How to edit invalid hierarchy Structure

Hi All,
I have a problem where a hierarchy will not activate due to following error,
<b>Parent ID of node ID 00000529 is not the same as the ID of the higher level node     </b>
I am trying to open the hierarchy and remove this node so that the hierarchy will activate without any issue. But when I try to open the hierarchy, it gives a short dump.
Can anyone tell me if there is any way I can edit this hierarchy without getting a short dump?
Any help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time,

Hi Reddy,
I don't think that this kind of error could appear during manual creation of hierarchy or its upload from R/3. So, you loaded it from a flat file?
In this case just correct the error ih the file.
As usual, the file for hierarchy upload has the following fields:
NodeID, ParentID (the parent node ID), ChildID (ID of the first child node), NextID (ID of the next node of the same level of hiearachy).
Consider the example.
NodeID       ParentID     ChildID      NextID
21       3             00000529 30     
00000529  20         0      25
According to the first row the first child node for the node 21 is node 00000529. But second row shows that the parent ID for the node 00000529 is node 20, not node 21!
Correct the file and upload it again.
Best regards,

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    You can use following hierarchy tables
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    A hierarchy can be created in the system by two ways:
    By hand:
         I would recomend to create by hand if the hierarchy has a few nodes or if the hierarchy will stay without changes for long.
         RSA1 --> Look for your infoobject and "create hierarchy". Then, you can create the folders and nodes that you need and dont forget activate it
    This option is the quickest and easier, if you could go for it.
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    From my own experience, it would be easier to build the extractor in the old version (rsa1old).
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    If u need to create the structure
    Go to the IS datasource
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    Check this link also
    Hope it helps

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    Hey Kishore,
    In order to create a structure you need to use the file with convertion mode on the sending communication channel of the file adapter.
    check the link for the needed configuration paramters.
    If the structure is more complexed you can use the Contetnt master(CM) from itemfield which allows to ceate XML file from complex flat files and more.
    <a href="">File sender adapter</a>
    If you have any question i'll be more than happy to assist.
    Nimrod Gisis

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    Hi Subbiah.
    You can also supress the "not assigned" nodes in the hierarchy maintanence by choosing: Hierarchy attributes -> Supress unassigned nodes.
    Hope it helps.

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    Hi PG
    Using MENU UI element you can acieve this...
    Create MENU ui element, in that INSERT MENU, in that INSERT MENU OPTION.
    Edited by: kissnas on Mar 8, 2011 11:50 AM

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    You should be able to boot to the Snow Leopard upgrade disc — you had to do so to install the upgrade in the first place. If you can't boot to it now, either the disc is scratched or dirty or your drive's lens is dirty; for the latter problem, a drive cleaning disc is an inexpensive, frequently-used and often successful remedy, available at any store that sells DVDs.
    Because you're running Snow Leopard now, you should repair your hard drive directory using the Snow Leopard version of Disk Utility, not the one on your Tiger installer disc. If you aren't able to do so even after trying to clean your drive, you could buy and use DiskWarrior to rebuiild the damaged HD directory. But DW costs nearly $100, and though it would probably do the trick, that's a bunch of money. You'll have to weigh its cost against the value of the new or changed data on your drive that hasn't been backed up in the last three weeks. If you can get along without that data, then erasing your hard drive and restoring from your last backup is the no-cost, immediate (as opposed to waiting for a DW startup disk to arrive in the mail) solution.

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    The first thing to try is Deleting Corrupted Cache in DW
    If that doesn't help, try Restore Preferences
    If all else fails, use the CC Cleaner Tools below followed by a software re-install.
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    panic(cpu 1 caller 0x47f5ad): "Process 1 exec of /sbin/launchd failed, errno 8\n"@SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1504.15.3/bsd/kern/kern_exec.c:3145
    Debugger called: <panic>
    [additional information here]
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    Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    Checking extents overflow file.
    Checking catalog file.
    Invalid node structure
    Rebuilding catalog B-tree.
    Invalid node structure
    [many repeats of “Invalid node structure”  ~ about 400 repeats]
    Rechecking volume.
    Checking Journaled JFS Plus volume.
    Checking extents overflow file.
    Checking catalog file.
    Missing thread record (id=18)
    Missing thread record (id=110)
    [many instances of “Missing thread record” ~about 200 repeats]
    Checking multi-linked files.
    Checking catalog hierarchy.
    Checking extended attributes file.
    The volume Macintosh HD could not be verified completely.
    Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk…disk, and restore your back-up files.
    At the end, a window presented over the error log stated :
    “Disk Utility stopped repairing “Macintosh HD”
    Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your back-up files.
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    But my main issue now is to retrieve the files!
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    I don’t know what is the OS version;  it is Snow Leopard OS X ……. I bought it in September 2009.
    I appreciate any help, thank you so much for your time…

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    Hi ALL
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    If any one can send the sample code on the same then it would be great help to me.
    Similar requirement like in table UI Like however we are adding the new row in a table when we click on the insert button then cursor will go to that new row in a table where user can enter his details in the table.. now i am looking for the same requirement in a Tree UI element.
    is it possible the same requirement in tree UI element in webdynpro for Java??
    kallki reddy

    Hi kallki reddy
    In general I think this is not possible in the form you'd like. It seems the Tree control is read-only thing always. It cannot provide editing capabilities.
    Table is different thing. You can select within many different cell editors including Input Fields.
    I guess that you scenario could be implemented not with Tree control, but with Table with Master Column. The master column allows to bring up a hierarchy into a plain table. So it's just a tree inside a table.
    Here you can find further details: [TreeByNestingTableColumn API|]
    BR, Siarhei

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    Field GAMNG with reference field MEINS: Reference table MARA is replaced by ZOXPRD0150
    Field PLSVB with reference field PLNME: Reference table PLKO is replaced by ZOXPRD0150
    Field PLSVN with reference field PLNME: Reference table PLKO is replaced by ZOXPRD0150
    Field LODIV with reference field MEINS: Reference table MARA is replaced by ZOXPRD0150
    Following is the screen shot of error message:
    1. How can I get rid of this error message and be able to create my "Generic DataSource" on top of this "View"?
    2. What should I do to resolve the above warning and error messages?
    I will appreciate your reply.
    Many thanks!
    Tariq Ashraf

    Hi Vipul,
    as you can find in CKIS table, the reference feild for value feild "WERTN" is missing.
    As per the table the reference feild is HWAER. This should have been used in place of FWAER.
    Try mentioning this in your view and this should work.
    Also I am a little enthusiastic to know, what are you trying to get from the datasource.
    If you are trying to get the cost estimate of multi level BOM, not (just one child level), then this approach may not work.
    There is a BAPI that gives such itemization split. Just FYI, in case you are looking for multi level explosion.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to Edit the CheckBox in Classic ALV GRID Display

    I want to Edit the checkbox in Grid Display.
    I have one checkbox field in my internal Table,
    Code Of the Program,
    Data :
    Begin of itab occurs 0,
    CHK type C,
    end of itab.
    Iam building the fieldcatelog using Merge Funcion module.
    After that I am chaning the properties of the field
    catelog like below,
    loop at I_FCAT assigning <FCAT>.
    Case <FCAT>-Fieldname
    When 'CHK'.
    <FCAT>-Checkbox = 'X'.
    <FCAT>-INPUT = 'X'.
    I dont have edit option in fieldcatelog.
    modify I_FCAT from <FCAT>.
    In the Layout,
    I_LAYOUT-box_fieldname = 'CHK'.
    I_LAYOUT-box_tabname = 'ITAB'.
    It is displaying the Checkbox field.but I couldnt edit the checkBox.
    I can able to edit in REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY.
    But I  have to use REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY.How to edit the checkbox.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi vasu,
    The below procedure explains you to create a checkbox cloumn in the grid and allows you to edit i hope this will helps u.
    The ALV Grid Control displays the cells of a column as checkboxes if the column is marked as a checkbox column in the field catalog.
    •     Add another field to the output table in which you want to display checkboxes
    •     Define an existing field as a checkbox.
    1.     Add a field to your output table:
    Data: gt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.
    Types: begin of gs_outtab.
    Types: checkbox type c. "field for checkbox
    Include structure <ABAP Dictionary structure> .
    Types: end of gs_outtab.
    Data: gt_outtab type gs_outtab occurs 0 with header line.
    2 * Add an entry for the checkbox to the field catalog
    clear ls_fcat.
    ls_fcat-fieldname = 'CHECKBOX'.
    * Essential: declare field as checkbox and
    * mark it as editable field:
    ls_fcat-checkbox = 'X'.
    ls_fcat-edit = 'X'.
    * do not forget to provide texts for this extra field
    ls_fcat-coltext = text-f01.
    ls_fcat-tooltip = text-f02.
    ls_fcat-seltext = text-f03.
    append ls_fcat to gt_fieldcat.

  • Product :  Errors in attribute hierarchy structure SAP BCA   000164

    Hi All ,
    When ever i create /Display /Change Product in
    Financial Supply Chain Management --> In House Cash > Master Data>Product Definition--> Product --> Create /Change/Display
    system through below mentioned error .
    I tryed to resolve problem as per below mentioned program through se38 , but still getting same error
    Errors in attribute hierarchy structure SAP BCA   000164
    Message no. FIPR217
    System Response
    An error was found in the attribute hierarchy.
    In some cases, it is not possible to display the attribute hierarchy without having to correct the errors first.
    It is recommended that you run the FIPR_CLEAN_ATTRIBUTES (by using transaction SE38).  This report can recognize errors, and it attempts to correct them automatically.
    Caution: This report can change your table entries permanently.
    Once this report has run, you need to check the hierarchy structure, and make any necessary changes.
    Prakash Sharma

    the realignment (KEND) does not change the line item tables (CE1***, CE2***), thats why they remain unchanged.
    The line items in CE1**** can not be changed. If you really want to have new line items (with the new prod. hierarchy) try in test-client if the use of report RKECADL1 and the new transfer to CO-PA for the deleted line items (KE4S, KE4SFI,...) can help you (SAPNET-note 69370 for details).
    CE2**** + SQL-error: As per now, I don't have an idea how to deal with that cases.
    best regards, Christian

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