How to Extract the URLs,Tittles and Snippets only

My HTML file looks like the fallowing.
[ URL = "" Title = "Apple" Snippet = "Official site of Apple Computer, Inc." Directory Category = {SE="", FVN=""} Directory Title = "" Summary = "" Cached Size = "33k" Related information present = true Host Name = "" ],
[ URL = "" Title = "Apple - QuickTime" Snippet = "Apple's free media player supporting innumerable audio and video formats. The proversion includes an abundance of media authoring capabilities." Directory Category = {SE="", FVN=""} Directory Title = "" Summary = "" Cached Size = "7k" Related information present = true Host Name = "" ],
thus it contains set of URL's,tittles and Snippets.Now my task is how to extract only URL,title and snippet part only.Can you please suggest me suitable method.
thanking you inadvance.

Regex is an option, here's a small start:import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String htmlText = "[ URL = \"\" Title = \"Apple\" Snippet = "+
                        "\"Official site of Apple Computer, Inc.\" Directory Category = "+
                        "{SE=\"\", FVN=\"\"} Directory Title = \"\" Summary = \"\" Cached "+
                        "Size = \"33k\" Related information present = true Host Name = "+
                        "\"\" ], [ URL = \"\" "+
                        "Title = \"Apple - QuickTime\" Snippet = \"Apple's free media player "+
                        "supporting innumerable audio and video formats. The proversion "+
                        "includes an abundance of media authoring capabilities.\" Directory "+
                        "Category = {SE=\"\", FVN=\"\"} Directory Title = \"\" Summary = \"\" "+
                        "Cached Size = \"7k\" Related information present = true Host Name = "+
                        "\"\" ],";
        String regex = "[a-zA-Z]+.*?\\s+=\\s+\"(.*?)\"";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(htmlText);
        while(matcher.find()) {
            String s =;

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    Look inside the palette called Signal Processing - Waveform measurements.  There are a lot of functions here that you can use to get the information you desire.  For instance, the Extract Tones function will output an array of clusters, with each cluster element giving the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the signal component.  Go through the entire arry to see each frequency component of the complex waveform.
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- *** GENERATED FROM project.xml - DO NOT EDIT *** -->
    <project xmlns:projdeps2="" basedir=".." default="jar" name="-impl">
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    <echo message="NetBeans IDE user directory (netbeans.user property) is not set. By specifying this property many properties required by the project will be automatically evaluated (e.g.: ant-ext library home, ...). You could also open this project in the NetBeans IDE - in this case this property would be set automatically." level="warning"/>
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    <fail unless="platform.bootclasspath">Platform boot classpath (platform.bootclasspath property) is not set. Value of this property should be ${} emulator boot classpath containing all J2ME classes provided by emulator.</fail>
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    <echo append="true" file="${build.dir}/">MicroEdition-Configuration: ${platform.configuration}
    <target unless="contains.manifest.profile" name="add-profile">
    <echo append="true" file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}">MicroEdition-Profile: ${platform.profile}
    <echo append="true" file="${build.dir}/">MicroEdition-Profile: ${platform.profile}
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    <dirname property="obfuscator.destjar.dir" file="${obfuscator.destjar}"/>
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    <mkdir dir="${preverify.classes.dir}"/>
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    <dirname property="dist.jar.dir" file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${dist.jar.dir}"/>
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    <target name="post-jar"/>
    <target description="Rebuild the application." depends="init,clean,jar" name="rebuild"/>
    <target description="Run MIDlet suite." depends="init,jar" name="run">
    <nb-run commandline="${platform.runcommandline}" securitydomain="${}" execmethod="${run.method}" platformtype="${platform.type}" platformhome="${platform.home}" device="${platform.device}" jadurl="${dist.jad.url}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <target description="Quick Run already built MIDlet suite." depends="init" name="run-no-build">
    <nb-run commandline="${platform.runcommandline}" securitydomain="${}" execmethod="${run.method}" platformtype="${platform.type}" platformhome="${platform.home}" device="${platform.device}" jadurl="${dist.jad.url}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <target depends="init,clean,jar" description="Debug project." name="debug">
    <delete file="${preprocessed.dir}/.timestamp"/>
    <nb-run commandline="${platform.debugcommandline}" securitydomain="${}" execmethod="${run.method}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" device="${platform.device}" platformhome="${platform.home}" platformtype="${platform.type}" debuggeraddressproperty="jpda.port" debugserver="true" debugsuspend="true" debug="true"/>
    <sleep seconds="5"/>
    <antcall target="nbdebug"/>
    <target if="netbeans.home" description="Start NetBeans debugger" name="nbdebug">
    <nb-kjava-debug period="2000" timeout="30000" name="${app.codename}" address="${jpda.port}">
    <path path="${platform.bootclasspath}"/>
    <path path="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <path path="${src.dir}"/>
    <path path="${libs.src.path}"/>
    <target depends="init,preprocess" name="javadoc">
    <mkdir dir="${dist.javadoc.dir}"/>
    <javadoc private="${javadoc.private}" windowtitle="${javadoc.windowtitle}" version="${javadoc.version}" author="${}" splitindex="${javadoc.splitindex}" noindex="${javadoc.noindex}" nonavbar="${javadoc.nonavbar}" use="${javadoc.use}" notree="${javadoc.notree}" bootclasspath="${platform.bootclasspath}" destdir="${dist.javadoc.dir}" source="${javac.source}">
    <path path="${libs.classpath}"/>
    <pathelement location="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
    <fileset dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
    <antcall target="browse-javadoc"/>
    <target unless="no.javadoc.preview" if="netbeans.home" name="browse-javadoc">
    <nbbrowse file="${dist.javadoc.dir}/index.html"/>
    <target name="pre-clean"/>
    <target description="Clean build products." if="" depends="init,conditional-clean" name="clean">
    <antcall inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" target="do-clean"/>
    <target depends="pre-clean" name="do-clean">
    <delete dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete file="${obfuscator.srcjar}"/>
    <delete file="${obfuscator.destjar}"/>
    <delete dir="${obfuscated.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${preverify.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete file="${build.dir}/"/>
    <delete file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <delete file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.javadoc.dir}"/>
    <antcall inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" target="post-clean"/>
    <target name="post-clean"/>
    <target name="pre-deploy"/>
    <target if="" depends="init,jar,pre-deploy" name="override-jad">
    <property value="${dist.jar}" name="deployment.jarurl"/>
    <nb-jad aliaspassword="${sign.alias.password}" alias="${sign.alias}" keystorepassword="${sign.keystore.password}" keystore="${sign.keystore}" sign="${sign.enabled}" url="${deployment.jarurl}" jarfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <target unless="skip.deployment" if="deployment.method" depends="init,jar,override-jad,pre-deploy" name="deploy">
    <fail unless="deployment.scriptfile">Property deployment.${deployment.method}.scriptfile not set. The property should point to an Ant script providing ${deployment.method} deployment.</fail>
    <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" antfile="${deployment.scriptfile}">
    <property location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" name="deployment.jad"/>
    <property location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}" name="deployment.jar"/>
    <propertyfile file="nbproject/private/">
    <entry pattern="000000" default="2" operation="+" type="int" key="deployment.counter"/>
    <entry value="${deployment.counter}" key="deployment.number"/>
    <replaceregexp replace="deployment.number=\2\3.\5\6.\8\9" match="^deployment.number=[0-9]*(0|([1-9]))([0-9])(0|([1-9]))([0-9])(0|([1-9]))([0-9])$" file="nbproject/private/" byline="true"/>
    <antcall inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" target="post-deploy"/>
    <target name="post-deploy"/>
    <target name="for-all-configs">
    <antcall inheritrefs="false" inheritall="false" target="${}">
    <param value="" name=""/>
    <target name="jar-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="jar" name=""/>
    <target name="javadoc-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="javadoc" name=""/>
    <target name="deploy-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="deploy" name=""/>
    <target name="rebuild-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="rebuild" name=""/>
    <target depends="load-properties" name="clean-all">
    <fail unless="build.root.dir">Property build.root.dir is not set. By default its value should be \"build\".</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.root.dir">Property dist.root.dir is not set. By default its value should be \"dist\".</fail>
    <delete dir="${build.root.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.root.dir}"/>
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="clean" name=""/>
    I have pasted the content of that file, please do the needs....

  • How to extract the column width in ALv report if its executed in background

    I am executing an ALV report in background , in front end i am getting data properly, in back end for some columns some of the digits are missing.For example if PO no is of 10 digits it will display only 8 becos column size is like that , how to extract coulmns in back ground.
    I have executed in background and checked the spool and  for some of the columns width is not sufficient to display comeplete data so please suggest how to extract the columns sizes if executed inj background for an ALV

    Hi Deepthi,
    you can try with the above mentioned suggestions ,if its worked its fine ,
    If not use Docking container instead of custom container, For ALV in back ground jobs, its suggest to use docking container instead of custom container , below you can find the declaration for docking container and code to use docking and custom container in your program for fore and back ground.
    or you can use docking container alone for both operations.
    IF CCON IS INITIAL. (ccon is container name )
    *Check whether the program is run in batch or foreground
    *Run in foreground
              CONTAINER_NAME = 'CON1'.
              I_PARENT = parent_1.
    *Run in background
              I_PARENT = G_DOCK1.

  • How to change the url of "Add New Item" of a particular list in SharePoint 2013???

    Hi Guys,
    How to change the url of "Add New Item" of a particular list in SharePoint 2013???
    I need to redirect it into the page where I have created my Visual web part.
    Please suggest
    Warm Regards,
    Tony Joy

         There are multiple ways to change the form url like javascript, SharePoint designer, custom code, editing default form to have custom web part etc, Please follow the url below that describe diffent methods and steps
    Hope it helps!!!
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. Thanks, Ajeet

  • How to extract the historical data from R/3

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    how to extract the historical data into BI for the enhanced field. already delta load is running in BI.

    Hi Satish,
    As per SAP Standard also the best way is to delete whole data from the cube and then load the data from set up tables as you have enhanced the data source.
    After data source enhancement it is supported to load normally because you don't get any historical data for that field.
    Best way is to take down time from the users, normally we do in weekends/non-business hours.
    Then fill the set-up tables; if the data is of huge volume you can adopt parallel mechanism like:
    1. Load set-up tables by yearly basis as a background job.
    2. Load set-up tables by yearly basis with posting periods from jan 1st to 31st dec of any year basis as a background job.
    This can make your self easier and faster for load of set-up tables. After filling up set-up tables. You can unlock all users as there is no worries of postings.
    Then after you can load all the data into BI first into PSA and then into Cube.
    Ravi Kanth.

  • How to design the URL?

    How to design the URL?i know that the Google  will take down the good URL.such as the staticize URL Google will like more..

    A site's URL structure should be as simple as possible. Consider organizing your content so that URLs are constructed logically and in a manner that is most intelligible to humans (when possible, readable words rather than long ID numbers). For example, if you're searching for information about aviation, a URL like will help you decide whether to click that link. A URL like, is much less appealing to users.
    Consider using punctuation in your URLs. The URL is much more useful to us than Google recommends that you use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) in your URLs.
    Overly complex URLs, especially those containing multiple parameters, can cause a problems for crawlers by creating unnecessarily high numbers of URLs that point to identical or similar content on your site. As a result, Googlebot may consume much more bandwidth than necessary, or may be unable to completely index all the content on your site.

  • How to extract the content of a mail message?

    How to extract the content of a mail message?
    the message does not contain any attachments or images.
    its just a plain text..
    if i use message.getContent(), in addition of the content it returns headers information also...
    but i need only the content of that message...
    if i write code like this:
    String content = (String) message.getContent();
    it gives cast exception...
    if the message contains only plain text, no multipart, then which method is useful to extract only the content?
    please tell me friends..
    thanks in advannce,
    Venkata Naveen

    Message.getContent() does not return headers for a simple text/plain
    message. If you're getting headers, something else is wrong.
    Also, casting the result to String should work.
    Most likely the message really isn't a simple text/plain message.
    Provide more details and we'll help you figure out what you're
    doing wrong.
    Also, please read the demo program included with JavaMail.

  • How to extract the audio of a zip file? if it helps I'm trying to add this album zip to my library

    how to extract the audio of a zip file? if it helps I'm trying to add this album zip to my library

    Let's say you have a zipped audio collection ( containing mp3 files. And you are at a Terminal prompt.
    List the files in the zip archive
    unzip -l (that is ell)
    Extract all mp3 audio files into a new home directory folder called mymusic
    unzip -d ~/mymusic \*.mp3
    Variations of the above will depend the zip contents, and internal structure. If the zipped audio collection was gzipped, or someone used rar on it, then the extraction process will be different.

  • How to open the Url type in Attachments Table

    Hi All,
    If we attached the any files, files are stored in the fnd_lobs table, pickup the data from the fnd lobs table and stored in the local system but if attached the url type how to open the url there any standard ?

    You can do it one of two ways:
    1. Insert some CSS that will change the target to "_new".
    2. Change the field that the user enters information in to a single line of text, then create a calculated column that is:
    =CONCATENATE("<a href=",[URL Field]." target=new>Click here</a>")
    Format that as a number.
    Andy Wessendorf SharePoint Developer II | Rackspace [email protected]

  • How to reset the response status and response header

    Dear Masters
    Actually we are using NTLM Authentication process to get the system login id for our web application. The problem which I am getting is after running the NTLM Authentication Code I am not able to call the action class. It is telling 400 Server error bad request. I am using Struts Dispatch Action Class. In Dispatch Action I will be passing a name (eg. method) as a parameter in struts-config.xml file and using that parameter I will be calling the respective method in the Action class. The problem which I am facing is after running the authentication code I am not able to fire the action class. It is telling the error in the console as "parameter named method is not found". Actually in NTLM Authentication code they are setiing the response status to www-authenticate,NTLM. If I reset the response status back to the normal form I think i will be able to fire the action class. Please give me a suggestion on how to reset the response status and response header back to the normal form. Any solution to this is appreciated. Please respond your reply as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

    I think, a servlet filter is what you need. Please check the following URLs on how to go about creating a filter.

  • How to extract the signal out from the waveform by my designated power level?

    Dear all,
         How can  I extract the signal from the waveform accroding to the power level? I read the Trigger&, but this vi extract signal according to the duration time. I want to extract signal according to power level.
         As shown in the following figures, the signal I want to process is between 130000 to 140000, if I zoom in, I can see the the useful signal is between 135400 to 138200. The question is how to extract the signal in the zone?  
        I tried the in the Packet_based_link example too, but this subvi seemed to be a little slow. Can anybody give me better advice? Thanks in advance!
    Go to Solution.

    I was working on something similar but haven't had time to fully develop it.
    My idea was to use an envelope detector (low pass filter) and then use an energy detection VI on the envelope.
    Here's where I left off
    Anthony F.
    Product Marketing Engineer
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏331 KB

  • How to extract the smtp response code

    I am trying to get the server response by SMTPTransport.getLastServerResponse(),
    and getting the response as "250 2.0.0 OK 1201842889 c39sm4983397anc.25", in case of success.
    This response would differ in case of failure.
    Could please guide me as how to extract the response code from the result.

    It's time to read the SMTP spec.
    Also, read the javadocs for the com.sun.mail.smtp
    package to see how to get an Exception even for
    success that includes the detailed response codes.
    The demo program will show you how
    to interpret the exception.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • How come my sound bar is not displayed ?

    Can only play music to her speaker when pluged into charge but will also see sound bar on display to adjust volume but when taken off charge can not play sound or see the adjust volume bar , what can I do to fix it