How to get a SQL-String from a (Prepared)Statement?

I have these three lines of code:
PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("select * from mytable where username= ?");
stmt.setString(1, "user");
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
Now, I want to log all SQL-Statements with log4J.;
Now, I want for sqlstring something like "select * from mytable where username='user' ", i. e. the PreparedStatement-String with the parameters I set.
Is there any possibility to get this string?
I searched in class PreparedStatement, in class ResultSet, in class ResultSetMetaData, but without success.
Can anybody help me?

Use a JDBC-logging library. You can use Mimer JTrace available att (or It should work with any JDBC driver.

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    //        try { sb.append(sep+URLEncoder.encode(name,"UTF-16")+"="+URLEncoder.encode(args.getProperty(name),"UTF-16")); }
            catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { System.out.println(e); }
        return sb.toString();
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    dude there is no matter of structure .........that user already said its from employee table ...............its basic table in sql and there is no need to specify the table structure
    .........i think u got my point I think you are the one who didn't understand Sarma's point.
    Give a man a fish and you feed him once. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him a life long.
    and the query is
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    from emp);
    this will give the 2nd max salary from the emp tableBtw: You solution is bad, because it needs to scan and sort the table emp twice. And a better solution has been given already.
    Message was edited by:
    Sven W. - reordered statements

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    ok..this is the situation...Sounds like you have a bad design on your hands.
    You're going to send passwords in a GET request as clear text? Nice security there.
    Why not start with basic security and work your way up?

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    Message was edited by: testtest

    The findElement method allows various attributes to be used to search. Take the following two examples for the element below:
    <Select Name=ProdType ID=testProd>
    I can find the element based on its name or any other attribute, I just need to specify what I am looking for. To find it by name I would do the following:
    Set x ="ProdType","SELECT","Name")
    If I want to search by id I could do the following:
    Set x ="testProd","SELECT","ID")
    Usually you will use whatever is available. Since the select element has no name or ID on the Empirix home page, I used the onChange attribute. You can use any attribute as long as you specify which one you are using (last argument in these examples)
    You can use the FindElement to grab links, text boxes, etc.
    The next example grabs from a link on a page
    Set x ="Home","A","innerText")
    I hope this helps clear it up.

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    SELECT [JobName] =,
    [Step] = HIST.step_id,
    [StepName] = HIST.step_name,
    [Message] = HIST.message,
    [Status] = CASE WHEN HIST.run_status = 0 THEN 'Failed'
    WHEN HIST.run_status = 1 THEN 'Succeeded'
    WHEN HIST.run_status = 2 THEN 'Retry'
    WHEN HIST.run_status = 3 THEN 'Canceled'
    [RunDate] = HIST.run_date,
    [RunTime] = HIST.run_time,
    [Duration] = HIST.run_duration,
    [Retries] = HIST.retries_attempted
    FROM sysjobs JOB
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    ORDER BY HIST.run_date, HIST.run_time

    by default all sql jobs are executed as sql server agent account, unless otherwise a proxy is setup.
    you can get the proxy information as Olaf mentioned, if the proxy_id is null for the step, it implies that the job step was executed as sql server service account and in such case it will be null
    so, if it is null, it ran as sql server agent account.
    so, one work around is get the sql server agent service account and if the proxy is null, that means it ran as sql server agent account, so, use isnull function. the disadvantage would be if the sql server agent account was switched, you might not get the
    accurate information as the new account will show up though the job really ran as old account, to get this information, you need to  get this from the logmessage column as you mentioned above.
     try this code...
    /*from sql 2008r2 sp1, you get the service accounts using tsql,otherwise you have to query the registry keys*/
    declare @sqlserveragentaccount varchar(2000)
    select @sqlserveragentaccount= service_account
    from sys.dm_server_services
    where servicename like '%sql%server%agent%'
    select message,isnull(name,@sqlserveragentaccount) as AccountName
    from sysjobhistory a inner join sysjobsteps b
    on a.step_id=b.step_id and a.job_id=b.job_id
    left outer join sysproxies c on c.proxy_id=b.proxy_id
    Hope it Helps!!

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    @echo off
    set oracle_sid=testdb
    set oracle_home=d:\oracle\ora92
    sqlplus /nolog
    connect sys as sysdba/oracletest@testdb
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    call bkp.sql---it just opens the bkp.sql file in notepad & displays the script
    start bkp.sql---same as call
    connect / as sysdba/pwd@[email protected] --- does not work simply remains a the sql prompt.
    At 17:00 /Every:w,f "d:\bkp.sql"---does not work simply remains at the sql promt.)
    Can any1 let me know what should i write in the batch file that will execute the bkp.sql file automatically after it gets connected to sql prompt. M using oracle 9i.
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    sqlplus "sys/oracletest as sysdba" @bpk.sql
    Working locally, and having set the ORACLE_SID, you don't need to specify the SqlNet alias (@testdb).
    Remember to put an exit at the end of the bpk.sql script.

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    please help!!!

    hmmm, I dont really like using JSP programming, u should be using JAVA..
    the way to do it is:
    Call and cast to the bean like this:
    <%@ page import="beans.*" %>
    <% //cast to bean get request create object
    userNameBean u= (userNameBean) request.getSession().getAttribute("userNameBean");
    then... all you do is call it like this:
    <input type="text" name="firstName" value="<%= u != null? u.getFirstName(): "" %>">
    this is the real programmers way,,,

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    For a normal jdbc driver you can use
    To get the meta data, in particular the getDatabase...() methods.
    That might or might not work.
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  • Copy/paste sql strings from development ide's.

    Our team have just started using this tool in favor of the well-known toad. Frist impressions are really good, so keep up the good work! But sometimes you find that a very simple feature has great impact on coding effectiveness.
    Very often people copies sql strings from their java development ide's and want to test this in their database tool. For instance:
    " SELECT ... " +
    " FROM ...." +
    " JOIN ...." +
    " WHERE ....";
    Should become
    SELECT ...
    FROM ...
    JOIN ...
    WHERE ....
    The same goes backwards, if you write a sql statement in your database tool you would like to quickly convert it to a java string. This perhaps simple, but beloved by us, little feature was available in our previous tool, but I can't find it in sql developer. I've temporarily solved this by using the search-and-replace dialog box with regular expressions. This is however quite awkward to do each time so my options are:
    * Assign this search-and-replace operation to a hot key (is this possible?)
    * Write an extension (I have trouble finding good documentation of extension development for sql developer)
    * Request a feature (will probably take time even if it's accepted)
    Could anyone give me some hints on how to solve this?
    Or have I missed anything, is it already available somewhere in the tool?

    sometimes you find that a very simple feature has great impact on coding effectiveness.Tell me about it ;-)
    * Assign this search-and-replace operation to a hot key (is this possible?)
    By default, ctrl-r does a search-and-replace. There's a history drop-down to have a quick access to your regular expression once you've entered it once.
    * Write an extension (I have trouble finding good documentation of extension development for sql developer)
    You have some samples on Kris' blog.
    * Request a feature (will probably take time even if it's accepted)
    I agree, think it's difficult to make it some universal feature everyone wants to use.
    Another thing that comes to mind is recording a macro (see the tip on the Exchange for help on this).
    And I supose you could even make an external tool for this, using a batch file or something. This is much easier than an writing an extension i guess, and you can write it in the language you like best...
    Hope this helps,

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       how to get the return values from a web page ?  I mean how pass values betwen webflow and web page ?
    thank you very much
    Edited by: jingying Sony on Apr 15, 2010 6:15 AM
    Edited by: jingying Sony on Apr 15, 2010 6:18 AM

    What kind of web page do you have? Do you have possibility to for example make RFCs? Then you could trigger events (with parameters that could "return" the values) and the workflow could react to those events. For example your task can have terminating events.

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    Go to Solution.

    i updated software also but the same problem cont... I want to know that nokia will give back money or exchange for other new mobile

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    Thanks in advance,

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    but i'd seen that link wen i searched in google..
    Is it possible without using any 3rd party JARs and all?
    and more importantly plz tell me what should be preferred way to call a javascript function?
    Do it using addLoadEvent() or Windows.Load etc
    Call it thru Xsl? (I donno how to do dis)
    Thanks in Advance..
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