How to Get Fill Left/Fill Right to Work?

I'm working in Premiere Pro CS4.
I have a video clip with a stereo audio track attached. The left channel has sound, while the right channel does not. (I can see this in the clip's waveform in the timeline.) I would like to copy the left channel sound to the right channel so both channels have sound.
To do this, I opened the effects window, and dragged the Audio Effects--Stereo--Fill Left effect to the clip. But nothing happened. I cannot get the Fill Right to do anything either.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a render command that is needed to make this effect work properly?
Sort of going nuts with this...thanks for your help.

Argh, I take it back.
I apologize, because I'm a little new to Premiere--I assumed the waveform for the clip would change after the effect was applied, either in the timeline or in the audio waveform view in the source monitor.
But when I apply the effect and test it out in the audio mixer, now I see both channels match. The right channel is no longer empty.
So the audio mixer is the only place you can check that this effect is working? Is that true?

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    Yes i have the same issue.
    I use the duplicate Audio track and fill left and right all the time.
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    Option Strict On
    Public Class Form1
    Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SendMessageW" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal msg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByRef lParam As Point) As Integer
    Const WM_USER As Integer = &H400
    Const EM_GETSCROLLPOS As Integer = WM_USER + 221
    Const EM_SETSCROLLPOS As Integer = WM_USER + 222
    Dim FixTheProblem As New List(Of String)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Panel1.BackColor = Color.White
    Panel1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
    RichTextBox2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
    RichTextBox2.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical
    RichTextBox3.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
    RichTextBox3.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical
    RichTextBox3.Size = RichTextBox2.Size
    RichTextBox3.Top = RichTextBox2.Top
    RichTextBox3.Left = RichTextBox2.Right - 20
    Panel1.Size = New Size(RichTextBox2.Width * 2 - 16, RichTextBox2.Height + 4)
    Panel1.Left = RichTextBox2.Left - 2
    Panel1.Top = RichTextBox2.Top - 2
    FixTheProblem.Add("Curry: £6.50")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Mineral Water: £4.50")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Crisp Packet: £3.60")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Sweat Tea: £2.23")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Motor Oil: £12.50")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Coca Cola: £.75")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Petrol Liter: £3.75")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Shaved Ice: £.50")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Marlboro: £2.20")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Newspaper: £.25")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Spice Pack: £.75")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Salt: £.50")
    FixTheProblem.Add("Pepper: £.30")
    For Each Item In FixTheProblem
    RichTextBox1.AppendText(Item & vbCrLf)
    RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = 0
    Dim Fix As String = ""
    For Each Item In FixTheProblem
    Fix += Item.Replace(":", "^:") & vbCrLf
    Fix = Fix.Replace(vbCrLf, "^>")
    Dim FixSplit() As String = Fix.Split("^"c)
    For i = 0 To FixSplit.Count - 1
    If CBool(i Mod 2 = 0) = True Then
    RichTextBox2.AppendText(FixSplit(i).Replace(">"c, "") & vbCrLf)
    ElseIf CBool(i Mod 2 = 0) = False Then
    RichTextBox3.AppendText(FixSplit(i) & vbCrLf)
    End If
    End Sub
    Dim RTB2ScrollPoint As Point
    Private Sub RichTextBox2_Vscroll(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox2.VScroll
    Dim RTB2ScrollPoint As Point
    SendMessage(RichTextBox2.Handle, EM_GETSCROLLPOS, 0, RTB2ScrollPoint)
    SendMessage(RichTextBox3.Handle, EM_SETSCROLLPOS, 0, New Point(RTB2ScrollPoint.X, RTB2ScrollPoint.Y))
    'Me.Text = RTB2ScrollPoint.X.ToString & " .. " & RTB2ScrollPoint.Y.ToString
    End Sub
    Private Sub RichTextBox3_Vscroll(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox3.VScroll
    Dim RTB3ScrollPoint As Point
    SendMessage(RichTextBox3.Handle, EM_GETSCROLLPOS, 0, RTB3ScrollPoint)
    SendMessage(RichTextBox2.Handle, EM_SETSCROLLPOS, 0, New Point(RTB3ScrollPoint.X, RTB3ScrollPoint.Y))
    'SendMessage(RichTextBox2.Handle, EM_SETSCROLLPOS, 0, New Point(0, 10))
    End Sub
    End Class
    La vida loca

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    Thanks in advance

    in classical report or intercative report it won't be possible
    do in ALV report that can be possible
    you can define any number of fieldcatalogs  means any number of fields in the output
    use in this way
    Your own company logo can go here if it has been saved (OAOR)
    If the logo is larger than the size of the headings in gt_page,
    the window will not show full logo and will have a scroll bar. Thus,
    it is a good idea to have a standard ALV header if you are going to
    use logos in your top of page.
    FORM top_of_page.
    it_list_commentary = gt_page
    i_logo = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'.
    ENDFORM. "top_of_page
    i wil send u my program by seaing that you can find it
    *& Report ZTEST_ALV_LOGO
    REPORT ztest_alv_logo.
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    *ALV Formatting tables /structures
    DATA: gt_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA: gt_events TYPE slis_t_event.
    DATA: gs_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    DATA: gt_page TYPE slis_t_listheader.
    DATA: gs_page TYPE slis_listheader.
    DATA: v_repid LIKE sy-repid.
    *ALV Formatting work area
    DATA: w_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA: w_events TYPE slis_alv_event.
    PERFORM build_events.
    PERFORM build_page_header.
    *perform build_comment. "top_of_page - in initialization at present
    SELECT * FROM bsid INTO TABLE gt_bsid UP TO 10 ROWS.
    *perform populate_for_fm using '1' '3' 'BUKRS' '8' 'GT_BSID' 'Whee'.
    *USING = Row, Column, Field name, display length, table name, heading
    PERFORM build_fieldcat.
    gs_layout-zebra = 'X'.
    *top of page event does not work without I_callback_program
    v_repid = sy-repid.
    i_callback_program = v_repid
    i_structure_name = 'BSID'
    i_background_id = 'ALV_BACKGROUND'
    i_grid_title = 'This is the grid title'
    is_layout = gs_layout
    it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat[]
    it_events = gt_events[]
    t_outtab = gt_bsid.
    Form..............: populate_for_fm
    Description.......: Populates fields for function module used in ALV
    FORM populate_for_fm USING p_row
    w_fieldcat-row_pos = p_row. "Row Position
    w_fieldcat-col_pos = p_col. "Column Position
    w_fieldcat-fieldname = p_fieldname. "Field name
    w_fieldcat-outputlen = p_len. "Column Lenth
    w_fieldcat-tabname = p_table. "Table name
    w_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = p_desc. "Field Description
    w_fieldcat-input = '1'.
    APPEND w_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
    CLEAR w_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM. " populate_for_fm
    *& Form build_events
    FORM build_events.
    DATA: ls_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
    i_list_type = 0
    et_events = gt_events.
    READ TABLE gt_events
    WITH KEY name = slis_ev_user_command
    INTO ls_event.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    MOVE slis_ev_user_command TO ls_event-form.
    APPEND ls_event TO gt_events.
    READ TABLE gt_events
    WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page
    INTO ls_event.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    MOVE slis_ev_top_of_page TO ls_event-form.
    APPEND ls_event TO gt_events.
    ENDFORM. " build_events
    *& Form USER_COMMAND
    When user command is called it uses 2 parameters. The itab
    passed to the ALV is in whatever order it currently is on screen.
    Therefore, you can read table itab index rs_selfield-tabindex to get
    all data from the table. You can also check r_ucomm and code
    FORM user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
    rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    READ TABLE gt_bsid INDEX rs_selfield-tabindex.
    error checking etc.
    SET PARAMETER ID 'KUN' FIELD gt_bsid-kunnr.
    ENDFORM. "user_command
    *& Form top_of_page
    Your own company logo can go here if it has been saved (OAOR)
    If the logo is larger than the size of the headings in gt_page,
    the window will not show full logo and will have a scroll bar. Thus,
    it is a good idea to have a standard ALV header if you are going to
    use logos in your top of page.
    FORM top_of_page.
    it_list_commentary = gt_page
    i_logo = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'.
    ENDFORM. "top_of_page
    *& Form build_fieldcat
    *Many and varied fields are available here. Have a look at documentation
    FORM build_fieldcat.
    w_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUDAT'.
    w_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Dte pst'.
    w_fieldcat-ddictxt(1) = 'M'.
    Can change the position of fields if you do not want them in order
    of the DDIC or itab
    w_fieldcat-row_pos = '1'.
    w_fieldcat-col_pos = '10'.
    APPEND w_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
    CLEAR w_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM. " build_fieldcat
    *& Form build_page_header
    gt_page is used in top of page (ALV subroutine - NOT event)
    *H = Header, S = Selection, A = Action
    FORM build_page_header.
    For Headers, Key is not printed and is irrelevant. Will not cause
    a syntax error, but is not used.
    gs_page-typ = 'H'.
    gs_page-info = 'Header 1'.
    APPEND gs_page TO gt_page.
    gs_page-typ = 'H'.
    gs_page-info = 'Header 2'.
    APPEND gs_page TO gt_page.
    For Selections, the Key is printed (bold). It can be anything up to 20
    bytes. It gets printed in order of code here, not by key value.
    gs_page-typ = 'S'.
    gs_page-key = 'And the winner is:'.
    gs_page-info = 'Selection 1'.
    APPEND gs_page TO gt_page.
    gs_page-typ = 'S'.
    gs_page-key = 'Runner up:'.
    gs_page-info = 'Selection 2'.
    APPEND gs_page TO gt_page.
    For Action, Key is also irrelevant.
    gs_page-typ = 'A'.
    gs_page-info = 'Action goes here'.
    APPEND gs_page TO gt_page.
    ENDFORM. " build_page_header

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    there are only two joins available for InfoSet in BI.
    For more details about Infoset joins you may refer following SAP documentation or serch at forums.
    I hope it will help.

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    Wonder if anyone knows how to turn off left channel sound and vice versa. I play alot of Karaoke VCDs and they usually have left channel as music and right channel as music with vocal but i can't find the option to turn off either left or right.
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    Any Ideas? Appriciate any help ^.^
    (Running X-Fi Platinum with Logitech Z5500 5.)

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    i donno exactly but try like this ,
    data: i_logo  type bds_typeid.
    data: lr_logo type ref to cl_salv_form_layout_logo,
    lr_content     type ref to cl_salv_form_element.
    i_logo = 'MY_SAP_LOGO'.
    IF i_logo is not initial.
    create object lr_logo.
    lr_logo->set_left_content( i_logo ).
    lr_content = lr_logo.
    cl_salv_form_content=>set( lr_content ).

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    Hello everyone,
    I have a problem. Out of nowhere my trackpad won't move the curser anymore. Connecting a USB mouse does. Left and right click are still working fine. Any ideas of how to fix it?

    Hey there DaveDaMac,
    It sounds like your built in track pad is not responding at all, but your USB mouse works without issue. I recommend the troubleshooting in this article for you named:
    Intel-based Mac notebooks: Troubleshooting unresponsive trackpad issues
    Try disconnecting the MagSafe connector from the computer and check the trackpad function. If the trackpad becomes responsive again, improper grounding may be the issue.
    If a two-prong AC plug is being used with the power adapter, try using the three-prong power cable that shipped with your computer and plug it into a grounded outlet.
    If the issue persists, make sure the third prong is present and do not use an adapter to enable the three-prong adapter to be used in a two-prong outlet. Note that the ground in the three-prong outlet may not be connected. This is common in older homes or buildings with replaced outlets. In these situations, the three-prong power cable will not improve trackpad responsiveness.
    If a grounded outlet is not available, rest your palm on the palm rest when using the trackpad. This should enable the trackpad to function properly.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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