How to draw text to scale in actual inches?

When I set my document to draw text in inches and then outline the text, its usually smaller than what it was supposed to be. How do I set it to draw to an accurate size while still in edit mode (not outlined)?

It is exactly the size it is supposed to be. When you enter a type size, it is not the height of the capital letters, it's the distance from the tallest ascender to the lowest descender.
all the text below is 12 point
the only way to get what you want is to figure out the point size at which the capitals will equal .5 inches  - as you can see, this point size will vary depending on the font.

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    I robbed the framework from Dr Las or 74phillip (don't remember which) ...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class AngleText extends JPanel {
      private int      degrees = 16;
      private JSpinner degreesSpinner;
      public AngleText () {
        setBackground ( Color.WHITE );
      }  // AngleText constructor
      protected void paintComponent ( Graphics _g ) {
        super.paintComponent ( _g );
        Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)_g;
        g.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
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      }  // paintComponent
      public JPanel getUIPanel () {
        SpinnerModel degreesModel = new SpinnerNumberModel (
                                      degrees  // initial
                                     ,0        // min
                                     ,360      // max
                                     ,2        // step
        degreesSpinner = new JSpinner ( degreesModel );
        degreesSpinner.addChangeListener ( new DegreesTracker() );
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        panel.add ( degreesSpinner );
        return panel;
      }  // getUIPanel
      //  DegreesTracker
      private class DegreesTracker implements ChangeListener {
        public void stateChanged ( ChangeEvent e ) {
          Integer i = (Integer)((JSpinner)e.getSource()).getValue();
          degrees   = i.intValue ();
      }  // DegreesTracker
      //  main
      public static void main ( String[] args ) {
        JFrame f = new JFrame ( "AngleText" );
        f.setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        AngleText app = new AngleText();
        f.getContentPane().add ( app );
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        f.setSize ( 200, 200 );
        f.setVisible ( true );
      }  // main
    }  // AngleText

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    So you want to display only a part of the texture? In this case you need to set the right texture coordinates to the vertices.

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    Someone posted a nice example of what the OP wants a while ago on [|] : [CircleScroller (jnlp)|].
    It uses the 6u10 [transparant window feature|], but he didn't post the code itself.

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    +Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;+
    +g2.drawString("Hello, World!", 10, 20);+
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    Here's a very basic example:
    - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
    // draw text
    NSString *myString = @"Hello World";
    NSFont *font = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:24];
    NSColor *color = [NSColor blueColor];
    NSDictionary *attrs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    font, NSFontAttributeName,
    color, NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
    [myString drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(20, 0) withAttributes:attrs];
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    NSImage *myImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"picture1.png"];
    [myImage drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(20, 40)
    fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeCopy fraction:1.0];
    Since the above uses the imageNamed convenience method of NSImage, the arg must be the name of an image file you've previously added to the main bundle (Project->Add to Project). The code for a gif would be exactly the same.
    For more details see [Drawing Images into a View| oaDrawingGuide/Images/Images.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003290-CH208-BCIIBDAD] and [Simple Text Drawing| CocoaDrawingGuide/Text/Text.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003290-CH209-SW1] in the +Cocoa Drawing Guide+. Btw, the above is for OS X, since you asked about Cocoa. iPhone code is now called Cocoa Touch, so I hope I guessed the platform right. In case you really wanted iPhone, the code would be quite similar, but you'll need to substitute CGPointMake for NSMakePoint, UIColor for NSColor, UIImage for NSImage, and use a method like [drawAtPoint:forWidth:withFont:minFontSize:actualFontSize:lineBreakMode:baselin eAdjustment:| ence/NSStringUIKit_Additions/Reference/Reference.html#//appleref/doc/uid/TP40006893-CH3-SW14] for your text. You'll also only need one arg for the [drawAtPoint| rence/UIImageClass/Reference/Reference.html#//appleref/doc/uid/TP40006890-CH3-SW24] method of UIImage.
    Hope that helps get you started!
    - Ray

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    Best Regards.

    Related to this posting:
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    Did you put your font-size properties inside your media queries?
    /* Special Rules for tablets */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
       body {font-size: 110%}
    /* Special Rules for desktops */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1223px) {
      body {font-size: 135%}
    Nancy O.

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    Edited by: kathy a on May 6, 2008 11:53 AM

    Use BOx Syantax  How to Draw table in SAPscript ??? Pls Read the description
    Effect: draws a box of the specified size at the specified position.
    Parameters: For each parameter (XPOS, YPOS, WIDTH, HEIGHT and FRAME), both a measurement and a unit of measure must be specified. The INTENSITY parameter should be entered as a percentage between 0 and 100.
    •XPOS, YPOS: Upper left corner of the box, relative to the values of the POSITION command.
    Default: Values specified in the POSITION command.
    The following calculation is performed internally to determine the absolute output position of a box on the page:
    X(abs) = XORIGIN + XPOS
    Y(abs) = YORIGIN + YPOS
    •WIDTH: Width of the box.
    Default: WIDTH value of the SIZE command.
    •HEIGHT: Height of the box.
    Default: HEIGHT value of the SIZE command.
    •FRAME: Thickness of frame.
    Default: 0 (no frame).
    •INTENSITY: Grayscale of box contents as %.
    Default: 100 (full black)
    Measurements: Decimal numbers must be specified as literal values (like ABAP/4 numeric constants) by being enclosed in inverted commas. The period should be used as the decimal point character. See also the examples listed below.
    Units of measure: The following units of measure may be used:
    •TW (twip)
    •PT (point)
    •IN (inch)
    •MM (millimeter)
    •CM (centimeter)
    •LN (line)
    •CH (character).
    The following conversion factors apply:
    •1 TW = 1/20 PT
    •1 PT = 1/72 IN
    •1 IN = 2.54 CM
    •1 CM = 10 MM
    •1 CH = height of a character relative to the CPI specification in the layout set header
    •1 LN = height of a line relative to the LPI specification in the layout set header
    /: BOX FRAME 10 TW
    Draws a frame around the current window with a frame thickness of 10 TW (= 0.5 PT).
    Fills the window background with shadowing having a gray scale of 10 %.
    Draws a horizontal line across the complete top edge of the window.
    Draws a vertical line along the complete height of the left hand edge of the window.
    /: BOX WIDTH '17.5' CM HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW
    /: BOX XPOS '10.0' CM WIDTH 0 TW HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW
    /: BOX XPOS '13.5' CM WIDTH 0 TW HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW
    Draws two rectangles and two lines to construct a table of three columns with a highlighted heading section.
    Effect: Sets the origin for the coordinate system used by the XPOS and YPOS parameters of the BOX command. When a window is first started the POSITION value is set to refer to the upper left corner of the window (default setting).
    Parameters: If a parameter value does not have a leading sign, then its value is interpreted as an absolute value, in other words as a value which specifies an offset from the upper left corner of the output page. If a parameter value is specified with a leading sign, then the new value of the parameter is calculated relative to the old value. If one of the parameter specifications is missing, then no change is made to this parameter.
    •XORIGIN, YORIGIN: Origin of the coordinate system.
    •WINDOW: Sets the values for the left and upper edges to be the same of those of the current window (default setting).
    •PAGE: Sets the values for the left and upper edges to be the same as those of the current output page (XORIGIN = 0 cm, YORIGIN = 0 cm).
    Sets the origin for the coordinate system to the upper left corner of the window.
    Sets the origin for the coordinate system to a point 2 cm from the left edge and 2.5 cm from the upper edge of the output page.
    Shifts the origin for the coordinates 1.5 cm to the left and 1 cm up.
    Effect: Sets the values of the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters used in the BOX command. When a window is first started the SIZE value is set to the same values as the window itself (default setting).
    Parameters: If one of the parameter specifications is missing, then no change is made to the current value of this parameter. If a parameter value does not have a leading sign, then its value is interpreted as an absolute value. If a parameter value is specified with a leading sign, then the new value of the parameter is calculated relative to the old value.
    •WIDTH, HEIGHT: Dimensions of the rectangle or line.
    •WINDOW: Sets the values for the width and height to the values of the current window (default setting).
    •PAGE: Sets the values for the width and height to the values of the current output page.
    Sets WIDTH and HEIGHT to the current window dimensions.
    /: SIZE WIDTH '3.5' CM HEIGHT '7.6' CM
    Sets WIDTH to 3.5 cm and HEIGHT to 7.6 cm.
    /: SIZE WIDTH +40 TW HEIGHT +40 TW
    /: BOX FRAME 10 TW
    A frame is added to the current window. The edges of the frame extend beyond the edges of the window itself, so as to avoid obscuring the leading and trailing text characters.
    Reward Helpfull Answers

  • How to extract text from a PDF file?

    Hello Suners,
    i need to know how to extract text from a pdf file?
    does anyone know what is the character encoding in pdf file, when i use an input stream to read the file it gives encrypted characters not the original text in the file.
    is there any procedures i should do while reading a pdf file,
    File f=new File("D:/File.pdf");
                   FileReader fr=new FileReader(f);
                   BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(fr);
                   String s=br.readLine();any help will be deeply appreciated.

    jverd wrote:
    First, you set i once, and then loop without ever changing it. So your loop body will execute either 0 times or infinitely many times, writing the same byte every time. Actually, maybe it'll execute once and then throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. That's basic java looping, and you're going to need a firm grip on that before you try to do anything as advanced as PDF reading. the case.oops you are absolutely right that was a silly mistake to forget that,
    Second, what do the docs for getPageContent say? Do they say that it simply gives you the text on the page as if the thing were a simple text doc? I'd be surprised if that's the case.getPageContent return array of bytes so the question will be:
    how to get text from this array? i was thinking of :
        private void jButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            PdfReader read;
            StringBuffer buff=new StringBuffer();
            try {
                read = new PdfReader("d:/getjobid2727.pdf");
                byte[] data=read.getPageContent(1);
                int i=0;
    String str=buff.toString();
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("D:/test.txt");
    Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF8");
    } catch (Exception f) {
    "D:/test.txt"  hasn't been created!! when i ran the program,
    is my steps right?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • How to draw horizontal line in smartform after end of the all line items

    Hi Friends,
    I am working on the smartform. I have created TABLE node in Main window.
    i want to draw a horizontal line after end of the main window table node. i mean after printing all the line items of the table, I need to print one horizontal line.
    Could you please help me how to resolve this issue.
    FYI: I tried with the below two options. But no use.
    1. desinged footer area in the table node of the main window.
    2. tried with uline and system symbols.
    please correct me if i am wrong. please explain in detail how to draw horizontal line after end of the main window table.
    this is very urgent.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Valter Oliveira,
    Thanks for your answer. But I need some more detail about blank line text. i.e thrid point.
    Could you please tell me how to insert blank line text.
    1 - in your table, create a line type with only one column, with the same width of the table
    2 - in table painter, create a line under the line type
    3 - insert a blank line text in the footer section with the line type you have created.

  • Does anyone know how to select text in Appleworks, click on the font button and then be able to scroll thru all the font so that one can see the text change as you scroll down the list, at present  I have to do it one font style at a time and then repeat

    does anyone know how to view text in Appleworks, to be able to click on the font button and then be able to scroll thru all the font so that one can see it change as you scroll down the list, at present  I have to do it one font style at a time and then repeat? Thanks jl

    Welcome to the Apple forums
    Your question really belongs in the AppleWorks community/forum.
    You can turn on fonts in actual type in the AppleWorks preferences.

  • How to draw table in layout in module pool

    how to draw table in layout in module pool with wizard or table control

    Goto Screen Painter .
    here we can create table in 2 ways,
    with wizard and without wizard.
    with wizard it will step by step...
    for without wizard (its quite easy)
    Click Table control and Drag into ur screen.
    then --> click input box and place into to that table control
    for two column do this two times.
    then for header click the text icon in left side and drag into
    correspoding places .. then ur table is ready..
    then give names using double clicking the elements
    See the prgrams:
    DEMO_DYNPRO_TABLE_CONTROL_1 Table Control with LOOP Statement
    Reward if useful.

  • How to get text when mousing over image?

    Hey there, I am extremely new to Flash, but know other Adobe programs so tend to learn quickly.
    I desperately need to find out how to get text to pop up when i mouse over PART of the image and i havent been able to find any help online in the last two days (pulling my hair out in stress).
    Now i uploaded a rough mock up i did on Photoshop, so you can see when i mouseover the top layer of the cake i need a line to stretch out and the text to pop up at the end of it. Similarly if i moused over the cherry another piece of text needs to come up in the same manor.
    Also since i need it to be a website link so what format do i open it with when i go to FILE- NEW?
    Honestly thank you so much in advance to anyone that helps

    First you have to choose if you want to handle devices. If not and you want to stay in Flash I'll stick on topic.
    In the HTML version you could either use a good old fashioned image map (they're still fine in the HTML5 era) or you could use a layering technique (here's a random layering example).
    In Flash you can do it a few different ways. If you intend on keeping the image intact as a single object then you'll be essentially doing the same as an image map. You can draw invisible hitareas on the various parts of the object and have those areas trigger a specific function that will display your text. If you break up the image into the separate parts then you can directly assign those parts to fire off a function themselves.
    First I'd like to know your desired direction.

  • How to unlink text to link in indesign cs6

    dear all
    any one tell me how to unlink text to link in indesign cs6...

    Willi Adelberger wrote:
    You need to set up 1 paragraph style for each level.
    In each paragraph style got to the section "Bullets & Numbering"
    Set to numbering, set each paragraph style to the corresponding level. For each level add in the numbering field the placeholder for the same level, in the second and third level set the placeholder and the dot before the actual level for the first and the second level (this only for the third level of course).
    It is also a goot idea to create and select a list which can be done in the same dialog. It would work without a list but it is better to use a list to not get numbering problems with ohter numbered lists in the document.
    Search Google for terms like "multi-level automatic numbering in indesign" without quotes.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices    

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