How to get Soap Request xml in application.cfc

if api getting soap request using cfhttp like below:
<cfxml variable="mydata">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="">
   <soapenv:Header />
       <ns:service_soap_call soapenv:encodingStyle="">
  <cfhttp url="" method="post" charset="utf-8" result="myresult">
       type" value="text/xml">
        <cfhttpparam type="header" name="SOAPAction" value="">
       <cfhttpparam name="soapInput" type="xml" value="#trim(mydata)#"/>
then how to get Soap Request in application cfc.
like :
<cfif IsSOAPRequest() >
  <cfset soapreq = GetSOAPRequest() />
I want to validate the soap xml Request before calling targeted CFC.
Any suggestion!.

Let me see whether I understand. Are you attempting to achieve something like this:
<cfcomponent output="no">
<cffunction name="testFunction" returntype="any" access="remote">
<cfargument name="soapInput">
<cfset var inputXML = arguments.soapInput>
<cfset var soapBodyText="">
<cfset var noBodyTextError="">
    <cfset soapBodyText = xmlSearch(inputXML,"//soapenv:Body/text()")[1].xmlValue>
    <cfsavecontent variable="noBodyTextError"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelope     xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <soapenv:Body> <soapenv:Fault> <faultcode>soapenv:Server.userException</faultcode> <faultstring>java.lang.Exception: Body not found.</faultstring></cfsavecontent>
    <cfif trim(soapBodyText) is "">
    <cfreturn inputXML>
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfreturn noBodyTextError>
<cfxml variable="mydata">
        <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wor="">
<cfinvoke webservice = ""
          method = "testFunction"
           returnVariable = "result">
       <cfinvokeargument name="soapInput" value="#trim(mydata)#" >
<cfdump var="#result#">

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    Let me see whether I understand. Are you attempting to achieve something like this:
    <cfcomponent output="no">
    <cffunction name="testFunction" returntype="any" access="remote">
    <cfargument name="soapInput">
    <cfset var inputXML = arguments.soapInput>
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        <cfreturn inputXML>
    <cfcatch type="any">
    <cfreturn noBodyTextError>
    <cfxml variable="mydata">
            <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wor="">
    <cfinvoke webservice = ""
              method = "testFunction"
               returnVariable = "result">
           <cfinvokeargument name="soapInput" value="#trim(mydata)#" >
    <cfdump var="#result#">

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    Is this question related to Oracle SOA suite? Which client are you using? Use SOAPUI to validate whether WSDL is correct.

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    I got my SOAP Requests tested using SOAP UI .. However I am still looking for ways to test it using XML SPY.
    In the SOAP UI Tool just do right click and select Add WS Security Token ..
    Thanks :)

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    Hi All,
    SOAP Framework AXIS provided the tool TCPMONITOR to monitor the SOAPRequest,SOAPResponse which is passing between ServiceConsumer and ServiceProvider.To do this just follow the below steps.
    Step1:Set axis.jar in the classpath and then Run the java class(it will open a window)
    java org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon [listenPort targetHost targetPort]
    For suppose you are running webservice at port number 8888.
    Here listenPort is some port number which is not using by anyother give number like 7070 and targetHost is IP address of System where the Webservice is running,targetPort is portnumber where the Webservice is running.
    For example java org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon 7070 8888
    i.e In client application you have to modify the portnumber to 7070,once user submitted the request that request going to portnumber at 7070 where TcpMonitor is listening,SOAPRequest will come in Request Box and and select submit button then request going to service at port numer 8888,then you can view the response in Response can get more details in the following url

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    <mx:WebService id="miner_service" wsdl="http://localhost:8080">        <mx:operation name="hello" result="echoResultHandler(event);"></mx:operation></mx:WebService>
    When debugging with that, I got such error message:
    [Fault] exception, information=[RPC Fault faultString="HTTP request error" faultCode="Server.Error.Request" faultDetail="Unable to load WSDL. If currently online, please verify the URI and/or format of the WSDL (http://localhost:8080)"]
    Then I use Fiddler try to capture the response returned by server, it's like this:
    Error responseError code 501. Message: Unsupported method ('GET'). Error code explanation: 501 = Server does not support this operation.
    But when I use python to send SOAP request by HTTP POST, the server will return correct response.
    So how can I send SOAP request by HTTP POST?
    (I tried <mx:WebService wsdl="http://localhost:8080" method="POST">, but no luck..)

    Sorry for my late reply..
    There's no WSDL for that SOAP service

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    Hi All,
    I need to know that how can I get the SOAP request and SOAP response message. Now I am using WSDL2Java tool from Axis to generate the stub classes (such as ServiceLocator, SoapBindingStub, and soapPort ) and applying the classes to make the SOAP request. I have seen the solution for getting the SOAP request with Dynamic invocation interface (DII) style ([email protected]%3e), but not Static stub like what I did. Could anyone suggest me how to do it please ( I can't run tcpcom on the linux server, because x-window is not allowed to install ). Thank you for any help in advance.

    You can try writing a client-side handler.
    Handler gets called before the actual request is sent, and you can get the SOAP
    message in it.
    You have to deploy the handler in client-config.wsdd.
    Handler is just like Servlet Filter.
    I think there might be a simpler solution, but I dont know.

  • How to pass soap request message to server?

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    message contains remote procedure call which invokes the method at serverside?
    and where i have to write that header request?
    so i dont know how to pass the request soap message document

    We have a diagnostic tool called Post [1] that will post the request
    directly to a SOAP server. You can also try the graphical tool WeX [2]
    so you can see what is happening at the wire level.
    I may have misunderstood your question and goal. The purpose of the
    JAX-RPC [3] API is to provide a high-level abstraction of SOAP
    communications such as you describe.
    What is your use case?
    Nisha Kothari wrote:
    how i can pass soap request message to server using http request header? the soap
    message contains remote procedure call which invokes the method at serverside?
    and where i have to write that header request?
    so i dont know how to pass the request soap message document
    Name: addsoaprequest.xml
    addsoaprequest.xml Type: ACT Project (text/xml)
    Encoding: base64

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    Thanks in advance

    You have many ways to do that in C++. Read about Hooks and you will understand how u can do that. Anyway, even without hooks, u can get the messages from other applications in C++. So, let C++ get the data from other applications for you and let ur java program get data from the C++ program.

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    Integration Services gives you the ability to import and export packages, and by doing this change the storage format and location of packages. But after import packages into package store, how can we get the package XML definition?
    As we know, SSIS packages are stored in msdb using existing SSIS storage table([msdb].[dbo].[sysssispackages]). The “packagedata” column store the actual SSIS package with Image data type. In order to get the package XML definition, we need to convert “packagedata”
    column through Varbinary to XML. You can refer to the following steps:
    Using the following query to get package GUID:
    SELECT [name],
      FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysssispackages]
    Using the following query to convert packagedata column to XML: SELECT id, CAST(CAST(packagedata AS VARBINARY(MAX)) AS XML) PackageDataXML
    FROM      [msdb].[dbo].[sysssispackages]
    WHERE id= 'ABB264CC-A082-40D6-AEC4-DBF17FA057B2'
    More Information
    sysssispackages (Transact-SQL):
    Applies to
    SQL Server 2005
    SQL Server 2008
    SQL Server 2008R2
    SQL Server 2012
    SQL Server 2014
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Hi Ketak. Thank you for replying. I already followed your instructions - specifically -
    You do not see the SQL Server Reporting Services  service in SharePoint Central Administration after installing SQL Server 2012 SSRS in SharePoint mode
    I get the following error when I run rssharepoint.msi on the APP sever (where Central Admin is installed). I have to run this other wise
    Install-SPRSService and Install-SPRSServiceProxy 
    are not recognized as commands on that server.
    Failed to call GetTypes on assembly Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SPAddin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91. Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SPClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'
    or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

  • How to get the resulting XML as string

    I think my question is very simple but i'm new in this area.
    What i'm try to do is to parse a XML document with the DOM parser. Then i manipulate the DOM tree. After finishing the process i want to get the resulting XML document as an InputStream to give to another application for storing back into the database.
    Until know i print the resulting XML to System.out or I write it to a file.
    Do you know where i can find more information about this? Sample code??

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jinyu Wang ([email protected]):
    You can try following code. It is not the simplest way, but it works for me:
    // Print to temp buffer
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(baos);
    String outtemp=baos.toString();
    include following line for the lib:
    Many thanks for the reply. It works!

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    Hi All,
    I have created a BI publisher report in R12, and in that report i have called before report trigger function.
    In that function i need to use the current concurrent request id .How can i get the concurrent request id of this report.
    Please help me . Thanks in advance.

    in datatemplate you use
    before report trigger function.
    in package in
    In that function
    you can get current request id like
    l_conc_request_id := fnd_global.conc_request_id;

Maybe you are looking for

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