF TO cl_gbt_multirelated_service,
             lv_name TYPE mime_text VALUE 'sapwebform.htm',
             lv_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_raw TYPE bapiconten,
             lt_solix TYPE solix_tab,
             lw_solix TYPE solix,
             lv_filename TYPE string,
             lv_content_id TYPE string,
             lv_content_type TYPE w3conttype,
             lv_obj_len TYPE so_obj_len,
             lv_bmp TYPE so_fileext VALUE 'BMP',
             lv_description TYPE so_obj_des VALUE 'Graphic in BMP format',
             lc_doc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
             lc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lc_send_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root,
             lw_adsmtp TYPE lty_adsmtp,
             lv_mail_address TYPE ad_smtpadr,
             lc_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
             lc_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lv_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
      DATA : v_language TYPE sflangu VALUE 'E',
             v_e_devtype TYPE rspoptype.
      v_form_name = 'ZTEST_EMAIL'.
          formname           = v_form_name
          fm_name            = v_namef
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    starting here. ***
    Set title for the output
      lv_subject = 'Smartforms.'.
    Set control parameters to "no dialog"
      lw_control_parameters-no_dialog = lc_true.
    IF lw_service_subject-code = lc_fm1.
    *--- To get output device type
          i_language    = v_language
          i_application = 'SAPDEFAULT'
          e_devtype     = v_e_devtype.
      lw_output_options-tdprinter = v_e_devtype.
      lw_control_parameters-getotf = 'X'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    Set output options
      lw_output_options-xsf        = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfcmode   = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutmode = 'A'.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutdev  = space.
      lw_output_options-xsfformat  = lc_true.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_extract.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics_directory.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_mygraphics.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_content_id.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_enable.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
    Get the smartform content
      CALL FUNCTION v_namef
          control_parameters   = lw_control_parameters
          output_options       = lw_output_options
    *pass other application specific parameters (eg order number, items ).
          job_output_info    = lw_job_output_info
          tt_tabh              = tt_tabh
          tt_tabb              = tt_tabb
          tt_tabf              = tt_tabf
          formatting_error = 1
          internal_error   = 2
          send_error       = 3
          user_canceled    = 4
          OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
      lw_html_data  = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-trfresult.
      lt_graphics[] = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-xsfgr[].
      CLEAR lv_html_xstr.
      LOOP AT lw_html_data-content INTO lw_html_raw.
        CONCATENATE lv_html_xstr lw_html_raw INTO lv_html_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
      lv_html_xstr = lv_html_xstr(lw_html_data-length).
          inbuff       = lv_html_xstr
          incode       = lv_incode
          csubst       = lc_true
          substc_space = lc_true
          outbuff      = lv_html_str
          outused      = lv_html_len
          OTHERS       = 1.
    CALL METHOD html_control - >load_mime_object
         object_id  = 'ZWN'
         object_url = 'ZWN.GIF'
         OTHERS     = 1.
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH lc_latin1.
    REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH 'iso-8859-1'.
       break mhusin.
      lv_html_len = STRLEN( lv_html_str ).
      lv_offset = 0.
      lv_length = 255.
      WHILE lv_offset < lv_html_len.
        lv_diff = lv_html_len - lv_offset.
        IF lv_diff > lv_length.
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_length).
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_diff).
        APPEND lw_soli TO lt_soli.
        ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
      CREATE OBJECT lc_mime_helper.
      CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->set_main_html
          content     = lt_soli
          filename    = lv_name
          description = lv_subject.
      LOOP AT lt_graphics INTO lw_graphics.
        CLEAR lv_xstr.
        LOOP AT lw_graphics-content INTO lw_raw.
          CONCATENATE lv_xstr lw_raw-line INTO lv_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
        lv_xstr = lv_xstr(lw_graphics-length).
        lv_offset = 0.
        lv_length = 255.
        CLEAR lt_solix[].
        WHILE lv_offset < lw_graphics-length.
          lv_diff = lw_graphics-length - lv_offset.
          IF lv_diff > lv_length.
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_length).
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_diff).
          APPEND lw_solix TO lt_solix.
          ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_filename.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_content_id.
        lv_content_type = lw_graphics-httptype.
        lv_obj_len      = lw_graphics-length.
    *Add images to the email
        CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->add_binary_part
            content      = lt_solix
            filename     = lv_filename
            extension    = lv_bmp
            description  = lv_description
            content_type = lv_content_type
            length       = lv_obj_len
            content_id   = lv_content_id.
          lv_subject = lv_subject.
          lc_doc_bcs = cl_document_bcs=>create_from_multirelated(
                   i_subject          = lv_subject
                   i_multirel_service = lc_mime_helper ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_bcom_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_gbt_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
    Create send request
          lc_bcs = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->set_document( i_document = lc_doc_bcs ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Set-up email receiver
      lv_mail_address = '[email protected]'.
    TRANSLATE lv_mail_address TO UPPER CASE.
          lc_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
              i_address_string = lv_mail_address ).
        CATCH cx_address_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->add_recipient( i_recipient = lc_recipient ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Send smartforms as HTML email
          lc_bcs->send( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
      WRITE:/ 'Mail sent'.
    ENDFORM.                    "call_smartforms
    End Code --->
    Thanks and Regards.

    1- put your images in a directory under the web app directory. Example: app/images/
    2- in your jsp, use: String file = application.getRealPath("/images/"); to get the images directory. See
    3- it's not the right forum to post this kind of question. Post them in the JSP/Servlet JSTL forum instead

  • How to Enable Anonymous access to a SharePoint 2013 site e.g for specific site,list etc..

    Hi All,
          I'm working on an extranet and i would like users to be able to fill a form on the site.
    Since i'm going to use sharepoint 2013 how can i configure sharepoint to use both anonymous access and windows authentication at the same time.
    I know for sure it can be done but what can be allowed for anonymous access e.g specific list site etc..
    I would need to make some area available as anonymous e.g a whole site as  i would like to brand it a little to host the form.Any tips of who has configured similar would be appreciated

    Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for posting your query, Kindly follow the below mentioned steps to enable Anonymous access to a SharePoint 2013 site.
    In Central Administration, under Application Management., click Manage web applications.
    Select the web application you want to enable anonymous access for.
    In the Security group on the ribbon, click Authentication Providers.
    In the Authentication Providers dialog box, under Zone, click Default.
    On the Edit Authentication page, select the Enable anonymous access check box.
    Click Save.
    Close the Authentication Providers dialog box.
    Also, browse the below mentioned URLs for more details
    I hope this is helpful to you, mark it as Helpful.
    If this works, Please mark it as Answered.
    Dharmendra Singh (MCPD-EA | MCTS)
    Blog :

  • How to import column values into SharePoint 2013 Term Store Using Powershell(CSOM)

    I do have SharePoint 2013 list with more than 500 items in it.Now I am trying to import column values into SharePoint 2013 Term Set A using Powershell scripts.
    I am new to Powershell(csom) and can anybody help me out to accomplish this task?
    Any help would be greately appreciated.
    Thank you,

    check this doc
    Romeo Donca, Orange Romania (MCSE, MCITP, CCNA) Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if the post has been helpful for you.

  • How do you get your tunes and voice recordings from your iPod Touch into iTunes on a new computer if you don't have Mobile Me?

    How do you get your tunes and voice recordings from your iPod Touch into iTunes on a new computer if you don't have Mobile Me?
    iTunes on tmy new computer shows none of my data and I fear if I sync my iPod with the computer all will be deleted on the iPod.
    I still have everything in iTunes on the old computer.

    Just move your iTunes library to you new computer.  You can transfer iTunes purchases to you new computer from your iPod by:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to a computer
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer sure you also move the backup.  You an find where the the backup is located here:
    iPhone and iPod touch: About backups
    You can move other items by:
    Best iPod to PC
    After you move you stuff to the new computer, restore the iPod from backup.

  • How to disable the selection of "Title and logo URL of a SharePoint 2013 site" from browser

    how to disable the selection of "Title and logo URL of a SharePoint 2013 site" from browser or How can we able to set our custom default log to the sp2013 site using code.So that users are not allowed to change from browser again.
    Thanks &amp; Regards, Krishna

    Hi  Krishna,
    For your issue, you need to deploy a farm solution using HideCustomAction to hide site settings link. For example to hide “Title, description, and logo” link you can use below code:
    <Elements xmlns="">
    HideActionId = "ProjectSettings"
    Location = "Microsoft.SharePoint.SiteSettings">
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • SharePoint 2013 site coll's created. Home page not displaying for any site collection in farm

    SharePoint 2013 site coll's created. Home page not displaying. Same issue for all site coll's in the farm. Done the basic checks. Any Ideas?

    Hi lakshita,
    Would you please check whether you can go to the page:
    http://siteurl/_layouts/settings.aspx page:
    http://siteurl/default.aspx page? If so, go to Site Features in site settings page, reactivate the Wiki Page home page feature, check the result.
    If not, please check whether there is related information in ULS log and event viewer log file? Does the page shows page not found or other errors? Check whether the site can be opened in other machine?
    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

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    i should use awt only not applet...
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    the contents contains rows queried from a oracle database.....
    the contents should be displayed similar to how a lable is displayed..
    please help me out..

    Of course there is something in AWT:
    htmlagain, if you carefully read the question, he needs a
    table to display a JDBC result set. There is no
    pre-made table component in AWT.Well, I read that he filled the data into a java.util.List and now wants to display this list. So a List-component should be sufficient. But I might be wrong...

  • How to display records of int. table in list tree?

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    this is the data that i have to display
    Matnr      doc no.        Stock qty.     Age
    1     45601236           100          55
    1     45601237           10          54
    1     45601238        11          53
    1     45601239           101          52
    now, only the first record should be displayed with a + symbol... when the user clicks the + symbol, then the node has to expand and display the other 3 records pertaining to that to display 4 fields of an internal table in one line and like that, 3 records...i have seen some threads relating to this, but they all display only one value in the child to  display multiple fields like this?
    please address this functinality using FMs alone, as i am not exposed to objects :!
    thanks all
    Sathish. R

    Before passing the Node name ,Concatenate all the values of record in one string and pass that string as node name.Now it will work.
    To develop the basic logic  simple program name is :
    "SAPSIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO"  In this program use above logic.
    Don't forget to reward if useful.
    Don't forget to reward if useful

  • How to display a unicode character in a list ?

    sorry if the question seem to be really easy but I doenbt found of to diaply a special character in a list.
    I thank that it was easy :
    1) display tha windows character map
    2) copy paste the charatcter in the ABAP Program to obtain something like this :
    write '&#8804;'.
    But the displayed character is '#' . So, could you tell me how to display a gived unicode character ?

    Hello Morgan,
    you need SAP system with unicode. You can check it from every dynpro/mode:
    System->Status: SAP System dada  Unicode system: yes
    I have checked your sign '&#8804;' on my not UC system: is displayed: '='.

  • How to display and edit the clob datatype column from Data base

    Hi ,
    I have a requiremsnt as below
    1) One Table having some columns with CLOB data type along with varchar columns
    2) need to display the data from DB in search screen and need to be edited clob column in edit screen
    I created EO and VO with that Table and how to display the clob value into the input box for editing.
    using Jdev version.
    Can you please help on this.
    THanks & REgards,

    If you are using an inputText component to display a Character Large Object (CLOB), then you will need to create a custom converter that converts the CLOB to a String.
    For custom convertor refer below link,
    (section7.4 Creating Custom JSF Converters)
    Santosh M E

  • How to delete i.e. clear the pending access requests list from Access request page in SharePoint 2013

    Hi Team,
    I am site collection admin of a SP13 site. The issue is we have added some of the users manually after we got requests from them for site access. But this has left those users as pending on Access requests page. We don't want that list to stack up.
    I can not decline those requests as those users will be notified with declined mail. I searched for clearing the list of those pending requests but did't find any guidelines for this. 
    Is there any way I can do this. Any help is appreciated thanks in advance  

    You might consider using PowerShell to remove unwanted items from the "Access Requests" list of the web site.  This list holds all of the access requests including pending, declined and approved.  The following example demonstrates removing
    the first item from the list.  Please note, I'm not aware whether or not there are any negative side effects to removing items from this list so doing so would be at your own risk.
    $web = get-spweb https://yoursharepointsite
    $list = $web.lists["Access Requests"]

  • How can i get a full url of video uploaded in asset library on sharepoint 2013

    Hi All,
    I have videos in SharePoint 2013 Asset Library, now i want display that videos in my SharePoint webpage as a webpart.
    Now, how can i get a full url of video uploaded in asset library?
    Thanks in Advance!

    The Asset library does a pretty good job of hiding the full URL. An "asset" item is actually a folder. The folder contains the video and support files like preview thumbnails.
    So, if you upload a video named butterfly.wmv to http://yourSite/sites/demo/Assets the path to the video would be http://yourSite/sites/demo/Assets/butterfly/butterfly.wmv. If the user changed the name while uploading the file to "Pretty bugs"
    the URL would then be http://yourSite/sites/demo/Assets/Pretty%20Bugs/butterfly.wmv.
    Probably the best way to explore these hidden folders and discover the "real" URL is to use SharePoint Designer 2013.
    Launch SharePoint Designer and open your site.
    In the Navigation area click "All Files". (If you don't see All Files then your administrators may have partially locked down SPD.)
    In the list of files and folders click the Assets library.
    Find and click your video (you will see the "Name" as entered in the file's properties, not the file name.)
    Find the video file, right-click it and click Properties.
    Copy the Location.
    If you just want to display the video in the page:
    Edit the page
    Click INSERT
    Click Web Part
    From the Media and Content category select Media Web Part and click Add.
    Edit the web part (click the web part's dropdown)
    From the MEDIA ribbon click Change Media
    Click From SharePoint and navigate to your assets library and pick a video
    Mike Smith
    SharePoint 2007 2010 Customization for the Site Owner,
    SharePoint 2010 Security for the Site Owner

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