How to handle the quotes('') in the procedure?

Hi all,
I have been struggling with an issue in the procedure. Let us go to the functionality of the preocedure.
I am passing a parameter that has text like
Here, INDIA = country field
BANGALORE = city field
INOX,BLR = Theatre field
560030 = pin field
I want to load these fields into the table thru procedure. Here the issue is if any field value come with quotes(") inside the quotes like above address field. Since , please guide me how to handle that quotes while identifying the field value for either or address field or some other one.
Table structure:
country varchar2(100 char)
city varchar2(100 char)
theatre varchar2(100 char)
address varchar2(2000 char)
Procedure Code:
create or replace
PROCEDURE prc_rollout_upload( p_text VARCHAR2 )
v_quote_ind NUMBER := 0;
v_first_pos NUMBER := 0;
v_end_pos NUMBER := 0;
v_text_data varchar2(32767 CHAR) := p_text;
v_text_data1 varchar2(32767 CHAR);
v_text_arr_ind NUMBER := 0;
v_quote_pos NUMBER := 0;
v_comma_pos NUMBER := 0;
type text_rec IS RECORD(country VARCHAR2(20 CHAR),
exhibitor VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR),
address VARCHAR2(10000 CHAR),
PIN varchar2(6)
type v_text_tab is table of text_rec;
v_text_array v_text_tab := v_text_tab();
-- Fetch the values from the string to a PL/SQL table
v_text_data1 := v_text_data;
v_text_arr_ind := v_text_arr_ind + 1;
-- Country
IF (INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34)) > 0 )
v_quote_ind := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34));
v_first_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34));
v_end_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34),1,2);
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).country := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_first_pos+1,v_end_pos-2);
v_text_data1 := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_end_pos+2);
IF ( v_quote_ind = 0 ) THEN
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).country := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,1,INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44))-1);
v_text_data1 := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44))+1);
-- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LiNE(v_text_data1);
v_first_pos := 0;
v_end_pos := 0;
v_quote_ind := 0;
-- City
v_quote_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(34));
v_comma_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44));
IF ( v_quote_pos < v_comma_pos )
v_quote_ind := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34));
v_first_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34));
v_end_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34),1,2);
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).city := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_first_pos+1,v_end_pos-2);
v_text_data1 := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_end_pos+2);
v_quote_pos := 0;
v_comma_pos := 0;
IF ( v_quote_pos > v_comma_pos ) THEN
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).city := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,1,INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44))-1);
-- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LiNE(v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).city);
v_text_data1 := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44))+1);
v_first_pos := 0;
v_end_pos := 0;
v_quote_ind := 0;
v_quote_pos := 0;
v_comma_pos := 0;
-- Exhibitor
v_quote_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(34));
v_comma_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44));
IF ( v_quote_pos < v_comma_pos )
v_first_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34));
v_end_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34),1,2);
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).exhibitor := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_first_pos+1,v_end_pos-2);
v_text_data1 := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_end_pos+2);
v_quote_pos := 0;
v_comma_pos := 0;
IF ( v_quote_pos > v_comma_pos ) THEN
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).exhibitor := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,1,INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44))-1);
v_text_data1 := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44))+1);
-- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LiNE(v_text_data1);
v_first_pos := 0;
v_end_pos := 0;
v_quote_pos := 0;
v_comma_pos := 0;
v_quote_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(34));
v_comma_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44));
IF ( v_quote_pos < v_comma_pos )
v_first_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34));
v_end_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34),1,2);
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).address := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_first_pos+1,v_end_pos-2);
v_text_data1 := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_end_pos+2);
v_quote_pos := 0;
v_comma_pos := 0;
IF ( v_quote_pos > v_comma_pos ) THEN
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).address := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,1,INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44))-1);
v_text_data1 := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44))+1);
-- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LiNE(v_text_data1);
v_first_pos :=0;
v_end_pos := 0;
v_quote_pos := 0;
v_comma_pos := 0;
v_quote_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(34));
v_comma_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1,CHR(44));
IF ( v_quote_pos < v_comma_pos )
v_first_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34));
v_end_pos := INSTR(v_text_data1, CHR(34),1,2);
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).pin := SUBSTR(v_text_data1,v_first_pos+1,v_end_pos-2);
v_text_data1 := 0;
v_quote_pos := 0;
v_comma_pos := 0;
IF ( v_comma_pos IS NULL OR v_quote_pos > v_comma_pos ) THEN
v_text_array(v_text_arr_ind).pin := v_text_data1;
v_text_data1 := 0;
v_first_pos := 0;
v_end_pos := 0;
v_quote_pos := 0;
v_comma_pos := 0;
WHEN others then
END prc_rollout_upload;
Oracle version :
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
Your help would be highly appreciated !!!

To start with Try this:
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
  1    declare
  3    v_delim VARCHAR2(1) := ',';
  4    v_enclose VARCHAR2(1) := '"';
  5    v_val VARCHAR2(1000) := NULL;
  6    begin
  7    v_var := v_var||'"4TH T BLOCK,BANGALORE",500365'||',';
  8    FOR I IN 1..5 LOOP
  9    v_val :=  CASE WHEN SUBSTR(v_Var,1,1) <> '"' THEN
10              SUBSTR(v_Var,1,INSTR(v_Var,',',1,1)-1)
11              ELSE
12              SUBSTR(v_Var,2,INSTR(v_Var,'",',1,1) - INSTR(v_Var,'"',1,1) - 1)
13              END;
14    v_Var :=  CASE WHEN SUBSTR(v_Var,1,1) <> '"' THEN
15              SUBSTR(v_Var,INSTR(v_Var,',',1,1) + 1)
16              ELSE
17              SUBSTR(v_Var,INSTR(v_Var,'",',1,1) + 2)
18              END;
19    dbms_output.put_line(v_Val);
20    END LOOP;
21*  end;
SQL> /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    Hi Srini !
    This weblog shows the general design of a scenario with BPM
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    Hi veerendra reddy ,
    By default any web server can will have a thread pool to handle client req's.
    In your point also heavy burden to server you are telling that depends on this.
    we can configure this min & max size of this thread pool.
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    If You what you can edit accordingly. to overcome your heavy burden to server.
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    When i try to save the fields which i merged from different tab is not saving.
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    I'm not sure whether I understand your question. If one user changes a record then you would like other users to see those changes. Normally those changes will be visible to other users when they refresh their browser, after the first user has committed changes to the record. I you want to be sure that the same row isn't updated at the same time by to different user, you need to configure some locking (pessimistic locking) - this depends of what technology you use. In EJB3 pessimistic locking is performed by adding a version to every entity object. If you are using ADF, the framework is able to handle either pessimistic or even optimistic locking.
    If you want the changed row to be updated in other users browsers without any user interaction by these users, you should take a look at Reverse Ajax (ex. DWR - or Ajax in general. But you will never get a realtime solution, where changes is visible in other users browsers right after each record update.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Alok Dubey
    However, neither quoted nor nonquoted identifiers can contain double quotation marks or the null character

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    to address these kinds of issues,
    1. is their any concept of Queuing or anything in PI, that can keep the messages in something like Queues and process them when the receiver application gets up., if yes how can configure them
    Does PI act as Queuing server, so that it delivers the pending messages one ofter another, until they are all finally sent.
    or there any retry mechanism, where can specify something like, the undelivered message needs to be resent after waiting for an hour.

    Hi, the number of retries and the retry interval are modifiable java system parameters of the [Service SAP XI Adapter: XI|], check section Properties Related to Outbound Processing. You can change these properties in NWA of PI under Configuration Management -> Infrastructure -> Java System Properties -> Services -> XPI Adapter: XI. The screen in the bottom with the heading Extended Details displays the adapter's service property.
    I found these properties in oss Note 730870 - FAQ XI 3.0/ PI 7.0/ PI 7.1/ PI 7.11/ PI 7.2/ 7.3 RFC Adapter, under Q3, when doing research on another topic.
    Regards, Martin

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    1>How should i migrate the string which contains ' " ' (double quotes) characters,
    as i am enclosing the string in ' " ' in .ctl file (enclosed by ' " ').
    is there any syntax in the control file which can migrate the ' " '(double quotes) as it is as the data in the files is 50000 records .?
    Thank you..

    Yes this is correct.
    but problem will occur when e.g check the foll. string.
    (1001,And I quote "This, will work")
    Here it is a comm(,) in b/w "This and will".
    due to this sqlldr interpret it as end of field. and throws an error.
    I had gone through expert one on one oracle, what it maintioned as,
    put an extra double quotes( " ) like " " to enclosed the double quoted string.
    This works fine. For small data it can be done manually.
    But for large data what condition can be put in the ctl file to achieve this?
    or is there any other way to achieve this?
    Thank you.

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    Hi Experts,
    We have a requirement from our current customer where they are providing us a SOAP WS.For one of the method we are passing “username” & “password” as input parameters and getting one security key (some unique number) in the response. We are able to do OData modeling for the same method. So far, it is fine.
    For other method, we have to pass that ”security key” in header along with some other parameters in the body section. While doing the request mapping for this method, we don’t see any option for this key parameter apart from those parameters (in that body section).
    We found one publicly available WSDL to reproduce the same scenario:
    e.g . To access its one of the method/operation GetPlace,We have to pass APiKey and Cursor value in the header section.
    <wsdl:message name="GetPlaceRq_Headers">
    <wsdl:part name="ApiKey" element="tns:ApiKey"/>
    <wsdl:part name="Cursor" element="tns:Cursor"/>
    To get APiKey, we have to register first. , once its done, you will get one APiKey as below:
    The same API key has to pass to access “GetPlace” method. So we tried it in SOAP UI to understand how exactly it should work:
    As you can see below, for the method “GetPlace”, we are passing values as in:
    Header Value
    Also got the response.
    When we do modeling (more precisely request mapping as below) for the same method we don’t see any Header related parameters. We can see only parameters which are available in the BODY section.
    We thought if we can get APIKey parameter in the body sections only, then it would be easy to map with. Right?
    What do you suggest how we should handle this kind of scenarios?
    CC: Mustafa Saglam, Jeff Gebo, Bjoern Woppmann

    Unfortunately the public example is a slightly different use case.  You have to register to get a static API key that is used in all calls.  That is something you would hard code into the headers.
    I think you are asking about a dynamic key they changes on each login.  It would be great if we had a public one that upon login returned a unique session key to be used in subsequent calls so we could better test and model accordingly.
    If you were using Agentry the answer would be yes you can do this.

Maybe you are looking for