How to find and display the posistion in an array list

hi all,
i know this is proballly simple but i have an arraylist where every time someone connects to my system it adds them to an arraylist, how can i post back somelike like hi user "1" thanks for connecting and so on. i just dont understand how to find their unique posistion in the array list and display it as a number.
any help would be great

So to be clear...
You have an arraylist of connections .... for example
ArrayList<ConnectedPeople> connPplArr = new ArrayList();And then each time someone connects you would add a connected people object to the arraylist.
ConnectedPeople, migh contain username etc etc.
You could then do:
ConnectedPeople newConnection..... ;
int index = connPplArr.indexOf( newConnection );
if(int == -1){
    add them to your array
    index = connPplArr.size();
return "Hello user "+ index;That what you mean?
I know some of it is sudo code, but have I understood your problem?
Edited by: Azzer_Mac on Apr 29, 2008 2:20 AM
Edited by: Azzer_Mac on Apr 29, 2008 2:20 AM

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            /*flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
            trace('Screen size is changed');*/
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
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                trace('the video has ended');
    function home2(e:MouseEvent):void
        if(vid2.width==734 && vid2.height==408)
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 1059;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 152;

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    Hello paddyliverpool,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase
    Refund is an option.
    Best of luck,

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    var iMatchValue:uint=8;
    for(var i:uint=0; i<ac.length; i++){
    .id == iMatchValue){ = "NEW NAME";
    .children !=undefined){
    findInAC( new ArrayCollection(ac.children));
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  • How to count and display the number of records in a database table

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    Read / Make comments that loads the item in its own page displaying
    a comments form and previous comments.
    This is all working fine.
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    been made about that item.
    Allowing the user to see before hand if it is worth while clicking on the
    Read / Make comments button.
    Ideally each item will have a different number of comments.
    The problem I have is outputing the number of comments associated with each item.
    My comments table is called guest my items table is called titles.
    I'm sure mysql statement is correct -
    The table guest currently has 7 comments,
    Item 1 has 3 comments
    Item 2 has 2 comments
    Item 3 has 1 comment
    Item 4 has 1 comment
    When I test the query in dreamweaver
    $Recordset1 = "SELECT COUNT(guest.software_id) as COUNT, FROM titles LEFT JOIN guest ON = guest.software_id GROUP BY guest.software_id";
    the outoput is a list showing 2, 3, 1, 1
    My problem is, getting the totals into my repeat region.
    I tried the following line
    <td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb">Current comments:<?php echo $row_Recordset1['COUNT']; ?></td>
    resulting in all comments so far displaying 0
    I have highlighted in bold the parts that I am having difficulty with.
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    $colname_rsTitles = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
      $colname_rsTitles = $_GET['id'];
    mysql_select_db($database_abe, $abe);
    $query_rsTitles = sprintf("SELECT title, company, `description`, resources, location, url, image, keyword, copies FROM titles WHERE id = %s ORDER BY id ASC", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsTitles, "int"));
    $rsTitles = mysql_query($query_rsTitles, $abe) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsTitles = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsTitles);
    $totalRows_rsTitles = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
      $totalRows_rsTitles = $_GET['id'];
    $colname_rsTitles = "-1";
    mysql_select_db($database_abe, $abe);
    $query_rsTitles = sprintf("SELECT title, company, `description`, resources, location, url, image, keyword, copies FROM titles WHERE id = %s ORDER BY id ASC", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsTitles, "int"));
    $rsTitles = mysql_query($query_rsTitles, $abe) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsTitles = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsTitles);
    $totalRows_rsTitles = mysql_num_rows($rsTitles);
    mysql_select_db($database_abe, $abe);
    $query_rs_comments = "SELECT * FROM guest";
    $rs_comments = mysql_query($query_rs_comments, $abe) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rs_comments = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_comments);
    $totalRows_rs_comments = mysql_num_rows($rs_comments);
    mysql_select_db($database_abe, $abe);
    $query_rs_users = "SELECT * FROM users";
    $rs_users = mysql_query($query_rs_users, $abe) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rs_users = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_users);
    $totalRows_rs_users = mysql_num_rows($rs_users);
    mysql_select_db($database_abe, $abe);
    $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT COUNT(guest.software_id) as COUNT, FROM titles LEFT JOIN guest ON = guest.software_id GROUP BY guest.software_id";
    $Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $abe) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1);
    $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1);
    mysql_select_db($database_abe, $abe);
    if (!isset($_GET['class_id'])) {
    //show all software titles
    $query_rsTitles = "SELECT id, title, company, `description`, resources, location, url, image, keyword, copies FROM titles ORDER BY id ASC";
    //show software titles filtered by Literacy of Numeracy (using URL GET variable)
    $query_rsTitles = "SELECT id, title, company, `description`, resources, location, url, image, keyword, copies FROM titles WHERE titles.class_id = ". GetSQLValueString($_GET['class_id'], "int") ." ORDER BY id ASC";
    //show software titles filtered by Level (using Form POST variable)
    $query_rsTitles = "SELECT id, title, company, `description`, resources, location, url, image, keyword, copies FROM titles WHERE titles.level_id = ". GetSQLValueString($_POST['softwareLevel'], "int") ." ORDER BY id ASC";
    $rsTitles = mysql_query($query_rsTitles, $abe) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsTitles = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsTitles);
    $totalRows_rsTitles = mysql_num_rows($rsTitles);
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <?php $pagetitle="ABE Software Locator"?>
    <html xmlns="" >
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title><?php echo $pagetitle ?></title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../includes/styles.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-color: #FFF;
    <?php include("../../includes/header.php"); ?>
        <div><table width="70%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
        <td width="29%" height="50" align="center"><a href="software_detail.php">Back to Locator</a></td>
        <td width="50%" align="center"><a href="../../index.php">Welcome Page</a></td>
        <td width="21%" align="center"><a href="../../logout.php">Log Out</a></td>
        <td colspan="3" align="center"><strong> There Are <span class="totalrecordsnumber"><?php echo $totalRows_rsTitles ?></span>  Software Titles Listed</strong></td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <?php do { ?>
          <table width="820" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2">
              <td width="206" height="200" rowspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src="images/<?php echo $row_rsTitles['image']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $row_rsTitles['title']; ?>" /></td>
              <td colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#086b50"><h2><?php echo $row_rsTitles['title']; ?></h2></td>
              <td colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#f6b824"><strong>Made by:</strong> <?php echo $row_rsTitles['company']; ?></td>
              <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb"><p class="ptaglineheight"><strong>Description: </strong><?php echo $row_rsTitles['description']; ?></p></td>
              <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb"><span class="tabletext"><strong>Keywords</strong></span><strong>: </strong><?php echo $row_rsTitles['keyword']; ?></td>
              <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb"><strong>Resources:</strong> <?php echo $row_rsTitles['resources']; ?></td>
              <td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb"><strong>Web Address:</strong> <a href="<?php echo $row_rsTitles['url']; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $row_rsTitles['url']; ?></a></td>
              <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb"><strong>Is installed on:</strong> <?php echo $row_rsTitles['location']; ?></td>
              <td width="195" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb"><strong>Copies available:</strong><?php echo $row_rsTitles['copies']; ?></td>
              <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb"><a href="fulltitle.php?software_id=<?php echo $row_rsTitles['id']; ?>&amp;id=<?php echo $row_rsTitles['id']; ?>">Read / Make Comments About This Software</a></td>
              <td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#e5f8cb">Current comments:<?php echo $row_Recordset1['COUNT']; ?></td>
          <br />
          <?php } while ($row_rsTitles = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsTitles)); ?>
        <?php include("../../includes/footer.php"); ?>

    I changed the mysql as you suggested GROUP BY
    and added a while loop to iterate over the data
    mysql_select_db($database_abe, $abe);
    $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT COUNT(guest.software_id) as COUNT, FROM titles LEFT JOIN guest ON = guest.software_id GROUP BY";
    $Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $abe) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1);
    $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1);
    $row_Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1) or die(mysql_error());
    <td>Current comments:<?php
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($row_Recordset1))
    echo $row['COUNT'];
    } ?></td>
    The first item now displays the following,
    all others
    the number matched the database table exactly, 30 records 4 of which have 2, 3, 1, 1 comments.
    It looks as if the problem is trying to get the repeat region to pick up on it!

  • How to generate and display the pdf form as a web dynpro abap view

        I filled the value in the table and displayed in the view,In that view i have one button"TOPDF".
        My requirement is,if i click that button,i want to display the table in the PDF output.
        For the above requirement,i created another view with interactive form,In that view i created one "pdf" Node and  "soure" as a attribute of Type-xstring.Then i binded the soure attribute withe "pdfdatasoure" of my interactive form  view.
        Now my doubt is how and where can i pass the table values to pdf output.
        can any body cleare my doubt with some sample code.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hello Ravi,
    Best would be to bind the dataSource of the InteractiveForm ui element to the parent node containing the table's data. Then specify a name of a template to be created in the templateSource and hit <enter>. Some popups later, the system will have created a template from the structure of the context. All you need to do now is to drag&drop the data structure inside the template designer to the template itself. This will result in a table. Save, activate and return the Web Dynpro view. Don't forget to unbind the pdfSource and enjoy.
    Best regards,

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    Hi Arunabha,
    1. Note that the search is case sensitive. Therefore you should search for java and Java.
    2. Download from:
    3. Deploy with SDM:
    Hope that helps,

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    A Google search may turn up a downloadable service manual for the Laserjet 4600.
    You might also ask in the HP Enterprise Business Community Forum here.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • How to find and replace the text present in the url

    I have a column of type NCLOB with some text having url's in between as shown below:
    This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.
    <A PL/SQL <U PL/SQL </U> </A>
    Thsi text is also for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.
    <A> <U oracle metalink> </U> </A>
    This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.
    Requirement is to implement the find and replace functionality.
    I just need to check whether the search text is present in the url or not?
    Suppose if search for, since its part of the url so the search should be successful otherwise search should be unsuccessful.
    Here I can give you the hint like, always the url lies between the anchor tags *(<A </A>).*
    Tahnks in Advance.

    I had I think a similiar question the other day thay I Frank and Michaels answered for me.
    not sure if I totally have what you want but.
    WITH t
            AS (SELECT '<A PL/SQL <U PL/SQL Thsi text is also for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.
    <A> This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.This text is for testign purpose.
                  FROM DUAL)
    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (REGEXP_REPLACE (txt, '(.*<A)|(</A>.*)'), '')
      FROM tthe first part the regexp replace part gets the text between a start and end point you mentioned that would be <A and </A>
    the regexp substr just looks for the phrase in the text between those two points.
    Edited by: pollywog on Oct 6, 2010 8:26 AM

  • How to find and separate the Erraneous records in Session Method?

    Currently we are working in SAP-HR.Our programs run using Session  method of BDC.We get data from Legacy System through Flat Files which are in text format.First I upload the data for Actions Infotype 0000 and subsequently the other Infotype data.When I run my session if some records go in Error i want to filter out those erraneous records from Actions file and also other Infotype files and then proceed with data upload.Is there any method to do this?
    Also when the Session is in process i want to trace the status of each record i.e. Is it processed or rejected. How can i achieve this ?
    Can anyone help me in this.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Sanjay,
    Thanks for your response.
    But my problem is that i want to Automate the whole process with less manual intervention.I want to shedule all the jobs in background and when the Actions Infotype (0000) is uploaded and it gives errors i want to filter those error records in separate file and also filter those records from subsequent infotypes file if they are present.
    Also how to check the status of each record when the session is in progress? This i need because i want to send acknowledgment files to Legacy system saying that these many records are successfully uploaded and so many are in errors.
    How can i automate the whole process?

  • How to find and replacing the path (url) given for data binding from type 'datasocket'

    Hi everyone,
    I'm sorry to pose this question as my own knowledge is still very limited.
    I have an assignment (bachelor level). We were asked to adjust a plc program in step7 so that multiple of an existing sequence could be run indepently.
    The settings for that sequence are controlled by labview. Sensor data is also viewed in labview.
    There is an existing labview VI that was made by someone else before us. It uses 'Datasocket' type for data binding. Because we would like to adjust this VI to be used with the other sequences, we would like to change the original path or URL quickly, as in a 'Find&Replace' solution. Yet the find and replace only works for objects or text, not entries in the properties.
    Can someone please tell me if there is a way to do is, without having to use shared variables, as we are not at all known with this type.
    Many thanks,

    Dear Niels,
    Please find the attached example. I placed 5 controls on the front panel, all with a data socket URL (control 1 = URL1, control 2 = URL2 etc). Through property nodes I did the following;
    - I got a reference to the front panel
    - with this reference we can get an array of references to the controls on this front panel
    - one by one we will read the references and check the data socket URL from the control, we compare this with the URL we are searching
    - if found, stop we will use the reference to write a new URL to the control.
    Please notice the default values of the controls; it is set to search for URL3 and replace this with URL10, run the VI once and you will see that happening. I also included a sting indicator which will show you the label of the control which we find. Also a Boolean indicator in case we were not able to find the URL.
    I downsaved the VI to 8.6, I'm not sure in which version you are working, if you have 8.6 or higher you are able to open it. Hope this brings you further,
    Best regards,
    Martijn S
    Applications Engineer
    NI Netherlands
    Attachments: ‏12 KB

  • How to display the contents of an array list to a listview?

    Hi. How do I display the contents of an arraylist to a listview?
    Here is my current code:
    var c: Control= new Control();
    var simpleList: ArrayList = c.ListResult; //ListResult is an ArrayList containing strings
    var simpleListView : ListView = ListView {
            translateX: 0
            translateY: 0
            layoutX: 20
            layoutY: 80
            height: 130
            width: 200
            items: bind simpleList;
    Stage {
        title: "Trial app"
        width: 240
        height: 320
        style: StageStyle.TRANSPARENT
        scene: Scene {
            content: [ simpleListView
    } []
    My code generates the result in this screenshot above. It shows that all the contents on the arraylist is displayed in one row/item.
    It should be displayed as (see bottom image) ...
    Do you guys have any idea on this? Thank you very much for your replies

    For your listbox data to bind the listbox requires a Sequence. This is something that you can sort out at the entrypoint of your code.
    In the example below I have used an ArrayList to simmulate the data you have entering your FX code, but then I put that list into a Sequence, in your case instead of having an ArrayList in your FX code, you simple supply the list on entry, as I have marked in the following code.
    * Main.fx
    * Created on 12-Feb-2010, 10:24:46
    package uselists;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.text.Text;
    import javafx.scene.text.Font;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
    import javafx.animation.Timeline;
    import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
    * @author robert
    //Simmulate your data with an ArrayList
    var simpleList: ArrayList = new ArrayList;
    // *** This is what your entry point would become, just load the simpleList.toArray() into your sequence ***
    var simpleSequence = [];
    simpleSequence = simpleList.toArray();
    //after some time add some items, to show that our binding is working
    Timeline {
        repeatCount: 1
        keyFrames: [
            KeyFrame {
                time: 5s
                canSkip: true
                action: function () {
                    //you can work on the Sequence to add or remove
                    insert "Another item" into simpleSequence;
                    //if you at some point want to have your array reflect the changes
                    //then perform your changes on that too
                    simpleList.add("Another item");
                    //remember depending on your app
                    //you may keep the update of simpleList
                    //until you are finished with this view and do it in a single update
            KeyFrame {
                time: 10s
                action: function () {
                    //Alternatly, to keep your ArrayList correct at all times
                    //add items to it and then update your Sequence
                    simpleList.add("Added to array");
                    simpleSequence = simpleList.toArray();
    Stage {
        title: "Application title"
        scene: Scene {
            width: 250
            height: 80
            content: [
                ListView {
                    items: bind simpleSequence
    }You can bind to a function rather than the data, which I am sure would be needed some cases, for example if the listBox data was a named part of a hash value for example, all that is required is that your function returns a sequence.

  • How to get and set the column order in SharePoint list forms

    I want to read the column order of the SharePoint list forms in SharePoint 2003 sites using any of the available web services and need to set the same order
    in the newly created list in SharePoint 2010.
    I am able to read the fields from SharePoint 2003 and creating the list with same fields in SharePoint 2010, but the column order is not maintaining in
    list forms.
    Also, I need to created the views from 2003 site to 2010 site.
    Please help me...
    Thanks in advance...

    Please try to use the following code to programatically change the order.
    SPList list = web.Lists["Example List"];
    if (list.ContentTypes.Count > 0)
    SPContentType ct = list.ContentTypes[0];
    string[] names = {"Example_x0020_One", "Example_x0020_Two", "Example_x0020_Three"};
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to pull and display the document from an external storage medium?

    We are having one external storage medium for SAP documents. In our case it is filenet server.
    My concern is .
    How can we pull the doc from the filenet server (external storage medium)?. I am in need, how and what an abap development team needs to be done?.
    Can anyone help in this regard get the best logic and best technique ....!!!
    I need to post this in ordinary abap not in webdynpro abap. I will do that. If any one get a chance to look into this and if you know .....please let me know the way.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Ponnuchamy on May 31, 2009 1:30 AM

    in first page for user input :
    <form action="second.jsp" method="post">
    Are you happy?
    <br><input type="radio" name="radio1" value="yes" CHECKED>YES
    <input type="radio" name="radio1" value="no">NO
    <input type="submit">
    in second.jsp output :
    Your answer is:
    <%= request.getParameter('radio1') %>
    Is it what you want to display?
    Hope that helps.

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