How to get a commercial license of LiveCycle DS?

Our company sells a product which has been using Blaze DS for communicating between a Flex-based client and a JBoss-based middleware. Nothing fancy, just AMF used to call web services and retrieve the answer.
Now, the company has been sold and the new owners ask for a commercial replacement for free components. Hence, we are looking into replacing Blaze DS for LiveCycle DS.
So far, I didn't have much luck with the Adobe sales folk in Germany and the US, and resellers don't appear to know much about LC.
Is there anyone around here who can offer some advise?
Who do I need to contact to get reliable licensing information (and a quote) for LC DS?

Creative Suite 6

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    Hi Diana,
    I am just as Windows illiterate as you, but have always imagined that the only way to do this is to buy their retail package.
    This looks like the cheapest alternative:
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    Hi Kathy,
    Since (un-?)fortunately the license server has been moved from DCOM to CORBA, this information is currently obsolete (I still hope we will get this information through the SDK some time in future...).
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    Download the trial version from here -  It does not require a key.  If the software is asking for a key, it is not the trial copy.  Where did you get your copy?
    .:|:.:|:. tim

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    With the help of ADRNR, you can go to ADRC table and get all the address information you need.
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    Suresh Ganti

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    So, I'm stuck and unable to use my copy of PSE8.
    Anybody know how I get past this mess and get it working again?

    OK - thanks for trying to help, but I'm outta here.  After telling me last night that the Adobe Chat service won't support or help me with my PSE 8 problem because it's too old, I D/L'ed and installed the trial version of PSE 11 last night.  It fired up OK last night, but today it said it had some updates to do, so I let it install them.  Now, PSE 11 fails to open.  I tried to chat with Adobe support, explained the problem and gave them a copy of the error message details.
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    Just for grins, the relevant portion of the chat log is set forth below.
    General Info
    Chat start time
    Jan 17, 2013 2:29:49 PM EST
    Chat end time
    Jan 17, 2013 2:49:58 PM EST
    Duration (actual chatting time)
    Chat Transcript
    Thank you for your patience.
    info: You are now chatting with 'Basavakumar '
    Basavakumar : Hello. Welcome to Adobe Technical Support.
    Basavakumar : I have received your query. Please allow me a moment to verify your account and to review the details of your request.
    Panthercules: Hello again - I think we chatted last night
    Basavakumar : As I understand that you are unable to work with Photoshop Elements 11.0, am I correct?
    Panthercules: That's correct now - since you couldn't help with my PSE8 problem last night, I decided to try the PSE 11 trial version again to see if I could get that working
    Basavakumar : Thank you for confirming.
    Basavakumar : I will be glad to check and help you with this issue.
    Panthercules: Thanks - here is the error details on the message I'm getting when it stopped working today (after working OK last night):
    Panthercules: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Photoshop Elements 11.0.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 505e85c3 Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 00000000 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Read our privacy statement online: If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt
    Basavakumar : May I know what is the exact error message you are getting when you try to launch Photoshop Elements 11.0 application?
    Panthercules: see above
    Panthercules: It starts with the popup saying "Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 has stopped working"
    Panthercules: and then gives the above info as "problem details"
    Basavakumar : Just to confirm before you were able to launch Photoshop Elements 11 application?
    Panthercules: Yes - it installed last night (without choking on the failed PSE8 uninstall as I thought it might), and it launched and imported the PSE8 catalog just fine. I launched it a couple of times last night, just to see if it was working. But when I tried to launch it today to do some scanning, it popped up a message about updates being available. It installed those, but now fails to launch
    Basavakumar : Thank you for confirming.
    Basavakumar : In this case you need to refer the Adobe forums.
    Basavakumar : Please click here Adobe Forums.
    Basavakumar : Please click on the above link to visit Adobe Forums
    Basavakumar :
    Basavakumar :
    Basavakumar : Is there anything else I can help you with?
    Panthercules: So, again you're saying that the Adobe Chat support doesn't support even the latest version of PSE 11 and you can't help me with this?
    Basavakumar : Yes chat support is available for Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 fullversion.
    Panthercules: So, somehow you expect me to buy the full version when the trial version stops working and you can't help me get it working?
    Basavakumar : For trial version support is available only for first launch.
    Basavakumar : So please visit the forums for further assistance.
    Basavakumar : Is there anything else I can help you with?
    Panthercules: No - no point - looks like I won't be needing any support from Adobe as I never plan to buy anything from an outfit with this lousy support - thanks anyway.
    Basavakumar : Thank you for contacting Adobe. Good Bye.
    For those of you stuck with troublesome Adobe software, I'm glad you have a helpful Forum here, but I can't see it making any sense to buy any more software from a company that has such crummy official support, so unless my copy of PhotoShop goes belly-up sometime I guess I'm gone.
    Thanks for trying to help folks - too bad Adobe doesn't have the same attitude.

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  • How to get my Addon to work with the license key?

    Can someone tell me how to get the Addon to work with the license key?
    I've follow the steps as stated in this thread:
    [Re: SBO 2005 A - How do I get a Connection string from SAP B1.|Re: SBO 2005 A - How do I get a Connection string from SAP B1.]
    1) i've registered a BASIS key and get a 'BASISXXXXXX" string
    2) then i paste my BASIS key in "Solution" of Add-On Indentifier Generator and generate the  Add-On Indentifier Code
    3) then i paste the string to my source code
    which is the "XXX" of the sample code in that thread.
    static string AddonIdentifierString="XXX";
    int lRetCode=0;
    int errCode=0;
    string errMsg= string.Empty;
    string connectionStr ="";
    link = new SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApiClass();
    connectionStr =Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().GetValue(1).ToString();
    oApp = link.GetApplication(-1);
    vCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.CompanyClass();
    string cookie = vCompany.GetContextCookie();
    string conStr = oApp.Company.GetConnectionContext(cookie);
    lRetCode = vCompany.Connect();
    4) then i add my add-on using manager role at Add-on admin
    5) then i can see my add-on there. it not suppose to be there since i've not installed any of my add-on license for my own add-on.
    what steps did i miss? Can someone please advise? Thanks
    ps : i'm coding in VB

    i think you have to change the license file attributing the number of licensing for your addon, then download it from and then install it on SAP License manager, then I think you should give the license for your addon for individual users (example manager)
    I hope it helps.
    Best regards

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