How to export result set from mysql query browser to .sql in oracle

Hi folks:
I was trying to export result set from MySql query browser to Oracle. I could able to do
File->Export Result Set-> Excel format...
What I am trying to get is .sql file so that I can run it as a script in my oracle db. Is there any way we can get .sql file with inserts and delimeters ....?
Did you guys get my question.?
Please throw some light on this....
Could be very appreciable ....
Sudhir Naidu

Create a sql statement which generates the insert statements.
Something like this:
select 'insert into table1 (column1, column2, column3) values (' ||
column1 || ', ' || column2 || ', ' || column3 || ');' from table 1;
The || sign is the string concatenation sign in Oracle, replace it the appropriate sign in MySql. Export the result set of this query into a file, and you can run it in a SqlPlus.
Ott Karesz

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    Your reference to NS.REQDATE is too deep. Oracle will only allow you to reference a column from the main query one level deep.
    I think you can just change that query into this:
    (Select AVG(((cpath.REQUESTDATETIME)- NS.REQDATE)*1440) AvgTime
    FROM usersessiondetails cpath
    Where cpath.Userkey=(Select Userkey from ods_user where userid=NS.UserId and namespace=NS.Namespace)
       and cpath.acctnum=aCCTNUM
       and cpath.transactionname IN (AUTH_LOGOFF' )
       and cpath.REQUESTDATETIME = NS.REQDATE )You do not need the extra query level to do the AVG.

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             //String query = "SELECT acctNum, acctOwnerId, acctOwnerName, balance, acctType, creditLimit, yearlyInterest, duration, creationDate, relatedCheckingAccoun FROM accounts WHERE acctNum="+id;
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        }thanks for you help :)
    Edited by: gizmokaka on Mar 29, 2008 8:37 AM

    Maybe it's not the function executeQuery(query) that gives you the nullpointer. I think it may be that there is no connection to the DB, in which case the statement variable is null. Call to a method through this variable will trigger a nullpointer. Could you please post the exception text here? It may tell you where the NullPointerException occurs.

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    Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_me_totalquestion]
    @startDate datetime = NULL
    , @ENDDate datetime = NULL
    , @userid int = -1
    , @groupByScript int = 0
    , @groupByAgent int = 0
    , @groupByDate int = 0
    set nocount on
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    DECLARE @where VARCHAR(200)
    --[AgentName] = (CASE WHEN @userid > 0 THEN FullName ELSE 0 END),
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    FROM ccp_customer_retention_log r
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    ON =
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    WHEN @GroupByAgent = 1 THEN u.fullname

    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules. Temporal data should
    use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    This is minimal polite behavior on SQL forums. 
    Please stop using “usp_” prefixes. It looks like FORTRAN I and II instead of SQL. We have DATE data type now, too! You even put commas at the front of the punchcard, like 1960's FORTRAN. 
    Why are you doing dynamic SQL? That is how you tell the world that you have no idea what you are doing. With a flip of a switch, it becomes a procedure for automobiles, squids or Lady Gaga. Then you have a generic magic “id” that makes no sense. What does it
    identify? To be is to be something in particular (remember the Law of Identity from Logic 101?). Likewise, there is no generic status – marriage? Employment? Graduation? What? I will guess “user_id”, bu that would be awful. An identifier is a tag number and
    would never be an INTEGER. Why do you want to do math with it? Think about how silly “(CASE WHEN @in_user_id > 0 THEN full_name ELSE 0 END)” is; an integer changes to a string (yes, names are strings in data models)
    Why did you cast dates to strings? Why are there no aliases on the column names? Start using “<expression> AS <column name>” instead of 1970's Sybase “<column name> = <expression>”; your code will not port, or be readable to SQL programmers. 
    I have no idea what the proc name should be, but it is a verb and the object upon which it act in a valid data model. 
    CREATE PROCEDURE <verb>_<object>
    (@in_start_date DATE = NULL, @in_end_date DATE = NULL,
       @in_user_id INTEGER = -1)
    SELECT @in_user_id, ??.script_id, ??.full_name, ??.something_status
      FROM CCP_Customer_Retention_Log AS R,
           CCP_Users AS U
     WHERE R.user_id = U.user_id
       AND @in_user_id = U.user_id
       AND AND R.insertion_date BETWEEN @in_start_date AND @in_end_date;
    But this is still awful. Create a VIEW with this data set. Then do the reports on it. As separate procedures with high cohesion. Follow Netiquette and maybe we can help you. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • It is required to get the result set from the last query.

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    alter        proc spQ_GetASCBillingRateIDs2
    @ScheduleID CHAR(15),
    @startdate smalldatetime,
    @enddate smalldatetime
    set nocount on
    truncate table tbltmpgroup
    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tbltmptbltest]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
    drop table [dbo].[tbltmptbltest]
    exec sp_CreateTblTmpGroup
    insert into tbltmpgroup
    case when pd.billparent = 'N' then org.eligibleorgid
    else isnull(af.parentid, org.eligibleorgid) end as billorgid,
    pd.individualbill , pd.cobrabill, pd.billparent,
    org.eligibleorgid, org.polid, org.orgpolicyid,
    pp.planid,  pp.rateid,
    case when ps.ascclaimfromdate > @startdate then ps.ascclaimfromdate
    else @startdate end as premiumrundayFrom,
    case when ps.ascclaimtodate < @enddate then ps.ascclaimtodate
    else @enddate end as premiumrundayTo,
    fts.effdate, fts.termdate,
    case when fts.effdate > @startdate then fts.EffDate
    else @startdate end as ascStartDate,
    case when fts.termdate < @enddate then fts.termdate
    else @enddate end as ascEndDate
    FROM premiumschedule ps (nolock)
    inner join orgpolicy org (nolock)
    on org.ascinvoicerungroup between ps.premiumrundayfrom and ps.premiumrundayto
    inner join FundingTypeStatus fts
    on fts.orgpolicyid = org.orgpolicyid
    and fts.fundtype = 'ASC'
    and ((fts.effdate between @startdate and @enddate)
    or (fts.termdate between @startdate and @enddate)
    or (fts.effdate < @startdate and fts.termdate > @enddate))
    inner join eligibilityorg o (nolock)
    on org.eligibleorgid = o.eligibleorgid
    inner join policydef pd (nolock)
    on pd.polid = org.polid
    inner join policyplans pp (nolock)
    on pp.polid = org.polid
    inner join program p (nolock)
    on pd.programid = p.programid
    left join orgaffiliation af with (nolock)
    on org.eligibleorgid = af.childid
    WHERE ps.premiumscheduleid = @ScheduleID
    AND org.orgpolicyid <> ''
    SELECT DISTINCT z.rateid, e.enrollid, z.ascstartdate, z.ascenddate
    into tbltmptbltest FROM enrollment E (nolock)
    inner join tbltmpgroup z
    on e.rateid = z.rateid
    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IDXTempTable  ON tbltmptbltest(enrollid)
    create index IDXTemptableDates on tbltmptbltest(ascstartdate,ascenddate)
    select distinct t.*
    from tbltmpgroup t
    where rateid in (
    select distinct t.rateid from VW_ASC_Billing)
    order by billorgid
    set nocount off

    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules (you have no idea).
    Temporal data should use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    What you did post is bad SQL. 
    The prefix “tbl-” is a design flaw called tibbling and we do not do it. We seldom use temp tables in RDBMS; it is how magnetic tape file programmers fake scratch tapes. 
    If the schema is correct, then SELECT DISTINCT is almost never used. 
    Your “bill_parent” looks like a assembly language bit flag; we never use those flags in SQL. 
    “Funding_Type_Status” is an absurd name for a table. A status is a state of being, not an entity. A type is an attribute property. So this table ought to be column that is either a “funding_type” or “funding_status” (with the time period for the state of being
    shown in other columns). But this hybrid is not possible in a valid data model. 
    Want to try again, with DDL and some specs? 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • How to export some data from the tables of an owner with integrity?

    Hi to all,
    How to export some data from the tables of an owner with integrity?
    I want to bring some data from all tables in a single owner of the production database for development environment.
    My initial requirements are: seeking information on company code (emp), contract status (status) and / or effective date of contract settlement (dt_liq_efetiva) - a small amount of data to developers.
    These three fields are present in the main system table (the table of contracts). Then I thought about ...
    - create a temporary table from the query results table to contract;
    - and then use this temporary table as a reference to fetch the data in other tables of the owner while maintaining integrity. But how? I have not found the answer, because: what to do when not there is the possibility of a join between the contract and any other table?
    I am considering the possibility of consulting the names of tables, foreign keys and columns above, and create dynamic SQL. Conceptually, something like:
    select r.constraint_name "FK name",
    r.table_name "FK table",
    r.column_name "FK column",
    up.constraint_name "Referencing name",
    up.table_name "Referencing table",
    up.column_name "Referencing column"
    from all_cons_columns up
    join all_cons_columns r
    using (owner, position), (select r.owner,
    r.constraint_name fk,
    r.table_name table_fk,
    r.r_constraint_name r,
    up.table_name table_r
    from all_constraints up, all_constraints r
    where r.r_owner = up.owner
    and r.r_constraint_name = up.constraint_name
    and up.constraint_type in ('P', 'U')
    and r.constraint_type = 'R'
    and r.owner = 'OWNERNAME') aux
    where r.constraint_name =
    and r.table_name = aux.table_fk
    and up.constraint_name = aux.r
    and up.table_name = aux.table_r;
    -- + Dynamic SQL
    If anyone has any suggestions and / or reuse code to me thank you very much!
    After resolving this standoff intend to mount the inserts in utl_file by a table and create another program to read and play in the development environment.
    Let's Share!
    My thanks in advance,

    Thanks, Peter.
    Well, I am working with release But the planning is migrate to 10g this year. So my questions are:
    With Data Pump can export data just from tables owned for me (SCHEMAS = MYOWNER) parameterizing the volume of data (SAMPLE) and filters to table (QUERY), right? But parameterizing a contract table QUERY = "WHERE status NOT IN (2,6) ORDER BY contract ":
    1º- the Data Pump automatically searches for related data in other tables in the owner? ex. parcel table has X records related (fk) with Y contracts not in (2,6): X * SAMPLE records will be randomly exported?
    2º- for the tables without relation (fk) and which are within the owner (MYOWNER) the data is exported only based on the parameter SAMPLE?
    Once again, thank you,
    Reading Oracle Docs...

  • Virtual column in the result set of the query.

    Hi folks,
    I have table , let it be, EMP. It has columns ENAME,EMPNO,JOB etc.,
    My requirement is to add an extra column, not present in the table, having NULL value at the time of diplaying the results of a query. I hope you got it. So a column that does not exists in the table should get displayed in the resultant set when we query the results from that table. so my question is, how to write the SELECT statement using that virtual column.
    I'd thought of using X column in Dummy table but what if I don't have any dummy table in my particular schema.
    Please do revert back with the solution.
    Your effort'll be genuinely appreciated.

    If you just wany display null values you can write query like this :

  • Need help in restricting a result set from a UNION in MERGE

    Would really appreciate if anybody could help me out with the issue I am facing with the below statements (I am new to Oracle ):
    merge into table_name_1 p
      select p_key, value_1, value_2
      from some_tables
      select p_key, value_1, value_2
      from some_tables
    on (p.p_key = t.p_key)
    when matched then
      update table_name_1 with value_1 and value_2
    when not matched then
      insert table_name_1 with p_key, value_1, value_2;
    Now, the union of all those selects gives me distinct values and it works most of the times but when I get values like below, the merge fails:
    I browsed the net and understood the reason behind this: the result set becomes ambiguous and merge doesn't know which row to insert first and which one to update.
    Now, my requirement is: I could have any of the below scenario/result sets from the union and I need only 1 row per p_key -
    100-----25-----50 ***************need this row
    100-----25-----NULL ***************need this row
    100-----25-----NULL ***************need this row (p_key = 100)
    200-----NULL-----75 ***************need this row (p_key = 200)
    300-----90-----95 ***************need this row (p_key = 300)
    So, I basically need a way to restrict the values that I will get from the UNION of all those selects to fit the requirement above, hope I was able to explain the issue I am facing.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    In all cases the goal is to find an order by value that will make the row you want be first.
    The query I gave is calculating a priority for each row by adding up values showing whether each column is null or not null. The case statements check whether each column is null and need to be added up to give a total priority value.
    Value_1   Value_2   Priority
    Not Null  Not Null  2 + 1 = 3
    Not Null  Null      2 + 0 = 2
    Null      Not Null  0 + 1 = 1
    Null      Null      0 + 0 = 0
    The priority value ends up being a bitmap showing whether each value is null or not null. I think that reflects my mathematics background.
    Another way of getting the same result (suggested to me by your asking why it needs the "+") would be to use two CASE expressions as separate order by items:
    select p_key, value_1, value_2 from
    (select p_key, value_1, value_2, row_number() over
              (partition by p_key
               order by case when value_1 is null then 0 else 1 end DESC,
                        case when value_2 is null then 0 else 1 end DESC
              ) as rn
      from (your UNION query here)
    where rn = 1
    A third way is to use a more complex case statement:
    select p_key, value_1, value_2 from
    (select p_key, value_1, value_2, row_number() over
              (partition by p_key
               order by case when value_1 is NOT null and value_2 is NOT null then 1
                             when value_1 is NOT null and value_2 is     null then 2
                             when value_1 is     null and value_2 is NOT null then 3
                             when value_1 is     null and value_2 is     null then 4
                         end  ASC
              ) as rn
      from (your UNION query here)
    where rn = 1

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    Anyone know how to export a PDF from InDesign so it is "click to go to next page" instead of "scroll to go to next page"?

    I don't use the latest InDesign, but in the past ID's options for exporting to PDF did not allow setting how a PDF should be viewed once exported.  However, these settings can be adjusted in Acrobat through Preferences: check out Page Layout and Zoom under Page Display.

  • Performance to fetch result set from stored procedure.

    I read some of related threads, but couldn't find any good suggestions about the performance issue to fetch the result set from a stored procedure.
    Here is my case:
    I have a stored procedure which will return 2,030,000 rows. When I run the select part only in the dbartisan, it takes about 3 minutes, so I know it's not query problem. But when I call the stored procedure in DBArtisan in following way:
    declare cr SYS_REFCURSOR;
    firstname char(20);
    lastname char(20);
    street char(40);
    city char(20);
    STATE varchar2(2);
    begin DISPLAY_ADDRESS(cr);
    FETCH cr INTO firstname,lastname,street, city, state;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( firstname||','|| lastname||','|| street||',' ||city||',' ||STATE);
    CLOSE cr;
    It will take about 100 minutes. When I used DBI fetchrow_array in perl code, it took about same amount of time. However, same stored procedure in sybase without using cursor, and same perl code, it only takes 12 minutes to display all results. We assume oracle has better performance. So what could be the problem here?
    The perl code:
    my $dbh = DBI->connect($databaseserver, $dbuser, $dbpassword,
    { 'AutoCommit' => 0,'RaiseError' => 1, 'PrintError' => 0 })
    or die "couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;
    open OUTPUTFILE, ">$temp_output_path";
    my $rc;
    my $sql="BEGIN DISPLAY_ADDRESS(:rc); END;";
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr;
    $sth->bind_param_inout(':rc', \$rc, 0, { ora_type=> ORA_RSET });
    $sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr;
    my ($firstname, $lastname, $street, $city, $STATE) = @$address_info;
    print OUTPUTFILE $firstname."|".$lastname."|".$street."|".$city."|".$STATE;
    close OUTPUTFILE;

    Thanks for you reply!
    1) The stored procedure has head
    err_msg VARCHAR2(100);
    --Adaptive Server has expanded all '*' elements in the following statement
    OPEN cv_1 FOR
    Select ...
    err_msg := SQLERRM;
    dbms_output.put_line (err_msg);
    If I only run select .. in DBArtisan, it display all 2030,000 rows in 3:44 minutes
    2) But when call stored procedure, it will take 80-100 minutes .
    3) The stored procedure is translated from sybase using migration tools, it's very simple, in sybase it just
    select ..
    The select part is exact same.
    4) The perl code is almost exact same, except the query sql:
    sybase verson: my $sql ="exec DISPLAY_ADDRESS";
    and no need bind the cursor parameter.
    This is batch job, we create a file with all information, and ftp to clients everynight.

  • How to export and import from AIX to solaris a whole schema with different

    how to export and import from AIX to solaris a whole schema with different character set
    import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    import server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)
    Import terminated successfully with warnings.

    The conversion between the character sets on the two servers are handled automatically. Export from one server will export the data given the character set defined on that server. Import into another server will import the data given the character set defined on that server, performing a conversion if necessary. This can be a problem when going from single-byte to a multi-byte character set. In your case, the warning is simply for your information, shoule be no real problem given the character sets you're using.
    For more info...check out (pertains to 9i):
    Character Ste Migration

  • How to  Export/Import "report for the query" to another company

    I do this:
    1.create query in SQL analizer
    2.copy paste into SBO query generator and save
    3.create report for the query
    Then, How to Export/Import "report for the query" to another company ?
    Thanks for your HELP.

    Look for SAP Note number 600813
    That's the note Adele means, I guess.
    <b>Edit (@13:18)</b>
    The direct link:
    ---- Replace *SOURCE* with the source database name.
    ---- Replace *DEST* with the destination database name.
    insert into [*DEST*].[dbo].[RDOC]
    select [*SOURCE*].[dbo].[RDOC].*
    where [*DEST*].[dbo].[cinf].[lawsset]=[*SOURCE*].[dbo].[cinf].[lawsset]and [*DEST*].[dbo].[cinf].[version]=[*SOURCE*].[dbo].[cinf].[version] and [*SOURCE*].[dbo].[RDOC].[Doccode]NOT IN (SELECT Doccode from [*DEST*].[dbo].[RDOC])
    insert into [*DEST*].[dbo].[RITM]
    select [*SOURCE*].[dbo].[RITM].*
    from [*SOURCE*].[dbo].[RITM],[*DEST*].[dbo].[cinf],[*SOURCE*].[dbo].[cinf] where [*SOURCE*].[dbo].[RITM].[Doccode] NOT IN (select Doccode from [*DEST*].[dbo].[RITM])AND [*SOURCE*].[dbo].[RITM].[Doccode]IN (SELECT Doccode from [*DEST*].[dbo].[RDOC])
    Hope it helps...
    Grtz, Rowdy

  • Goto: How to export some data from the tables of an owner with integrity?

    Hi to all,
    Help please: How to export some data from the tables of an owner with integrity?
    My thanks in advance,

    Thanks, Peter.
    Well, I am working with release But the planning is migrate to 10g this year. So my questions are:
    With Data Pump can export data just from tables owned for me (SCHEMAS = MYOWNER) parameterizing the volume of data (SAMPLE) and filters to table (QUERY), right? But parameterizing a contract table QUERY = "WHERE status NOT IN (2,6) ORDER BY contract ":
    1º- the Data Pump automatically searches for related data in other tables in the owner? ex. parcel table has X records related (fk) with Y contracts not in (2,6): X * SAMPLE records will be randomly exported?
    2º- for the tables without relation (fk) and which are within the owner (MYOWNER) the data is exported only based on the parameter SAMPLE?
    Once again, thank you,
    Reading Oracle Docs...

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    How to get the data from mysql database which is being accessed by a PHP application and process the data locally in adobe air application and finally commit the changes back in to mysql database through the PHP application.

    If the data is on a remote server (for example, PHP running on a web server, talking to a MySQL server) then you do this in an AIR application the same way you would do it with any Flex application (or ajax application, if you're building your AIR app in HTML/JS).
    That's a broad answer, but in fact there are lots of ways to communicate between Flex and PHP. The most common and best in most cases is to use AMFPHP ( or the new ZEND AMF support in the Zend Framework.
    This page is a good starting point for learning about Flex and PHP communication:
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    Hi Ruchi
    I hope u had gone to the screen fields which u want them not to be editable. So there u select all the fields contents which u do not want to to be changed and check the boxes with W.content and Display and save it. Once evrything is done u have to activate the particular transcation going in to the standard variants and put the name and click the activate button.
    Hope its clear
    Reward if help ful

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  • Sync iPhone contacts with Gmail contacts whille having Outlook contacts

    Hi, I am currently syncing my iPhone's contacts with itunes ->Outlook. Which means that all my contacts being saved on my Outlook account. I also have many people/contacts on my Gmail accound that I wish to get in to my iPhone. BUT: The problem is th

  • Iphone 4s backup

    so a couple months back i bought the iphone4s in blackcause white was out of stock so i took pictures with it and when it was in stock they told me i needed to back up all my pictures ex.. so i did it took forever and im prety sure it was completed b

  • AI CS2 - Asignar un atajo (shortcut) a un script

    Lo que quiero hacer es asignar un atajo a un script que tengo llamado "colocar fecha", entro por el menu edit/keyboardShortcuts/menu comands/scripts y alli solo me deja asignar un comando para "other scripts" que por defecto esta F12 el cual me lleva