How to find Assertion key value?

I am referring MSDN article for Management Libraries for .NET to access my Azure AD account.
I followed all steps from article, but when my application execution starts it gives an error
"An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalServiceException' occurred in Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll
Additional information: AADSTS90014: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_secret or client_assertion'."
c# block where I caught in error-- 
 AuthenticationResult result = context.AcquireToken(
                        new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redirectUri"]));
my context variable as below
var context = new AuthenticationContext(string.Format(
and when I am trying to add client_secrete key to code 
 AuthenticationResult  result = context.AcquireToken(
                       new ClientCredential("*******", "******"),
                         new UserAssertion("*****", "client_credentials", "*****"));
throws an error
An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalServiceException' occurred in Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll
Additional information: AADSTS50027: Invalid JWT token. AADSTS50027: Invalid JWT token. Token format not valid.
please tell me proper solution where I making mistake and also help to find Assertion key value for application which are added on Azure AD portal.

Hello Yogesh,
Since this issue is related with window azure AD, i move it to the azure ad forum, there are AD experts who will hlep you. The current forum you posted to is used to discuss and ask questions about .NET Framework Base Classes (BCL) such as Collections, I/O,
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    Lokanath Giri wrote:
    For your validation check this link
    Please don't just refer people to other non-oracle websites when the answer is so simple to give here as others have already done.

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    hi ,
    report demtest.
    data : c.
    field-symbols : <n> type x.
    data : rn type i.
    c = 'A'.
    assign c to <n> casting.
    move <n> to rn.
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    data : c value 'A'.
    field-symbols : <n> type x.
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    *going from A to 65
    data : c value 'A'.
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    assign c to <n> casting.
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    Numbers table using the formula I posted in the C column:
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    If you are working in Numbers you can do this efficiently with a small AppleScript without going back to Excel or clone. One click and you get the following result:
    This script works with Numbers 2.3, which your screenshot suggests you are using. If you are using Numbers 3 it needs a very small adjustment.
    This is the script:
    property inputCol : 1 --> col A, as in example
    property resultCol : 3 --> col C, as in example
    property keysCol : 5 --> col E, as in example
    property targDoc : 1 --> 1 is front document; can change to "MyDocName"
    property targSheet : 1 --> 1 is first sheet; can change to "MySheetName"
    property targTable : 1 --> 1 is first table; can change to "MyTableName"
    tell application "Numbers"
              set t to document targDoc's sheet targSheet's table targTable
              set keysList to t's column keysCol's cells's value
              repeat with i from 2 to t's row count -- assumes 1 Header Row
                        set inputVal to t's row i's cell inputCol's value
                        if inputVal is not 0 then --skip blank cells; Numbers 2 reads blanks as 0
                                  --check if Input matches a key:
                                  if inputVal is in keysList then
                                            set t's row i's cell resultCol's value to "found"
                                            set t's row i's cell resultCol's value to "not found"
                                  end if
                                  --check if Input contains a key:
                                  repeat with aKey in keysList
                                            if inputVal contains aKey then set t's row i's cell resultCol's value to "found"
                                  end repeat
                        end if
              end repeat
    end tell
    --end of script
    To run, copy into AppleScript Editor, change the properties if needed, and click the green triangle 'Run' botton.

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    02292. 00000 - "integrity constraint (%s.%s) violated - child record found"
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    You could use a query similar to this:
    SELECT ucc.constraint_name,ucc.table_name,ucc.column_name
    FROM user_cons_columns ucc
    JOIN user_constraints uc on uc.constraint_name=ucc.constraint_name
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                          iam adding a sales order through DI-SERVER to the SAP db.after adding iam getting a key value (i,e Doc no)..i want it to display it in my frontend....can u please tell me how to display the return key value of my sales order

    Dear Shangai,
    To retrieve the last Doc/Object added through DI API (DI Server is based on DI API) there is a method called "GetNewObjectCode" which can be used to retrieve the last DocCode which was added into the B1.
    Please try the function for more help please look at the help files RefDI.chm which is installed with the SDK installation for B1.

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    Please tell me where can I find out the values which are assigned in authority object according to roles.
    for ex :
             Changed    Customer: Account Authorization                              F_KNA1_BED
              Changed    Customer: Account Authorization                              T-DR50175601
                Activity                       01, 02, 03, 08                                                              ACTVT
                Authorization Group            5100                                                                        BRGRU
    F_KNA1_BED is the authority object , assigned to one user.
    He can access the authorization group 5100. I want to check that value in my program.
    How ?
    Where it is stored.
    Please help me....
    Anubhav Gupta

    Hi Anubhav,
    Please use this FM "SUSR_USER_AUTH_FOR_OBJ_GET" and pass the object name in it . You would get the values for that particular object.
    Nitin Sachdeva

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    Here are the steps to find the exact RGB value of a given color.
    1) View your Hyperion form using IE, scroll down until you see the color you want to find the RGB value and press the "Print Screen" button (in your keyboard).
    2) Open MS Paint and click Edit -> Paste or simply Ctrl+V. What you saw in the browser will be copied as a new untitled image.
    3) Select the Color Picker tool and click on an area that has the color you want to match.
    4) Now go to Edit Colors... option and click on the "Define Custom Colors >>" button. The color you picked will be selected on this palette. At the bottom right hand corner you will see the Red, Green and Blue values you need. Note down the R,G,B values (given in decimal).
    5) Now we need to find out the hexa-decimal values that correspond to those decimal values. This is where we use the simple Calculator. Open the Calculator application from Program -> Accessories. Switch to the scientific mode by clicking View ->Scientific.
    6) By default it will be in the decimal number mode. Enter the R value (238 in this example) and click on the Hex radio button. The corresponding hexa-decimal value (EE in this case) will be shown in the dial.
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    If you find it difficult to pick a color, zoom the image by pressing Ctrl+PageDown or using View -> Zoom -> Custom... option.

    These tips are to find the RGB color of HFM default row where row is text and text lines in data columns are also visible to business users as Yellow as an input cell. By applying the same RGB color you can apply the same color to your data cells or rows. This post shows how to identify color from any web view-able object.

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    i  want to get to ascii value of a given character. so wanted to know whether is it possbile to get ascii value of a character in ABAP  or not ?
    if yes let us know the way to find it ...
    thank you.

    Please go through this link below:
    You can also try using FM's:
    Hope it helps

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    Hello All,
    How to find the inserted and deleted values in ALV.

    copy the output table before calling set_table_for_first_display and refresh_display
    then in your event call
    CLASS lcl_alv_handler_1100 DEFINITION.                        
             FOR EVENT data_changed OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                 IMPORTING er_data_changed,
    after this here you can find modified new output table
    then compare the new output table with older one

  • How to get the Key value in the value help?

    Hi All,
            I am using dropdown by key to display the values from the RFC. I am able to get the text by,
    ISimpleValueSet div = wdThis.wdGetContext().getContext().getModifiableTypeOf ("Header.VH_BUnit").getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
    return div.getText(wdContext.currentHeaderElement().getVH_BUnit());
    Please say how to get the key ?
    Thanks & Regards,

        Thanks for ur reply. wdContext.currentHeaderElement().getVH_BUnit() is returning the value in the dropdown only.
    Consider this line..
    return div.getText(wdContext.currentHeaderElement().getVH_BUnit() );
    More simillarly return div.gettKey(................); is there. What value should be given inside. if i gave wdContext.currentHeaderElement().getVH_BUnit() means, it sowing "Cannot convert from object to String " error.
    So i created an object like this,
    Object attributevalue = wdContext.currentHeaderElement().getAttributeValue(IPublicReportrtComp.IHeaderElement.VH__B_UNIT);
    But this too not accepting..
    Thanks & Regards,

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