How to get ATV to recognize recent iCloud uploads?

Just added a few songs and playlists to iCloud/iMatch, but they would not show up on our ATV2. Waited awhile, entered and re-entered the "Music/iCloud" tab a few times to no avail. Also tried sleeping it, but still now new content was visible.
Finally we unplugged the ATV for a bit and when it rebooted, the new iCloud additions were there.
What triggers the ATV to refresh it's iCloud connection, and is there a way to do this other than by unplugging it?

Not sure if this helps at all, but Apple's list of cameras seems missing for that version... questId=2766138
Might try the Image Browser they have here under OS 10.5... versAndSoftware
Does anything show up in Image Capture with it connected?

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    iTunes does not recognize cameras, it only recognizes iDevices.
    Windows computers could careless that it's a phone or iPod or whatever, they will only recognize it as a camera.
    Plug the device into the computer.
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    Hello catherinexcobain,
    I read your post, and it sounds as though you'd be interested in iTunes Match. I have linked to an article about iTunes Match which contains a number of details:
    iTunes Store: Subscribing to iTunes Match
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

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