How to handle the VISA Name Menu

Well, I am trying to handle the interface for a VISA name control menu. The menu button is way too small for my app, and I would really like not to have to build my own from scratch. I want to show it on mouse over (a status button), then hide it when the mouse leaves. Works great, except, when you open the selection menu, and enter it, mouse over leaves the VISA control and it vanishes (I hide it after I get a mouse leaves). This leaves the menu floating in space until the user finishes. How can I tell the user is still in the menu so the control will not be hidden? If the answer is too messy I can just build my own selection menu, but that seems a bit harsh. Any suggestions?

FredM wrote:
The events passed to the VISA resource name control do not seem to include anything regarding the right button resource list menu selection box. The left button menu is there, but the right button is not. The mouse leave event is generated for the control when the mouse enters this menu box, so it is not dealt with as if it were a part of the control. I suspect there is some way to get this info from the SubObj but I have not figured out how to get this. The details of the program are really nonsequiter. I just need to select an action based on the mouse pointer leaving the combined space of the control and it's open menu box. Thanks.
An example is needed because without knowing how you are trying to accomplish this, we can only make very general comments.  Maybe the method you are using is inappropriate, for example - we'll never know unless you can serve up an example VI.  It doesn't have to be the whole VI in question, but just a bare-bones mockup that demonstrates the problem. 
(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.

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    Just for completeness, what version of VB.NET are you using?
    Here is a complete project to copy all the files with the added "ABL," at the start of each line.  You need to start a new Project with a BLANK default Form1, and replace all of Form1 code with the code below. When you run this project, you
    need to use the 2 buttons to set up the ORIGINAL file folder and a folder to place the copies. You need to check if the file EXTENSION is correct (I assumed txt), and check the text to add to each line is correct.  Once all is set up you should have a
    big red button to start the operation.
    NOTE: it is important that you try this out on a copy of some of the files to verify accuracy BEFORE trying on original files. Make sure you have a good back up of the original files before doing anything else.
    ' new project with default BLANK Form1
    ' replace all Form1 code with this code
    ' WARNING: make sure you have a backup of
    ' any files you use this application to
    ' operate on.
    Option Strict On
    Option Infer Off
    Option Explicit On
    Public Class Form1
    Dim OrigFileFolderPath As String = Nothing
    Dim CopyToFolderPath As String = Nothing
    Dim lab1, lab2, lab3 As New Label
    Dim tb1, tb2, tb3 As New TextBox
    Dim b1, b2, b3, b4 As New Button
    Dim fb As New FolderBrowserDialog
    Dim bgw As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Me.Size = New Size(731, 300)
    With lab1
    .Text = "Original Files Folder Path"
    .Location = New Point(15, 5)
    End With
    With tb1
    .Width = 560
    .Location = New Point(10, 30)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With lab2
    .Text = "Copy Files to Folder Path"
    .Location = New Point(15, 125)
    End With
    With tb2
    .Width = 665
    .Location = New Point(10, 150)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With lab3
    .Text = "File Ext"
    .Location = New Point(600, 5)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With tb3
    .Text = ".txt"
    .Width = 80
    .Location = New Point(590, 30)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With b1
    .Text = "Choose Original Files Folder Path"
    .AutoSize = True
    .Location = New Point(10, 65)
    End With
    With b2
    .Text = "Choose Copy Files to Folder Path"
    .AutoSize = True
    .Location = New Point(10, 185)
    End With
    With b3
    .Text = "DO THE COPY"
    .AutoSize = False
    .Size = New Size(240, 50)
    .BackColor = Color.Red
    .ForeColor = Color.White
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 20, FontStyle.Bold)
    .Location = New Point(420, 80)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    .Visible = False
    End With
    With b4
    .Text = "CANCEL JOB"
    .AutoSize = False
    .Size = New Size(240, 50)
    .BackColor = Color.Red
    .ForeColor = Color.White
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 20, FontStyle.Bold)
    .Location = New Point(420, 80)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    .Visible = False
    End With
    Me.Controls.AddRange({lab1, lab2, lab3, tb1, tb2, tb3, b1, b2, b3, b4})
    With bgw
    .WorkerReportsProgress = True
    .WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
    End With
    AddHandler bgw.DoWork, AddressOf bgw_DoWork
    AddHandler bgw.RunWorkerCompleted, AddressOf bgw_Completed
    AddHandler b1.Click, AddressOf b1_Click
    AddHandler b2.Click, AddressOf b2_Click
    AddHandler b3.Click, AddressOf b3_Click
    AddHandler b4.Click, AddressOf b4_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub b1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    fb.SelectedPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
    fb.ShowNewFolderButton = False
    Dim r As DialogResult = fb.ShowDialog
    If r = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
    tb1.Text = fb.SelectedPath
    If IO.Directory.Exists(tb1.Text) AndAlso IO.Directory.Exists(tb2.Text) AndAlso Not (tb1.Text = tb2.Text) Then
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then
    redo: tb3.Text = InputBox("Enter the file extension that you want to copy/change", "FILE EXTENSION")
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then GoTo redo
    End If
    b3.Visible = True
    b3.Visible = False
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub b2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    fb.SelectedPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
    fb.ShowNewFolderButton = True
    Dim r As DialogResult = fb.ShowDialog
    If r = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
    tb2.Text = fb.SelectedPath
    If IO.Directory.Exists(tb1.Text) AndAlso IO.Directory.Exists(tb2.Text) AndAlso Not (tb1.Text = tb2.Text) Then
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then
    redo: tb3.Text = InputBox("Enter the file extension that you want to copy/change", "FILE EXTENSION")
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then GoTo redo
    End If
    b3.Visible = True
    b3.Visible = False
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub b3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    b3.Visible = False
    b4.Visible = True
    If Not tb3.Text.StartsWith(".") Then tb3.Text = "." & tb3.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub b4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
    Private Sub ReadPWFile(fn As String)
    Dim filename As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(fn)
    Dim barename As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fn)
    Dim copyto As String = tb2.Text & "\" & filename
    Dim line As String = Nothing
    Dim lines As New List(Of String)
    Using sr As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(fn)
    line = sr.ReadLine()
    If Not line = Nothing Then
    lines.Add(barename & "," & line)
    End If
    Loop Until line = Nothing
    End Using
    Using sw As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(copyto)
    For Each s As String In lines
    End Using
    End Sub
    Private Sub bgw_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)
    Dim ftc As Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(tb1.Text)
    For Each f As String In ftc
    If bgw.CancellationPending Then
    e.Cancel = True
    Exit For
    End If
    Dim ex As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(f).Extension.ToLower
    If My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(f).Extension.ToLower = tb3.Text.ToLower Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub bgw_Completed(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs)
    tb1.Text = Nothing
    tb2.Text = Nothing
    b3.Visible = False
    b4.Visible = False
    MessageBox.Show("Finished copying files", "Job Completed")
    End Sub
    End Class
    Regards Les, Livingston, Scotland

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    Hi San,
    You have to extend the controller where your region is associated with,
    And in that controller you get the AM(if there is more than one AM and your VO is associated with a child AM, first you have to get your required AM) and then
    get the ViewObject(standard).
    Then you should be able to get your newly added attributes.
    Please find the below sample code to get the AM handle and VO from there, update the code according to your requirement,
         Get all the VOs under the Root AM
         writeLog(pageContext, "Room AM"+ pageContext.getRootApplicationModule());
    String[] rootViewNames = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().getViewObjectNames();
    /* writeLog(pageContext," Length of the VOs from Rootm AM "+rootViewNames.length);
    for (int j =0 ;j<rootViewNames.length ;j++ )
    writeLog(pageContext,j +" Value "+rootViewNames[j]);
         // Get requested AM from Root am
    public OAApplicationModule getRequestedAM(OAPageContext pageContext, String requestedAMName)
    writeLog(pageContext,"Requested AM called to check the AM "+requestedAMName );
    String amName = "";
    String objectivesAMName = requestedAMName;//"ObjectivesAM";
    String nestedAMArray[] = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().getApplicationModuleNames();
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Root AM=>"+pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().getName() + " Child AMs=>"+ nestedAMArray.length,1);
    OAApplicationModule currentAM = null;
    currentAM = (OAApplicationModule)pageContext.getRootApplicationModule();
    for(int i = 0; i < nestedAMArray.length; i++)
    amName = nestedAMArray;
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Nested AM Name=>"+amName + "and amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName) "+amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName),1);
    currentAM = (OAApplicationModule)pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().findApplicationModule(amName);
                        //Get the view names
                   String[] viewNames = currentAM.getViewObjectNames();
    for (int i =0 ;i<viewNames.length ;i++ )
    writeLog(pageContext,i +" Value "+viewNames[i]);
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Found Handle to My Nested AM " + amName ,1);
    return currentAM;
    Get the VO from the AM
    OAViewObject objAssessmentVO = (OAViewObject)yourAM.findViewObject("yourVO");
    With Regards,

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    Have you looked in the IMG menu path: Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Withholding Tax > (either Withholding Tax or Extended Withholding Tax) > Generic Withholding Tax Reporting > Define Output Groups.
    View the output group used in the S_P00_07000134 selection screen.  In the Printouts section, Printout 1 and Printout 2 have smart forms identified, either Smart Form or PDF form types.

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    To link a website Menu to anchors on any page in the website, you need to create a manual menu using the Menu Widget. You can change Menu to a manual Menu by clicking on the white arrow in Blue Circle which comes up at the top right of the Menu (Menu properties) and select the Menu type as Manual. Please have a look at the screenshot below :
    Now you can add change/add the text there and when you select the text/menu item then from the Hyperlink drpdown at the top in the toolbar, you can select the name of the anchor on any page of your website.
    Anchors are listed in Hyperlink dropdown in this format - Page Name:Anchor Name.
    Hope this helps.

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    How to get the owner name for the file in ftp using abap ? please help me very ugernt . I tried with all standard FTP commands
    but doest work out me . Helping in this regard highly appreciated ...
    Thanks and regards,
    Swarupa Vanarchi

    dont you  have used the os user while calling the FTP_CONNECT FM?
    Hope you are not talking about the user executing the FTP program.
    Else If you are talking about the FTP file creator then its not related to abap as you can handle it by maintaining the user in file name itself.
    May be i am going too far with if and elses here as your question possesses no  clarity.
    Plz elaborate your requirement  before anybody can help.

  • How to handle the Timestamp datasource while migration

    Hi All
    " I tried searching the forum,but didnt get the relevant one,hence posting this question".
    While migration from 4.7 to ECC in R/3 system,
    how to handle the Timestamp datasources( especially FI like COPA and other ) while extarcting the data from source to BW during source system migration.Since we need to empty the delta queue and should make sure that there are no delta records exists in delta queue.
    Like for sales datasources using LO,we will be executing the V3 jobs for execting the LUW's from LBWQ to RSA7?  In the same way is there any particular way for this also.
    Anyone whi knows abt this pls share your views

    Hello Shankar.
    Before the upgrade (import of a queue), all extraction queues and open
    update orders in all clients must be processed. The content of the setup
    tables must be deleted. To avoid problems during the upgrade or to
    correct them, carry out the following steps:
    1. Call transaction SMQ1 and check whether all queues in all clients
    (client = '', queue name 'MCEX') have been processed. To process the
    queues, start the collective run report for each application in the
    displayed clients. If you no longer need the data in the BW system,
    deactivate the relevant extraction queues and DataSource in the LO
    cockpit (transaction LBWE) and delete the queue entries in transaction
    2. If you use the V3 update that is not serialized (usually only for
    application 03): Start collective run report RMBWV303. Then check the
    update orders in transaction SM13. If there are incorrect update orders
    in transaction SM13, correct the orders and then start the collective
    run report again. If you no longer require the update orders, you can
    delete them. There may be inconsistencies between tables VBMOD and
    VBHDR. For further information about this, see Notes 652310 and 67014.
    3. Before the upgrade, delete the contents of the setup tables. Execute
    report RMCEX_SETUP_ENTRIES to find out which setup tables still contain
    entries. You can use transaction LBWG to delete the contents of the
    setup tables for all clients.
    Unfortunately the check that the system carries out during the upgrade
    or when you import a Support Package does not display all affected
    applications. Therefore, Note 1083709 provides a check report that you
    can use to determine all affected applications and tables or queues.
    More detailed information please check these following notes:
    1083709-Error when you import Support Packages
    1081287-Data extraction orders block the upgrade process
    I hope I can be helpful.
    Walter Oliveira.

  • How to handle the contents of a carousel

    Now I have a trouble in how to handle the contents of a carousel.
    I use codes below:
              locator=(PMTElementaryStream es).getDvbLocator();
              dsmccObject=new DSMCCObject(serviceDomain.getMountPoint().toString());
              file=new File(serviceDomain.getMountPoint().toString());
              content= file.list();
    to get some file or directories, such as *.png, *.class, *.mpg, xml, MHPdataloader, sport, and so on.
    How can I do for next procedure.
    Thank you.

    What do you want to do next? You can create a DSMCCObject that refers to one of the files in your carousel, and use this to control the loading and caching of that file. To actually read a file, however, you will need to create a FileInputStream or RandomAccessFile that refers to that file. You can then use this like any other file access.
    This may help you:
    // create a new ServiceDomain object to represent
    // the carousel we will use
    ServiceDomain carousel = new ServiceDomain();
    // now create a Locator that refers to the service
    // that contains our carousel locator;
    locator = new
    // finally, attach the carousel to the ServiceDomain
    // object (i.e. mount it) so that we can actually
    // access the carousel.  In this case, we don't specify
    // the stream containing the carousel in the locator, so
    // we pass in the carousel ID as part of the attach
    // request
    carousel.attach(locator, 1);
    // we have to create our DSMCCObject with an absolute
    // path name, which means we need to get the mount point
    // for the service domain
    DSMCCObject dsmccObj;
    dsmccObj = new DSMCCObject(carousel.getMountPoint(),
    // now we create a FileInputStream instance to access
    // our DSM-CC object.  Alternatively, we could create
    // a RandomAccessFile instance if we wanted random
    // instead of sequential access to the file.
    FileInputStream inputStream;
    inputStream = new FileInputStream(dsmccObj);
    // we can now use the FileInputStream just like any
    // other FileInputStream

  • How to handle the table control While working with LSMW?

    How to handle the table control While working with LSMW?

    its possible in lsmw,
    LSMW will have a Indicator for headr and itam, i do not remember the correct field, but it will have an indicator, check the fields, there will be a single charecter lenght field, that should be the indicator, and using that we can write the logic.
    check that single charecter field, it that is X that means the header record is processed, and do the items.
    and, this is another way, try this out also
    YOu can do this in "Define Source Structures" step,
    the HEADER is defined first,
    then the DETAIL below the HEADER.
    add the fields to the structures.
    Both should have some common key field
    Please take care that the name of the common field is the same.
    Once you do this it is linked. The you have a header and item corresponding to that header. then run the LSMW as you would.

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    I wonder how to handle the cancel option of the showInputDialog. Let is say i am getting a n input from the user and instead of entering any data he cancels the opterations ..
    how to cope with it?

    Test for null!
    String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(parent, "Type your name", "Name Dialog", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
    if(name != null) {
    //if the user clicked ok, write action code here...
    } else {
    // the user click cancel, do what you need here...
    Hope this helps!

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    Does anyone knows how to change the colors of Menu links in obiee. With menu I mean the menu links default right top (Search, homepage, Catalogus, Dashboards, new, Open). This should be set in skin and style files, not? I searched a lot. I could not find It. It is now Oracle blue, we want to change this.

    You have to customize portal banner and portal content CSS files as needed in OBIEE server.
    below links will guide u but will will not tell you exactly but your req can be done by customizing portal content and portal banner CSS files. try to identify the exact code using firebug in mozilla.
    Customization of login page, banner,logo in obiee11g

  • How to use the column names generated from Dynamic SQL

    I have a problem with Dynamic SQL.
    I have written an SQL which will dynamically generate the Select statement with from and where clause in it.
    But that select statement when executed will get me hundreds of rows and i want to insert each row separately into one more table.
    For that i have used a ref cursor to open and insert the table.
    In the select list the column names will also be as follows: COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN3,....COLUMNn
    Please find below the sample code:
    TYPE ref_csr IS REF CURSOR;
    insert_csr ref_csr;
    v_select VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_table VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_where VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_ins_tab VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_insert VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    v_ins_query VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    OPEN insert_csr FOR CASE
    WHEN v_where IS NOT NULL
    || v_select
    || ' FROM '
    || v_table
    || v_where
    || ';'
    ELSE 'SELECT ' || v_select || ' FROM ' || v_table || ';'
    v_ins_query :=
    || v_ins_tab
    || '('
    || v_insert
    || ') VALUES ('
    || How to fetch the column names here
    || ');';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_ins_query;
    Please help me out with the above problem.
    Edited by: kumar0828 on Feb 7, 2013 10:40 PM
    Edited by: kumar0828 on Feb 7, 2013 10:42 PM

    I Built the statement as required but i need the column list because the first column value of each row should be inserted into one more table.
    So i was asking how to fetch the column list in a ref cursor so that value can be inserted in one more table.
    Then add a RETURNING INTO clause to the query to have Oracle return the first column values into a collection.
    See the PL/SQL Language doc

  • Question on how to Hide the User Name, Password, and Domain fields in the MDT Wizard

    MDT 2012 U1
    Deploying Windows 7 via Offline Media (ISO) to MS Virtual PC's
    I am looking on how to Hide the User Name, Password, and Domain fields which are prepopulated in the MDT wizard via the CS.ini (Not so concerned about the Domain field as I am User Name and Password)
    We do need the Computer Name and OU fields to be seen, so skipping the wizard is not a option
    The client just does not want these fields to be seen by the end users, they dont want them to even know the account name used for adding the machine to the domain, of course the password is not displayed but it must not be displayed either.
    But since we use the fields they must still  be fuctional just not seen.
    If this post is helpful please click "Mark for answer", thanks! Kind regards

    You shouldn't have to edit DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml. You should only need to add "SkipAdminPassword=YES" to the CS.ini file and your authentication information.
    -Nick O.
    SkipAdminPassword=YES is for:
    You can skip the Administrator Password wizard page by using this property in the
    I am hidding the Username/Password/and domain field in the computer name Wizard pane which is read from the cs.iniDomainAdmin=xxxxx
    If this post is helpful please click "Mark for answer", thanks! Kind regards

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