How to fetch network utilization...

I am doing a project related to network monitoring
so i need to know the the utilization of network
we can say the incoming and outgoing traffic of a
particular network interface card, or the percentage
utilization of the capablity of that network card..
Is there any API related to i can use that...
i shall be really thankfull

If the devices in question have SNMP agents running, you could find an SNMP library and query the appropriate OIDs.
Whatever approach you take will involve a fair amount of research and work. There's no getUtilization(host, interface) method in the core API. You might be able to find a 3rd party library, but that would defeat the purpose of your homework.

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    We use the Tamograph Wireless Survey utility and with this utility you are able to perform passive, predictive and active surveys.
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    From the application support documentation:
    "This visualization shows the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) measured in dB. SIR is a measure to quantify by how much the signal level of an AP (interfered AP) exceeds the interference level. The interfering signal is the signal being transmitted by other APs (interfering APs) that may or may not belong to your WLAN and that use the same or one of the adjacent 802.11 channels. In low SIR zones, client devices may experience low throughput. SIR is shown for the AP that experiences the worst interference in the given map area among the APs selected for analysis. You can deselect one or several of the selected APs to see SIR values for the APs that experience less interference."
    "SIR is best illustrated with an example. Consider an area where the AP signal strength is -50 dBm, and the AP works on channel 1. In the same area, a -70 dBm signal from another AP that works on the same channel can be seen. If WLAN utilization is 100% (i.e., if the APs send radio waves all the time), the SIR value would be 20 dB. However, real-world WLAN utilization is almost never that high, which decreases the interference and increases SIR. If the interfered and interfering APs have the same signal strength, the SIR value would be 0 dB. In classical, non-digital radios, a SIR value of 0 dB makes signal reception impossible, but 802.11 devices use a technology that allows them to operate despite a zero or even negative SIR value, which sounds counterintuitive."
    On network Utilization -
    "Average network utilization – This setting defines how heavy the interference is from the interfering APs. If the interfering signal strength is high, but the network utilization is low, the interfering AP does not create much interference. A typical office WLAN has a network utilization of between 10% and 25%. Adjust this setting to match the actual value for your WLAN. "
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    You posted in the iMac (PPC) community.
    You would do better by posting in the "laptop" forum of the model "laptop" that you have.   Your questions has nothing to do w/iMacs (PPC).

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    Message was edited by:
            Manisha Kadam
    Title was edited by:
            Alvaro Tejada Galindo

    Do you want to return the file to the user on click of button or something?
    Then, use web_show_document with http link which you are speaking about.
    Else download the file to client using Webutil.

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    Dear Pratyush,
    Pick this from CRT.
    Use LDB PNPCE & Fire event GET PAYROLL &
    then you can pick from CRT.
    Hope this helps.
    Kindly reward in case useful.
    Regards & Thanks,
    Darshan Mulmule

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    I had the values of xblnr and some other fields such as mblnr, budat etc in wi_item table.
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       at new xblnr.
        ws_xblnr-xblnr = wi_item-xblnr.
         append ws_xblnr to i_xblnr.
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    Mass25 wrote:
    Correct me if I am wrong.
    So if I do something as follows in my stored proc, I do not have to check for NO_DATA_FOUND?
          SELECT DISTINCT blah blah blahmy_cursr is what I am returning as OUT param in my SP.Correct. At the point you open the cursor, oracle has not attempted any 'fetch' against the data so it won't know if there is any data or no data. that only occurs when a fetch is attempted.
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    [PL/SQL 101 : Understanding Ref Cursors|]

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    You need to use FSI3. The opening balance will be the last month's as off. Create a formula for the Purchases where it will be the stock balance as of the current period less the balance in previous period.

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    The following is my standard reply to those who need to get old data from a backup in one account and add it to another account.  The method described here may be applied to your case.  It would be a bit of a long process, though.
    When connected to the account you want to GET data from, Go to Settings>iCloud and turn all data that is syncing with iCloud (contacts, calendars, etc.) to Off. 
    When prompted choose to keep the data on the iPhone. 
    After everything is turned off, scroll to the bottom and tap Delete Account.  Next, set up a new iCloud account using a different Apple ID and turn iCloud data syncing for contacts, etc. back to On.  When prompted, choose Merge.  This will upload the data to this new account.
    Note that this only affects the "Apple data" like contacts, calendars, reminders, etc.  Many third party apps also use iCloud to store data files there.  These files may be lost in the process, unless the apps also keep the data locally on the device.
    NOTE:  Photos in the photo stream (if you use it) will not transfer to the new account.  It is advised that you save the photos to a computer before performing the account switch. 

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    This whitepaper should explain the required steps to get this working.
    The whitepaper will use more than two hyper-v hosts, but you'll get the picture.
    You can have 1 host to run your NVGRE VMs, while the other host should be dedicated to run the virtualization gateway VMs.
    Kristian (Virtualization and some coffee: )

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    Connect them both to the same router.
    They should show up in the left column of Finder under Shared.

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    Interestingly, in my experience, using the method described above of unchecking the "Show Connected Servers" box in the Finder Preferences makes no difference in what I can put in the sidebar. I was able to move a sub-folder of a shared disk to the Favorites section of the Finder Sidebar, but nothing else. (i.e. I could not add the shard disk itself to the sidebar – either to the devices, favorites, or any other section, and I could only add a subfolder of the shared disk to the favorites section – not to the devices section or any other section). This was the same whether I had "Show Connected Servers" checked or not.
    I'm running OS X Mavericks, and the setup I have is with a previous generation Time Capsule (i.e. the short, square kind that you could buy before the most recent taller variety came out last year), with a LaCie 3 TB USB 3.0 external drive plugged into the USB port of the Time Capsule. I'm then accessing this network drive over WiFi. The differences in what I'm seeing may be due to some change they made in the way Mavericks handles these setups.
    I could also just be misunderstanding what you're saying, but I thought I'd add this in case anyone else gets similar results so that they'd know they're not alone. Let me know if I'm missing something here.

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    example, every time I only want to fetch 10
    records. Does anyone know that?

    I think you may be getting setFetchSize(int) and setMaxRows(int) confused. I may have added to the confusion with my breaking out of the loop comment.
    setFetchSize(int) gives the driver a hint as to how many rows it should store in memory at a time internally, ie. within the driver. It has no real effect on how you write your program at all. Its only purpose is to limit memory usage by the driver. To limit the rows returned, use setMaxRows.
    For example, assume a result set has 20 rows and you use:
    while ( {
       System.out.println("Rows: " + (++count));
    }  You still get a count from 1 to 20. However, internally the driver is only holding in memory 5 records at a time, after the 5 returned it will discard those and get the next 5. So instead of holding 20 rows, its only holding 5 at a time. If you change rs.setFetchSize(5) to rs.setMaxRows(5) you will only get a count from 1 to 5, the rest are silently discared and returns false.
    Check your documentation to see if your driver supports the method. I believe many drivers don't. If not, I believe there is no way around multiple queries. Even if there is no rowid, as long as you order your queries you should be able to start again where you left off.
    Disclaimer: Both drivers I commonly use do not implement setFetchSize(int). Someone let me know if I've fudged something here.
    Good Luck

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    I am new to c/c++.
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    char* APIParser::parseDocument(const char *xmlInput) {
              XMLParser parser;
              const char *doc;
              uword ecode;
              doc = xmlInput;
              if(doc == NULL)
    //Return XML output
                   return getDefaultXMLOutput(-1, 0, "XML input document is null");
              if (ecode = parser.xmlinit()) {
                   cout << "Failed to initialize XML parser, error " << ecode;
                   //return ecode;
                   return getDefaultXMLOutput(-1, 0, "Failed to initialize XML parser");
              if (ecode = parser.xmlparseBuffer((oratext *) doc, strlen(xmlInput), (oratext *) 0,
                   XML_FLAG_DISCARD_WHITESPACE)) {
                   cout << "Parse failed, error " << ecode << "\n";
                   //          return 3;
                   return getDefaultXMLOutput(-1, 0, "Parse failed");
              if (ecode = schema.initialize(&parser))     {
                   cout << "Failed, code " << ecode << "!\n";
                   //return 4;
                   return getDefaultXMLOutput(-1, 0, "Error in initialize Schema");
              root = parser.getDocumentElement();
              if (ecode = schema.validate(root, NULL )){
                   cout << "Validation failed, error " << ecode << "\n";
                   ub4* ub4;
                   unsigned char** path;
                   int i=0;
                   boolean value;
                   while((value = parser.xmlwhere(ub4, path, i++))){
                   //return 5;
                   return getDefaultXMLOutput(-1, 0, "Validation failed");
              return "";
    Where i am passing xmlInput which is a char*.
    Things work fine.
    I need to send back exact error message to client to debug the messages.
    How to fetch the messages, line number etc.
    By seing docs i wont be able to figure it out.
    Can any one send piece of code to fetch the error messages.

    If you access the FacesContext you find a method called
    Return an Iterator over the FacesMessages that have been queued, whether or not they are associated with any specific client identifier.

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