How to display the entire application in two different languages in apex

How to display the entire application in two different languages in apex...
For example i need to display each item in both English and Hindi..
To achieve this initially i have the select the language otherwise the item label alone ll be displayed in both languages ...
Anyhow how it ll be apex is it possible

Hi pars,…
In this link also i struck in
In page 10  of that document
The application is now ready to be translated. Everything is in place to run it in any language imaginable.To ca ll the application in another language, change the URL of your application to the following:
This example will call the chosen page in the application and show it in the Dutch language instead of in English. To select another language change the property nl at the end of the URL to your desired language code.
Thanks alot for ur suggestions.kindly provide more inputs..............

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    Thanks and regards,

    Hi pars,…
    In this link also i struck in
    In page 10  of that document
    The application is now ready to be translated. Everything is in place to run it in any language imaginable.To ca ll the application in another language, change the URL of your application to the following:
    This example will call the chosen page in the application and show it in the Dutch language instead of in English. To select another language change the property nl at the end of the URL to your desired language code.
    Thanks alot for ur suggestions.kindly provide more inputs..............

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    REPORT zpwtest .
    TYPE-POOLS slis .
    DATA : layout TYPE slis_layout_alv .
    CONSTANTS : c_len TYPE i VALUE 20 .
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_t100          ,
              sprsl TYPE t100-sprsl   ,
              arbgb TYPE t100-arbgb   ,
              msgnr TYPE t100-msgnr   ,
              text  TYPE t100-text    ,
              fline TYPE t100-text    ,
            END OF ty_t100            .
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_wrd   ,
             text TYPE char20 ,
            END OF ty_wrd     .
    DATA : it_t100     TYPE TABLE OF ty_t100 ,
           it_sentence TYPE TABLE OF ty_wrd  ,
           wa_t100     TYPE ty_t100          ,
           wa_word     TYPE ty_wrd           ,
           v_repid     TYPE syst-repid       ,
           v_tabix     TYPE syst-tabix       .
    DATA : it_fld TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv ,
           it_evt TYPE slis_t_event        ,
           wa_fld TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv   ,
           wa_evt TYPE slis_alv_event      .
      v_repid = sy-repid .
    * Get data
      SELECT *
        INTO TABLE it_t100
        FROM t100
       WHERE sprsl = 'EN'
         AND arbgb = '00' .
      LOOP AT it_t100 INTO wa_t100 .
        v_tabix = sy-tabix .
        CLEAR : it_sentence .
                  textline  = wa_t100-text
                  outputlen = c_len
                  out_lines = it_sentence.
        IF NOT it_sentence IS INITIAL .
          READ TABLE it_sentence INTO wa_word INDEX 1 .
          wa_t100-fline = wa_word-text .
          MODIFY it_t100 FROM wa_t100 INDEX v_tabix .
    * Prepare fieldcatelog
      CLEAR wa_fld .
      wa_fld-fieldname = 'SPRSL' .
      wa_fld-ref_tabname = 'T100' .
      wa_fld-ref_fieldname = 'SPRSL' .
      APPEND wa_fld TO it_fld .
      CLEAR wa_fld .
      wa_fld-fieldname = 'ARBGB' .
      wa_fld-ref_tabname = 'T100' .
      wa_fld-ref_fieldname = 'ARBGB' .
      APPEND wa_fld TO it_fld .
      CLEAR wa_fld .
      wa_fld-fieldname = 'MSGNR' .
      wa_fld-ref_tabname = 'T100' .
      wa_fld-ref_fieldname = 'MSGNR' .
      APPEND wa_fld TO it_fld .
      CLEAR wa_fld .
      wa_fld-fieldname = 'FLINE' .
      wa_fld-inttype      = 'CHAR' .
      wa_fld-outputlen = 20 .
      wa_fld-intlen    = 20.
      wa_fld-seltext_l = 'Text' .
      wa_fld-ddictxt = 'L' .
      APPEND wa_fld TO it_fld .
    * Get event.. we will handle BOFORE and AFTER line output
                et_events = it_evt.
      READ TABLE it_evt INTO wa_evt
      WITH KEY name = slis_ev_after_line_output .
      wa_evt-form = slis_ev_after_line_output .
      MODIFY it_evt FROM wa_evt INDEX sy-tabix .
      READ TABLE it_evt INTO wa_evt
      WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page .
      wa_evt-form = slis_ev_top_of_page .
      MODIFY it_evt FROM wa_evt INDEX sy-tabix .
      layout-no_colhead = 'X' .
                i_callback_program = v_repid
                it_fieldcat        = it_fld
                is_layout          = layout
                it_events          = it_evt
                t_outtab           = it_t100.
    *       FORM top_of_page                                              *
    FORM top_of_page .
        uline .
        WRITE: / sy-vline     ,
               10 sy-vline    ,
               11 'line1'     ,
               31 sy-vline    ,
               37 sy-vline    ,
               58 sy-vline    .
        WRITE: / sy-vline     ,
               10 sy-vline    ,
               11 'line2'     ,
               31 sy-vline    ,
               37 sy-vline    ,
               58 sy-vline    .
        WRITE: / sy-vline     ,
               10 sy-vline    ,
               11 'line3'     ,
               31 sy-vline    ,
               37 sy-vline    ,
               58 sy-vline    .
    *       FORM AFTER_LINE_OUTPUT                                        *
    FORM after_line_output   USING rs_lineinfo TYPE slis_lineinfo .
      CLEAR : it_sentence ,
              wa_t100     .
      READ TABLE it_t100 INTO wa_t100 INDEX rs_lineinfo-tabindex .
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0 .
                textline  = wa_t100-text
                outputlen = c_len
                out_lines = it_sentence.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_sentence LINES v_tabix .
      CHECK v_tabix > 1 .
      LOOP AT it_sentence INTO wa_word FROM 2 .
        WRITE: / sy-vline     ,
               10 sy-vline    ,
               31 sy-vline    ,
               37 sy-vline    ,
               38 wa_word-text ,
               58 sy-vline .

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    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
    This way I don't have to click on my web browser, "Email article", as they would already be in my mailbox ready to be forwarded!

    RSS ( is an open format that allows users to aggregate content from different web-sites into a single "channel". The standard has very few "required fields" that boil down to:
    brief description
    The rest is optional, i.e. up to the publishing website to decide whether to make available or not. It is also important to know, that many RSS feeds refer to content that is protected by copyright and hence must be reproduced under the terms decided by the publisher.
    Full text is not an optional field of RSS. Some websites may decide to use "brief description" to feed an entire piece of content, but that is not a standard behavior.
    In other words: what You're looking for can not be achieved through RSS feeds. Getting back to Your original problem - no web access at work – I'm wondering: how come You get RSS feeds and can not read the web pages? RSS feeds are using the same protocol (HTTP) as web pages and unless there's a very sneaky firewall involved, Web browsing should not be a problem.

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    2) All the HTTP requests are passed to the oc4j containers by AJP13 protocol through AJP port to the OC4J containers. where is the mapping between the OHS and AJP protocol defined ??? ie., the requests from this http port have to be transferred by AJP protocol through AJP port to this OC4J container ???
    3) Or i have to have two different installations of Oracle9iAS ???
    Please help me to solve my issues...
    Robert D

    Different ohs port numbers would not help as there is only 1
    You can pick a different context_root name for your test app.

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    Good morning,
    I am working in a software development company that works as follows:
    - we have a platform, that consists of a list of *.so files.
    - we deliver a product, based on that platform, that also consists of a list of *.so files.
    - all our sources are managed via Clearcase.
    Now I have the following situation:
    - we have created a new Clearcase view, where we (should have) all correct sources. These have been compiled, resulting in a list of *.so files.
    - we have a copy of the product that we have delivered at the client.
    I would like to verify whether the *.so files of the new Clearcase view are the same as the ones that have been delivered to the client.
    Why is this such a problem?
    - I could check the "cksum" result, but as the Solaris command "cksum" takes into account the compilation date, I have different "cksum" results for *.so files that are basically equal.
    - I could check the filesize, but a small change in a source might change the behaviour of the *.so file but not necessarily its filesize.
    - I could check the "what" result (the "C Compilation System" "what" command), which gives the Clearcase status, so that I can check whether the same Clearcase versions have been delivered, but while doing this, I have seen that *.so files have been delivered, the sources of which were checked OUT (!), so also this does not give me any certainty.
    - In addition, it is possible that there is a change in the platform components, resulting in a different product specific *.so file, which however does not mean that the behaviour of the product specific *.so file is different.
    Therefore I am looking for another way of comparing two binary *.so files, in order for me to judge the correctness of the new Clearcase view.
    Does anybody have an idea?

    Thanks Alan for the fast response,
    Unfortunately, I don't have "elfsign" on my system and reading more about the command, I have the impression that this command can verify whether a signature is correct, but in order to do so, the file needs to be signed before, which is not the case here.
    Do you have other suggestions?
    P.s. yesterday, another issue popped up: the *.so files I am referring to are compiled from a whole list of files, and it seems that the "what" command can only check the Clearcase history of the hole list, while in our department, mostly only the impacted files are checked out/checked in for doing an update, and not the hole list of files, causing the "what" command to give erroneous results.

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    so I attempt to change the default html code.
    default code
    <script src=""></script>
                  archive: "MyJar.jar",
              draggable: true,
                  width: 300,
                  height: 300,
                  code: "MyPackage.Main",
    </script>the changed code
    <script src=""></script>
            archive: "MyJar.jnlp",//or the like this   archive: "MyJar_browser.jnlp",
              draggable: true,
                  width: 300,
                  height: 300,
                  code: "MyPackage.Main",
    </script>but it is futile.
    Considering maybe it needs server, I put the jar file and html file into tomcat ,it is nouse either.

    Thank you!
    yes I do.but I tried many many times.Finally,I got a phenomenon .Under Apache Tomcat container ,we can not access them by jnlp files,while the javafx's jar files set into the WEB-INF folder.
    Surely.we must put new another foler on the root to place javafx.
    Actually,we habitually put jar files into the lib folder which just under WEB-INF foler,and the JSP&servlet's specification.
    Is there a new way?

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    myString ="45.5"
    myBytes = Double.parseDouble(myString );
    convertedBytes = (myBytes * 1048576.0);
    System.out.println(myBytes + "MegaBytes = " + convertedBytes + "Bytes");
    45.5MegaBytes = 4.7710208E7Bytes
    How do I output:
    45.5MegaBytes = 47710208.0Bytes

    I think I am just going to go with
    println((int)Math.floor(mydouble + 0.5d));Note:
    - you shouldn't cast to an int, we never know (e.g. try with > 2048MB.)
    - you could use round(mydouble) instead of (long)floor(mydouble + 0.5d) (both are equivalent, but the first one looks clearer IMHO.)

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    i wanted to display report either by dept wise or supplier wise
    so when I dont have deptno related data
    It should say no data found
    for that I'm using if condition
    same for supplier too
    instead of giving twice can I give it in the same if condition
    if so how

    Use logical operator 'or'
    like <?if:not(DEPT_GRP) or not(SUPPLIER_GRP)?>No data Found<?end if?>

  • How to compare the codes written in two different windows?

    Hi ,
    I have a long code written for a FM.
    Now I have got the same code in a notepad.
    I want to check weather the codes in the two windows are exactly alike.
    Is there any easy way to do this?

    hi Harshit Rungta ,
    T-code SE39 - ABAP split screen editor use to compare 2 different programs ,function modules ,class
    just create a function module that available in notepad and compare the code which u have already .
    choose the function radio button while checking the function module .

  • Urgent ! Assigning (or Linking ) the same workbook into two different roles

    Hi Gurus,
    Coul you tell how to link the same workbook to two different roles.
    I am assigning the same workbook to two different roles, but in the second role the workbook is displaying with different structure than in the first role. I want the workbook should be displayed with same structure in both the roles.
    This is Urgernt.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards

    Hello hari,
    Both the roles should diplay the same layout for a single workbook.
    please ensure that both the users(with these 2 roles) have similar (all the other)authorisations.
    it's possible that one of the users may have further restrictions in authorisations. check out for z-authorisation objects if any.
    hope it helps..
    (*Don't forget to Assign points on SDN)

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    I set the icon on the main frame using JFrame.setIconImage(). The icon is shown properly in the main frame.
    If more JFrames are opened from the main frame, the newly opened JFrames also show the icon.
    However if JDialogs are opended, in some cases the icon set on the main frame is shown and in other cases the coffee cup.
    What is JFrame.setIconImage() expected to do? Setting the icon for a single JFrame or the entire application?
    How can I set the icon for the entire application?
    How can I set the icon for JDialogs?
    Thank you

    In order for your dialogs to use the same icon as the frame, you must parent the dialogs to the frame which has the custom icon.
    See the following thread for more information:

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    Hi experts,
    How to display the same content in the two different main windows?
    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry but you can't have two main windows in sapscripts.

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        I Want to know the sap scripts How to display the output to driver program

    Go to NACE Transaction.
    Select application for ex: if sales V1.
    Click on output types.
    Select the output type for ex : BA00
    Double click on Processing routines.
    There you can find the Driver Program name and Script/smart form name.
    Reward if useful.

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    If use Grid in BG u will get o/p In ALV List Itself, second thing is u will get Croped o/p bcos of Print Format 65255 , in this case u have to create/change a new Print Format only for BG jobs like 651000.
    for more info ask ur basis person to create a new print formats in such cases.

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