How to distinguish is cell get key event or mouse event in table?

I have a JTable.
1.Select cell and double click. As result caret is show
2.Select cell and start type. As result caret is show
How distinguish is caret is show, because cell get mouse event or key event?
Thank you.

Hm ...
the problem with the key events is, that they are partically taking place in an editor component - but the double click of the mouse clicked on a cell, which is not currently edited, can be get by a MouseListener added to the JTable.
My idea to that is as follows - hold the double_clicked state in a boolean variable hold by your JTable subclass - it is set by a MouseListener added to the JTable - and reset by the overwritten prepareEditor(...) method. This method should do the following:
// say, double_clicked is a boolean field in your JTable subclass
public Component prepareEditor(TableCellEditor editor,int row,int column) {
Component c = super.prepareEditor(editor,row,column);
if ((!double_clicked)&&(c instanceof JTextField)) { ((JTextField) c).setText(""); }
double_clicked = false;
return c;
}now you have only to implement an add a MouseListener to your JTable subclass which detects this double click and sets the double_clicked field accordingly.
This is an idea on the fly - hope it is helpful for you.
greetings Marsian

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    Hi Thiru,
    Please check the logic in thread
    Hope this helps.
    Deepak Kori

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                // take a nap
                try {
                catch (InterruptedException ex) { }
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            // draw background
            if (bgImage != null)
                         // draw image
                 g.drawImage(mPlayer.getImage(), (int)mPlayer.getX(), (int)mPlayer.getY(), null);
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    I've used the post from Abuse on the following thread with success. Maybe it will clue you in to what you might be doing wrong:

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    lwatcdr wrote:
    Already did that and not joy.
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             var keycode = inputEvent.getKeyCode();
             if(keycode ==8){
           }Use a clientListener
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    HI Deepak Dakshinadi  ,
    You can implement OVS in your input field.
    In the event ON_OVS you will get the value of the attribute  OVS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE which can give you the id of the input field in which OVS is implemented.
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    Re: More than 1 OVS in 1 View

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              mRecListButton = new HTextButton("List", curX, curY);
              // Setup a recording
              curY += V3Button.mHeight + gap;
              mRecButton = new HTextButton("Record", curX , curY);
              // Shows the list of scheduled recordings
              curY += V3Button.mHeight + gap;
              mScheduleRecButton = new HTextButton("Schedule", curX , curY);
              // Shows the list of Series Recordings
              curY += V3Button.mHeight + gap;
              mSeriesRecButton = new HTextButton("Series", curX, curY);
              mCurrentSelectedButton = LISTVALUE;
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              HSceneFactory factory = HSceneFactory.getInstance();
              HSceneTemplate sceneTemplate = new HSceneTemplate();
                             new Dimension(640, 400),
                             new HScreenPoint((float)0,(float)0),
              mScene = factory.getBestScene(sceneTemplate);
    Then, I add the above container to the mscene as follows,
    mCurrentContainer = myContainer;
    mScene.add(mCurrentContainer); // Keys Presses do not work if left uncommented
    mScene.addKeyListener( mCurrentContainer);
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    // mScene.add(mCurrentContainer); // Now the key presses works correctly.
    mScene.addKeyListener( mCurrentContainer);
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    I have not tried the above suggestions but the problem is solved. The issue was - I had the requirement of creating a a default child record when the parent record is created. I was creating the child record using insert statement in Prepared Statement in the doDML of parent EOImpl. So it is not creating a row in the EO and when I add the second record through the application and save, the getRowCount returns 1 which is new record that created through application. Sorry for not providing this info earlier and Thank You all.
    Regards, Pradeep

  • Getting action event of table component inside java script function of anot

    <af:document id="d1" partialTriggers="pt1" theme="dark">
    <f:facet name="metaContainer">
    <af:resource type="javascript"> function handleTableDoubleClick(evt) {
    var table = evt.getSource(); AdfCustomEvent.queue(table, "TableDoubleClickEvent",{},true); evt.cancel();
    function handleRowSelectionClick(evt) {
    var component = evt.getSource();
    AdfCustomEvent.queue(component, "rowSelectionClickEvent",{},true);
    function handleLinkSelection(linkClickEvent){
    var table=AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent("tbl");
    <af:form id="f1" usesUpload="true">
    <af:pageTemplate id="pt1" viewId="/ESOPM_Base_Template.jspx">
    <f:facet name="main_content">
    <af:panelStretchLayout id="pgl" bottomHeight="0px" inlineStyle="width:auto;">
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:table varStatus="rowStat" width="auto" value="#{MainContentBean.collectionModel}"
    rows="#{MainContentBean.collectionModel.rowCount}" rowSelection="single" contentDelivery="immediate"
    var="row" rendered="true" id="tbl" >
    <af:clientListener method="handleTableDoubleClick" type="dblClick"/>
    <af:serverListener type="TableDoubleClickEvent" method="#{MainContentBean.HandleDoubleClickTable}"/>
    <af:clientListener method="handleRowSelectionClick" type="click"/>
    <af:serverListener type="rowSelectionClickEvent" method="#{MainContentBean.HandleRowSelection}"/>
    <af:forEach items="#{MainContentBean.columnNames}" var="name">
    <af:column sortable="true" headerText="#{name}" headerClass="TableHeader" sortProperty="#{name}"
    inlineStyle="width:100px;" id="c1">
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pnl_grCol" halign="center" valign="middle">
    <af:image source="/images/folder.gif" rendered="#{name eq 'Collection Name'}" visible="#{row['Document Type'] eq ''}"
    <af:image source="/images/Computer_File.gif" rendered="#{name eq 'Collection Name'}"
    visible="#{row['Document Type'] eq 'Document' or 'Application'}" id="i3"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{row[name]}" id="aot1" clientComponent="true" >
    <af:clientListener method="handleRowSelectionClick" type="click"/>
    <af:serverListener type="SelectionClickEvent" method="#{MainContentBean.HandleRowSelection}"/>
    this is my code , In this when i am clicking on rowSelectionEvent its going to bean class i want the same action to be performed on the click of outputText so what can i do for that ,I want to execute same action as performed on table component for single click , on outputText
    Mayur Mitkari

    I think there are two solutions to the problem
    1. <af:outputText ... clientComponent="true"
    2. If this doesn't work, replace af:outputText with <af:inputText ... readOnly="true"/>

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    implement the keyListener interface for the Extended component...
    and in Keypressed method
    // do all ur reuirements here
    //and comsume the keyEvent...
    hope this helps

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    For that you can use either validate or lost focus event
    Private Sub SBO_Application_ItemEvent(ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean) Handles SBO_Application.ItemEvent
            ' BubbleEvent sets the behavior of SAP Business One.
            ' False means that the application will not continue processing this event.
            ' Validate event
            If (pVal.FormType = 133) And (pVal.ItemUID = 38) And (pVal.ColUID = 1) And _
              (pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_VALIDATE) Then
                If (pVal.Before_Action) Then
                    'write your code
                End If
            End If
            'Lost focus event
            If (pVal.FormType = 133) And (pVal.ItemUID = 38) And (pVal.ColUID = 1) And _
             (pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_LOST_FOCUS) Then
                If (pVal.Before_Action) Then
                    'write your code
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    Hope this helps

  • How te get the event of SAVE button in WDDOPOSTPROCESSING method

    am using an application that was configured with FPM, and my question is  how can I get the event wehen the user click on the save button in the method WDDOPOSTPROCESSING?
    will explain again!
    if the user click on the save button, how can I know or get the event in the WDDOPOSTPROCESSING?
    am talking here about the general save button in the header..
    please let me know if somebody knows
    thank you all

    just to make it easy for me,  the save button has an ID , i dont know how to get that ID  or where that action will be generated , i dont know where to implement my method, and this is the problem i dont know where or which method or class or IF will be genareted
    the SAP Developper are taking this case into consideration , because normaly all the data will be stored first in a buffer table, and after the suer clicks on the SAVE button, all the data will bestored in the corresponding INFOTYPE using the CP of the person, but in case of some INFTYPEs that are specified with 'P' instead of 'CP' we can't use the SAP Standard methode insert_infty , and this is the reason why i believe that there must be an alternative way to save all DATA of all Subtable by clicking only once on the save button.
    I foundout that the methode WDDOPOSTPROCESSING will be generated after clicking on the SAVE button, but as I said, i can't get the corresponding event ????
    please is somebody has an Idea, am still interessted to get the solution.
    thank you all

  • Capturing the TAB key event.

    How can I capture the TAB key event?
    I am trying to use it within a JTextField to do a normal text tab operation.

    I want to map the Tab key to a jTextField so that when the user is editing inside the jTextField they can press the TAB key to tab over a predefined number of characters.

  • Parent processes a key event.

    How to transfer the processing of key event of focusable component to it's parent? For example how to make a frame having a key listener added and containing buttons, text boxes, etc. to process key events?

    I found a way
    new AWTEventListener() {
    public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) {
    //MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent)e;
    switch(e.getID()) {
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED:
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED:
    System.out.println("pressed:id="+e.getID()); break;
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED:
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED:
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED:
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
    new AWTEventListener() {
    public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) {
    //MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent)e;
    switch(e.getID()) {
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:

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    I tried many things but failed,How do you make a cell in a JTable to be uneditable and also be able to handle events>Anyone who knows this please help.Thanx

    Hello Klaas2001
    You can add KeyListener ,MouseListener
    Suppose you have set the value of cell using setValueAt()
    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent src)
    String val="";
    int r= table.getEditingRow();
    int c= table.getEditingColumn();
    if (r!=-1 && c!=-1)
    TableCellEditor tableCellEditor = table.getCellEditor(r, c);
    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent src)
    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent src)
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    if(e.getClickCount()>=2)//Double Click
    int r= table.getEditingRow();
    int c= table.getEditingColumn();
    if (r!=-1 && c!=-1)
    TableCellEditor tableCellEditor = table.getCellEditor (
    }//Mouse Released
    You can remove keyListener and Mouse Listener whenever You want to edit
    then add it later.
    Regarding handling events implement javax.swing.event.TableModelListener
    public void tableChanged(javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent source)
    TableModel tabMod = (TableModel)source.getSource();
         switch (source.getType())
    case TableModelEvent.UPDATE:
         }//Table Changed Method
    //This method gets fired after table cell value is changed.

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