How to find port

I am running OAS which was installed and setup long time back
i need to find out the http port from configuration files for different applications/web-sites setup
Can you please advise
PS: Please... it is not httpd.conf since this is 10gAS :(
neither is it opmn.xml

PS: Please... it is not httpd.conf since this is 10gAS :(
neither is it opmn.xmlSo what is it then? What is that you are running when you say OAS? If you are using standalone OC4J, you can take a look at your default-web-site.xml or http-web-site.xml.

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    You can find the port number by your instance number as follows:
    There is a general format for the port number like you have mentioned.
    For 00 instance the port number is 50000.
    The general format for the port number goes like this:
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    It depends on the installation type which you perform.
    You can also change the instance number during the installation but normally you dont do this.
    If you have many components or units installed on your system you may have more than one instance in that case it may go like this 00, 01, 02....accordingly port number will be 50000, 50100, 50200...resp.
    Hope this solves your doubt.
    If you need some more clarification please lemme know.
      Sumit Jain
    **Rewrd with points if useful.

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    Currently RMI transport layer does not directly expose any public methods to get the listening ports of the exported RMI objects, but the application can always export RMI server objects at certain designated ports instead of relying on the RMI runtime by specifying them to UnicastRemoteObjcect at the time of exporting.
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    Go to the index page of the url,
    type http://hostname:http port in Internet browser.
    for ex : if installation is done on system with IP
    and your http port is 50000(depends on Central instance number,JCxx)
    then type
    1.then go to system information tab in index page.
    for the credentials asked,type,
    password:master password given during installation.
    then system information page opens,in the left corner top,you can find message server port.
    reward points if helpful.........

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    No, the IP address will only replace host, not port. You've got to know the port that the database listener is attached to.
    The DB2 JDBC docs ought to tell you what the default port is. I believe it's 6789. (It was back in Apr-2000 when I last connected to DB2.)
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    Essbase Agent will usually run on port 1423
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    Web server usually runs on port 8200
    FR Communication service runs on port 8299
    Other FR ports are usually dynamic and can be set in property files e.g.,,

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    Please check the table
    user_dir for this
    report - RSWATCH0 to refer to directories.
    Other AL11 related FM
    EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING      Get directory listing
    EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_PATH         Get directory path for EPS subdirectories
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    EPS_OPEN_INPUT_FILE            Open file for input
    EPS_OPEN_OUTPUT_FILE           Open file for output
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Hi kajbj,
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    The best source to get all the ports you have is the Context Files.
    All ports are defined in the Context Files through "AutoConfig Variable". You can get the list of those variables by referring to the following note under "What is the port pool? What if I want to give a specific value to a Server Port?"
    Note: 216664.1 - FAQ: Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
    You can also get that list via OAM.
    Referring to the installation log file should also be helpful (Unless you have changed any of the ports after the installation).

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    WCS record-keeping is very crude.  
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  • How to find the listener port on windows?

    Hi Friends,
    We have a client who is still using Oracle 8.0.6 on NT 4.0
    I have a laptop with oracle client 10g.
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    How do I know what port does the listener used ? what is the command to run at the c:\ command prompt?
    I tried> c:\ lsnrctl stat but the command is not recognized
    I tried to find the lsnrctl and bin but there is not.
    Please help
    Thanks a lot

    ytterp2009 wrote:
    Please help.. and please do NOT post [duplicate posts|]
    How to find the listener port on windows?The Internet Protocol stack comes with a number of utilities - one of these, called netstat, is very useful to determine which processes are doing what to which IP ports on that platform. Unfortunately, different flavours are implemented. So the Windows one does not support the parameters and output than the Unix/Linux one.
    You can use the following on Windows (run it via a command console) to see what processes are listening on what address and port number:
    c:\> netstat -n -a -p tcp
      -n = display IP addresses and ports in numeric format
      -a = list all ports (including ones used for listening
      -p tcp = only display protocol entries for TCP An Oracle listener entry should look something as follows:
    Proto   Local Address  Foreign Address   State
    TCP         LISTENINGSeeing IP + means that the Listener is accepting connections on all your network interfaces - which is standard. The port number is typically 1521. The foreign address is meaningless for a port in listening state.
    PS. Why not simply check the listener.ora configuration file? Because what is actually happening may not be what you thought you configured to happen..

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    Depends on the version of Oracle.
    If Oracle XE, or you are using XDB capability, you use
    SELECT dbms_xdb.gethttpport(), dbms_xdb.getftpport() from dual;
    and verify using lsnrctl status
    Otherwise you look at the Apache config files in $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.*

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    Oracle 10g R2.
    Thank you,

    check following file in
    cat portlist.ini
    iSQL*Plus HTTP port number =5560
    Enterprise Manager Console HTTP Port (orcl) = 1158
    Enterprise Manager Agent Port (orcl) = 3938

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    Hi Siva,
    Host name you can find at same location. Not sure about message server port (Basis team shall be able to provide this information)....
    However there is a very simple way fo creating technical system..
    Check out this Michals blog...its very easy

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    im not sure if that works on windows. i know it works on mac
    second way is to find the directory of itunes library  and copying that to a external hard drive and then going to your otther computer and clicking on "import library" and giving the location of the directory on the external hard drive
    third way is enable home sharing on both computers , by clicking on file, librsry, turn on home sharing and entering your apple id this wil let you go to the itunes server from the other computer, let you select all songs and then import them to your library via your home network . again im not sure if this works on windows, but it does on macs
    if i remember right the first way was faster. the second way would also import all your videos and movies and tv shows too
    if you use the first or second methods make sure to click on file , organize library, consolodate library after the songs are copied to make sure they were actualy copied from the external drive. if the library is not organized and consolidated, thte songs will not be available if you eject the external drive

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