How to get resultset from procedure having dynamic select sql query ?

I have created a procedure, in which there is dynamic select query. The procedure has one out put parameter which gives error code. When I compile that procedure it compiles successufully. When I run it it executes successfully and gives output error code. But I don't know how to get resultset of that dynamic select sql query. I need that.
This is the procedure:
create or replace
PROCEDURE uspGetProductDetailsMultiOrder
  v_DefinitionDBName IN VARCHAR2,
     v_CommonDBName IN VARCHAR2,
     v_Filter_FilledStatus IN VARCHAR2,
     v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty IN nvarchar2,
     v_Filter_NoteType IN nvarchar2,
     v_Filter_Exchange IN nvarchar2,
     v_Filter_Issuer IN nvarchar2,
     v_Filter_Product_Category  IN VARCHAR2,
     v_DateToFilter IN VARCHAR2,     
     v_Filter_FromDate IN VARCHAR2,
     v_Filter_ToDate IN VARCHAR2,
     v_Active_YN_Flag IN NVARCHAR2,
     v_Entity_ID IN NVARCHAR2,
     v_ErrorNumber  OUT NUMBER
   v_SelectSQL  nvarchar2(32767);
      v_Setting_Name  nvarchar2(32767);
   v_Default_Value  nvarchar2(32767);
   v_Config_Value  nvarchar2(32767);
   v_CCY_ID  NUMBER(10,0);
   v_CCY_Data  nvarchar2(32767);
   v_CCY_List  nvarchar2(32767);
   v_Seq_Id  NUMBER(10,0);
   SWV_Active_YN_Flag NVARCHAR2(1);
   SWV_VarStr long;--varchar2(4000);
    SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 NUMBER(10,0);
   SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 NUMBER(10,0);
  CURSOR RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC 
   IS select CS.Setting_Name,Default_Value,Config_Value
   from Config_Settings CS   LEFT OUTER JOIN Entity_Config EC  ON EC.Setting_ID = CS.Setting_ID
   where EC.Entity_ID = v_Entity_ID AND Setting_Level = 'ENTITY';
   CURSOR Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor IS SELECT Id_1,Data_1 FROM table(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,','));
   --CURSOR Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor IS SELECT Id,Data FROM imp;
   CURSOR GetRestrictTemplateListCursor 
  -- is select id,data from imp;
   IS SELECT Id_1,Data_1 FROM table(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
     --Parikshit 18-Jul-2010, active YN flag param added in SP
SWV_Active_YN_Flag := v_Active_YN_Flag;
   if SWV_Active_YN_Flag = ' '  then
      SWV_Active_YN_Flag := 'Y';
   end if;
   v_SelectSQL := ' ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Select ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  NM.Note_Master_Id, NM.Product_Name, NM.Template_ID, NM.Template_Sr_No, NM.Asset, NM.Exchange, NM.Type, NM.Currency';
     --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.Type like '' ELN%'' or NM.Type like ''RELN%'') THEN  NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.Type like '' ELN%'' or NM.Type like ''RELN%'') THEN  NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield,  NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost '
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = ''Y'') THEN  NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = ''Y'') THEN  NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield,  NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Minimum_Issue_Size, NM.Maximum_Issue_Size, NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Maximum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning, nvl(NM.PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,1) as PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,  NM.Active_YN_Flag, NM.Verify_YN_Flag ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Tranche_YN_Flag, NM.Launch_Date, NM.Open_Date, NM.Close_Date, NM.PreHedged_YN, NM.Created_By, NM.Created_At,  NM.Verified_At, NM.Verified_By, NM.ISIN, NM.Issuer';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Product_Catagory as Product_Category, NM.Note_Issuer_Type as Issuer_Category, NM.Series_No as Series_No, NM.Minimum_Investment_Amount ';
     --Added by Parikshit on 14-Jun-2011, to remove the unwinding amounts from the total issue size
     --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,NOP.Nominal_Amount as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty  '
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,(NOP.Nominal_Amount - nvl(ND.Unwind_Amount,0) ) as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ,T2.Confirmed_Amount, T2.Confirmed_Shares';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , T3.Live_Deals';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , BS.Net_Trade_Hedged, BS.Net_Trade_Outstanding, BS.Hedged_Nominal_BUY, BS.Hedged_Nominal_SELL, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_SELL   ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , ( case    When UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''Y'' Then ''Launched'' ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When ((NM.Maturity_Date IS  NOT NULL) AND to_date(NM.Maturity_Date) <= to_date(sysdate)) Then ''Matured''';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL)  Then ''Launched''';     
     --Ready to launch
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Minimum_Issue_Size) AND  to_date(Close_Date) > to_date(sysdate) ) Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
     --Ready to launch
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND  to_date(Close_Date)= to_date(sysdate)    )  Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND  to_date(Close_Date)< to_date(sysdate)    )  Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
     --Warning trigger reached
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date IS  NOT NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning ))  Then ''Warning Trigger Reached''';          
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              Else ''Not Ready'' ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              End)Launch_Status';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NI.Issuer_Code';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , (nvl(NOP.Nominal_Amount,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Unconfirmed_Amount, NM.Upfront as Upfront,   case when UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''Y'' THEN 0 else (nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0) - nvl(BS.Net_Trade_Hedged,0)) end as ReadyToHedge';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NOP.Hard_Margin  as Margin_Amount, NM.YearBasis as YearBasis, NM.Note_Product_Rating as Equity_Risk_Score, AD.Equity_Asset_Class ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  , NM.Note_Product_Rating as Product_Rating,  NOP.PO_ID, AD.LotSize as Lot_Size, NM.Max_Orders_Per_Product as MAX_Orders, NOP.Order_Count as Current_Order_Count,  nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) as Denomination_Ccy, NM.Note_Scheme_Type as Underlying_Type, NM.Note_Asset_Class as Asset_Class, NULL as Product_Created_YN, NULL as Product_Created_ID,  ( (case when NM.Note_Order_Type = '''' then N''Market'' else NM.Note_Order_Type end )  ) as  Order_Type, NOP.Spot_Price, NM.Note_Price_Link, NOP.Strike_Price, NVL(NM.C_Fixing_Frequency,''Atmaturity'') as Fixing_Frequency, NM.Document_Uploaded_YN, NM.Document_Uploaded_At, NM.Document_Uploaded_By, NM.Document_File_Name, NM.Document_File_Extension, NM.Document_File_Path, NM.CutOff_Time, NM.Soft_Tenor, NM.NM_Sn_Code_All, NULL as Note_Price_Source, AD.LongName, NVL(NM.Pricelist_YN,''N'') as Pricelist_YN, AD.AlternateIdentifierAlias as Underlying, NM.Note_Issuer_Date_Offset, NM.Counterparty as Note_Counter_Party, NULL as
Note_Premium_PC  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  , NI.Issuer_Name, IP.Issuer_Id, IP.Broad_Cash, IP.Odd_Cash, IP.Account_Note, IP.Rounding, IP.Decimal_Truncate, IP.Misc1 as Recidual_YN, NM.Note_Issuer_Type, NM.Target_Coupon, C_Fixing_Frequency as C_Fixing_Frequency, NM.Callable_Frequency as Callable_Frequency, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as C_Note_Strike_PC, NM.NM_Airbag_PC as  Airbag_PC, C_Note_Barrier_PC as C_Note_Barrier_PC, TM.Template_Name, ''Product'' as Record_Type, NM.C_Settlement_Frequency, NM.Coupon_Frequency, NM.NM_Fixing_Source as Note_Fixing_Source, NM.Order_Entry_Type, (nvl(NM.Minimum_Issue_Size,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Remaining_Launch_Amount, NM.C_Fixing_Start_Point, NM.C_Fixing_End_Point, NM.Order_Entry_Type, SC.Scheme_Alias, SC.Scheme_Name, CM.CM_ID, CM.CM_Name as Counterparty_Name, NM.NM_Other_Features as Other_Features, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as Accrual_Strike, NM.NM_KnockIn as KnockIn, NM.NM_Airbag_Type, NM.NM_Put_strike as Put_Strike, NM.NM_Accrual_Strike,
NM.NM_Counterparty_Upfront,  NM.Price_Updated_YN as Prices_Updated_YN, AD.Code as Asset_Name,NULL as KO_FREQ_TYPE, NM.Daily_Accumalation_Equities, NM.MaxNoAcc_days, NM.Guaranteed_Days, NM.Leverage_ratio, NM.NORM_IF, NM.NORM_PAIR, NM.NORM_FXRate ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' from ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName|| '.Note_Master NM  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || 'Left Outer Join ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Issuer_Master NI ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NM.Issuer = (case when  ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0  then  cast (NI.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25))  else  cast(NI.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end )';     
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Order_Product NOP ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NOP.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_DefinitionDBName||'.AssetDef AD ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On AD.Code = NM.Asset';
     v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND AD.TypeAsset  = substr(NM.Note_Asset_Class,1,2) ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Issuer_Parameter IP ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NM.Issuer = (case when  ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0  then  cast (IP.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25))  else  cast(IP.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end )';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Template_Master TM ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  TM.Template_Id =  NM.Template_ID ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Scheme_Codes SC ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  SC.Scheme_Alias =  NM.Type';     
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Counterparty_Master CM ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  CM.CM_ID =  NM.Counterparty';     
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join      ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ( ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Select Note_master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amt) as Unwind_Amount from ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Deals ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' where Prematurity_Date IS NOT NULL';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND (UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = ''PART REDEMPTION'' or UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = ''FULL REDEMPTION'')';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Group by Note_master_ID ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) ND ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  ND.Note_Master_ID =  NM.Note_Master_ID';
if  (v_Filter_FilledStatus = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_FilledStatus) = 'ALL' ) then
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NOP.Filled_Status IN (' || v_Filter_FilledStatus  || ')';
   end if;                         
     --AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty = 'DEFAULT''
   if(SUBSTR(to_char(v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty),1,4000)= ' ')  then
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty IN (' || v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty || ')';
   end if;                    
     --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' --Filter--'
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' (';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   select Note_Master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amount) As Confirmed_Amount, sum(No_Of_Shares)  As Confirmed_Shares  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   from '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Order_RM  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   Where substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,6) = ''YYYYYY'' AND substr(substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,7),-1,1) = ''N'' ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   group by  Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) T2';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ON T2.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' LEFT OUTER JOIN';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' (';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   Select ND.Note_Master_ID, sum(ND.Nominal_Amt) As Live_Deals ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   from '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Deals ND  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   where ND.Active_YNFlag = ''Y'' ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   group by  Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) T3';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ON T3.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  LEFT OUTER JOIN';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Buy) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Sell) AS BINARY_FLOAT))  Net_Trade_Hedged,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) AS BINARY_FLOAT))  Net_Trade_Outstanding,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Hedged_Nominal_BUY) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Hedged_Nominal_SELL) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) As Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  From';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  FROM '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Hedge  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  WHERE NH_Direction = ''BUY'' ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  Union';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  0 AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  FROM '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Hedge  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  WHERE NH_Direction = ''SELL''  ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ) ';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ) BS';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ON BS.NH_Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Where NM.Verify_YN_Flag = ''Y'' ';
  v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Active_YN_Flag = ''' || SWV_Active_YN_Flag || '''';
   if(SUBSTR(to_char(v_Filter_NoteType),1,4000) = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_NoteType) = 'ALL' ) then
           v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Type IN (' || v_Filter_NoteType  || ')';
   end if;     
IF UPPER(v_Entity_ID) <> 'ALL'  then
      OPEN RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC;
      FETCH RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC INTO v_Setting_Name,v_Default_Value,v_Config_Value;
      WHILE RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC%FOUND   LOOP
     --2) Convert comma separated ccy (CNY,HKD,USD) string to single quote ccy with comma separated Ccy ('CNY','HKD','USD') string
         if (UPPER(v_Setting_Name) = 'RESTRICT_TERMSHEET_VISIBILITY_BY_CCY')  then
            if v_Config_Value is not null  then
          SELECT COUNT(Id_1) INTO SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 FROM TABLE(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
               IF (SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 > 0)  then
                    --print 'Before Single  quote separated ccy : ' + '''' + @Config_Value + ''''
                  v_Seq_Id := 0;
                  OPEN Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor;
                  FETCH Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor
                  INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                  WHILE Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor%FOUND   LOOP
                     if v_Seq_Id = 0  then
                        v_CCY_List := '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                        v_CCY_List := v_CCY_List || ',' || '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                     end if;
                     v_Seq_Id := v_Seq_Id+1;
                     FETCH Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                  END LOOP;
                  CLOSE Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor;
                    --print 'After Single quote ccy : ' + @CCY_List
                  v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) NOT IN (' || v_CCY_List   || ')';
               end if;
            end if;
         end if;
--3) Convert comma separated template (ELN,BELN,BELN_B) string to single quote template code with comma separated template ('ELN','BELN','BELN_B') string
            if v_Config_Value is not null then
      SELECT COUNT(Id_1) INTO SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 FROM TABLE(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
               IF (SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 > 0)  then
                  v_Seq_Id := 0;
                  OPEN GetRestrictTemplateListCursor;
                  FETCH GetRestrictTemplateListCursor
                  INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                  WHILE GetRestrictTemplateListCursor%FOUND 
                     if v_Seq_Id = 0  then
                        v_CCY_List := '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                        v_CCY_List := v_CCY_List || ',' || '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                     end if;
                     v_Seq_Id := v_Seq_Id+1;
                     FETCH GetRestrictTemplateListCursor INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                  END LOOP;
                  CLOSE GetRestrictTemplateListCursor;
               --print 'After Single quote template code: ' + @CCY_List
                  v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND TM.Template_Code NOT IN (' || v_CCY_List   || ')';
               end if;
            end if;
         end if;
         FETCH RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC INTO v_Setting_Name,v_Default_Value,v_Config_Value;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC;
   end if;
  if  (v_Filter_Exchange = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_Exchange) = 'ALL')  then
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Exchange IN (' || v_Filter_Exchange  || ')';
   end if;                         
     --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' --AND NM.Issuer = 4'
  if  (v_Filter_Issuer = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_Issuer) = 'ALL') then
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Issuer IN (' || v_Filter_Issuer  || ')';
   end if;     
      if  v_Filter_Product_Category    = ' '  then
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND UPPER(NM.Note_Issuer_Type) IN (''' || v_Filter_Product_Category  || ''')';
   end if;          
   if UPPER(v_DateToFilter) = 'NA'  then
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
      if UPPER(v_DateToFilter) = 'CLOSE_DATE'  then
         v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND to_char( '|| v_DateToFilter || ') >= to_date(''' || v_Filter_ToDate ||  ''');
                         -- AND convert(smalldatetime,''' || v_Filter_ToDate || ''',106) ';
         v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND to_char(''' || v_DateToFilter || ''') BETWEEN to_date(''' || v_Filter_FromDate ||  ''') AND to_date(''' || v_Filter_ToDate || ''') ';
      end if;
   end if;
   v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Order by NM.Product_Name';
   SWV_VarStr := v_SelectSQL;
   IF SQLCODE <> 0  then
   end if;
   IF SQL%rowcount > 0  then
   end if;     --Commit Transaction
   v_ErrorNumber := SQLCODE;
   << ERROR_HANDLER >> v_ErrorNumber := SQLCODE;
   SWV_TRANCOUNT := 0;     --Rollback Transaction
END;Please suggest something. Thanks
Edited by: BluShadow on 30-Nov-2011 11:00
added {noformat}{noformat} tags for formatting of code.  Please read {message:id=9360002} to learn to do this yourself in future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Connecting to the database sample_adf_finiq_common.
Select NM.Note_Master_Id, NM.Product_Name, NM.Template_ID, NM.Template_Sr_No, NM.Asset, NM.Exchange, NM.Type, NM.Currency , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = 'Y') THEN NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = 'Y') THEN NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield, NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost , NM.Minimum_Issue_Size, NM.Maximum_Issue_Size, NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Maximum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning, nvl(NM.PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,1) as PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount, NM.Active_YN_Flag, NM.Verify_YN_Flag , NM.Tranche_YN_Flag, NM.Launch_Date, NM.Open_Date, NM.Close_Date, NM.PreHedged_YN, NM.Created_By, NM.Created_At, NM.Verified_At, NM.Verified_By, NM.ISIN, NM.Issuer , NM.Product_Catagory as Product_Category, NM.Note_Issuer_Type as Issuer_Category, NM.Series_No as Series_No, NM.Minimum_Investment_Amount , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,(NOP.Nominal_Amount - nvl(ND.Unwind_Amount,0) ) as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty ,T2.Confirmed_Amount, T2.Confirmed_Shares , T3.Live_Deals , BS.Net_Trade_Hedged, BS.Net_Trade_Outstanding, BS.Hedged_Nominal_BUY, BS.Hedged_Nominal_SELL, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_SELL , ( case When UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'Y' Then 'Launched' When ((NM.Maturity_Date IS NOT NULL) AND to_date(NM.Maturity_Date) <= to_date(sysdate)) Then 'Matured' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL) Then 'Launched' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Minimum_Issue_Size) AND to_date(Close_Date) > to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND to_date(Close_Date)= to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND to_date(Close_Date)< to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning )) Then 'Warning Trigger Reached' Else 'Not Ready' End)Launch_Status , NI.Issuer_Code , (nvl(NOP.Nominal_Amount,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Unconfirmed_Amount, NM.Upfront as Upfront, case when UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'Y' THEN 0 else (nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0) - nvl(BS.Net_Trade_Hedged,0)) end as ReadyToHedge , NOP.Hard_Margin as Margin_Amount, NM.YearBasis as YearBasis, NM.Note_Product_Rating as Equity_Risk_Score, AD.Equity_Asset_Class , NM.Note_Product_Rating as Product_Rating, NOP.PO_ID, AD.LotSize as Lot_Size, NM.Max_Orders_Per_Product as MAX_Orders, NOP.Order_Count as Current_Order_Count, nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) as Denomination_Ccy, NM.Note_Scheme_Type as Underlying_Type, NM.Note_Asset_Class as Asset_Class, NULL as Product_Created_YN, NULL as Product_Created_ID, ( (case when NM.Note_Order_Type = '' then N'Market' else NM.Note_Order_Type end ) ) as Order_Type, NOP.Spot_Price, NM.Note_Price_Link, NOP.Strike_Price, NVL(NM.C_Fixing_Frequency,'Atmaturity') as Fixing_Frequency, NM.Document_Uploaded_YN, NM.Document_Uploaded_At, NM.Document_Uploaded_By, NM.Document_File_Name, NM.Document_File_Extension, NM.Document_File_Path, NM.CutOff_Time, NM.Soft_Tenor, NM.NM_Sn_Code_All, NULL as Note_Price_Source, AD.LongName, NVL(NM.Pricelist_YN,'N') as Pricelist_YN, AD.AlternateIdentifierAlias as Underlying, NM.Note_Issuer_Date_Offset, NM.Counterparty as Note_Counter_Party, NULL as
Note_Premium_PC , NI.Issuer_Name, IP.Issuer_Id, IP.Broad_Cash, IP.Odd_Cash, IP.Account_Note, IP.Rounding, IP.Decimal_Truncate, IP.Misc1 as Recidual_YN, NM.Note_Issuer_Type, NM.Target_Coupon, C_Fixing_Frequency as C_Fixing_Frequency, NM.Callable_Frequency as Callable_Frequency, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as C_Note_Strike_PC, NM.NM_Airbag_PC as Airbag_PC, C_Note_Barrier_PC as C_Note_Barrier_PC, TM.Template_Name, 'Product' as Record_Type, NM.C_Settlement_Frequency, NM.Coupon_Frequency, NM.NM_Fixing_Source as Note_Fixing_Source, NM.Order_Entry_Type, (nvl(NM.Minimum_Issue_Size,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Remaining_Launch_Amount, NM.C_Fixing_Start_Point, NM.C_Fixing_End_Point, NM.Order_Entry_Type, SC.Scheme_Alias, SC.Scheme_Name, CM.CM_ID, CM.CM_Name as Counterparty_Name, NM.NM_Other_Features as Other_Features, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as Accrual_Strike, NM.NM_KnockIn as KnockIn, NM.NM_Airbag_Type, NM.NM_Put_strike as Put_Strike, NM.NM_Accrual_Strike,
NM.NM_Counterparty_Upfront, NM.Price_Updated_YN as Prices_Updated_YN, AD.Code as Asset_Name,NULL as KO_FREQ_TYPE, NM.Daily_Accumalation_Equities, NM.MaxNoAcc_days, NM.Guaranteed_Days, NM.Leverage_ratio, NM.NORM_IF, NM.NORM_PAIR, NM.NORM_FXRate from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Master NM Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Issuer_Master NI On NM.Issuer = (case when ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0 then cast (NI.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25)) else cast(NI.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end ) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Order_Product NOP On NOP.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.AssetDef AD On AD.Code = NM.Asset AND AD.TypeAsset = substr(NM.Note_Asset_Class,1,2) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Issuer_Parameter IP On NM.Issuer = (case when ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0 then cast (IP.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25)) else cast(IP.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end ) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Template_Master TM On TM.Template_Id = NM.Template_ID Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Scheme_Codes SC On SC.Scheme_Alias = NM.Type Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Counterparty_Master CM On CM.CM_ID = NM.Counterparty Left Outer Join      ( Select Note_master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amt) as Unwind_Amount from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Deals where Prematurity_Date IS NOT NULL AND (UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = 'PART REDEMPTION' or UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = 'FULL REDEMPTION') Group by Note_master_ID ) ND On ND.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty IN (1) LEFT OUTER JOIN ( select Note_Master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amount) As Confirmed_Amount, sum(No_Of_Shares) As Confirmed_Shares from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Order_RM Where substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,6) = 'YYYYYY' AND substr(substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,7),-1,1) = 'N' group by Note_Master_ID ) T2 ON T2.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN ( Select ND.Note_Master_ID, sum(ND.Nominal_Amt) As Live_Deals from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Deals ND where ND.Active_YNFlag = 'Y' group by Note_Master_ID ) T3 ON T3.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, (CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Buy) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Sell) AS BINARY_FLOAT)) Net_Trade_Hedged, (CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) AS BINARY_FLOAT)) Net_Trade_Outstanding, SUM(Hedged_Nominal_BUY) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(Hedged_Nominal_SELL) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) As Outstanding_Nominal_SELL From ( SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL FROM Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Hedge WHERE NH_Direction = 'BUY' GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID Union SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL FROM Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Hedge WHERE NH_Direction = 'SELL' GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID ) GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID ) BS ON BS.NH_Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID Where NM.Verify_YN_Flag = 'Y' AND NM.Active_YN_Flag = 'Y' AND UPPER(NM.Note_Issuer_Type) IN ('Internal') AND to_char('16-oct-11') BETWEEN to_date('15-oct-11') AND to_date('17-oct-11') Order by NM.Product_Name
Process exited.
Disconnecting from the database sample_adf_finiq_common.
here v_errornumber=0 is the output when i run it in oracle sql developer.

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    - there are no EJB3 scripts, only compiled application code
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    Thank for your reply.
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    I guess the answer is no.
    May I ask why you need a java.sql.ResultSet?

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    make your result set scrollable...Not such a good idea. With Oracle, the JDBC driver will read and cache all the ResultSet in memory (with other DBMSs/drivers the behavior will probably be different, but you will still have some unnecessary overhead).
    You can do the caching yourself if you think it's worth it. If the piece of code you posted is why you need this for, then use a List or Vector and you won't need to know the size upfront.
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       --I want to read this value from the url<br>
       if :REQUEST='START_PROCESS' then<br>
          v_user_id := ????;<br>
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    1- Create a hidden item P27_USER_ID on page 27
    2- Change your code :
    SELECT ID, NAME, akt,
              WHEN akt IS NULL
                 THEN    '< a href="f?p=&APP_ID.:27:&SESSION.:START_PROCESS:NO::P27_USER_ID:'
                      || ID
                      || '" name="test_link" >set< /a >'
           -- refer to f?p=App:Page:Session:Request:Debug:ClearCache:itemNames:itemValues:PrinterFriendly
           END choice
      FROM users;
       And then
       v_user_id   NUMBER (10);
       --I want to read this value from the url
       IF :request = 'START_PROCESS'
          v_user_id := :p27_user_id;
           --your code
       END IF;
    END;Hope this helps,

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    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I'm connecting to database through stored procedure only.We have sybase installed on our local system so that we are given permissions only to access the stored procedures.When u see the fields in CR XI i.e Field explorer you are able to see only 1st result fileds.I connected to sybase and there i'm able to see the output of 1st & 2nd Result set.

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    check if this helps:
    select * --you can always frame your column set
    from tableA a
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    left join tableC c on
    This is just a general query. However, we can help you a lot more, if you can post the DDL + sample data and required output.
    <If the post was helpful mark as 'Helpful' and if the post answered your query, mark as 'Answered'>


    We are calling legacy PLSQL stored procedures and functions via named queries. This has worked fine so far, but there are some functions which return the type 'BOOLEAN'. e.g.
    FUNCTION some_function( some_argument IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
    Where the return type is BOOLEAN calling the named query fails with
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    Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 060118)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 13:
    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Error Code: 6550
    A couple of threads have hinted that what we are trying to do is not possible:
    Re: Creating Named Query: from OracleCallableStatement
    This would possibly be due to 'restriction in the OCI layer'. Can anyone help? Is there really now way to call a valid PLSQL stored function via a named query when the return type is BOOLEAN?

    I can't comment on possible issues you might have with the driver, but if it can be done in JDBC, it should be possible in TopLink.
    TopLink has the StoredFunctionCall which extends the StoredProcedureCall but adds an unnamed ouput parameter in the first spot of its parameter list. You will need to get the databasefield and set its type to BOOLEAN ie:
      DatabaseField returnField = (DatabaseField)yourStoredFunctionCall.getParameters().firstElement();
            returnField.setSqlType(Type.BOOLEAN);Be sure not to use the setType() method, as I believe TopLink will try to use the Type.BIT when a boolean class is used as the classtype.
    Best Regards,

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    a resultset is directly linked to your (prepared) query.
    for performance(and synchronization) reasons, you do want to retrieve the data as fast as possible and then release it.

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    Find app in the app store.
    Buy app from the app store.
    Are you having an issue with the process?  What is that issue?
    Please turn off your caps lock and explain your issue

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    Why cant you get the procedure name as hard code as the proc name is going to change.
    Are you looking for getting the parent proc name from child proc name which is getting executed within parent proc?
    Try the below:
    --Parent Proc
    Alter Proc sp_test
    Declare @s varbinary(MAX) = Cast('sp_test' as Varbinary(MAX));
    exec sp_test2
    --Child proc
    Alter proc sp_test2
    SELECT Cast(CONTEXT_INFO() as varchar(100));
    --Test execution
    Exec sp_test
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped.

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    Make sure Settings > iCloud > Photos > iCloud Photo Library (Beta) = "Off"
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    You need to transfer the iTunes folder from the old computer to the new one.
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