How to fix music player

can someone please help me fix my iphone

Possibly, but first you have to tell us what is wrong with it.

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    I feel the need, the need to share my recent experiences with you! Firstly to restate the already known facts: The Nokia Audio Manager in PC Suite is incapable of reading any tags as far as I have seen, from a tag (AAC/MP3) or from a CD itself and it crashes on my pc after sending 2 albums to my phone or on initialising once the phone has 2 albums already on it - so I've binned that. iTunes creates .m4a files which are AAC files but in mp4 containers with mp4 tags. The N70 will play AAC files and read ID3 tags up to v2.3 Here's how to get musak on your N70 with tags and artwork. 1. get yourself copies of dbpoweramp 11.5, their AAC codec (the Release 5 one) and The Godfather and install them 2. Go into the dbpoweramp config, select the ID tag tab and change the tag to ID3V2 for AAC. check the version field is set to v2.3 3. Use Poweramp's CD Input to rip a CD (you can specify under options to use AAC (Advanced Audio Coding (CLI)), you can custom the folder/filenames and set the bitrate (I use 100 BVR which creates files about the same size as MP3) 3.5. Rename any file that has an apostrohpe in the filename - removing the apostrophe - as the Music player will not read the tag 4. Go onto, find your CD and save the artwork image to your PC (create a folder for artwork) 5. Run The Godfather, select the folder containing the ripped album, click on the 'TAG' button, tick the picture box and click the button to it's right and browse for the .jpg file you just downloaded. then click on Update which will bring up the edit dialog, check that the picture is visible at bottom right and is ticked and then click 'Update All', then 'Sync' and then 'Exit'. Finally, click on the 'Apply' button 6. Transfer the folder to your My Music folder on the MMC 7. Run the Music Player and select Options-Update Collection 8. Now go into Albums and you should see your album title. Click on it and you should see all tracks. Click on a track and you should see, in the playing window, the artist & track and the artwork too. It has taken me weeks to get this far but for me, it is worth it. I hope this system works for you too Regards, Brian.

    It sounds like a dud program.   I would remove it (highlight its icon, then Options -> Remove).  If you don't see a remove option, look for the program in the Application Manager.

  • How to fix Flash Player buffering entire video before playing?

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    I tried uninstall and re install both Flash Player and Chrome it self but nothing changed.
    I also noticed that when i try to download something on chrome (this is the browser i use for everything), for example a movie trailer from Apple's trailer site (for example this movie trailer iTunes Movie Trailers) i right click and press Save As, it does nothing after that and after let's say some seconds the window pops up asking me where to save it, and i save it. That means that when i press "Save As" it does starts downloading in the background (like the first post in this thread states) and only wneh it finishes downloading the Chrome pop up window appear. When it should pop immediatelly asking me where to save it the moment i right click something and press Save As. At least that what i used to do before THIS whole problem started......
    Any thoughts...??????
    Please i am desperate...... 

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    At this time, here are some solutions for you:
     If you want to incorporate rich media (digital audio and video) in your Muse sites, follow these steps: 
    Create an account and upload your media files to a third-party hosting provider (such as YouTube).
    Obtain the embed code for the media file you've uploaded.
    Open the desired page in Muse and choose Object > Insert HTML... to paste the code into the HTML window that appears.
     Here's a list of media host providers that offer MP3 and video players you can embed: 
    Wimpy Player Try using one of the providers listed above to get started. If you already have an account with a different media host provider, their service may work as well. To test it, try copying and pasting the embed source code for your media into the HTML window in a page in Muse. If you only want to host audio, but you'd like to use YouTube's hosting service, you can use the ingenious workaround provided by Frank from our Muse Beta Archive forum: 
    Prepare the video file. Use a video editing program to combine your audio file with a generic static image, such as album art or company logo, for the visual content.
    Log into your YouTube account and upload the video file.
    Copy the embed code generated by YouTube.
    Open the desired page in Muse. Choose Object > Insert HTML. Paste the embed code of the YouTube video into the HTML window and change the height of the player to 25 pixels.
    Save the Muse site and publish the page.
     This strategy of resetting the player's height eliminates the video portion and just displays the player controls. If a visitor clicks the full screen mode button, the static image of the logo or album artwork will appear. 

  • Tips: how to close MUSIC PLAYER on 5700 without re...

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    1. play any track from a PLAYLIST (if u dont have one, just creat a new playlist)
    2. when a song is playing, press BACK, then OPTION > ADD SONGS then press BACK again.
    now your music player CLOSED !
    3315 · 3650 · 3230 · 3250 · 5700

    its better if you kill the process using some file explorer like explore or fexplorer etc.. and some task managers like handy taskman etc...
    Was this post of some help? Click 'Kudos' star on the right hand side of this post. Your gesture will be highly appreciated!

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    Hey joe sammy,
    Thanks for the question. After reviewing your post, it sounds like you want to download past purchases. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you resolve or isolate the issue.
    Download past purchases
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

  • How to fix music buttons on lock screen?

    Updated my iPhone 5 to iOS7.2 and music buttons (skip forward/backward, play/pause/stop) do not work; volume still works. Is there a way to fix this??

    I did see a reply on a similar post:
    You can try:
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.             
    However, some onther users have reported the same problem so it it may be a bug in iOS
    I did the RESET DEVICE only to mine (i.e., did not reset all settings...) and it did work to fix the buttons (haven't tested on the car, but it'll likely be OK now...).  Certainly there is a bug somewhere that needs fixed...

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    Hello there klundie,
    I was researching the issue you are experiencing, and have come to the conclusion that the songs in question may need to be converted and re imported. This article, iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format outlines how to re import songs that are already in your itunes library, which I believe will resolve the issue.
    You can find the article here:
    To convert a song's file format:
    Open iTunes Preferences.
    Windows: Choose Edit > Preferences.
    Mac: Choose iTunes > Preferences.
    Click the General button, then click the Importing Settings button in the second section of the window.
    From the Import Using pop-up menu, choose the encoding format that you want to convert the song to, then click OK to save the settings.
    Select one or more songs in your library, then from the Advanced menu, choose one of the following (The menu item changes to show what's selected in your Importing preferences):
    Create MP3 version
    Create AAC version
    Create AIFF version
    Create WAV version
    Create Apple Lossless version
    If you haven't imported some songs into iTunes yet, you can import and convert them at the same time. This will create a converted copy of the file in your iTunes Library based on your iTunes preferences. To convert all the songs in a folder or on a disk, hold down the Option key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows) and choose Advanced > ConvertImport preference setting. The Import preference setting will match what you chose in step 3. iTunes will prompt you for the location of the folder or disk you want to import and convert. All the songs in the folder or on the disk will be converted. Note: Some purchased songs are encoded using a protected AAC format that prevents them from being converted. iTunes Plus purchases are not protected and can be converted.
    The song in its original format and the newly converted song appear in your library.
    All the best,

  • Fixing music player

    i downloaded this free flash template for a project im working on with friends but i want to place music in the background
    var default_volume:Number = 0.6; // 0.00 to 1.00
    var sound1:Sound = new music();
    var music_channel:SoundChannel =;
    var music_volume:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();
    music_volume.volume = default_volume;
    music_channel.soundTransform = music_volume;
    sound_control.addEventListener(, play_pause);
    function play_pause(e:MouseEvent):void
    music_volume.volume = default_volume;
    if( == 1 )
    music_volume.volume = 0;
    music_channel.soundTransform = music_volume;;
    this came with it but it was disabled with /* so i took it out and now my project just flashes randomly and stops working, after i make it a comment again it fixes it, any ideas?

    its fixed now thx for the help couldt find the reference for the sound, seemed it removed itself and the sound_control layer wouldt show correctly thx for the help and the debugging thing too

  • How to fix Music app playlist bug

    Hi guys, i would like to ask a for a bug fix on my iPod. I have a lot of songs beginning with the same word to be in one place. Last time when I syncronized my iPod (iOS6.1.3) and my iPad (iOS7.0.2) with the latest iTunes on my computer, I received a bug. My iPod's musics are in bad order (even with reboot, sync, deleting music-resync). For example ' music beginning with the word, 'Jump' before song beginning with word 'The' = J before T. But my iPad has the correct order so I wonder what is this bug. Please help me fix it!
    Thanks for help!

    Hi Taffy ...
    You can send feedback directly to Apple >  Feedback

  • How to fix flash player contiually crashing?

    Windows 7 32 bit, Intel 2.53Ghz cpu, 2Gb memory, machine is clean, no malware or unnecessary junk.
    Install flash player successfully everything looks good, but at any website that requires flash player, it either freezes or crashes. This happens repeatedly to the point where I delete the player in disgust...until the next time a web site refuses to function without it, so I install a new (and most recent) version, and the same thing happens again. And again. And again!!!
    I read in the questions that this is a common issue with many many users, so just exactly what is wrong? Why can't Adobe make a flash player that works properly? I don't have any unusual, out of the ordinary machine , just a standard garden-variety Intel Windows machine. Flash player should work, but doesn't. This is getting extremely irritating and frustrating, I'm greatly tempted to abandon all Adobe products for good, and make do without using this blasted infernal Flash Player.
    FWIW I am not a noob, I've been using and maintaining PCs since Windows 3.1 so please don't take the route of "user error" with me.
    Whether I choose to "continue" or "stop" this message pops up again every few moments, and this continues until finally
    the Flash Player crashes... which doesn't really matter at that point because the thing has been no use at all up until then.
    If anyone has a solution please email it to me: I don't have the time or patience to keep checking back simply to see if anyone
    responded.  I've wasted enough time on similar sites where questions go unanswered for months, or in some cases years,
    and by the number of questions on this same issue, I suspect there is no solution -- unless perhaps somebody finds an alternative to using Adobe flash Player, a solution for which I sincerely hope!

    I tried uninstall and re install both Flash Player and Chrome it self but nothing changed.
    I also noticed that when i try to download something on chrome (this is the browser i use for everything), for example a movie trailer from Apple's trailer site (for example this movie trailer iTunes Movie Trailers) i right click and press Save As, it does nothing after that and after let's say some seconds the window pops up asking me where to save it, and i save it. That means that when i press "Save As" it does starts downloading in the background (like the first post in this thread states) and only wneh it finishes downloading the Chrome pop up window appear. When it should pop immediatelly asking me where to save it the moment i right click something and press Save As. At least that what i used to do before THIS whole problem started......
    Any thoughts...??????
    Please i am desperate...... 

  • IOS/android - how to mute music player sound when playing app sound?

    I am trying to achieve the following, in an app for iOS and Android devices:
    My app contains information that, under certain circumstances, are being read to the user. If the user is playing music using f.i. iPod, i would want the external sound to fade down, read the info, then fade back up. I have seen (heard) this on apps such as RunKeeper, where voice feedback is 'superimposed' over existing media sound, which is faded down for the duration of the voice feedback.
    i am using Adobe Air 3.9 sdk, using Sound, SoundChannel and SoundMixer with AudioPlaybackMode set to MEDIA, VOICE and AMBIENT.
    When setting AudioPlaybackMode to VOICE, the background audio stops, yet there is no way of restarting it without activating ipod and hitting play....
    Any pointers, be they to extensions or other resources, are greatly appreciated!
    - Fred

    Hello slhendridl,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    iOS: Troubleshooting car stereo connections
    Car stereos with Bluetooth may allow you to pair a device that can play calls or music through the car speakers. Ensure that your car stereo supports the A2DP Bluetooth profile before attempting to pair an iPod with it.
    Note: iPhone can also connect using the HFP Bluetooth profile because it uses HFP to make phone calls through your stereo speakers. iPod devices do not have this protocol (because iPod devices aren't phones).
    You can check for the A2DP Bluetooth profile by attempting to play music from your iPhone through your stereo speakers using Bluetooth. If calls route to the stereo speakers but music doesn't, it might not support A2DP. Contact the manufacturer or refer to your car stereo's user guide to see if your device is compatible.
    Learn more about Bluetooth.
    Have a nice day,

  • How to fix flash player, it recognizes my microphone, but doesn't record sound on websites?

    We shortly I wanted to record something on so it asked me to allow usage of adobe flash player and when I wanted to record sound he didn't do it so i got to settings and checked microphone it was there and it was set on wright one os i tried to clap in front of him but chart didn't move. Next I went to audio setting on windows to check it and there microphone works fine. So my question is what is wrong why flash player won't record sound from mic? tnx in advance for replies.
    Message was edited by: Kage19

    I got top the linked page and set up my mic, and pressed "Record"...
    I see the "scrubber" moving to indicate that it's indeed picking up the sound from my mic, but on playback, it's dead silent.
    I've got a $90 Logitech porfessional headset with stereo noise cancelling mic, so I can say with pretty good assurance it ISN'T hardware on my end. The mic works with Skype, FaceTime, and QuickTime for recording.
    At this point I don't really know what to do.

  • How to block music player on ipod touch screen?

    The primary purpose for the Ipod in my family is for an application, I would like to know if I can control when the music can be accessed so I can ensure the unit is being used appropriately.

    Use the Guided Access Accessibility feature
    iOS: Configuring accessibility features
    iOS: About Guided Access

  • How to fix music skipping?

    My iPod is skipping this one song. It plays most of it then the last minute and 57 seconds skip. I have heard to change the song to AAC, but dont know how to do that. Should I keep calling Apple or take it i to an Apple retail store? If you have a good suggetions feel free to email me at [email protected] I will check that regularly.

    See this article for assistance on changing the format of the song. After you have done that, remove the old one and sync the new one over to your iPod.
    iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format

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