How to group measurement data into different groups using TDMs

Hi, frnds!
I have designed a labview program for measuring the power current characteristics of a laser diode. I want to save the current and power arrays measured at different temperatures in different groups. I tried to implement this but I was not successful. The current and power measurements at different temperatures are being saved only in the first group and the rest are being empty! Please help me save the measurements in different temperature groups.
I need this urgently!
Thanks in advance!

Perhaps a snippet of the code you are using would help. When you write to the TDMS file with the low level functions, you just need to specify the separate group names. Have you read over  the NI TDMS File Format, Introduction to LabVIEW TDM Streaming VIs, and Writing TDM and TDMS files articles? Have you tried any examples out of the Example Finder?
As a basic example:
Certified LabVIEW Developer

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         lHTMLOutput XMLType;
         lXSL CLOB;
              lXMLData XMLType;
              HTML_RESULT CLOB;
              SQL_QUERY VARCHAR2(300);
              WHERE_QUERY VARCHAR2(200);
              fileDirectory VARCHAR2(100);
              slashPosition NUMBER;
              actual_fileName VARCHAR2(100);
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                   END IF;
                        END IF;
                             END IF;
                                  END IF;
              lXMLData := GENERATE_XML(XML_HTML_REF_CUR_PT);
                   --lXSL := GET_STYLESHEET(STYLESHEET_QUERY);
                                  if(lXMLData is not null) then
                                  dbms_output.put_line('lXMLData pass');
                                            dbms_output.put_line('lXMLData fail');
                   end if;
                   lHTMLOutput := lXMLData.transform(XMLType(STYLESHEET_QUERY));
                   --INSERT INTO TEMP_CLOB_TAB2 VALUES(CLOB(lHTMLOutput));
                   if(lHTMLOutput is not null) then
                                  dbms_output.put_line('lHTMLOutput pass');
                                            dbms_output.put_line('lHTMLOutput fail');
                   end if;
                   HTML_RESULT := lHTMLOutput.getclobVal();
                   if(HTML_RESULT is not null) then
                                  dbms_output.put_line('HTML_RESULT pass'||HTML_RESULT);
                                            dbms_output.put_line('HTML_RESULT fail');
                   end if;
                   -- If the filename has been supplied ...
    -- locate the final '/' or '\' in the pathname ...
         slashPosition := INSTR(FILE_NAME, '/', -1 );
         IF slashPosition = 0 THEN
         slashPosition := INSTR(FILE_NAME,'\', -1 );
         END IF;
    -- separate the filename from the directory name ...
         fileDirectory := SUBSTR(FILE_NAME, 1,slashPosition - 1 );
         actual_fileName := SUBSTR(FILE_NAME, slashPosition + 1 );
                   END IF;
                        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(fileDirectory||' ' ||actual_fileName);
                   FILEID := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(fileDirectory,actual_fileName, 'W');
                   UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(FILEID, '<title> hi </title>');
                   UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (FILEID);
                   RETURN HTML_RESULT;
                   --RETURN lHTMLOutput;
                        WHEN OTHERS
                             THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!');
              END GENERATE_HTML;
              qryCtx DBMS_XMLGEN.ctxHandle;
              result CLOB;
              result1 xmltype;
                   qryCtx := DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext(XML_HTML_REF_CUR_PT);
                   result := DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML(qryCtx);
                   result1 := xmltype(result);
                   INSERT INTO temp_clob VALUES(result);
                   if(result1 is not null) then
                   end if;
                        return result1;
         END GENERATE_XML;     
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            T#              NUMBER(10)      NOT NULL,
            LEG#            NUMBER(2)       NOT NULL,
            DEPARTURE       VARCHAR(30)     NOT NULL,
            DESTINATION     VARCHAR(30)     NOT NULL,
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    On 11gr2, you may use this :
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             REGEXP_REPLACE (
                LISTAGG (departure || '->' || destination, ' ')
                   WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY t#, leg#),
                '([^ ]+) \1+',
        FROM tripleg
        where leg#<=3
    GROUP BY t#;
    1 Sydney->Melbourne->Adelaide->India
    2 India->UAE->Germany->USA

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    data2 data7 data12
    data3 data8 data13
    data4 data9 data14
    data5 data10 data15
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    Send me all files along with expected output at [email protected]

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    page1      page2
    data1Part1      data1Part2
    Page3     Page4
    data2Part1      data2Part2
    Page5     Page6
    data3Part1      data3Part2
    page 7     Page 8
    data4Part1      data4Part2
    What I get is :
    page1      page2
    data1Part1      data2Part1
    Page3     b]Page4
    data3Part1      data4Part1
    Page5     Page6
    data2Part2      data3Part2
    page 7     Page 8
    data4Part2      data4Part2
    I test <?for-each-group@section:ROW?> and Different first page etc. It doesn't work.I would appreciate your help. I can send you the output, template and xml doc, if you can have a look at it.

    Send me all files along with expected output at [email protected]

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    Create the transformation for each target and connect through DTP if you are in BI 7.0
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    Saving the data as XML text
    I don’t know yet if I can process XML data in Matlab
    Has anybody an advice on that problem?

    Sorry for the lateness in replying to your post. 
    I have done quite a bit of using a Database to store test results.  (In my case this was Oracle DB, using a system called ASAM-ODS)
    My 2 Cents:
    Three functions were needed by users for me.  1) To search and find the tests,  and  2)  To take the list of Tests and process the data into a report/output summary. 2) If the file size is large, then being able to import the data quickly into analysis tool speeds up processing.
    1) Searching for test results.  This all depends on what parameters are of value for searching.  In practice this is a smaller list of values(usually under 20), but I have had great difficulty getting users to agree on what these parameters are. They tend to want to search for anything.   The organization of the searching parameters has direct relationship to how you can search.   The NI Datafinder does a nice job of searching for parameters, so long as the parameter data are stored in properties of Channel Groups or Channels. It does not search or index if the values are in channel values.
    Another note: Given these are searchable parameters, it helps greatly if these parameters have a controlled entry, so that the parameters are consistent over all tests, and not dependent on free form entry by each operator. Searching becomes impossible if the operators enter dates/ names in wildly different formats.
    2) Similar issue exists if put values into databases. (I will use the database terms of Table and column(Parameter) and Row (instance of Data that would be one test record.)
    The sql select statement, can do fast finds, if store the searchable parameters in rows of a table. Where would have one row for each Test Record.   The files I worked with have more than 2000 parameters.   Making a table that would store all of these, and be able to search for all of these, makes a very large number of rows. I did not like this approach, as it has substantial maintenance time, and when changes are made, things get ugly quick.
    3)This is where having the file format be something that the analysis tool can quickly load up is beneficial.   Especially if the data files are large. In DIAdem's case, it reads TDM,TDMS files very quickly into the dataportal.   It can also read in the MDF or HDF files, but these are hierarchical structures that require custom code to traverse the information, and get the information into dataportal to use in Analysis /reporting. (Takes more time to read data, but have much more flexibility in the data structure than the two level tdm/tdms format.)
    My personal preferences
    I would not want to put the test data into a Table row. Each of the columns would be fixed and the table would be very wide in columns.
    I personally like to put the test Data into a file, like TDMS, MDF, or HDF and then the database would have a entry for the reference to the attachment. The values that are in the database is just the parameters that are used for test Searching, either in datafinder or in sql commands in the user interface.
    Hopefully these comments help your tasks some.

  • Split data into different fields in TR

    I have a flat file with space (multiple spaces between different fields) as a delimiter. The problem is, file is coming from 3rd party and they don't want to change the separator as comma or tab delimited CSV file. I have to load data in ODS (BW 3x).
    Now I am thinking to load line by line and then split data into different objects in Transfer rules.
    The Records looks like:
    *009785499 ssss BC sssss 2988 ssss 244 sss 772 sss  200
    *000000033 ssss AB ssss        0  ssss   0 ssss 0 ssss 0
    *000004533 ssss EE ssss        8  ssss   3 ssss 2 ssss 4
    s = space
    Now I want data to split like:
    Field1 = 009785499
    Field2 = BC
    Field3 = 2988
    Field4 = 244
    Field5 = 772
    Field6 = 200
    After 1st line load, go to 2nd line and split the data as above and so on. Could you help me with the code pleaseu2026?
    Is it a good design to load data? Any other idea?
    I appreciate your helps..

    Not sure how efficient this is, but you can try an approach on the lines of this link /people/sap.user72/blog/2006/05/27/long-texts-in-sap-bw-modeling
    Make your transfer structure in this format. Say the length of each line is 200 characters. Make the first field of the structure of length 200. That is, the length of Field1 in the Trans Struc will be 200.
    The second field can be the length of Field2 as you need in your ODS, and similarly for Field3 to Field6. Load it as a CSV file. Since there are no commas, the entire line will enter into the first field of the Trans Structure. This can be broken up into individual fields in the Transfer Rules.
    Now, in your Start Routine of transfer rules, write code like this (similar to the ex in the blog):
    Field-symbols <fs> type transfer-structure.
    Loop at Datapak assigning <fs>.
        split <fs>-Field1 at 'ssss' into <fs>-field1 <fs>-field2 <fs>-field3....
        modify datapak from <fs>
    Now you can assign Field1 of Trans Struc to Field1 of Comm Struc, Field2 of Trans Struc to Field2 of Comm Struc and so on.
    Hope it helps!
    Edited by: Suhas Karnik on Jun 17, 2008 10:28 PM

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         I loaded data into a planning model, and I can see data in BW and BEX, but when I put 'ACCOUNT' into row, and 'TIME' into column, I can't see 'measures' in spreadsheet, eventhough I drag 'measures' into spreadsheet from EPM pane, then update, getting blank for 'measures', it is gone. please tell me how to put measures correctly into spreadsheet.

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    Share the screen shot.

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    I wanted to process table data in chunks not all the rows at a time. How can we achieve this in oracle.
    Example :
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    I have one table EMP which has ten thousands rows(10,000) rows. Now these ten thousands rows are joined with other tables to process data and it takes time.
    OK... So this is your actual problem. And the solution you are trying to come up with does not sound promising. So lets take a step back and re-think our strategy here. First thing would be how about we see some code? Show us your code that you say is running slow. And we can take it from there. The number 10,000 is a very small number. And if that is causing performance issue then you are in some big trouble.
    And also it wouldn't hurt if you could read this Re: 3. How to  improve the performance of my query? / My query is running slow.

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    Hi robert,
    i have some bulk data in some arraylist or object format,i want to put into cache.
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    package lab3;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import javax.naming.Name;
    public class BlockScoleData {
         * @param args
         * s=The spot market price
         * x=the exercise price of the option
         * v=instantaneous standard deviation of s
         * r=risk free instantaneous rate of interest
         * t= time to expiration of the option
         * n – Number of MC simulations.
         private static String outputFile = "D:/cache1/sampledata2.txt";
    private static String inputFile = "D:/cache1/sampledata2.txt";
    NearCache cache;
    List<Credit> creditList = new ArrayList<Credit>();
         public void writeToFile(int noofsamples) {
              Random rnd = new Random();
              PrintWriter writer = null;
              try {
                   writer = new PrintWriter(outputFile);
                   for (int i = 1; i <= noofsamples; i++) {
                        double s = rnd.nextInt(200) * rnd.nextDouble();
                        //double x = rnd.nextInt(250) * rnd.nextDouble();
                        int t = rnd.nextInt(5);
                        double v = rnd.nextDouble() ;
                        double r = rnd.nextDouble() / 10;
                        //int n = rnd.nextInt(90000);
                        writer.println(s + " " + t + " " + v + " "
                                  + r );
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
              } finally {
                   writer = null;
    public List<Credit> readFromFile() {
    Scanner scanner = null;
    Credit credit = null;
    // List<Credit> creditList = new ArrayList<Credit>();
    try {
    scanner = new Scanner(new File(inputFile));
    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
    credit = new Credit(scanner.nextDouble(), scanner.nextInt(),
    scanner.nextDouble(), scanner.nextDouble());
    System.out.println("read the list from file:"+creditList);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } finally {
    credit = null;
    scanner = null;
    return creditList;
    // public void putCache(String cachename,List<Credit> list){
    // cache = CacheFactory.getCache ( "VirtualCache");
    // List<Credit> rand = new ArrayList<Credit>();
    public Object put(Object key, Object value){
    cache = (NearCache)CacheFactory.getCache("mycache");
    String cachename = cache.getCacheName();
    List<Credit> cachelist=new ArrayList<Credit>();
    // Object key;
    //cachelist = (List<Credit>)cache.put(creditList,creditList);
    System.out.println("read to the cache list from file:"+cache.get(creditList));
    return cachelist;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         NearCache cache = (NearCache)CacheFactory.getCache("mycache");
              new BlockScoleData().writeToFile(20);
         //new BlockScoleData().putCache("Name",);
                        .println("New file \"myfile.csv\" has been created to the current directory");
         new BlockScoleData().readFromFile();
    System.out.println("data read from file successfully");
         List<Credit> creditList = new ArrayList<Credit>();
    new BlockScoleData().put(creditList,creditList);
         System.out.println("read to the cache list from file:"+cache.get(creditList));
    //mycacheput("Name",new BlockScoleData());
    //     System.out.println("name of cache is :" +mycache.getCacheName());
    //     System.out.println("value in cache is :" +mycache.get("Name"));
    //     System.out.println("cache services are :" +mycache.getCacheService());

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