How to find table used in java based forms

In R12 how can i find table name used in Java Based forms.

Record history for OAF / Selfservice pages is only available in R12.1.1 - pl see MOS Doc 565870.1 (Oracle Application Framework (OAF) Release Notes, Release 12.1.1) - it is not available in 11i and 12.0.x releases.

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  • How to Commit table by writting Java code in Managed Bean?

    Can anyone suggest me how to Commit table by writing Java code in Managed Bean?.
    I want to commit table manually after modifying in UI.
    Please suggest me guys.
    Ramit Mathur

    Hi Friend Copy this two java files with same package of your bean package.
    package org.calwin.common.view.utils;(Your package name)
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.el.ELContext;
    import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
    import javax.el.MethodExpression;
    import javax.el.ValueExpression;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCParameter;
    import oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger;
    import oracle.binding.AttributeBinding;
    import oracle.binding.BindingContainer;
    import oracle.binding.ControlBinding;
    import oracle.binding.OperationBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding;
    * A series of convenience functions for dealing with ADF Bindings.
    * Note: Updated for JDeveloper 11
    * @author Duncan Mills
    * @author Steve Muench
    * $Id: 2513 2007-09-20 20:39:13Z ralsmith $.
    public class ADFUtils
    public static final ADFLogger _LOGGER = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(ADFUtils.class);
    * Get application module for an application module data control by name.
    * @param pName application module data control name
    * @return ApplicationModule
    public static ApplicationModule getApplicationModuleForDataControl(String pName)
    return (ApplicationModule) JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{data." + pName + ".dataProvider}");
    * A convenience method for getting the value of a bound attribute in the
    * current page context programatically.
    * @param pAttributeName of the bound value in the pageDef
    * @return value of the attribute
    public static Object getBoundAttributeValue(String pAttributeName)
    return findControlBinding(pAttributeName).getInputValue();
    * A convenience method for setting the value of a bound attribute in the
    * context of the current page.
    * @param pAttributeName of the bound value in the pageDef
    * @param pValue to set
    public static void setBoundAttributeValue(String pAttributeName, Object pValue)
    * Returns the evaluated value of a pageDef parameter.
    * @param pPageDefName reference to the page definition file of the page with the parameter
    * @param pParameterName name of the pagedef parameter
    * @return evaluated value of the parameter as a String
    public static Object getPageDefParameterValue(String pPageDefName, String pParameterName)
    BindingContainer bindings = findBindingContainer(pPageDefName);
    DCParameter param = ((DCBindingContainer) bindings).findParameter(pParameterName);
    return param.getValue();
    * Convenience method to find a DCControlBinding as an AttributeBinding
    * to get able to then call getInputValue() or setInputValue() on it.
    * @param pBindingContainer binding container
    * @param pAttributeName name of the attribute binding.
    * @return the control value binding with the name passed in.
    public static AttributeBinding findControlBinding(BindingContainer pBindingContainer, String pAttributeName)
    if (pAttributeName != null)
    if (pBindingContainer != null)
    ControlBinding ctrlBinding = pBindingContainer.getControlBinding(pAttributeName);
    if (ctrlBinding instanceof AttributeBinding)
    return (AttributeBinding) ctrlBinding;
    return null;
    * Convenience method to find a DCControlBinding as a JUCtrlValueBinding
    * to get able to then call getInputValue() or setInputValue() on it.
    * @param pAttributeName name of the attribute binding.
    * @return the control value binding with the name passed in.
    public static AttributeBinding findControlBinding(String pAttributeName)
    return findControlBinding(getBindingContainer(), pAttributeName);
    * Return the current page's binding container.
    * @return the current page's binding container
    public static BindingContainer getBindingContainer()
    return (BindingContainer) JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{bindings}");
    * Return the Binding Container as a DCBindingContainer.
    * @return current binding container as a DCBindingContainer
    public static DCBindingContainer getDCBindingContainer()
    return (DCBindingContainer) getBindingContainer();
    * Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding.
    * Uses the value of the 'valueAttrName' attribute as the key for
    * the SelectItem key.
    * @param pIteratorName ADF iterator binding name
    * @param pValueAttrName name of the value attribute to use
    * @param pDisplayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
    * @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding
    public static List<SelectItem> selectItemsForIterator(String pIteratorName, String pValueAttrName, String pDisplayAttrName)
    return selectItemsForIterator(findIterator(pIteratorName), pValueAttrName, pDisplayAttrName);
    * Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with description.
    * Uses the value of the 'valueAttrName' attribute as the key for
    * the SelectItem key.
    * @param pIteratorName ADF iterator binding name
    * @param pValueAttrName name of the value attribute to use
    * @param pDisplayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
    * @param pDescriptionAttrName name of the attribute to use for description
    * @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with description
    public static List<SelectItem> selectItemsForIterator(String pIteratorName, String pValueAttrName, String pDisplayAttrName, String pDescriptionAttrName)
    return selectItemsForIterator(findIterator(pIteratorName), pValueAttrName, pDisplayAttrName, pDescriptionAttrName);
    * Get List of attribute values for an iterator.
    * @param pIteratorName ADF iterator binding name
    * @param pValueAttrName value attribute to use
    * @return List of attribute values for an iterator
    public static List attributeListForIterator(String pIteratorName, String pValueAttrName)
    return attributeListForIterator(findIterator(pIteratorName), pValueAttrName);
    * Get List of Key objects for rows in an iterator.
    * @param pIteratorName iterabot binding name
    * @return List of Key objects for rows
    public static List<Key> keyListForIterator(String pIteratorName)
    return keyListForIterator(findIterator(pIteratorName));
    * Get List of Key objects for rows in an iterator.
    * @param pIterator iterator binding
    * @return List of Key objects for rows
    public static List<Key> keyListForIterator(DCIteratorBinding pIterator)
    List<Key> attributeList = new ArrayList<Key>();
    for (Row r: pIterator.getAllRowsInRange())
    return attributeList;
    * Get List of Key objects for rows in an iterator using key attribute.
    * @param pIteratorName iterator binding name
    * @param pKeyAttrName name of key attribute to use
    * @return List of Key objects for rows
    public static List<Key> keyAttrListForIterator(String pIteratorName, String pKeyAttrName)
    return keyAttrListForIterator(findIterator(pIteratorName), pKeyAttrName);
    * Get List of Key objects for rows in an iterator using key attribute.
    * @param pIterator iterator binding
    * @param pKeyAttrName name of key attribute to use
    * @return List of Key objects for rows
    public static List<Key> keyAttrListForIterator(DCIteratorBinding pIterator, String pKeyAttrName)
    List<Key> attributeList = new ArrayList<Key>();
    for (Row r: pIterator.getAllRowsInRange())
    attributeList.add(new Key(new Object[]
    { r.getAttribute(pKeyAttrName) }));
    return attributeList;
    * Get a List of attribute values for an iterator.
    * @param pIterator iterator binding
    * @param pValueAttrName name of value attribute to use
    * @return List of attribute values
    public static List attributeListForIterator(DCIteratorBinding pIterator, String pValueAttrName)
    List attributeList = new ArrayList();
    for (Row r: pIterator.getAllRowsInRange())
    return attributeList;
    * Find an iterator binding in the current binding container by name.
    * @param pName iterator binding name
    * @return iterator binding
    public static DCIteratorBinding findIterator(String pName)
    DCIteratorBinding iter = getDCBindingContainer().findIteratorBinding(pName);
    if (iter == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("Iterator '" + pName + "' not found");
    return iter;
    * @param pBindingContainer
    * @param pIterator
    * @return
    public static DCIteratorBinding findIterator(String pBindingContainer, String pIterator)
    DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer) JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{" + pBindingContainer + "}");
    if (bindings == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("Binding container '" + pBindingContainer + "' not found");
    DCIteratorBinding iter = bindings.findIteratorBinding(pIterator);
    if (iter == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("Iterator '" + pIterator + "' not found");
    return iter;
    * @param pName
    * @return
    public static JUCtrlValueBinding findCtrlBinding(String pName)
    JUCtrlValueBinding rowBinding = (JUCtrlValueBinding) getDCBindingContainer().findCtrlBinding(pName);
    if (rowBinding == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("CtrlBinding " + pName + "' not found");
    return rowBinding;
    * Find an operation binding in the current binding container by name.
    * @param pName operation binding name
    * @return operation binding
    public static OperationBinding findOperation(String pName)
    OperationBinding op = getDCBindingContainer().getOperationBinding(pName);
    if (op == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("Operation '" + pName + "' not found");
    return op;
    * Find an operation binding in the current binding container by name.
    * @param pBindingContianer binding container name
    * @param pOpName operation binding name
    * @return operation binding
    public static OperationBinding findOperation(String pBindingContianer, String pOpName)
    DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer) JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{" + pBindingContianer + "}");
    if (bindings == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("Binding container '" + pBindingContianer + "' not found");
    OperationBinding op = bindings.getOperationBinding(pOpName);
    if (op == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("Operation '" + pOpName + "' not found");
    return op;
    * Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with description.
    * Uses the value of the 'valueAttrName' attribute as the key for
    * the SelectItem key.
    * @param pIterator ADF iterator binding
    * @param pValueAttrName name of value attribute to use for key
    * @param pDisplayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
    * @param pDescriptionAttrName name of the attribute for description
    * @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with description
    public static List<SelectItem> selectItemsForIterator(DCIteratorBinding pIterator, String pValueAttrName, String pDisplayAttrName, String pDescriptionAttrName)
    List<SelectItem> selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    for (Row r: pIterator.getAllRowsInRange())
    selectItems.add(new SelectItem(r.getAttribute(pValueAttrName), (String) r.getAttribute(pDisplayAttrName), (String) r.getAttribute(pDescriptionAttrName)));
    return selectItems;
    * Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding.
    * Uses the value of the 'valueAttrName' attribute as the key for
    * the SelectItem key.
    * @param pIterator ADF iterator binding
    * @param pValueAttrName name of value attribute to use for key
    * @param pDisplayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
    * @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding
    public static List<SelectItem> selectItemsForIterator(DCIteratorBinding pIterator, String pValueAttrName, String pDisplayAttrName)
    List<SelectItem> selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    for (Row r: pIterator.getAllRowsInRange())
    selectItems.add(new SelectItem(r.getAttribute(pValueAttrName), (String) r.getAttribute(pDisplayAttrName)));
    return selectItems;
    * Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding.
    * Uses the rowKey of each row as the SelectItem key.
    * @param pIteratorName ADF iterator binding name
    * @param pDisplayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
    * @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding
    public static List<SelectItem> selectItemsByKeyForIterator(String pIteratorName, String pDisplayAttrName)
    return selectItemsByKeyForIterator(findIterator(pIteratorName), pDisplayAttrName);
    * Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with discription.
    * Uses the rowKey of each row as the SelectItem key.
    * @param pIteratorName ADF iterator binding name
    * @param pDisplayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
    * @param pDescriptionAttrName name of the attribute for description
    * @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with discription
    public static List<SelectItem> selectItemsByKeyForIterator(String pIteratorName, String pDisplayAttrName, String pDescriptionAttrName)
    return selectItemsByKeyForIterator(findIterator(pIteratorName), pDisplayAttrName, pDescriptionAttrName);
    * Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with discription.
    * Uses the rowKey of each row as the SelectItem key.
    * @param pIterator ADF iterator binding
    * @param pDisplayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
    * @param pDescriptionAttrName name of the attribute for description
    * @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with discription
    public static List<SelectItem> selectItemsByKeyForIterator(DCIteratorBinding pIterator, String pDisplayAttrName, String pDescriptionAttrName)
    List<SelectItem> selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    for (Row r: pIterator.getAllRowsInRange())
    selectItems.add(new SelectItem(r.getKey(), (String) r.getAttribute(pDisplayAttrName), (String) r.getAttribute(pDescriptionAttrName)));
    return selectItems;
    * Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding.
    * Uses the rowKey of each row as the SelectItem key.
    * @param pIterator ADF iterator binding
    * @param pDisplayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
    * @return List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding
    public static List<SelectItem> selectItemsByKeyForIterator(DCIteratorBinding pIterator, String pDisplayAttrName)
    List<SelectItem> selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    for (Row r: pIterator.getAllRowsInRange())
    selectItems.add(new SelectItem(r.getKey(), (String) r.getAttribute(pDisplayAttrName)));
    return selectItems;
    * Find the BindingContainer for a page definition by name.
    * Typically used to refer eagerly to page definition parameters. It is
    * not best practice to reference or set bindings in binding containers
    * that are not the one for the current page.
    * @param pPageDefName name of the page defintion XML file to use
    * @return BindingContainer ref for the named definition
    private static BindingContainer findBindingContainer(String pPageDefName)
    BindingContext bctx = getDCBindingContainer().getBindingContext();
    BindingContainer foundContainer = bctx.findBindingContainer(pPageDefName);
    return foundContainer;
    * @param pOpList
    public static void printOperationBindingExceptions(List pOpList)
    if (pOpList != null && !pOpList.isEmpty())
    for (Object error: pOpList)
    * Programmatic invocation of a method that an EL evaluates to.
    * The method must not take any parameters.
    * @param pEl EL of the method to invoke
    * @return Object that the method returns
    public static Object invokeEL(String pEl)
    return invokeEL(pEl, new Class[0], new Object[0]);
    * Programmatic invocation of a method that an EL evaluates to.
    * @param pEl EL of the method to invoke
    * @param pParamTypes Array of Class defining the types of the parameters
    * @param pParams Array of Object defining the values of the parametrs
    * @return Object that the method returns
    public static Object invokeEL(String pEl, Class[] pParamTypes, Object[] pParams)
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
    MethodExpression exp = expressionFactory.createMethodExpression(elContext, pEl, Object.class, pParamTypes);
    return exp.invoke(elContext, pParams);
    * Sets the EL Expression with the value.
    * @param pEl EL Expression for which the value to be assigned.
    * @param pVal Value to be assigned.
    public static void setEL(String pEl, Object pVal)
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
    ValueExpression exp = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, pEl, Object.class);
    exp.setValue(elContext, pVal);
    * Evaluates the EL Expression and returns its value.
    * @param pEl Expression to be evaluated.
    * @return Value of the expression as Object.
    public static Object evaluateEL(String pEl)
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
    ValueExpression exp = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, pEl, Object.class);
    return exp.getValue(elContext);

  • How to find table name for the fields from Standard Extractor in CRM system

    How to find table name of fields from the standard extractor in CRM system ?
    e.g. We use LBWE TCode in R/3 system to find table name for the field from Extractor VCSCL(e.g.).
    Likewise is there any way to find table name for the fields from Standard extractor like 0CRM_LEAD_I.

    Hi ,
    Please find the link below for understanding BW CRM analysis.
    activate the CRM DSs by scenario:
    1) Activate the application component hierarchy (tcode RSA9). Changes made to the application component hierarchy in the CRM system can be transferred to the BW using the "Edit Application Component Hierarchy" (SBIW - Postprocessing of DataSources).
    SAP Note 434886 must be implemented in CRM 3.0 before the application component hierarchy is activated.
    2) Activate the Business Content DataSources (tcode RSA5).
    Select/enter the application component and choose Execute (F8).
    To compare the shipped and active versions, choose the 'Select Delta' pushbutton. If there is no active version of the DataSource, it is selected automatically.
    To activate the shipped version, choose the 'Transfer DataSources' pushbutton.
    3) Management of the versions of the BW-Adapter metadata (tcode BWA5). All DataSources are displayed that are managed by the BW Adapter.
    As in transaction RSA5 (Service API Metadata Activation), the 'Select Delta' function can be used to select the inactive DataSources or compare shipped and active versions.
    You can also go directly to the screen for maintaining DataSources that are managed by the BW Adapter.
    The 'Compare Version' function makes a detailed comparison of the shipped and active versions.
    All BW-Adapter metadata is considered when versions are compared:
    Header information (Table SMOXHEAD)
    Mapping information (Table SMOXRELP)
    Global selection conditions (Table SMOXGSEL)
    Attribute key fields (Table SMOXAFLD)
    Hope this helps.
    csm reddy

  • How to find and install right java for ECC6 intstallation on AIX5.3

    I wander how to find and install right java for ECC6 intstallation on AIX5.3. I went thruroughly thru note 723909 and underlying 716927, 1008311 and 1039948 notes but I still do not understand.
    I guess I should logon to IBM site
    where I can choose :
    " Java 1.4.2 64-bit "
    and then :
    "64-bit SDK 1.4.2 base images (at level; in installp format) "->"Base SDK (required)
    Java14_64.sdk.tar  ((50001920)
    then I assume (on AIX ) I should "tar xvf Java14_64.sdk.tar".
    then I get extracted "Java14_64.sdk"
    Is this ok?
    I know on Linux(
    from IBM site I downloaded "IBMJava2-amd64-142.rpm"
    then I issued
    "rpm -i IBMJava2-amd64-142.rpm "
    and finally issued
    "export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBMJava2-amd64-142")
    What in case of AIX5.3? Could you help me?

    I was told to use smitty (just I am not familiar with it). furdermore i do not hace file. the ziped files are:
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin    371712 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.license
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin      3072 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.msg.ja_JP
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin      3072 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.msg.Ja_JP
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin      3072 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.msg.ko_KR
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin      3072 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.msg.zh_CN
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin      3072 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.msg.Zh_CN
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin      3072 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.msg.zh_TW
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin      3072 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.msg.Zh_TW
    -rw-rr 1  202 bin   4888576 Mar  2  2010 Java14_64.samples
    -rw-r----- 1 root root 67190784 Oct  4 09:53 Java14_64.sdk
    -rw-rr 1 root root 77370639 Nov 20 19:36 Java14_64.sdk.tar.gz
    -rw-r----- 1 root root 12612608 Oct  4 09:53 Java14_64.source

  • How to find table & fields of standard InfoObject?

    How to find table & fields of standard InfoObject for creating generic DataSource?
    e.g. I want to know the table & field of 0MAINTPOS infoObject.

    You can get the list of tables involved in a particular DS by using the below method ( this another approach)
    --> RSA3 -- enter your DS ( execute later)
    --> Goto Tcode ST05 --> switch on the SQL Trace
    --> now execute the extract checker in RSA3.once done switch off(deactivate) the SQL trace.
    --> in st05 screen you can find the button "Display Trace" -- execute (here make sure SQL trace button is enabled.
    --> from the menu bar -->Trace list-->  select "combined table accesses".
    --> it will display the tables involved in it -- check for TABLE names section.... select that row Table names -- click on filter button --press F4 -- here we go it will display the list of entire tables involved in the extraction activity... here you need to sort the tables which are related to your DS.

  • How to find bpel instance in 11g based on the index values

    We have 10g BPEL process where we define 4 index values for all the instances. Whenever support request comes, we ask index values and based on that we search the process instance.
    We have migrated this 10g bpel process to 11g now. How to find bpel instance in 11g based on the index values ???

    I have multiple bpel in my composite. I checked in ci_indexes table and it shows the instance number of the bpel process. But the em console is showing only the composite instance number. when I opened composite instance, I could see all the bpel process with instance number in the audit trail. How can I find the the actual composite instance number that I should search for in the em console ???

  • How to find tables from transactions

    Hi All,
    Please tell me in which tables I can see customer heirarchy(i.e.VDH2N)? I would like to know all tables in which heirarchy 1 ,2 and 3  is stored?
    Also let me know how to find table names from transactions or after going to transaction screen?

    Please check table KNVH.
    Also you can use BAPI BAPI_CUSTOMER_GET_CHILDREN to get child customers for a customer.
    FORM get_child_customers USING iv_cust_no TYPE kna1-kunnr.
    * BAPI to get the all Child Customers of the current Customer
    valid_on = sy-datum
    custhityp = 'A' ( Customer hierarchy type 'A', ... etc.. )
    node_level = '00' (node level)
    customerno = iv_cust_no ( customer number )
    node_list = gt_output. ( get the child customers in the list)
    ENDFORM. " get_child_customers
    Ferry Lianto

  • How  to find tables in Lo that  were extracted from R/3 to BW?

    Hi Experts,
    pls tell me How  to find tables in Lo that  were extracted from R/3 to BW?
    Thanks in advance.
    Hari Reddy

    Check the following thread,if the earlier link doesnt work..
    How to locate which R/3 table-field is mapped to BW

  • Access ABAP tables using NWDS Java Code

    I am planning to write a program to autmatically update is_url entries in sxmb_admin using a Java program.
    Is there a way we can access the ABAP tables using standalone Java Code? would it something like dblookup that we use in the mappings?
    Your Thoughts....

    Hi Vicky - Interesting..Seems like you are trying to automate every single thing
    However you can make use of Jco to connect to ABAP tables..
    Check the below thread..
    Help on accessing tables of SAP from the Java Application
    I assume the table name is "SXMSCONFVLV" which you might have to update but not sure..

  • Handle a pdf using using the Java-based programming

    Could I handle a PDF document created by LiveCycle using the Java-based programming?
    I want to say, don't use the LiveCycle server-based application.
    I'm developing a small desktop application. This application read from the database and populate a PDF document. The PDF document has many forms and they use a button to increment the field in the subform or duplicate the subform.

    Could I handle a PDF document created by LiveCycle using the Java-based programming?
    I want to say, don't use the LiveCycle server-based application.
    I'm developing a small desktop application. This application read from the database and populate a PDF document. The PDF document has many forms and they use a button to increment the field in the subform or duplicate the subform.

  • How to find u0091Where used list of BSP Applicationu0092?

    In standard, one BSP application is calling another BSP application by hard coded in application.
    I want find a where used list of a BSP application.
    How to find ‘Where used list of BSP Application’?

    Hi Naddy,
    there is a way to find such hard coded things as long as they are really written as literal in the coding. So far i havn't used it on BSP but it's just a token search.
    You can use the code inspector for such things (TCode SCI). You define an object list. Therefore you have to use the static list (dynamic won't work) e.g. for all objects in a package. The ugly thing is that sap has built a filter in SCI that you cannot run it on their standard objects (no comment on that). So you get always 0 objects on sap packages. But you can debug into SCI and set a break point on statement 'SELECT'. One of the selects gets the objects from repository. In this statement sap hands select options to exclude SAP objects. If you change the values you can get these objects in the list.
    Then you run a search on these objects to find the string you look for.
    Ok that's not very comfortable but still faster than checking dozens of objects by hand.
    Best regards

  • How to find and use MS Office on new MBA

    How to find and use MS Office on new MBAir

    Office is not preinstalled on Mac computers. Since the MacBook Air lacks an optical drive, the most convenient way to get Office is to purchase it as a download from Microsoft here.

  • How to find table information for a datasource?

    Can you please tell me how to find table information for a datasource. I am not getting much help from
    I am trying to find table information for below datasources. We are creating DSO's for the below mentioned datasources, for some we have standard DSO's(0WBS_O06), for others I am trying to create
    Please help me.

    Hi BOB,
    Another option to find the table information...
    inorder to get the tables names involved in that particular data source follow the below steps.
    1) ST05 --> activate the Trace
    2) RSA3 --> enter your data source (for ex: 0CO_OM_NWA_1)
    3) Execute
    4) Now goto ST05 -> deactivate the trace
    5) click on Display trace(F7) button
    6) Execute
    7) It will display the complete SQL trace
    8) Now from the Menu "Trace list" --> select "Combined Table Access"
    it will display the complete tables list involved in that data source...
    From Table name section you can get the list of tables involved in that data source.
    I had traced and took the information of tables involved in that data source 0CO_OM_NWA_1
    AFKO     Order header data PP orders
    AFVC     Operation within an order
    AUFK     Order master data
    COSP     CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings
    COSPP     Transfer of the Order in the COSP Table to the Project
    COSS     CO Object: Cost Totals for Internal Postings
    COSSP     Transfer of the Order COSS Table to the Project
    COVREF     Coverage Reference Table: All Processing Blocks
    COVRES     Table of Coverage Results
    You can follow the same steps and find the tables for the rest.

  • How to find Table names for PO & Invoices in SRM Standalnoe system SRM 7.0?

    How to find Table names for PO & Invoices in SRM Standalnoe system SRM 7.0? Please let me know.

    In SRM for all objects like SC ( BUS21210),BID,PO(BUS22010),Confirmation (BUS2203),invoice etc all the data stored
    in BBP_PDHGP and BBP_PDBEI  tables only, These is no separate tables..
    for your reference below are the few SRM tables
    BBP_PDACC  Account Assignment 
    BBP_PDATT  Document Attachment 
    BBP_PDBEH  Backend Specific Header Data 
    BBP_PDBEI  Backend Specific Item Data 
    BBP_PDBGP  Partner Extension Gen. Purchasing Data 
    BBP_PDBINREL  Transaction Object Linkage (EBP) 
    BBP_PDHCF  Set for Tabular Customer and Solution Fields on Hdr 
    BBP_PDHGP  Business Transaction Purchasing Information 
    BBP_PDHSB  Bid Invitation 
    BBP_PDHSC  Header Extension for Customer Fields 
    BBP_PDHSS  Hdr Extension for SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs and so on)
    BBP_PDICF  Set for Tabluar Customer and Solution Fields on Itm 
    BBP_PDIGP  Business Transaction Item-Purchasing Information 
    BBP_PDISB  Bid Invitation/Bid-Specific Item Data 
    BBP_PDISC  Item Extension for Customer Fields 
    BBP_PDISS  Item Ext. for SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs and so on) 
    BBP_PDLIM  Value Limit 
    BBP_PDORG  Purchasing Organizational Unit 
    BBP_PDPSET  Further Procurement Information 
    BBP_PDTAX  Tax 
    CDCLS  Cluster structure for change documents 
    CDHDR  Change document header 
    CDPOS_STR  Additional Change Document - Table for STRINGs 
    CDPOS_UID  Additional Table for Inclusion of TABKEY>70 Characters 
    CRM_JCDO  Change Documents for Status Object (Table JSTO) 
    CRM_JCDS  Change Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST) 
    CRM_JEST  Individual Object Status 
    CRM_JSTO  Status Object Information 
    CRMD_LINK  Transaction - Set - Link 
    CRMD_ORDERADM_H Business Transaction 
    CRMD_ORDERADM_I Business Transaction Item 
    CRMD_PARTNER  Partners 
    SROBLROLB  Persistent Roles of BOR Objects 
    SROBLROLC  Persistent Roles of Business Classes 
    SRRELROLES  Object Relationship Service: Roles 
    Thanks & Regards,
    Prasad S

  • How to find tables from database having no partition

    Hello Sir,
    How to find tables from oracle database having no partitions?
    Thank you.

      2  MINUS
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-00904: "OWNER": invalid identifier@OP,
    select table_name,partitioned from dba_tables where partitioned='YES';
    select table_name,partitioned from dba_tables where partitioned='NO';
    Girish Sharma
    Edited by: Girish Sharma on Jul 1, 2011 9:27 AM

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