How to fix the size of the frame or window?

Do you know how to fix the size of the frame or window so that the user cannot minimize or maximize it?

Frame's setResizable(false);.

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    Go to Solution.

    Select the item.  Go to the Resize Objects button on the toolbar.  Pick the last one which shows a resize within a dialog bubble.  Now a dialog pops up which lets you define the height and width.
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    Is it not possible to use it with a GridBagLayout?Your question was "How do I get a tabbed pane to take all the space of the frame"?
    You where given the answer. Did you try it? Did it work? Then why are you questioning the suggestion?
    Its one line of code if you use a BorderLayout which by the way was specifically designed for this purpose.
    Yes you can do it with a GridBagLayout with about 5 lines of code.
    So the question is why would you want to write 5 lines of code when you can use one?
    If your question was "How do I waste my time forcing the GridBagLayout to size a component to take up all the space of the frame", then you would have received a different answer. (Although most people would have told you to use a BorderLayout anyway, since its easier).

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    To define the size of the frame use setSize method.
    To avoid minimise and maximise button use setResizable method with parameter as false.

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    * Data declarations for instantiation
      DATA: l_ref_interfacecontroller TYPE REF TO iwci_salv_wd_table   ,
            l_ref_cmp_usage   TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage,
            l_value   TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_config_table   ,
    * Instantiate the ALV
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  • How to change the size of the caret in a JTextPane

    I have text of different font sizes and the default caret height is the height of the text with the maximum font size. How do I change the caret height so that it matches the height of the text with the specified font size ?

    This has been a real pain in the butt to figure out, but I think I finally got it. If you create your own caret (subclass of DefaultCaret) then you override its paint() and damage() methods. I was having all kinds of problems with this though. I was getting pieces of carets left behind when I moved with the arrow keys, etc... from the helps I found. The arrow keys were my big problem.
    I think I finally figured out that the damage() simply does need to specify an area a little bigger than the old caret so it can blank it out. Then I think others had a logic problem, and Sun does not make this problem clear. What happens it that I think repaint() calls paint() who then uses the bigger x, y, height and width parameters that got set in damage(), which was causing my problems because the damage size was bigger than the size I wanted to create my caret with. What I do is figure out my area from the font I am using (another trick) and make them (the charWd and charHt) variables class variables. I calculate them in damage, use a bigger area to blank out my old caret in damage, and then used the correct caret size I calculated in damage() in paint(), instead of the rectangle values that seem to get passed from damage() to paint(). That was the problem in other examples.
    Here is my code:
    run with java caretPain
    run with java caretPain -1 to see my fixed version
    run with java caretPain -2 to see some problems
    // written by: Stan Towianski
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.undo.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.*;
    import java.beans.*;
    public class caretPain extends JFrame {
    static caretPain CRTP2;
    JPanel contentPane;
    JTextPane textPane;
    JTextPane textPane2;
    JScrollPane scrollPane;
    JSplitPane splitPane;
    String newline = "\n";
    static final int MAX_CHARACTERS = 300100;
    static int FrameWidth = 500;
    static int FrameHeight = 300;
    String caretType = "blockOutline";
    static int useSpecialCaret = 0;
    DefaultCaret useCaret = new MyCaret();
    public caretPain() {
    textPane = new JTextPane( new DefaultStyledDocument() );
    textPane2 = new JTextPane( new DefaultStyledDocument() );
    if ( useSpecialCaret == 1 )
    System.out.println( "using special caret 1" );
    textPane.setCaret( useCaret );
    else if ( useSpecialCaret == 2 )
    System.out.println( "using special caret 2" );
    textPane.setCaret( new WsCaret() );
    textPane.setMargin(new Insets(5,5,5,5));
    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textPane);
    textPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(FrameWidth, FrameHeight));
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textPane);
    //Create a split pane for the change log and the text area.
    splitPane = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,
    textPane, textPane2 );
    //Add the components to the frame.
    contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    contentPane.add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    class MyCaret extends DefaultCaret
    int charWd = 30;
    int charHt = 30;
    // draw the caret
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    System.err.println( "entered MyCaret.paint()" );
    if ( ! isVisible() )
    System.err.println( "exiting because not visible" );
    try {
    JTextComponent c = getComponent();
    int dot = getDot();
    Rectangle r = c.modelToView(dot);
    System.err.println("caret: text position: " + dot +
    ", view location = [" +
    r.x + ", " + r.y + "]" +
    //g.drawLine(r.x, r.y + r.height - 1, r.x + 14, r.y + r.height - 1);
    System.err.println( "caretType =" + caretType ); //+ " component =" + c.toString() );
    if ( caretType.equals( "blockOutline" ) )
    g.drawRect( r.x, r.y, charWd, charHt );
    else if ( caretType.equals( "block" ) )
    g.fillRect( r.x, r.y, charWd, charHt );
    else if ( caretType.equals( "bar" ) )
    g.drawLine( r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y + charHt );
    catch (BadLocationException e) {
    System.err.println( "bad caret loc" + e);
    // specify the size of the caret for redrawing
    // and do repaint() -- this is called when the
    // caret moves
    //protected synchronized void damage(Rectangle r)
    public synchronized void damage(Rectangle r)
    System.err.println( "entered MyCaret.damage()" );
    System.err.println("caret.damage(): text position: " + getDot() +
    ", view location = [" +
    r.x + ", " + r.y + "]" +
    //FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
    //System.out.println( "textPane getfont =" + textPane.getFont() );
    //System.out.println( "\n\n read in attribs font size =" + textPane.getInputAttributes().getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize) + "\n\n" );
    //int ii = Integer.parseInt( (String) textPane.getInputAttributes().getAttribute( StyleConstants.FontSize ) );
    int ii = Integer.parseInt( String.valueOf( textPane.getInputAttributes().getAttribute( StyleConstants.FontSize ) ) );
    //System.out.println( "textPane input attrib font size =" + ii );
    Font f = new Font( "ff", Font.PLAIN, ii );
    //System.out.println( "textPane input attrib font =" + f );
    FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics( f );
    //FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
    //FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics( textPane.getInputAttributes().getAttribute( StyleConstants.FontSize ) );
    //MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes = getInputAttributes();
    //String fs = textPane.getAttribute( "FontSize" );
    //System.out.println( "\n\n read font size =" + textPane.getCharacterAttributes().getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize) + "\n\n" );
    charWd = fm.charWidth( 'k' );
    charHt= fm.getHeight();
    //System.out.println( "font width =" + charWd + " font height =" + charHt + " font =" + fm.toString());
    if ( r == null )
    System.err.println( "caret.damage() return on rectangle == null" );
    x = r.x - 2;
    y = r.y - 2; // + r.height - 2;
    width = charWd + 4; //textPane.getColumnWidth();
    height = charHt + 4; //textPane.getRowHeight();
    System.err.println("caret.damage(): set caret width, height, x, y =" + width + "," + height + "," + x + "," + y );
    public class WsCaret extends DefaultCaret {
    transient private int[] flagXPoints = new int[3];
    transient private int[] flagYPoints = new int[3];
    public WsCaret() {
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    if(isVisible()) {
    JTextComponent component = this.getComponent();
    TextUI mapper = component.getUI();
    Rectangle r = null;
    try {
    r = mapper.modelToView(component, this.getDot());
    catch(BadLocationException exc) {}
    //System.out.println( "rect r =" + r.toString() );
    //g.drawLine(r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y + r.height - 1);
    //g.drawLine(r.x+1, r.y, r.x+1, r.y + r.height - 1);
    g.drawRect( r.x, r.y, 10, r.height );
    Document doc = component.getDocument();
    if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) {
    Element bidi = ((AbstractDocument)doc).getBidiRootElement();
    if ((bidi != null) && (bidi.getElementCount() > 1)) {
    // there are multiple directions present.
    flagXPoints[0] = r.x;
    flagYPoints[0] = r.y;
    flagXPoints[1] = r.x;
    flagYPoints[1] = r.y + 4;
    flagYPoints[2] = r.y;
    flagXPoints[2] = (true) ? r.x + 5 : r.x - 4;
    System.out.println( "going g.fillPolygon" );
    g.fillPolygon(flagXPoints, flagYPoints, 3);
    protected synchronized void damage(Rectangle r) {
    if (r != null) {
    this.x = r.x - 4;
    this.y = r.y;
    //there must be a better way to doing this, but for now you
    //just increase the width so that it will cover the new caret's size
    this.width = 20; // the original width is 10
    this.height = r.height;
    //this.height = r.height + 20;
    //this.height = 10;
    //The standard main method.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    if ( args.length > 0 )
    System.out.println( "found arg so will use special caret." );
    if ( args[0].equals( "-1" ) )
    useSpecialCaret = 1;
    else if ( args[0].equals( "-2" ) )
    useSpecialCaret = 2;
    System.out.println( "found no arg so will standard caret." );
    System.out.println( "give arg: -1 to get Stan\'s working caret" );
    System.out.println( "give arg: -2 to get another example\'s caret" );
    CRTP2 = new caretPain();
         catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("Error creating CRTP2: " + ex);
    CRTP2.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {
    CRTP2.setTitle( "This is my title you" );

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    How can I control the size of the 'af:InputText' on the UI, without using columns & rows attributes. Even though I am using width & height attributes, the changes are not getting reflected in the UI.

    It is inside a 'af:PanelBox'. So, the parent container also determines the size of the child? Here I need a create a 'pidgin chat window' kind of an interface with a fixed size top-level container, inside which I willl put all my components. The code looks something like this:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1" partialTriggers="it1">
    <af:messages id="m4"/>
    <af:form id="f1" partialTriggers="it1">
    <af:panelBox text="" id="pb1" background="dark" type="stretch"
    titleHalign="start" ramp="highlight"
    inlineStyle="width:350pt; height:500pt; margin:0.5pt; padding:0.5pt; border-width:0.5pt; "
    <af:spacer height="15pt" id="s1"/>
    <af:inputText id="ot1"
    columns="82" rows="25" wrap="hard"
    <af:spacer height="27pt"/>
    <af:inputText id="it1" inlineStyle="width:200pt; height:100pt;"
    autoSubmit="true" partialTriggers="it1"

  • How do you enlarge the size of the Tools in CC?

    We have just moved from an older version of CS to Photoshop CC. The size of the tools and other elements are very small. We need them about 300% larger than they currently show in order to see them and work in Photoshop. How do we make the elements of the Photoshop workspace larger. We have Windows set for extra large and all other applications show very large. Why doesn't Photoshop follow the graphical settings in Windows?

    Yes, we are seeing huge differences in sizing between CS and CC. CS has tool and elements icons that are about 3 times larger than what we are seeing in CC. It is a gigantic visual difference. Almost impossible for us to see the tools and work with them even on a 22" Apple Cinema monitor.
    How do we get Adobe developers to get on this right away and fix it. Just not right.
    All our other software's workspaces, elements, and tools enlarge as we increase the font size and other sizing attributes in Windows. We oversize everything so we can see.
    This is an absolutely critical and essential function we need to adjust to use this software. CS does increase its tools and elements as Windows sizing is adjusted. Been using CS since 2003 and never a problem with it.

  • I have a question about the new version of itunes. in the old version at the bottom of the sceen it display the total number of media and the size of the files. how can i get the new version to diplay this?

    in the old version at the bottom of the sceen it displayed the total number of media and the size of the files. how can i get the new version to diplay this?

    You're welcome. It was frustrating for me as well until I stumbled across "the fix"

  • Dynamically vary the size of various frames

    I have a jsp page which has a number of frames. What I want is to vary the size and location of the frames.
    If you use eclipse IDE you can just drag and drop one frame from one place to another , I want something of that sort.

    Don't know how this applies to this forum, but you can set the size of a frame using a JSP expression (i.e. <frame width="<%=mySize%>"...>) where you've previously assigned a value to mySize.

  • How Can I Determine the Size of the 'My Documents' Folder for every user on a local machine using VBScript?

    I am at my wits end into this. Either I am doing it the wrong way or it is not possible.
    Let me explain. I need a vb script for the following scenario:
    1. The script is to run on multiple Windows 7 machines (32-Bit & 64-Bit alike).
    2. These are shared workstation i.e. different users login to these machines from time to time.
    3. The objective of this script is to traverse through each User Profile folder and get the size of the 'My Documents' folder within each User Profile folder. This information is to be written to a
    .CSV file located at C:\Temp directory on the machine.
    4. This script would be pushed to all workstations from SCCM. It would be configured to execute with
    System Rights
    I tried the script detailed at: 
    Const MY_DOCUMENTS = &H5&
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(MY_DOCUMENTS)
    Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
    strPath = objFolderItem.Path
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strPath)
    Wscript.Echo objFolder.Size
    The Wscript.Echo objFolder.Size command in the script at the above mentioned link returned the value as
    '0' (zero) for the current logged on user. Although the actual size was like 30 MB or so.
    I then tried the script at:
    This script returns the correct value but only for the current logged-on user.
    Const blnShowErrors = False
    ' Set up filesystem object for usage
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    ' Display desired folder sizes
    Wscript.Echo "MyDocuments : " & FormatSize(FindFiles(objFSO.GetFolder(objShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"))))
    ' Recursively tally the size of all files under a folder
    ' Protect against folders or files that are not accessible
    Function FindFiles(objFolder)
    On Error Resume Next
    ' List files
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then ShowError "FindFiles:01", objFolder.Path
    On Error Resume Next
    FindFiles = FindFiles + objFile.Size
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then ShowError "FindFiles:02", objFile.Path
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    ' Recursively drill down into subfolder
    For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.SubFolders
    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then ShowError "FindFiles:04", objFolder.Path
    FindFiles = FindFiles + FindFiles(objSubFolder)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then ShowError "FindFiles:05", objSubFolder.Path
    ShowError "FindFiles:03", objFolder.Path
    End If
    End Function
    ' Function to format a number into typical size scales
    Function FormatSize(iSize)
    aLabel = Array("bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB")
    For i = 0 to 4
    If iSize > 1024 Then iSize = iSize / 1024 Else Exit For End If
    FormatSize = Round(iSize, 2) & " " & aLabel(i)
    End Function
    Sub ShowError(strLocation, strMessage)
    If blnShowErrors Then
    WScript.StdErr.WriteLine "==> ERROR at [" & strLocation & "]"
    WScript.StdErr.WriteLine " Number:[" & Err.Number & "], Source:[" & Err.Source & "], Desc:[" & Err.Description & "]"
    WScript.StdErr.WriteLine " " & strMessage
    End If
    End Sub
    The only part pending, is to achieve this for the 'My Documents' folder within each User Profile folder.
    Is this possible?
    Please help.

    Here are a bunch of scripts to get folder size under all circumstances.  Take your pick.

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    The list of messages at the top of the Thunderbird window (From / Subject / etc.) uses a font that is very small and hard to read. The issue is: How can the user increase the size of the font so that it is readable?
    The platform is a Mac computer running OS X 10.9.5 with Thunderbird version 31.3.0.

    ''policyjm [[#question-1043939|said]]''
    The list of messages at the top of the Thunderbird window (From / Subject / etc.) uses a font that is very small and hard to read. The issue is: How can the user increase the size of the font so that it is readable?
    The platform is a Mac computer running OS X 10.9.5 with Thunderbird version 31.3.0.
    OK, that solution worked fine. I now have complete control of the fonts, colors, and other Thunderbird features. Thank you very much.

  • How to fix this error message The backup disk image "/Volumes/AirPort Disk/FARES DEL VALLE's iMac.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1).

    how to fix this error message The backup disk image “/Volumes/AirPort Disk/FARES DEL VALLE’s iMac.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1).

    The troubleshooting C17 is the specific article.
    This is generally a Lion error.. and you will need 5.6 utility to get access to the disk area.
    So download the real utility. Run it instead of v6 toy version.
    Go to the manual setup, disk page and click on disconnect all users.. that will unmount all users connected to the disk and allow it to start working. But there are a number of other issues that are possible cause. Pondini lists some of them.

  • When I am on Firefox, my Netzero email page suddenly dropped to very small print. AOL OK. How do I increase size of the print so I can read the email?

    I was using Firefox to read my Netzero email. The print suddenly dropped down to very small and I have difficulty reading the email. Netzero said to oper Mozilla Firefox, click "tools", click "options", and click "content" to change the font to a bigger size. But when I clicked the brown "Firefox" button on the Firefox page, I do not see the buttons Netzero told me to click. Can you tell me what they are referring to or just tell me how to increase the size of the font when I am reading email on Netzero. AOL email font size was not affected when I clicked AOL to read the email there.

    See this and reset the zoom level there: <br />

  • For the life of me, I can't find out what size a photo is in terms of inches or how to change the size of the photo[s] so I can print them. I think I read somewhere to click edit, then click adjust. Nothing there about sizing.

    For the life of me, I can't find out what size a photo is in terms of inches or how to change the size of the photo[s] so I can print them. I think I read somewhere to click edit, then click adjust. I don't see anything about re-sizing when I click the adjust tab: only saturation and tint levels. Thank you.

    With respect to digital images, there really is no size in inches. The size is given as number of pixels horizontally and vertically. In iPhoto '09 you click the little "i" inthe lower right side of the window and it will display information related to the selected photo, including the pixel dimensions. I do not have iPhoto '11 installed so I don't know if it is the same there.
    In some applications, such as preview, it has something additional called Dots per Inch (DPI) which you would think would allow you to convert the pixel dimensions to inches. It is not a real thing, though. The DPI is determined by how large or small you have chosen to print your photo and the capabilities of your printer. 
    There is also something called Aspect Ratio, which is usually expressed in inches x inches such as 6x9 but that doesn't mean the size on the screen or when printed is 6x9.  It is the ratio of the pixel dimensions.  When cropping your photos, you will have several standard aspect ratios to choose from plus any custom ones you create.
    In iPhoto '09, after you choose Print, in the Print Setting window are the settings for the size you want the photo printed. You want to shoose a setting with the same aspect ratio of your photo. Otherwise, iPhoto will resize and/or crop your photo to fit the size you have chosen. 

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