How to find all your saved password data on iMac?

I once saw all my saved password information on my computer somewhere in system preferences or keychain access. How do I view them again. Please help, I forgot my password to my email account which is saved on computer but i need the actual password for when i log into another computer trying to check my email.

I went to Safari, Preferences clicked on Passwords (icon KEY) and found the list websites and passwords, hidden by asteriks, that are saved by the system. Highlight the website you want the password for and check box below Show passwords for selected websites. It will ask for your computer's main password. This worked like a charm.

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    Dear Micky Oestreich
    May be we possess expertise or high level experience, it should not show up in our way of communication. Every professional starts with the basic stuff to learn. When the question is raised in such minimum polite way, the same level of courtesy is expected in return. If you felt my question was basic, you might have refused it gently. If you are in good mood or bad mood it doesn't matters.
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    Thanks for your response. It helped me.

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         nex_min(vect_temp, next_point);
        for (int i = 0; i < vect_diff.size(); i++) {
         String element_min = vect_diff.get(i).toString();
         if (vect_min.contains(element_min)) {
         _2nd_min_element = element_min;
          next_point = _2nd_min_element;
          i = vect_diff.size();
         }// end if condition
        } // end for (i)loop
    }// end for (y) loop
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    DarrylBurke wrote:
    Two months on and you still haven't done your own homework?
    dbWell, nobody has given the answer yet, so how can (s)he?

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    InputStream text = null;
         int temp = 0;
         //wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("filePath Vijay:::");
                   File file = new File(wdContext.currentContextElement().getResource().getResourceName().toString());     
    FileOutputStream op = new FileOutputStream(file);
                   if (wdContext.currentContextElement().getResource()!= null)
                          text = wdContext.currentContextElement().getResource().read(false);
                             while((!= -1)
                                  path = file.getAbsolutePath();
                                  //wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Path Name :::::"+path);
         catch(Exception ex)               
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    Hi my friend
    I would like to share you some APACHE APi´s that i use when i have to read excel files in Web Dynpro.
    JAR = poi-3.2-FINAL-20081019.jar
    Some Example:
    POIFSFileSystem fs;
    HSSFWorkbook wb;
    HSSFSheet sheet;
    String myMexican_ValueFromExcelis = "";
    try {
             fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream();
             // and select the cell "y"
            cell = row.getCell( 0 );
            myMexican_ValueFromExcelis = cell.getCellValue();  
    }cach(Exception e){

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