How to: Hello World

Hi guys,
I am in the process of learning B2B, what I am trying to do is, I manually dropping a file to Directory A, then B2B server picks it up and do dummy translation(actually no transformation) and write the file to Directory B in the same B2B server. Could anyone please guide me how to achieve this?
Big Thanks!

Hi Ramesh,
could you please email me the tutorial? I am having trouble to find it...
[email protected]

Similar Messages

  • HOW TO: "Hello World" EJB Style

    The following Session EJB quick tutorial requires an IIOP datasource. This EJB should work in Oracle databases
    greater than 8.1.5.
    1. Create a new project for an Enterprise JavaBean.
    2. Name your project "Hello".
    3. Select Enterprise JavaBean from "A project containing a new..."
    4. Click Finish to close the Project wizard.
    The Enterprise JavaBeans wizard opens.
    5. For the EJB type, select Session Bean (Stateless)
    6. For the EJB name, enter "Hello" (no quotes!)
    The resulting interface names are created for you. Don't change them!
    7. Click Finish for the EJB wizard to generate the EJB project for you.
    8. Select Save All from the File menu. Call this workspace "Hello".
    You'll see that the EJB wizard generated the home, remote, and bean logic files for you. Now you'll need to
    add the business logic to the file.
    9. Double click the file, then click the Source tab to bring it into view.
    10. Before the last closing brace (}), add this line of code:
    public String hello() { return "Hello World!"; }
    11. Select File | Save All.
    12. In the Navigator, double-click the file so that you can add the remote interface.
    13. Click the Source tab to bring into view.
    14. Add the following line before the last brace (}):
    public String hello() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
    15. Select File | Save All.
    16. Add the Oracle8i JVM classes to the Hello project by selecting Project | Project Properties and clicking
    the Libraries tab.
    17. Click Add, then click Oracle 8i JVM, then click OK.
    18. Click OK to dismiss the Project Properties dialog.
    19. Select Project | Make Project to compile the Hello project.
    20. In the Navigator, right-click the Hello folder and select Create EJB/8i Deployment Profile.
    21. In the Deployment Profile Wizard that appears, click the Advanced Button.
    Only the first (Automatically include files added to project) and the last (Redirect messages
    to the Message View) boxes should be selected.
    22. Click Done to close the Advanced dialog.
    23. Click the Connection tab and select an IIOP datasource. If there is none, you'll have to create one.
    All three checkboxes at the top of the page should be selected.
    24. Click Done. You'll be prompted to deploy now or later. Click Yes.
    JDeveloper will use the IIOP datasource you specified to deploy the Hello EJB project.
    Now you need to add the generated files that were created during deployment to the class path so that
    the client can find them.
    25. From the Project menu, select Project Properties, then click Add, then click New.
    26. Click the Elipses to the right of the Class path field, then click Add Jar/Zip.
    27. Navigate to the file called HelloGenerated.jar and double-click it to add it to the path.
    28. Click OK to close the two dialogs and Project Properties.
    After JDeveloper completes the deployment, you need to make a client to call the EJB methods and display the results.
    29. From the File menu, select New, then click on the Snippets tab.
    30. Double-click the EJB Oracle 8i Client icon.
    31. Click the Parameters button in the Snippet dialog.
    32. Enter the IIOP connection information you specified earlier.
    33. Enter the EJB Home and Remote interface names ("HelloHome" and "Hello").
    34. Click OK to close the Parameters button.
    The Client file is added to the project.
    35. In the Navigator, right-click the file and select run.
    Check the Message View to see the output of your EJB!

    I got the msg when I try to deployment EJB and I use the 8.1.7. andJdev 3.2. Please advise what is wrong for my IIOP connection. From the listener.log, the connection looks good.
    Compiling the project...done
    Validating the profile...done
    Initializing deployment...done
    Scanning project files...done
    Generating classpath dependencies...done
    Generating archive entries table...done
    *** Archive generation completed ***
    *** Deploying the EJB to 8i JVM ***
    EJB deployment argument list:
    "C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\java1.2\jre\bin\javaw"
    "-DPATH=C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\java1.2\bin"
    "C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\aurora_client.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\javax-ssl-1_2.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\vbjorb.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\vbjapp.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\vbjtools.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\vbj30ssl.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\sqlj\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\sqlj\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\mts.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\myclasses;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\jdbc\lib\oracle8.1.7\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\auro
    a\lib\aurora_client.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\javax-ssl-1_2.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\vbjorb.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\vbjapp.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\vbjtools.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\vbj30ssl.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\sqlj\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\sqlj\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\aurora\lib\mts.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\java1.2\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\xmlparserv2.jar"
    "C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\myprojects\Demo\EJB\DemoHelloEJB.xml"
    C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\myprojects\Demo\EJB\DemoHelloEJB_oracle.xml
    "C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\myprojects\Demo\EJB\DemoHelloEJBGenerated.jar"
    "C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\myprojects\Demo\EJB\DemoHelloEJBSource.jar"
    Cannot connect to service: sess_iiop://localhost:2482:test
    *** Errors occurred while deploying the EJB to 8i JVM ***
    *** Deployment completed ***

  • HOW TO: Create a GUI "Hello World"

    This document describes how to create and run a very simple &quot;Hello World&quot;
    Java GUI app using JDeveloper. The application will have one button and one
    text field. Clicking the button will populate the text field with the message,
    &quot;Hello World!&quot;</p>
    Creating The New Application
    In this section, we will create an application with an empty frame.</p>
    [*]Choose File | New Workspace.
    [*]Choose File | Save Workspace.
    [*]Enter <TT>HelloGui.jws</tt> as the name for the workspace.
    This creates a Workspace called HelloGui. A workspace organizes all the projects
    you need to work on at one time.
    [*]Choose File | New Project.
    The Project Wizard opens. This wizard will help you create a new project called
    HelloGui. A project contains all the files that go together in one &quot;tier&quot;--for
    example, all the files belonging to a single Java Application client, or all
    the files belonging to an Enterprise Java Bean. Because we are working on
    a simple, one-tier application, we will only need one project in our workspace.
    [*]If the Welcome page appears, click Next.
    [*]On the Project Type page, in the What is the Project's Filename?
    field, change the filename to <TT>HelloGui.jpr</tt>. Leave the rest of the
    path the same.
    [*]Select A Project containing a new... and choose Application
    from the dropdown list.
    [*]Click Next.
    [*]On the Project Options page, in the What is the name of the project's
    default package field, enter <TT>helloGui</tt>.
    [*]Click Next.
    [*]On the Project Information page, you can enter any information about your
    project that you wish.
    [*]Click Finish.
    The Application Wizard opens.
    [*]In the Class field, enter <TT>HelloApp</tt>.
    [*]Select the New Empty Frame radio button.
    [*]Click OK.
    The Frame Wizard opens.
    [*]In the Class field, enter <TT>HelloFrame</tt>.
    [*]Click OK.
    JDeveloper creates an application, <TT>HelloApp</tt>, containing an empty
    frame, <TT>HelloFrame</tt>. The source code for these classes appears in the
    Navigator, which is the upper left-hand pane in the JDeveloper IDE.
    [*]Choose File | Save All.</li>
    Adding a Panel to the Frame
    In this section, we will now add a panel to the frame. In the next section,
    we will add all the other components to this panel.</p>
    [*]In the Navigator, double-click <TT></tt>.
    A viewer opens. This viewer has four tabs at the bottom:
    [*]Source, the currently active tab, which displays the source code
    of the selected class</li>
    [*]Design, which invokes a visual layout designer</li>
    [*]Class, which invokes an editor for the class' attributes, and
    can help you stay JavaBean complient</li>
    [*]Doc, which displays the class' JavaDoc
    [*]Click the Design tab.
    The viewer now displays a grey square, a graphical mock-up of your frame.
    Also, on the right-hand side of your screen, the Property Inspector opens.
    This allows you to quickly set attributes and define events for components.
    [*]In the component palette (the tabbed toolbar near the top of your screen),
    select the Swing Containers tab.
    [*]Click the blue square (described in rollover text as <TT>JPanel</tt>) and
    click on your frame to add the panel.
    The Property Inspector now displays attributes of the JPanel.
    [*]In the Property Inspector, click twice inside the box beside the name
    [*]Change the name to mainPanel.
    [*]Click the box beside the layout field.
    [*]Choose XYLayout.
    XYLayout is an easy-to-use Layout for prototyping. Later, we will change the
    layout to a more portable one.</li>
    Adding Components to the Panel
    In this section, we finish laying out a prototype UI. We will add polish and
    portability to the UI later.</p>
    [*]In the Component Palette, select the Swing tab.
    [*]Select the <TT>JTextField</tt> component, which looks like a text field
    with a cursor.
    [*]In your panel, click and drag the cursor to outline the text field.
    Don't worry if the text field doesn't have exactly the right size or position.
    We will adjust these later.
    The Property Inspector now displays attributes of the JTextField.
    [*]In the Property Inspector, change the name (just as you did for the
    JPanel) to <TT>displayField</tt>.
    [*]Change the text to nothing (erase the value that is already there).
    [*]In the Component Palette, select the <TT>JButton</tt> component, which looks
    like a button being clicked.
    [*]In your panel, click and drag the cursor to outline the button.
    The Property Inspector now displays attributes of the JButton.
    [*]In the Property Inspector, change the name and action command
    to helloButton.
    [*]Change the text to <TT>Say Hello!</tt>.
    [*]Choose File | Save All.</li>
    Wiring Up the UI
    In this section, we wire the UI so that clicking the button causes &quot;Hello
    World!&quot; to display in the text field.</p>
    [*]In the Property Inspector, select the Events tab.
    [*]Click the box next to the Action Performed field and press the Enter
    This creates a method, <TT>helloButton_actionPerformed()</tt>, which will
    be invoked when the button is clicked, and displays the source code for the
    method stub in the viewer.
    [*]In the viewer, add the following command to the body of the method:
    <TT>displayField.setText(&quot;Hello World!&quot;);</tt>
    [*]Choose File | Save All.</li>
    Testing the Prototype Application
    [*]Choose Run | Run &quot;HelloApp&quot;.
    Your application appears, with a blank text field and a button labeled &quot;Say
    [*]Click the button.
    The text &quot;Hello World!&quot; appears in the text field.
    [*]Close your application.</li>
    Refining the UI
    In this section, we polish the UI so that the components have the right size
    and alignment, the text in the text field shows up red, and the panel uses the
    portable GridBag layout instead of the JDeveloper-specific XYLayout.</p>
    [*]In the viewer, select the Design tab.
    [*]Select your text field.
    [*]Drag the edges of your text field until it is the size you want.
    [*]Drag the center of the text field until it is the vertical position you
    [*]Right-click the text field and choose Align Center.
    This centers your text field horizontally in the frame.
    [*]In the property inspector, click the box next to the foreground field.
    [*]Click the ellipses (...).
    A color editor appears.
    [*]Select Red from the dropdown list.
    [*]Click OK.
    [*]On your frame, select your button.
    [*]Drag the right edge of your button until it is the horizontal size you want.
    [*]Select your text field, and multi-select your button by control-clicking
    [*]Right-click your button or text field.
    [*]Choose Same Size Vertical.
    This sets the height of all selected components to that of the first selected
    component (the text field).
    [*]Right-click your button or text field.
    [*]Choose Align Center.
    This aligns the center of all selected components to that of the first selected
    component (the text field).
    [*]Select your panel by clicking anywhere on the grey background in the visual
    [*]In the Property Inspector, click the box beside the layout field.
    [*]Select GridBagLayout from the dropdown list.
    [*]Choose File | Save All.</li>
    Running the Finished Application From Within JDeveloper
    [*]Choose Run | Run &quot;HelloApp&quot;.
    Your application appears, with a blank text field and a button labeled &quot;Say
    [*]Click the button.
    The text &quot;Hello World!&quot; appears in the text field, in red.
    [*]Close your application.</li>
    Deploying the Application to Your File System
    [*] In the Navigator, right-click <tt>HelloGui.jpr</tt> and choose New Deployment
    The Deployment Profile Wizard opens.
    [*]If the Welcome page appears, click Next.
    [*]On the Delivery page, select Web Application or Command-Line Application
    from the dropdown list, and click Next.
    [*]On the Staging Area page, in the Deployment Destination field, enter
    <tt><JDeveloper>/HelloGui</tt>, where <tt><JDeveloper></tt>
    is your JDeveloper root directory. Click Next.
    [*]On the Project page, select all the <tt>.java</tt> files and click Next.
    [*]Skip the Archive page and Applet Tags page by clicking Next on each.
    [*]On the Libraries page, shuttle all libraries from the Project Libraries
    list to the Deployed Libraries list, and click Next.
    [*]On the Finish page, name the profile <tt>HelloGui.prf</tt>, and click Finish.
    [*]When JDeveloper asks you if you want to deploy now, click Yes.</li>
    JDeveloper will archive your application files and copy this archive and all
    other required libraries to <tt><JDeveloper>/HelloGui</tt>.</p>
    Running the Application from the Command Line
    [*]Open a command-line prompt.
    [*]Enter the following script.
    Note: You may want to create a batch file containing this script. Be
    sure to replace JDeveloper_Home with your JDeveloper home directory.
    <pre>set __CLASSPATH_ROOT_DIR__=JDeveloper_Home\HelloGui
    set CLASSPATH=&quot;%__CLASSPATH_ROOT_DIR__%\HelloGui.jar&quot;
    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;&quot;%__CLASSPATH_ROOT_DIR__%\xmlparserv2.jar&quot;
    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;&quot;%__CLASSPATH_ROOT_DIR__%\swingall.jar&quot;
    cd JDeveloper_Home\HelloGui
    jre -cp %CLASSPATH% helloGui.HelloApp</pre>
    [*]Your application appears, with a blank text field and a button labeled &quot;Say
    [*]Click the button.
    The text &quot;Hello World!&quot; appears in the text field, in red.
    [*]Close your application.</li>

    I followed your instruction step by step to make this "Hello World", but when I run it, I got message "cannot find the runable node". What do I miss here? Thanks.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Avrom Faderman ([email protected]):
    This document describes how to create and run a very simple "Hello World"
    Java GUI app using JDeveloper. The application will have one button and one
    text field. Clicking the button will populate the text field with the message,
    "Hello World!"</p>
    [b]Creating The New Application
    In this section, we will create an application with an empty frame.</p>
    [*]Choose File | New Workspace.
    [*]Choose File | Save Workspace.
    [*]Enter <TT>HelloGui.jws</tt> as the name for the workspace.
    This creates a Workspace called HelloGui. A workspace organizes all the projects
    you need to work on at one time.
    [*]Choose File | New Project.
    The Project Wizard opens. This wizard will help you create a new project called
    HelloGui. A project contains all the files that go together in one "tier"--for
    example, all the files belonging to a single Java Application client, or all
    the files belonging to an Enterprise Java Bean. Because we are working on
    a simple, one-tier application, we will only need one project in our workspace.
    [*]If the Welcome page appears, click Next.
    [*]On the Project Type page, in the What is the Project's Filename?
    field, change the filename to <TT>HelloGui.jpr</tt>. Leave the rest of the
    path the same.
    [*]Select A Project containing a new... and choose Application
    from the dropdown list.
    [*]Click Next.
    [*]On the Project Options page, in the What is the name of the project's
    default package field, enter <TT>helloGui</tt>.
    [*]Click Next.
    [*]On the Project Information page, you can enter any information about your
    project that you wish.
    [*]Click Finish.
    The Application Wizard opens.
    [*]In the Class field, enter <TT>HelloApp</tt>.
    [*]Select the New Empty Frame radio button.
    [*]Click OK.
    The Frame Wizard opens.
    [*]In the Class field, enter <TT>HelloFrame</tt>.
    [*]Click OK.
    JDeveloper creates an application, <TT>HelloApp</tt>, containing an empty
    frame, <TT>HelloFrame</tt>. The source code for these classes appears in the
    Navigator, which is the upper left-hand pane in the JDeveloper IDE.
    [*]Choose File | Save All.</li>
    Adding a Panel to the Frame
    In this section, we will now add a panel to the frame. In the next section,
    we will add all the other components to this panel.</p>
    [*]In the Navigator, double-click <TT></tt>.
    A viewer opens. This viewer has four tabs at the bottom:
    [*]Source, the currently active tab, which displays the source code
    of the selected class</li>
    [*]Design, which invokes a visual layout designer</li>
    [*]Class, which invokes an editor for the class' attributes, and
    can help you stay JavaBean complient</li>
    [*]Doc, which displays the class' JavaDoc
    [*]Click the Design tab.
    The viewer now displays a grey square, a graphical mock-up of your frame.
    Also, on the right-hand side of your screen, the Property Inspector opens.
    This allows you to quickly set attributes and define events for components.
    [*]In the component palette (the tabbed toolbar near the top of your screen),
    select the Swing Containers tab.
    [*]Click the blue square (described in rollover text as <TT>JPanel</tt>) and
    click on your frame to add the panel.
    The Property Inspector now displays attributes of the JPanel.
    [*]In the Property Inspector, click twice inside the box beside the name
    [*]Change the name to mainPanel.
    [*]Click the box beside the layout field.
    [*]Choose XYLayout.
    XYLayout is an easy-to-use Layout for prototyping. Later, we will change the
    layout to a more portable one.</li>
    Adding Components to the Panel
    In this section, we finish laying out a prototype UI. We will add polish and
    portability to the UI later.</p>
    [*]In the Component Palette, select the Swing tab.
    [*]Select the <TT>JTextField</tt> component, which looks like a text field
    with a cursor.
    [*]In your panel, click and drag the cursor to outline the text field.
    Don't worry if the text field doesn't have exactly the right size or position.
    We will adjust these later.
    The Property Inspector now displays attributes of the JTextField.
    [*]In the Property Inspector, change the name (just as you did for the
    JPanel) to <TT>displayField</tt>.
    [*]Change the text to nothing (erase the value that is already there).
    [*]In the Component Palette, select the <TT>JButton</tt> component, which looks
    like a button being clicked.
    [*]In your panel, click and drag the cursor to outline the button.
    The Property Inspector now displays attributes of the JButton.
    [*]In the Property Inspector, change the name and action command
    to helloButton.
    [*]Change the text to <TT>Say Hello!</tt>.
    [*]Choose File | Save All.</li>
    Wiring Up the UI
    In this section, we wire the UI so that clicking the button causes "Hello
    World!" to display in the text field.</p>
    [*]In the Property Inspector, select the Events tab.
    [*]Click the box next to the Action Performed field and press the Enter
    This creates a method, <TT>helloButton_actionPerformed()</tt>, which will
    be invoked when the button is clicked, and displays the source code for the
    method stub in the viewer.
    [*]In the viewer, add the following command to the body of the method:
    <TT>displayField.setText("Hello World!");</tt>
    [*]Choose File | Save All.</li>
    Testing the Prototype Application
    [*]Choose Run | Run "HelloApp".
    Your application appears, with a blank text field and a button labeled "Say
    [*]Click the button.
    The text "Hello World!" appears in the text field.
    [*]Close your application.</li>
    Refining the UI
    In this section, we polish the UI so that the components have the right size
    and alignment, the text in the text field shows up red, and the panel uses the
    portable GridBag layout instead of the JDeveloper-specific XYLayout.</p>
    [*]In the viewer, select the Design tab.
    [*]Select your text field.
    [*]Drag the edges of your text field until it is the size you want.
    [*]Drag the center of the text field until it is the vertical position you
    [*]Right-click the text field and choose Align Center.
    This centers your text field horizontally in the frame.
    [*]In the property inspector, click the box next to the foreground field.
    [*]Click the ellipses (...).
    A color editor appears.
    [*]Select Red from the dropdown list.
    [*]Click OK.
    [*]On your frame, select your button.
    [*]Drag the right edge of your button until it is the horizontal size you want.
    [*]Select your text field, and multi-select your button by control-clicking
    [*]Right-click your button or text field.
    [*]Choose Same Size Vertical.
    This sets the height of all selected components to that of the first selected
    component (the text field).
    [*]Right-click your button or text field.
    [*]Choose Align Center.
    This aligns the center of all selected components to that of the first selected
    component (the text field).
    [*]Select your panel by clicking anywhere on the grey background in the visual
    [*]In the Property Inspector, click the box beside the layout field.
    [*]Select GridBagLayout from the dropdown list.
    [*]Choose File | Save All.</li>
    Running the Finished Application From Within JDeveloper
    [*]Choose Run | Run "HelloApp".
    Your application appears, with a blank text field and a button labeled "Say
    [*]Click the button.
    The text "Hello World!" appears in the text field, in red.
    [*]Close your application.</li>
    Deploying the Application to Your File System
    [*] In the Navigator, right-click <tt>HelloGui.jpr</tt> and choose New Deployment
    The Deployment Profile Wizard opens.
    [*]If the Welcome page appears, click Next.
    [*]On the Delivery page, select Web Application or Command-Line Application
    from the dropdown list, and click Next.
    [*]On the Staging Area page, in the Deployment Destination field, enter
    <tt><JDeveloper>/HelloGui</tt>, where <tt><JDeveloper></tt>
    is your JDeveloper root directory. Click Next.
    [*]On the Project page, select all the <tt>.java</tt> files and click Next.
    [*]Skip the Archive page and Applet Tags page by clicking Next on each.
    [*]On the Libraries page, shuttle all libraries from the Project Libraries
    list to the Deployed Libraries list, and click Next.
    [*]On the Finish page, name the profile <tt>HelloGui.prf</tt>, and click Finish.
    [*]When JDeveloper asks you if you want to deploy now, click Yes.</li>
    JDeveloper will archive your application files and copy this archive and all
    other required libraries to <tt><JDeveloper>/HelloGui</tt>.</p>
    Running the Application from the Command Line
    [*]Open a command-line prompt.
    [*]Enter the following script.
    Note: You may want to create a batch file containing this script. Be
    sure to replace JDeveloper_Home with your JDeveloper home directory.
    <pre>set __CLASSPATH_ROOT_DIR__=JDeveloper_Home\HelloGui
    set CLASSPATH="%__CLASSPATH_ROOT_DIR__%\HelloGui.jar"
    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;"%__CLASSPATH_ROOT_DIR__%\xmlparserv2.jar"
    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;"%__CLASSPATH_ROOT_DIR__%\swingall.jar"
    cd JDeveloper_Home\HelloGui
    jre -cp %CLASSPATH% helloGui.HelloApp</pre>
    [*]Your application appears, with a blank text field and a button labeled "Say
    [*]Click the button.
    The text "Hello World!" appears in the text field, in red.
    [*]Close your application.</li>

  • How can I remove "Hello World!" from my browser menu bar

    I just noticed there'e something in my brower menu bar that has never been there before. Next to the other menu options (File, Edit, View, History, etc.) appears the words"Hello World!". I know it wasn't there two weeks ago, and it's highly unlikely I would have missed seeing it a few days ago when I last did extensive browsing. In hopes of fixing the problem myself, I deleted the only two FF add-ons installed to my PC in the past month. I also ran a system restore to a point created 35 days ago. But "Hello World!" still remained in the menu bar. When I try clicking it on, nothing happens. I tried removing it by pressing the "Customize"option in the toolbar, but it "Hello World!" would not drag down from the menu bar. I was still running FF version 22.0., and when I saw that an update to FF 23.0 was available, I ran the update, but this did nothing the fix my issue (I'm currently back to FF22.0, due to the System Restore that I ran earlier). Finally, I went to both my "Program Files" folders, and sorted them using "Date Modified", to identify any programs changed or added in the past several weeks. There were only a few programs changed in this timespan, so I scoured all files within those few folders, but nothing stood out as unusual. CAn anyone tell me what this "Hello World!" is or why it is appearing in my menu bar? Most importantly, would anyone know how I can remove it permanently ? Following Firefox's instructions, I've created a Print Screen photo showing my brower toolbars, including the menu bar ( at the very top just above my address bar), so that you can see where "Hello World!" appears. Not sure yet how to attach the PrtScn photo to this question I'm about to submit, so if it doesn't make it to the forum with my question, I can send it to anyone who emails me a reply.
    Thank You.

    THis is a reply to my own question, so that I can upload the Print Screen image of my browser toolbar. Look for "Hello World!" at the top, just above my address bar. Thanks again to anyone who can help me remove this from my menu bar.

  • How to compile a simple "Hello World" program in Java by using Netbeans

    Hi all, I am very new to java programming arena. i am trying to learn the most demanding language for the time being. To program, i always use IDE's as it makes programming experience much easier by underline the syntax errors or sometimes showing codehint. However, I am facing some problem when i use Netbeabs to compile a simple "Hello world" program. my problem is whenever i write the code and press compile button, netbeans says "main class not found". Consequently,i am becoming frustated. So, i am here in this forum to get some kind help on How i can compile java programs in Netbeans. Please help me out, otherwise i may lose my enthusiasm in Java. please help me, i m stuck

    Go to
    You should find tutorials there.

  • New a vmware project (create hello world plug-in project),how to use it as a normal plug-in on orchestrator??

    in use:
    eclipse sdk (indigo 3.7.2) windows 7 64bit
    vcenter orchestrator 5.1 (windows 2008 R2)
    vmware - vco- plug-in SDK 5.1
    i installed vmware-vco plug-in sdk 5.1 to eclipse 3.7.2,then i created a vmware project(choose create hello world plug-in project)
    how to do next??
    I  export the project as a jar file,rename it as .dar ,and put it to the vmware/infrastructure/orchestrator/app-server/server/vmo/plugins,,
    then i upload the .dar file,,it reminds me installed failed....
    thanks so much!!!

    i don't think you have to rename the jar and create a dar. Once you have build successful you should get the dar file.
    Online Documentation - vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in SDK 5.5 - VMware Developer Center

  • How to create and run J2EE application client for Hello World EJB

    I am new to NWDS EJB deployment.I have created a "Hello World" bean. But how to deploy it and run using a J2EE application client step by step.
    Also please help in the steps of the deploy tool.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Ananda
    Check this link,

  • How to print  hello world

    class hello{
    public static void main (String[]args){
    system.out.println(" HELLO WORLD");
    Pleasee how to print output to printer with the coordinat x,y
    in text mode (dotmatrix printer)???


  • How to import jsf  hello world project in eclipse

    Hi ,
    I m inam, have downloaded a jsf hello world project from, and trying to import that into eclipse ide, but not able to import,
    Please help me,and specify the steps, so that i could feel relax,i m too eager to know the solution to this problem,

    Welcome to the forum.
    As others have said, there is no way to read Aperture 3 Projects or Libraries in Aperture 2. If you want to carry on using the same files on both computers you will have to stay with Aperture 2, or replace the tower with an Intel-based one that will run new software.
    As much as we might dislike it, PPC-based Macs are getting left behind in terms of what software they will run.

  • How to write java hello world to run in oracle sql prompt

    I'm newbie of this chapter. I know JDBC. I wanted to introduce the JDBC process & start executing the same in orcle sql prompt.
    Do enlighten with an example.
    Thnx in Advance

    create or replace and compile java source named helloworld as
    public class HELLOWORLD{public static String HELLOWORLD() {return "Hello World";}}
    create or replace function printhelloworld return varchar2 as
    language java name 'HELLOWORLD.HELLOWORLD() return String';
    SQL> select printhelloworld from dual;
    Hello WorldRegards

  • HOW T0: Create a "Hello, World!" sample project.

    HOWTO: The "Hello, World!" Sample Project
    Follow these steps to create, compile, and run a simple Java program in JDeveloper:
    1.Create a project. Choose File | New Empty Project. A new project node, with a name resembling MyProject1.jpr will appear
    in the Navigation pane.
    2.Create a Java file. Make sure your project node is selected, and choose File | New. The Object Gallery opens. Select the Objects
    tab and double-click the Class icon. In the Class Wizard dialog that opens:
    1.Replace the default class name with "HelloWorld".
    2.Click OK.
    A new file node, named will appear under your project node.
    3.Edit the file. Double-click the file node to open the file. Edit the file, adding this method to the definition of the HelloWorld class.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello, World!");
    4.Build the project. Choose Project | MakeProject. A message will appear, reporting success or failure, in the Status line at the
    bottom of the JDeveloper window. If there are errors they will be listed in the Message View pane, under the Compiler tab.
    5.Run the project. When the project has been successfully built, Choose Run | Run. Your message will be printed in the Message
    View pane, under the HelloWorld tab.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Goering (JDeveloper Team):
    [b]HOWTO: The "Hello, World!" Sample Project</p>
    Follow these steps to create, compile, and run a simple Java program in JDeveloper:</p>
    [*]Create a project. Choose File | New Empty Project. A new project
    node, with a name resembling <tt>MyProject1.jpr</tt> will appear in the Navigation
    [*]Create a Java file. Make sure your project node is selected, and choose
    File | New. The Object Gallery opens. Select the Objects tab
    and double-click the Class icon. In the Class Wizard dialog that opens:
    [*]Replace the default class name with "HelloWorld".</li>
    [*]Click OK.</li>
    A new file node, named <tt></tt> will appear under your
    project node.</p>
    [*]Edit the file. Double-click the file node to open the file. Edit the file,
    adding this method to the definition of the <tt>HelloWorld</tt> class.</li>
    <pre> public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello, World!");
    [*]Build the project. Choose Project | MakeProject. A message will appear,
    reporting success or failure, in the Status line at the bottom of the JDeveloper
    window. If there are errors they will be listed in the Message View
    pane, under the Compiler tab.</li>
    [*]Run the project. When the project has been successfully built, Choose Run
    | Run. Your message will be printed in the Message View pane, under
    the HelloWorld tab.</li>

  • How to Deploy Hello World in SOA suggest Step by step procedure

    I am done with the installation of SOA on Windows now I want to deploy same sample like Hello World or my first page.?
    When you install SOA all the default example get automatically get installed or do we need to do something else.
    Where should I check (can you please let me know the location)
    Can you please let me know the step by step procedure for that.

    Refer below links

  • Problem with JNI hello world

    I found some tutorial on SUN site on how to use JNI. I'm using Eclipse to compije Java and C (via Cygwin) files. Here are complete files:
    class Hello
         public native void sayHello();
              catch(Exception e)
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Hello h = new Hello();
              h.sayHello ();
    #include <mingw/_mingw.h> //because there are some types needed for JNI
    #include <jni.h>
    #include "Hello.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Hello_sayHello
      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
         printf("Hello world!\n");
    hello.dll : Hello.o Hello.def
         gcc -g -shared -Wl,--kill-at -o hello.dll Hello.o hello.def
    Hello.o : Hello.c Hello.h
         gcc -c -g -I"$(JAVA_HOME)\include" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)\include\win32" Hello.c -o Hello.o
    Hello.h : Hello.class
         javah -jni Hello
    clean :
         rm Hello.h
         rm Hello.o
         rm hello.dllHello.def
    Java_Hello_sayHelloEverything goes well, but when I run java program it does nothin (it should print message, but it just exit without any error).I'm sure that it's something stupid, but I cant see what. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?

    Answer 1: yes, there was no problem. I compiled and started simple 'hello world' program from Cygwin and from WinXP console, and it worked well.
    Answer 2: This is weird, I changed code to this:
         public native int getInt();
              System.out.println("Returned int is " + h.getInt());Hello.c:
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_Hello_getInt
      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
         return 25;
    }It does not print anything. I started this program from Cygwin and from WinXP console, and from Eclipse. Only if I debug in Eclipse (step by step) I get:
    Returned int is 25and still I don't get Hello string printed (even if I go step by step). It looks like cygwin has some problem with OS. Do you have any idea what to do, I'm a bit confused?
    Thank you.
    Message was edited by:

  • Error while running Hello World Page

    I am getting the following error when I run the Hello World page from the Tutorial.
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: FND, Message Name: SECURITY_APPL_LOGIN_FAILED.
    ## Detail 0 ##
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: FND, Message Name: SECURITY_INVALID_DBC_PARAMETER. Tokens: ROUTINE = AppsConnectionManager.makeGuestConnection; FILE = D:\Jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure\test.dbc; PARAMETER = GUEST_USER_PWD;
    ## Detail 0 ##
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: FND, Message Name: AOLJ_JAVA_EXCEPTION. Tokens: MESSAGE = Not able to create new database connection: FNDSECURITY_APPL_LOGIN_FAILED;
    ## Detail 0 ##
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: FND, Message Name: FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE. Tokens: MESSAGE = oracle.apps.fnd.common.PoolException: Not able to create new database connection: FNDSECURITY_APPL_LOGIN_FAILED;
    The DBC file is in place. After checking various posts I have confirmed details in the DBC file and they seem to be right.
    Could someone please help me out here.

  • Error while running Hello world from Tutorial

    Hi ,
    I am facing a strange problem while running Hello world from tutorial. The page expires after running for half an hour and the log in the Jdeveloper is
    [Starting OC4J using the following ports: HTTP=8988, RMI=23891, JMS=9227.]
    C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdk1.4.2\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath C:\Jdev\jdevbin\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar;C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdev\lib\jdev-oc4j.jar -Xbootclasspath/p:C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\ojdbc14.jar;C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\ -DRUN_FROM_JDEV=true -mx256m -Doracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive=false -Xverify:none -Doracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive=true -Doracle.j2ee.http.socket.timeout=500 com.evermind.server.OC4JServer -config C:\Jdev\jdevhome\jdev\system9.\oc4j-config\server.xml
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    Ready message received from Oc4jNotifier.
    Embedded OC4J startup time: 5782 ms.
    Auto-deploying OA Framework web application deployment descriptor (New server version detected)...
    Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE initialized
    Tutalii: C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\ archive
    [Feb 27, 2008 4:31:57 PM IST]:1204110117921:Thread[HttpRequestHandler-25086455,5,main]:-1:-1:sisatpat:[fnd.common.logging.DebugEventManager.handlerException] C:\u01\VIS\FND.log (The system cannot find the path specified)
         at Method)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.FileHandleManager.getFileInternal(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.FileHandler.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.FileHandler.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.DebugEventManager.registerHandlers(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.DebugEventManager.reInitialize(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.DebugEventManager.reInitialize(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsLog.reInitialize(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext.initLog(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.init(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.Architecture.createWebAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.Architecture.createAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.Architecture.createAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.ArchitectureWrapper.createAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.appsimpl.AppsCacheLogger.<clinit>(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.appsimpl.AppsCacheEnvironment.getCacheLogger(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.CacheManager.initCache(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.CacheManager.<clinit>(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.CacheAdmin.isComponentRegistered(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cache.Cache.registerCacheIfNeeded(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cache.Cache.initCache(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cache.Cache.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cache.AppsCache.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.Profiles.<clinit>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.ExtendedProfileStore.init(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.ExtendedProfileStore.<init>(
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext.instantiateProfileStore(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext.makeProfileStore(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.Context.setProfileStore(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.Context.setProfileStore(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.init(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.getWebAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.CreateIcxSession.getEncryptedSessId(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.CreateIcxSession.createSession(
         at test_fwktutorial._jspService(test_fwktutorial.jsp:45)
         at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    [Feb 27, 2008 4:31:57 PM IST]:1204110117890:Thread[HttpRequestHandler-25086455,5,main]:-1:-1:sisatpat:[fnd.common.logging.FileHandler.publish]:Please check File Permission/Disk Space for: /u01/VIS/FND.log, defaulting Logging to STDERR
    Can any one help!!

    1) Check your using the correct version of Jdev with your instance.
    Metalink note 416708.1 - How to find the correct version of JDeveloper to use with eBusiness Suite 11i or Release 12
    Will give the mappings.
    And check the Jdev setting
    330236.1 - Configuring JDeveloper For Use With Oracle Applications 11i and R12
    2) Instead of using the tutorial, create a sample page, Am and run the page.
    Check what error you are getting.
    With Regards,

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