How to generate trend chart after submitting the jsp page

i have a jsp page, in that i will selec some values , after submitting that jsp with selected values , the trend chart will be displayed.
how to do this , please tell me.

thank you for your reply
i took JFreeChart which is thirdparty API , but , in that i got one query.
how to set the limit for y-axis?means , i want to put maximumm of 100, but its taking what is the maximum value i added to dataset.
any one know about this, please tell me.

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    Can't be done with JSP.
    JSP runs java on the SERVER only.
    All that gets to client is an HTML page. So all that
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    Obviously that doesn't include running a file on the
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    The best way for you is surely AJAX. But there is another way to stay compatible with older browsers:
    Since the default method a browser supposed to get data is refresh, there is nothing unnatural in it. Browsers are optimized to refreshes, like cached images, etc..
    So for these step-by-step things, you need to roll forward your data from page to page, and make the page to respond according the data it actually have. This can be easily achived with type="hidden" input fields in a form: the user will send you back all the data. Optionally you may show him the data you already have as visible text too.
    A more generalised way to "pull" the data: you make a whole page you include every time you need an additional data. This page will receive 2 parameters from where you've included it. This 2 parameters are each indexed arrays with the datas you have to pull in (here the default value), and you need to push forward. Optionally there is a 3rd parameter, the url it have to return (as the form's action property).
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    Hello Shen,
    please take in consideration, that JSP page is translated to HttpServlet  component when deployed. It's not accessed via original JSP file.
    You can try to modify the final HttpServlet class file, but then you have to go through pre-compiling.
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    <title>Checking Member's Registration Details...</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    String loginId = request.getParameter("loginId");
    String resourcePassword = request.getParameter("resourcePassword");
    String confirmPassword = request.getParameter("confirmPassword");
    String resourceStatus=request.getParameter("resourceStatus");
    String nameTitle = request.getParameter("nameTitle");
    String jobTitle = request.getParameter("jobTitle");
    String firstName = request.getParameter("firstName");
    String middleName = request.getParameter("middleName");
    String lastName = request.getParameter("lastName");
    String displayName = request.getParameter("displayName");
    String resourceInitials = request.getParameter("resourceIniitials");
    String countryCode = request.getParameter("countryCode");
    String resourceLanguage = request.getParameter("resourceLanguage");
    //String resourceCurrency = request.getParameter("resourceCurrency");
    String resourceEmail2 = request.getParameter("resourceEmail2");
    String birthMonth = request.getParameter("birthMonth");
    String birthDay = request.getParameter("birthDay");
    String birthYear = request.getParameter("birthYear");
    String resourceGender = request.getParameter("resourceGender");
    String martialStatus = request.getParameter("martialStatus");
    String resourceOccupation = request.getParameter("resourceOccupation");
    String webPage = request.getParameter("webPage");
    String homePhone = request.getParameter("homePhone");
    String homePhone2 = request.getParameter("homephone2");
    String homeFax = request.getParameter("homepFax");
    String phoneOffice = request.getParameter("phoneOffice");
    String phoneOffice2 = request.getParameter("phoneOffice2");
    String officeFax = request.getParameter("officeFax");
    String resourcePager = request.getParameter("resourcePager");
    String resourceMobile = request.getParameter("resourceMobile");
    String resourceType=request.getParameter("resourceType");
    String resourceName = firstName + " " + middleName + " " + lastName;
    //java.util.Date resourceBirthDate = (String)birthMonth + "/" + birthDay + "/" + birthYear;
    //check whether the input data is valid for insert
    //input validation code goes here.....
    ResourceBC aResourceBC=new ResourceBC();
    //marshall the resource
    ResourceBO resource=new ResourceBO();
    String e1 = (String)resource.getEmail();
    String e2 = (String)resource.getEmail2();
    if(loginId != e1 && resourceEmail2 != e2 ) {
              resource.setStatus( "L");
         //     resource.setResourceTypeCode(resourceType);     
         //     resource.setResourceParent(rs.getLong(6));
         //     resource.setHKey(rs.getLong(7));          
         //     resource.setPasswordUpdateDate(rs.getDate(14));
         //     resource.setPasswordExpireDate(rs.getDate(15));
         //     resource.setAccessCode(rs.getString(16));
         //     resource.setLogonUnSuccessTries(0);
         //     resource.setBirthDate(resourceBirthDate);
    //          resource.setCurrency(resourceCurrency);
    //          resource.setPhoto(photo);
    //          resource.setCreatedBy(1);
    //          resource.setCreatedDate(rs.getDate(36));
    //          resource.setUpdatedBy(rs.getLong(37));
    //          resource.setUpdatedDate(rs.getDate(38));
              //resource.setCreatedDate(new java.sql.Date());
              int rowsAdded=aResourceBC.resourceAdd(resource);
              out.println("rowsAdded= "+rowsAdded);
              //add message for success or failure to add resource
              String msg="";
              if(rowsAdded == -1){
                   msg="<font color=red>The ResourceName already exists .Try another</font>";
              else if(rowsAdded > 0){
                   msg="<font color=green>Resource Added successfully..........</font>";     
                   <jsp:forward page="memberlist.jsp">
                   <jsp:param name="message" value="<%=msg%>"/>
    package businessclasses;
    import java.sql.*;
    import businessobjects.ResourceBO;
    import java.util.*;
    import dbutilities.DBManager;
    public class ResourceBC
         public Vector resourceList() throws Exception{
         Vector resourceList=new Vector();
         String listSQL="";
         StringBuffer listSQLBuffer=new StringBuffer();
         listSQLBuffer.append("SELECT ");
         listSQLBuffer.append(" FROM T_RESOURCES ");
         DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();
         Connection con =dbManager.getConnection();
         Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
         ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(listSQL);
         ResourceBO resource=null;
              resource=new ResourceBO();
              return resourceList;
    //Method to insert the values into the database
    public int resourceAdd(ResourceBO resource){
         System.out.println("in resourceAdd method ");
         //check for duplicate record in the table
         String checkDuplicationSQL="SELECT RES_ID FROM T_RESOURCES WHERE RES_ID='"+resource.getId()+"'";     
         DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();//.getInstance();
         boolean hasDuplicateRecord=dbManager.hasDuplicateRecord(checkDuplicationSQL);
         int rowsAdded=0;
         //insert the record
                   //get the next resource id for insertion
              long nextID=dbManager.getNextIDForColumnAndTable("RES_ID","T_RESOURCES");
              System.out.println("nextID================== "+nextID);
    StringBuffer fieldsbuffer=new StringBuffer();
         fieldsbuffer.append("INSERT INTO T_RESOURCES (");
    /*     fieldBuffer.append("RES_CREATED_BY,");
         fieldBuffer.append("RES_NAME_MIDDLE");     */
         StringBuffer valuesBuffer=new StringBuffer(" VALUES(");
         String insertSQL=fieldsbuffer.toString()+valuesBuffer.toString();
              System.out.println("rowsAdded= "+rowsAdded+"hasDuplicateRecord "+hasDuplicateRecord);
              }//end if
                   //throw new Exception("Has a duplicate Record");
                   return -1;
              return rowsAdded;
    public int resourceUpdate(ResourceBO resource){
              int rowsUpdated=0;
    /*          String orgCodeStr=null;
              StringBuffer updateSQLBuffer=new StringBuffer();
         updateSQLBuffer.append("UPDATE T_RESOURCES SET ");          
         updateSQLBuffer.append("WHERE RES_ID="+resource.getId());
         String updateSQL=updateSQLBuffer.toString();
              //String updateSQL="UPDATE T_RESOURCES SET CLIENT_NAME='"+resource.getName()+"',CLIENT_STATUS='"+resource.getStatus()+"',CLIENT_EMAIL_PRIMARY='"+resource.getEmailPrimary()+"',CLIENT_EMAIL_ALTERNATIVE='"+resource.getEmailAlternate()+"',CLIENT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL='"+resource.getCurrencySymbol()+"',CLIENT_CURRENCY_DIGITS="+resource.getCurrencyDigits()+",CLIENT_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENT='"+resource.getDirectoryDocument()+"',CLIENT_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE='"+resource.getDirectoryTemplate()+"',CLIENT_STORAGE_QUOTA="+resource.getStorageQuota()+",CLIENT_KEY='"+resource.getKey()+"' WHERE CLIENT_ID="+resource.getId();
              DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();
              return rowsUpdated;
    public int resourceDelete(long resourceId){
              int rowsDeleted=0;
              DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();
              String deleteSQL="DELETE FROM T_RESOURCES WHERE RES_ID="+resourceId;
              System.out.println("rowsDeleted= "+rowsDeleted);
              return rowsDeleted;
    public ResourceBO getResourceById(long resourceId)throws Exception{
              StringBuffer selectSQLBuffer=new StringBuffer();
              selectSQLBuffer.append("SELECT ");
              selectSQLBuffer.append(" FROM T_RESOURCES WHERE RES_ID="+resourceId);
              String fetchSQL=selectSQLBuffer.toString();
                   DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();
                   Connection con =dbManager.getConnection();
                   Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
                   ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(fetchSQL);
                   ResourceBO resource=new ResourceBO();
                   return resource;
    }//end of class
    plz help me to solve this problem....

    The JSP wil be converted into a java file and then compiled into a class. If you are using tomcat, the java file will be somewhere in the work folder of your tomcat installation. Find the java file and check the line that is reported in the exception to see where the null-pointer is coming from.

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           Please help, how to execute closing cockpit after completed the configuration? or if who have a document it will be helpful.
    Best regards,

    components of closing cockpit
    Organizational Hierarchies (Company Codes, Controlling Area, Operating Concern, etc)
    Task List template (Preconfigured templates available)
    Task Lists: Derived from template and extremely crucial for successful definition of the month-end close.
    Dependencies between the tasks
    Detailed information
    5 steps for setting-up Closing Cockpit
    Conduct Planning and Research
    Create the basic template data
    Build the closing template hierarchy structure
    Configure individual tasks
    Change the template to an executable task list
    For delivering the Closing Cockpit successfully, you need to have a clear understanding of the current closing routines, the required tasks, who is responsible for each task, which tasks when executed should affect which level of the organization, and finally a clear process for review and documentation.

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