How to hyperlink a word to a bottom part of the page

I have a page full of information
at the top i have two words: Dentistry and Orthodontics. The dentistry information is at the top of the page and the orthodontics information
is at the bottom of the page.
How do i hyperlink the word Orthodontics to make it when i click on it, it will take me to where orthodontics starts on the page.
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                <div class="post">
                  <h2 class="title"><a href="#"><center> Services:</center></a></h2>
                    <p class="meta">                     </p>
                    <div class="entry">
                      <p>Dentistry:<h2>Invisalign: </h2></p>
                      <center><img src="images/Invisalign-vs-Braces-300x212.jpg"/></center>
                      <p> </p>
                      <p>          Is another treatment option for people who seek  unobtrusive orthodontic treatment. Instead of brackets bonded to the tooth,  dental treatment is mapped out through a series of plastic dental trays  designed to move the teeth in incremental movements over weeks. The clear,  plastic trays are virtually invisible and are difficult to detect. With  Invisalign there is no irritation to the gums and they can be removed for  aesthetic reasons over small periods of time.
                      Invisalign is a solution for patients who are not in need of severe orthodontic treatment and is not a solution for everyone. In some cases, patients may require additional treatment if they have more dental malocclusions. Please schedule a consultation today if you want to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign.  </p>
          <h2>Dental Implants:</h2></p>
      <p><img src="images/Dental Implants.jpeg"/></p>
      <p> </p>
                      <p>For patients who have missing teeth, dental implants could be the best treatment available. Dental implants perform similar to natural teeth. If you have healthy gums and bone, a dental implant can be placed  into your jaw. Once the tissue have grown around the implant, a strong, artificial tooth designed to match your existing teeth can be attached to the dental implant . The replacement tooth will look and function similar to a natural tooth.
Endodontics (root canal therapy), 
is a treatment for the pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and protection of the tooth from future microbial invasion
Common reasons for Root Canal therapy  include:
- Decay has reached the nerve,
- A cracked or chipped  tooth can cause the need for a root canal if the crack exposes a nerve
-  trauma causes the nerve to separate from the tooth.
With the removal of nerves and blood supply from the tooth, it is best that the tooth be fitted with a crown which increases the prognosis of the tooth.
</p><h2> Tooth-Colored Fillings:</h2>
                      <center><img src="images/Toothcoloredfilling.jpeg"/></center>
                      <p> </p>
                      <p>The same material used to create porcelain veneers, crowns, and bridges is also being utilized for more common treatments like cavity fillings. because tooth-colored fillings are made from materials similar in texture and color to natural teeth, teeth with white fillings are virtually indistinguishable from surrounding teeth.</p>
                      <h2>Dental Veneers:</h2>
                      <center><img src="images/veeners3.jpeg"/></center>
                      <p> </p>
                      <p>Veneers are thin, artificial tooth shells made from porcelain or tooth colored resin, custom fitted to bond to the front of your existing teeth. Veneers are safe and relatively simple to apply, and they can be used to correct stained, chipped, cracked, misaligned, and discolored teeth.
Veneers can also add tooth length, width, color and esthetic shape.  Veneers can reshape your smile in as little as two appointments.
                      <center><img src="images/Crowns.jpeg"/></center>
                      <p> </p>
                      <p>Teeth that are badly weakened by decay or trauma may require more treatment than basic fillings. Chipped, cracked, weakened, or decaying teeth can be strengthened with crowns, which cover (cap) the entire tooth.
Now made with porcelain or other tooth colored material, crowns or bridges can be as pleasing aesthetically as they are functionally.
                        <p><img src="images/Bridges.jpeg"/></p></center>
                        <p>When one or more teeth are missing, the remaining teeth can shift out of their normal position.  Teeth adjacent to the space or from the opposite jaw will often drift or tilt.  These teeth are often more susceptible to decay or gum disease because they are more difficult to clean around.
All of this shifting and drifting will lead to changes in the bite, which may put stress on the jaws, muscles and teeth.  Ultimately, your ability to chew comfortably and your appearance may be affected.
A non-removable bridge can restore your teeth to normal function by replacing missing teeth.  It will improve the entire health of your mouth by keeping the surrounding teeth in position and can also help maintain the structure of your face and jaw.</p>
                        <p>Dental Implants</p>
                                        <h3><!-- end #content -->
                                        <div id="sidebar">
                              <div style="clear: both;"> </div>
                                                                      <p>We love to see our patients Smile!</p>
                                                                        <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
                                                                        <li><a href="about.html">About Us</a></li>
                                                                        <li><a href="services.html">Services
                              -dentistry</a> </li>
                                                                        <li><a href="location.html">Office Location</a></li>
                                                                        <li><a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a></li>
                                                                      <h2> </h2>
                                                              <h2>Doctor Tallal Aswaad</h2>
                                                                <li><img src="images/DrTallal jpeg.jpg"/></li>
                                        <!-- end #sidebar -->
                                        <div style="clear: both;"> </div>
          <!-- end #page -->
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          <p>Copyright (c) 2011 All rights reserved. Design by <a href="">Free CSS Templates</a>.</p>
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Design by Free CSS Templates
Released for free under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
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.entry p {

Use Named Anchors.
<a name="ortho">This is a named anchor point on the page</a>
<a href="#ortho">This is a link to a named anchor</a>
If you want to get fancy, you can apply smooth scrolling to your anchors.
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    That doesn't sound quite right.  Tests on the server shows that the printer (HP L7680) can in fact print up to within 3 mm of its edges.  The test pages show this, and assorted tests with "real" PDF pages in the past have verified it.  It worked from my Macbook up to a few days ago, and tests from the server show that the printer hasn't lost the ability to print close to the edges.  In fact, my wife printed a page from her iMac a while ago, and it showed stuff (images and border lines) up to about 4 mm from the edges.  It's only from my Macbook Pro that suddenly the bottom 12 mm gets blanked out. 
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    I just tried another test of this:  I told Preview on the Macbook to print the page at "Scale: 120%  ", and checked "No automatic page scaling".  Preview showed the text going off the page at the top and right edge,  The ink stopped about 3 mm from the top and right edges.  But the bottom 12 mm, including the bottom line of text, was blanked out.  This, plus the tests on the server, shows that the printer can print up to 3 mm from the edge of an 8.5x11 inch page.  And earlier tests that produced the bottom line with only the top half of the characters shows that it isn't just dropping the bottom line; Something on the Macbook is explicitly blanking out the bottom 12 mm (but not doing the same on the top and right edges.
    And whatever is doing it doesn't happen on my wife's iMac; she can print close to the bottom edge.
    I'm now wondering if I should uninstall the printer on the Macbook, and see if I can reinstall it to match the iMac's settings.    But if the problem is something in the Macbooks system libraries that's forcing the 12-mm bottom margin, that probably won't work, either, and the "Letter" paper size settings presumably come from some library file, because it won't permit me to change those numbers.
    Anyway, I'll try your suggestions, probably in the morning, and see what happens.
    About the Borderless type:  I find that when I try setting the Paper Size to "US Letter", it gives me another menu, with "US Letter" and "Borderless 8.5 x 11 in." entries.  If I choose the Borderless, it pops up a window with a warning that this is only allowed for HP Premium Plus Photo Paper, which is in what it's set to.  It says it's "not available when Paper Type is set to Plain Paper", which it won't allow me to do.  (That choice is greyed out.)  It seems odd that it would warn me that it won't work for a setting that it won't let me use anyway, and say that I must use the setting that I am using.  Anyway, I've tried this "Borderless 8.1 x 11 in." setting, and it comes out the same as the "US Letter" choice, with the bottom 12 mm blank.  Both print to nearly the top and right edge if I set the Scale to 120%.
    (And that damned "Automatically rotate each page" is checked again. ;-)

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    It is possible that the screen is too high and that the scroll bar and the find bar and add-on bar fall off at the bottom.
    If that works then close Firefox (File > Exit/Quit) to save that setting.
    See also:
    If the above didn't help then see:

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == June 27, 2010

    You have '''caret browsing''' enabled - that preference appears as set in your Troubleshooting Information.
    Hit the '''F7''' key to disable '''''caret browsing'''''.

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    Hi Nes,
    This is the second time you are posting a variation on this question.
    I was about to so NO YOU CAN'T...
    but then I thought...
    It is possible to print just parts of a front panel but it is a lot easier to do the things others have suggested.
    If you really want to print just a part of the FP you will have to do a lot of coding and the GUI will do some strange things in the process.
    I will outline the process and leave the code as an exercise for the reader.
    Using property nodes determine where on the FP the objects of interest are located.
    Again using property nodes, move the objects around on the FP so that they are grouped together and sized such they fit on a printed page.
    Using property nodes adjust the screen size origin etc so only
    the objects of interest are now visable.
    Using.....nodes print only the visable part of the screen.
    Using....nodes put everything back where is was when you started!
    Like I said, this is not easy.
    The simplest solution was suggested by BJD who said group the objects of interest on a tab page, use an invoke node to get the image and then display it on the FP of a sub-VI set to print on completion. That method will let you quickly add new interesting objects to the print out without having to change the sub-VI.
    Trying to help,
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    You are referring to multitasking in iOS 6.
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    It just looks different. In iOS 7 it is flat:

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    basics from the User Guide are restart, reset, restore from backup, restore as NEW.  Try each step in order until your problem is solved.  If not solved after ALL these steps have been tried, you'll need to bring your phone to Apple for evaluation.

  • My picture files open up off center so I cannot see all of the bottom part of the picture.

    My picture files open up off center so I cannot see all of the bottom part of the picture. The ruler across the top read "0" to 13.5". Down the left side of the picture the ruler reads 3", 2",1", 0, 1", 2",3" etc. This leaves a three inch empty space at the top of my viewing area and I lose three inches of the bottom of my picture. I cannot figure out how to adjust this. I have tried the screen modes  and they do not fix my problem.  What can I do to solve this problem?

    Please provide sensible details about your platform, exact version of your OS, exact version of Photoshop, complete details baout your setup, hardware details, monitor resolution, etc.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Deskjet 1515 doesnt print bottom part of a page

    hello ahm would someone help me cause i dont know how to fix it. my  newly-bought deskjet 1515 all-in-one series doesnt print the bottom part of any page. for example i insert a border line and then when i press ctrl-p the print layout showed that the bottom border was not there despite the margins are correct.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello Aldwin06, and welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience!
    I see you are experiencing issues with your printouts.  I would love to try and help you, but I do need a little information first. I am linking a few HP Support documents below that will show you how to find which operating system you are using. Also, if you're using Windows, please include whether your operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit. With this information we can provide you with accurate information.
    Mac OS X: How Do I Find Which Mac OS X Version Is on My Computer?
    Which Windows operating system am I running?
    Is the Windows Version on My Computer 32-bit or 64-bit?
    Also, does this issue occur when printing from multiple programs?
    Please let me know what you find.  Thanks for posting on the HP Forums!
    Please click “Accept as Solution " if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks" for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP
    "Remember, I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together!" - Red Green.

  • How do I get my HP Photosmart 7960 to print the page numbers on a multi-page project?

    How do I get my HP Photosmart 7960 to print the page numbers when printing a multi-page project?

    This has most likely nothing to do with the printer but with the program you are using to print. For example Word has a setting for this, so let me know which program and I might be able to check for you.
    Say "Thanks" by clicking the Kudos Star in the post that helped you.
    Although I work for HP my posts and replies are my own
    Please mark the post that solves your problem as "Accepted Solution"

  • How can I print just a part of the page and not the full page with Adobe Reader v 10.1.2?

    how can I print just a part of the page and not the full page with Adobe Reader v 10.1.2? I need to print a engineering print with lot of information but information is too small in letter size and I don't have a plotter.

    Two ways to print a portion of a page: zooming or using the Snapshot Tool.
    Zoom into the area you want to print.
    Click the Print icon.
    Under "Pages to Print", make sure "Current view" is selected under "More options" (you may need to click "More options" to open it).
    If you aren't satisfied with the preview, try clicking "Fit" under the Size button.
    Choose Edit > Take A Snapshot.
    Drag a rectangle around the area you want to print. 
    Click the Print icon.
    Under "Pages to Print", make sure that "Selected Graphic" is selected under "More options".
    To enlarge the snapshot to fit the sheet of paper, choose "Fit" under the Size button.
    Hope this helps!

  • I have LR from 2 through 4.4,  I am simply trying to adjust CR2s, and convert the them JPEG.  LR says my Perfectly Clear is expired but my update is up to date and all paid for.  What is Perfectly Clear and how do i get this puppy to be part of the team?

    i have LR from 2 through 4.4,  I am simply trying to adjust CR2s, and convert the them JPEG.  LR says my Perfectly Clear is expired but my update is up to date and all paid for.  What is Perfectly Clear and how do i get this puppy to be part of the team?

    Perfectly Clear is a 3rd party commercial plugin for Lightroom.
    Have you ever installed it as a trial in the past?

  • I do NOT like when I click "Find" that it opens in a separate window. I liked it being at the bottom left of the page and staying there. It's irksome the way it is.

    I do NOT like when I click "Find" that it opens in a separate pop-up window. I liked it being at the bottom left of the page and staying there. It's irksome the way it is. Would you please put it back on the bottom left so it will stay open. It is so much easier.
    Also, it is a little irksome that Firefox automatically uploaded the new 9.0 version. I was purposefully not uploading it. I thought it was loading updates to 8.0. You need to add more detail and have a way to give us an option not to update when the pop-up appears.

    The Find bar is still at the bottom of the browser window, just above the Add-on Bar if you have it set to appear. No change with it in Firefox 9.0.

  • The bottom part of the screen is like bright it looks all weird i cant see annything in that part my ipod still has the 1 year warranty do u guys think i can get it fix for free or would i have to pay?

    The bottom part of the screen is like bright it looks all weird i cant see annything in that part my ipod still has the 1 year warranty do u guys think i can get it fix for free or would i have to pay?

    Try the following:
    - A reset. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    If you still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order. If you iPod is defective, within warranty and not abused, Apple will exchange it at no cost.

  • How can I add a fade or other transitions to the pages of my website?

    How can I add a fade or other transitions to the pages of my website?

    like this :
    Cheer up !

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  • Iphoto quits unexpectedly when tagging faces

    I´ve got about 25K photos in my collection, thousands of them have been tagged (roughly 100 people). (Says 8K or so are still to be tagged.) Suddenly (happened a few months back), whenever I try to tag untagged photos, iPhoto will quit unexpectedly.