How to test SOAP request using XML SPY

1. I am new to WebServices concept, I have downloaded the wsdl file and now I need to test the SOAP requests using XML Spy. However, when I try to test the SOAP request generated by XML Spy I receive an error "Internal Error: Session is not available. Aborting" , How do I go ahead to generate the session, Is there a way I can provide the Username and password in the XML Spy to generate something like session.
2. The second problem that I am facing is when I import the WSDL in XML Spy and generate the SOAP request, for all the fields xml tags gets populated with "aaaaaaaaaaaa" kind of data through out. Am i doing something wrong ? Is there some step while creating a SOAP request that I am missing becasue of which the gibbrish data is being populated as default ?
Please Help !
Thanks .

I got my SOAP Requests tested using SOAP UI .. However I am still looking for ways to test it using XML SPY.
In the SOAP UI Tool just do right click and select Add WS Security Token ..
Thanks :)

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    I have published PLSQL web service at Oracle 10g AS.
    The web service runs at http://localhost:7201/reqProcess with processRequest as method being exposed.
    This web service takes the string as input and return XMLTYPE as out parameter.
    Now When I am trying to pass SOAP XML from XMLSPY to above url I am getting folloing errors.
    1) I get http error: couldnot post the file /reqProcess/ on server 'localhost' (500)
    2) I get SOAP Error as
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
                   <faultstring>No Deserializer found to deserialize a &apos;; using encoding style &apos;null&apos;. [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]</faultstring>
    Please help..

    Hi Quwang ur help needed
    My requirement ...
    1) PLSQL as web service : I succesffuly deployed PLSQL Procedure as Web service at 10 10g. The PLSQL takes string (CLOB) as input convert that into XML and store in table and return XMLTYPE as output.
    When I am accesing PLSQL WS using browser I am able to send string (basically XML format) as a input and able to receive the result back (SOAP envelop)
    2)WS Invocation : After PLSQL WS published I need to pass the SOAP XML which is generated from XYX wsdl file to the PLSQL WS published above. For this req I was using XML Spy to test this. (In actual the clinet will be Sieble that will send SOAP XML to PLSQL WS).
    Initially I was generating the SOAP XML from XYZ.wsdl and was directly sending that to PLSQL URL. I was getting error as I described initially.
    Next I tried to generate the SOAP request from the PLSQL WS wsdl file and inside the parameter I am sending the SOAP XML as string to the IN paramater of PLSQL WS. This time I am getting some different errors. The first error is same as http error: couldnot post the file /balprocess/balprocess/operation?processRequest on server 'localhost' (500)
    and second error is SOAP fault as follows
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
                   <faultstring>java.sql.SQLException: ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00210: expected &apos;<&apos; instead of &apos;"&apos;
    Error at line 1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 0
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.BAL_A_PROCESS", line 16
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(</faultstring>
    For ur reference I am pasting the PLSQL WSDL file and the SOAP request xml that I am sending to PLSQL WS URL.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="bal_a_process"
    xmlns:xsd1="http://bal.request.process/bal_a_process.xsd" >
    WSDL for Service: bal_a_process, generated by Oracle WSDL toolkit (version: 1.1)
    <schema targetNamespace="http://bal.request.process/bal_a_process.xsd" xmlns:tns="http://bal.request.process/bal_a_process.xsd" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:dom="">
    <complexType name="bal_request_process_bal_a_processUser_processRequest_Out">
    <element name="outresponsexmlOut" type="dom:org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment"/>
    <message name="processRequestOutput">
    <part name="return" type="xsd1:bal_request_process_bal_a_processUser_processRequest_Out"/>
    <message name="processRequestInput">
    <part name="param0" type="xsd:string"/>
    <portType name="bal_a_processPortType">
    <operation name="processRequest">
    <input message="tns:processRequestInput"/>
    <output message="tns:processRequestOutput"/>
    <binding name="bal_a_processBinding" type="tns:bal_a_processPortType">
    <soap:binding transport="" style="rpc"/>
    <operation name="processRequest">
    <soap:operation soapAction="urn:bal-request-process-bal_a_process/processRequest"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:bal-request-process-bal_a_process"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:bal-request-process-bal_a_process"/>
    <service name="bal_a_process">
    <port name="bal_a_processPort" binding="tns:bal_a_processBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:7200/balprocess/balprocess"/>
    Request I am sending to PLSLQ WS URL
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
              <processRequest xmlns:m="urn:bal-request-process-bal_a_process" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
                   <param0 xsi:type="xsd:string">     "<a>"aaa"</a>"     </param0>
    I above SOAP request XML i m testing "<a>"aaa"</a>" as XML string. but this is also getting failed. In actual this will be SOAP XML request from some other XYZ wsdl file.
    Quwang ur help needed urgently.

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    I am getting the following error .
    <b> either no channelID specified or no channel found for the specified party, service, and channel name</b>, MessageServlet(Version $Id: //tc/xi/645_VAL_REL/src/_adapters/_soap/java/com/sap/aii/af/mp/soap/web/ $)
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         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Is this error due to the user authentication or due to some other issue .
    Please do let me know soon .
    Thanks a lot

    Hi Ricardo ,
    I have the correct port now.
    the url looks like
    when I am testing it in the XML spy. and send a soap server request. I am getting the popup for user authentication . once i put my user id it gives me a error saying
    <b>HTTP operation 'POST' could not be performed on URL
    '/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?channel=:SIEBEL_DEV:SOAP_CUST&amp;version=3.0&amp;Sender.Service=SIEBEL_DEV&amp;Interface=http%3A%2F%2FOFCOM%2FUNIFY%2FCustomerMaster%5EMI_CUST'  due to an error :
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    Hello Experts,
    I'm have tried to create a synchronous SOAP -> RFC  scenario. I already setup my Message Interface as Outbound and Synchronous but when I'm testing it already in XML spy I only successfully sent the soap request and but got no response back. Also in SXMB_MONI I see my message being sent to SAP but it did not return any response. What have I possibly missed out during the setup. Hoping someone could help

    Below is my PI objects. Maybe this could help you analyze my problem.
    IR Objects
    Data Type:
    Message Type:
    ReqCustomerNo_MT -> using ReqCustomerNo_DT (Data Type)
    RespCustDetails_MT -> using ReqCustomerNo_DT (RespCustDetails_DT)
    Message Interface:
    CDWS_MI -> synchronous/Outbound
    Output Message : ReqCustomerNo_MT -> using ReqCustomerNo_DT (Data Type)
    Input Message : RespCustDetails_MT -> using ReqCustomerNo_DT (RespCustDetails_DT)
    Message Mapping:
    Request_MM -> mapped ReqCustomerNo_MT with BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2(RFC)
    Response_MM - mapped BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2.response (RFC) with RespCustDetails_MT
    Interface Mapping:
    Source Interface -> CDWS_MI
    Target Interface -> BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2
    Request: Mapping Program -> Request_MM
    Source Message: ReqCustomerNo_MT
    Response: Mapping Program -> Response_MM
    Source Message: BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2.Response
    Target Message: RespCustDetails_MT
    ID Objects
    Sender Agreement:
    Service: ZBSBACKEND
    Interface: CDWS_MI
    Interface Namespace:
    Receiver Determination:
    Service: ZBSBACKEND
    Interface: CDWS_MI
    Interface Namespace:
    Configured Receivers: ZBSBACKEND
    Interface Determination:
    Inbound Interface : BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2
    Interface Mapping : CDWS_IM
    Receiver Agreement:
    Service: ZBSBACKEND
    Service: ZBSBACKEND
    Interface namespace: urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions

  • How to get Soap Request xml in application.cfc

    if api getting soap request using cfhttp like below:
    <cfxml variable="mydata">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="">
       <soapenv:Header />
           <ns:service_soap_call soapenv:encodingStyle="">
      <cfhttp url="" method="post" charset="utf-8" result="myresult">
           type" value="text/xml">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="SOAPAction" value="">
           <cfhttpparam name="soapInput" type="xml" value="#trim(mydata)#"/>
    then how to get Soap Request in application cfc.
    like :
    <cfif IsSOAPRequest() >
      <cfset soapreq = GetSOAPRequest() />
    I want to validate the soap xml Request before calling targeted CFC.
    Any suggestion!.

    Let me see whether I understand. Are you attempting to achieve something like this:
    <cfcomponent output="no">
    <cffunction name="testFunction" returntype="any" access="remote">
    <cfargument name="soapInput">
    <cfset var inputXML = arguments.soapInput>
    <cfset var soapBodyText="">
    <cfset var noBodyTextError="">
        <cfset soapBodyText = xmlSearch(inputXML,"//soapenv:Body/text()")[1].xmlValue>
        <cfsavecontent variable="noBodyTextError"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelope     xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <soapenv:Body> <soapenv:Fault> <faultcode>soapenv:Server.userException</faultcode> <faultstring>java.lang.Exception: Body not found.</faultstring></cfsavecontent>
        <cfif trim(soapBodyText) is "">
        <cfreturn inputXML>
    <cfcatch type="any">
    <cfreturn noBodyTextError>
    <cfxml variable="mydata">
            <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wor="">
    <cfinvoke webservice = ""
              method = "testFunction"
               returnVariable = "result">
           <cfinvokeargument name="soapInput" value="#trim(mydata)#" >
    <cfdump var="#result#">

  • How to test HTTP request for Sender SOAP Channel

    Hi all,
    We are testing Soap requests from SOAP UI tool.
    We are able to call HTTPS calls from SOAPUI tool, but unable to call HTTP request.
    we eanbles ssl and able to post https requests.
    please advice .

    Hi Stefan, I configured the way you have put it, but I get the error "no receiver could be determined"
    Here are my settings:
    Sender service - HTTP_SEND
    sender o/b interface - PROD_MSG_INT_OB_ASYNC
    receiver service - FILE_RECEIVE
    receiver i/b interface - PROD_MSG_INT_IB_ASYNC
    receiver communication channel - FILE adapter
    JAVA script:
    String Party       = "MFC";
    String Service     = "HTTP_SEND";
    String XINameSpace = "mfc%3Anamespace1";
    String Interface   = "PROD_MSG_INT_OB_ASYNC";
    String Url   = "http://nemo:8000/sap/xi/adapter_plain?";
    XML DATA File:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:PRODUCT xmlns:ns0="mfc:namespace1">
    <NAME>thank god</NAME>
    Stefan Am I missing anything?
    XML error message:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Receiver Identification
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>No receiver could be determined</SAP:Stack>
    It would be great if you have solution for this.

  • How to bind soap header using jax-rpc

    To Whom It May Concern:
    I am using Rad7, Ibm Websphere 6.1, on Windows XP.
    I created an SoapHeader first using a string and bind it using jax-ws.
    It works for jax-ws but unfortunately, my work services uses jax-rpc.
    Does anybody know how to bind the soap header using jax-rpc.
    Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated it.
    Here is my code:
    import org.apache.cxf.headers.Header;
    import org.apache.cxf.headers.Header.Direction;
    import org.apache.cxf.helpers.DOMUtils;
    import org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapHeader;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
         public void testService() throws Exception {     
                        URL wsdlURL = new URL("http://localhost:9087/abc/services/ServiceABCService");
                        ServiceRequestServiceService service = new ServiceRequestServiceServiceLocator();
                        ServiceRequestService port = service.getServiceRequestService(wsdlURL);
                   //How to Add Soap Header using jax-ws
              String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><ABCHdrRq "
              + "xmlns=\"\" "
              + ">"
              + "<version>1.0</version><srcInfo><chType>abc</chType><chInst>0124</chInst>" +
                        "<appName>sSAR</appName><hostName>DW70210521</hostName><userId>fxue</userId>" +
                        "</srcInfo><startTimeStamp>2010-06-04T13:44:45.132</startTimeStamp><clientDt>2010-06-04T13:44:53.242</clientDt><serviceInfo><serviceName>ServiceRequestService</serviceName>" +
                        "<serviceFunc>addServiceRequest</serviceFunc></serviceInfo>" +
                   "<prevTransInfo><prevRqUID>BORS2010-06-04T13:41:10.2067f9368d1-8c5c</prevRqUID>" +     
              SoapHeader dummyHeader1 = new SoapHeader(new QName("uri:", "ABCHdrRq"),
              DOMUtils.readXml(new StringReader(xml)).getDocumentElement());
              List<Header> headers = new ArrayList<Header>();
                   ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().put(Header.HEADER_LIST, headers);
                   //How to Add Soap Header to the request using jax-ws
                   catch(Exception e)
                        System.out.println("Exception message:"+e.getMessage());

    Well, how an attachment is processed depends on your application logic...if your application logic requires to processing attachments and verify it before processing the SOAP message, handlers could be better option.
    If you need to process the attachment while processing the SOAP message, you can do it in the service implementation class.
    In both the cases you need to get access to SOAPMessage object and from there get the attachments with getAttachments method.

  • How to trap SOAP request and SOAP responce

    I want to trap all soap messages send by WS client.
    I am using jdeveloper. How could i do that. please help me.
    I want to directly see all soap request(Whole xml document)

    Hi All,
    SOAP Framework AXIS provided the tool TCPMONITOR to monitor the SOAPRequest,SOAPResponse which is passing between ServiceConsumer and ServiceProvider.To do this just follow the below steps.
    Step1:Set axis.jar in the classpath and then Run the java class(it will open a window)
    java org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon [listenPort targetHost targetPort]
    For suppose you are running webservice at port number 8888.
    Here listenPort is some port number which is not using by anyother give number like 7070 and targetHost is IP address of System where the Webservice is running,targetPort is portnumber where the Webservice is running.
    For example java org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon 7070 8888
    i.e In client application you have to modify the portnumber to 7070,once user submitted the request that request going to portnumber at 7070 where TcpMonitor is listening,SOAPRequest will come in Request Box and and select submit button then request going to service at port numer 8888,then you can view the response in Response can get more details in the following url

  • HTTP error while sending SOAP request using wsdl file

    We created SOAP request using the wsdl file ; while sending SOAP request from Altova XMLSpy, we are getting the below error.
    HTTP error: could not post file
    Can you please explain how to resolve this issue

    there is very little information to help you here.
    Can you confirm if this is a SOAP sender scenario or SOAP receiver scenario?
    Also do go to thru these links to help you out;
    Troubleshooting - RFC and SOAP scenarios *** Updated on 20/04/2009 ***
    RFC -> SOAP
    RFC -> XI -> WebService - A Complete Walkthrough (Part 1)
    RFC -> XI -> WebService - A Complete Walkthrough (Part 2)
    SOAP <-> XI <-> RFC/BAPI
    Walkthrough - SOAP  XI  RFC/BAPI

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    Sorry ,
    when a
    this it show this not answer the question.
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    welcome to all,
    here my doubt is how to connect mysql database using xml file, how to integrate xml file and jsp file and how to access data from dabase using jsp file. can any one help me

    Short answer: you wouldn't do any of those things. The first two are meaningless and the third is a bad practice. I have no idea what those ideas were supposed to achieve so I have no idea what tutorials I should suggest to you.

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    Hi gurus,
    I have designed and configured SOAP to file scenario.
    I have used http://xyz namespace in design time.
    I have created two business systems for this sceanrio.
    I have downloaded and installed soap client on my system.
    When I open this soap client it is asking
    2)load request from
    3)In the editor request tab what should i give.
    4)wht is the response tab here
    I want to send data to XI from SOAP and then to file.
    Please help how to give data and how to get the data format to give in the requst editor?
    Points will B rewarded

    You can use a SOAP client like Altova XML spy for posting a message to XI.
    The best way to do this is to use the generated wsdl for creating a soap request.
    once the wsdl file is picked up by the soap client, it automatically generates the url.
    now the response which comes back to the soap client is usually a http status code of successful post. (since u r performing an async scenario)
    also ensure u use the j2ee port while genrating the wsdl using the "Create Webservice" option in Int Directory.
    Also chk the link for the weblog on sender soap scenario.
    Hope this helps.
    Award points if found helpful

  • How to pass soap request message to server?

    how i can pass soap request message to server using http request header? the soap
    message contains remote procedure call which invokes the method at serverside?
    and where i have to write that header request?
    so i dont know how to pass the request soap message document

    We have a diagnostic tool called Post [1] that will post the request
    directly to a SOAP server. You can also try the graphical tool WeX [2]
    so you can see what is happening at the wire level.
    I may have misunderstood your question and goal. The purpose of the
    JAX-RPC [3] API is to provide a high-level abstraction of SOAP
    communications such as you describe.
    What is your use case?
    Nisha Kothari wrote:
    how i can pass soap request message to server using http request header? the soap
    message contains remote procedure call which invokes the method at serverside?
    and where i have to write that header request?
    so i dont know how to pass the request soap message document
    Name: addsoaprequest.xml
    addsoaprequest.xml Type: ACT Project (text/xml)
    Encoding: base64

  • How to send SOAP request by HTTP POST?

    I want to access a SOAP webservice using mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService.
    Following is my code:
    <mx:WebService id="miner_service" wsdl="http://localhost:8080">        <mx:operation name="hello" result="echoResultHandler(event);"></mx:operation></mx:WebService>
    When debugging with that, I got such error message:
    [Fault] exception, information=[RPC Fault faultString="HTTP request error" faultCode="Server.Error.Request" faultDetail="Unable to load WSDL. If currently online, please verify the URI and/or format of the WSDL (http://localhost:8080)"]
    Then I use Fiddler try to capture the response returned by server, it's like this:
    Error responseError code 501. Message: Unsupported method ('GET'). Error code explanation: 501 = Server does not support this operation.
    But when I use python to send SOAP request by HTTP POST, the server will return correct response.
    So how can I send SOAP request by HTTP POST?
    (I tried <mx:WebService wsdl="http://localhost:8080" method="POST">, but no luck..)

    Sorry for my late reply..
    There's no WSDL for that SOAP service

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