How to identify missing records in a single-column table?

How to identify missing records in a single-column table ?
Column consists of numbers in a ordered manner but the some numbers are deleted from the table in random manner and need to identify those rows.

Something like:
           SELECT 11 ID FROM DUAL
-- end of on-the-fly data sample
SELECT  '[' || (id + 1) || ' - ' || (next_id - 1) || ']' gap
  FROM  (
         SELECT  id,
                 lead(id,1,id + 1) over(order by id) next_id
           FROM  t
  where id != next_id - 1
[4 - 4]
[6 - 7]
[9 - 9]
P.S. I assume sequence lower and upper limits are always present, otherwise query needs a little adjustment.

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    You will have to use the 'READ LINE' command within a loop to retrieve the data back into your program.
    You may want to use the HIDE command to ease the retrieval of the checkbox value.
    Check out the online help for both of these.

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    One method...
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    with t as (
               select 'ID1' col1 from dual union all
               select 'ID2' from dual union all
               select 'ID3' from dual union all
               select 'ID4' from dual union all
               select 'ID5' from dual
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               from  t
      where mod(rn,2) = 1
    ID1 ID2
    ID3 ID4
    SQL> SY.

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    Go to the display message of the DSO activation step..........Right click display message........there it will give you which master data...........which packets......
    Also you can go to the IP the details tab.........there is one tab comes ODS on that...........there also you will be able to find the errorneous data packets.........

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    What you are saying is you want to avoid theaccepted relational design theory and subvert the
    fundamental principles of very model?
    Yes !!!!Then you are very short sighted and will fail. Why would you want to do this? How is it that you think you are smarter than the forefathers of our industry? an idea so compelling that huge companies have many massive profits implementing the concepts? (sometimes even properly) and how is it that you imagine you can work outside the concepts underlying those tools, within the tool and come to a better solution? this is arrogance surely.
    I think a lot of people use rowid to identify within
    plsql code a record instead of using the table-key.
    There is very limited specific application of the ROWID for temporary reference within known bounds.
    You shouldn't rely on the ROWID. Think about what it actually is: a physical location address hash.
    Don't use it. Just don't.
    As I can remember from my classrooms (a lot of years
    ago) rowid was never mentioned in ER models. Still
    that helps a lot..For very good reason. Rowid is an implementation concept, and not a logical concept.
    Oracle already makes provision at the physical storage level to store BLOBs out of line with a record. You don't need to try to do this at the logical level as I said already.

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    ID          Date          Location
    1           4/1/2015        bld1
    2           4/2/2015        bld1
    3           4/4/2015        bld1
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    WHERE Date not in
    (Select Date, Location FROM [table])
    and the results would be:
    4/3/2015   bld1
    Thank you

    Do you have a table with all possible dates in it?  You can do a left join from that to your above mentioned table where the right side of the join is null.  If you don't have a table with all possible dates you could user a numbers table.
    Below is one way to achieve what you want with a numbers table...
    DECLARE @Table table (ID Int, DateField Date, Location VarChar(4))
    DECLARE @RunDate datetime
    SET @RunDate=GETDATE()
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Numbers') IS NOT NULL 
    SELECT TOP 10000 IDENTITY(int,1,1) AS Number
       into Numbers
        FROM sys.objects s1
        CROSS JOIN sys.objects s2
    INSERT INTO @Table (ID, DateField, Location)
    VALUES ('1','20150401','bld1')
    WITH AllDates
    SELECT DATEADD(dd,N.Number,D.StartDate) as Dates
    FROM Numbers N
    cross apply (SELECT CAST('20150101' as Date) as StartDate) as D
    select * 
    from AllDates AD
    left join @Table T on AD.Dates = T.DateField
    where ad.Dates between '20150401' and '20150404'

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    Hi all,
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    select distinct
           dense_rank() over (partition by S.WAS_NO order by S.STATUS_CHANGE_DATE) rank
      from table_a S, table b S2
    where S.APPL_ID = S2.APPL_ID
    order by S.WAS_NO, rank asc;
    Current Results:
    Desired Results:
    6628-------E4G0YL9B08V0V6----ASSIGNED---------25/10/2011------------------------USED--------------30/12/2011The rank is based on the WAS_Number and ordered by the STATUS_CHANGE_DATE so i know which order they should go in.
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    I have not been able to workout how to get Multiple records onto a singe record and in different columns.
    Many thanks

    This should do what you want:
    WITH t AS
    (SELECT 6628 appl_id, 'E4G0YL9B08V0V6' was_no, 'ASSIGNED' as_status, TO_DATE('25/10/2011', 'DD/MM/YYYY') status_change_date FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6628 appl_id, 'E4G0YL9B08V0V6' was_no, 'USED' as_status, TO_DATE('30/12/2011', 'DD/MM/YYYY') status_change_date FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6628 appl_id, 'E4G0YL9B08V0V6' was_no, 'COMPLETE' as_status, TO_DATE('15/01/2012', 'DD/MM/YYYY') status_change_date FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6629 appl_id, 'A5AAFG1C07L0P2' was_no, 'ASSIGNED' as_status, TO_DATE('19/01/2012', 'DD/MM/YYYY') status_change_date FROM dual)
    SELECT   appl_id,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 1 THEN as_status
             ELSE NULL
             END) as_status1,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 1 THEN status_change_date
             ELSE NULL
             END) status_change_date1,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 2 THEN as_status
             ELSE NULL
             END) as_status2,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 2 THEN status_change_date
             ELSE NULL
             END) status_change_date2,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 3 THEN as_status
             ELSE NULL
             END) as_status3,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 3 THEN status_change_date
             ELSE NULL
             END) status_change_date3
    FROM    (SELECT appl_id,
                    DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY was_no ORDER BY status_change_date) rank
             FROM   t)
    GROUP BY appl_id,

  • Reg : Joining the all internal table records into a single internal table

    Hi all
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    Thanks in advance

    Don't have time or will to deliver turnkey solutions, but here is a frame:
    LOOP AT itab1...
      READ TABLE itab2 WITH TABLE KEY... (fields linking itab1 and itab2)
      READ TABLE itab3 WITH TABLE KEY... (fields linking itab1 and itab3)
      LOOP AT itab4 WHERE... (fields linking itab1 and itab4)
        READ TABLE itab5 WITH TABLE KEY... (fields linking itab4 and itab5)
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING... (all five work areas to target work area)
        APPEND itabtarget...
    so use READ when there is a 1:1 relationship (e.g. check table entry), and LOOP when there is a 1:N relationship (e.g. items for a header)

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    I tried using the collection_wrapper->mark() method in the inbound plug of the table view, but it works only for multi-select table.

    Hi Masood,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I had already tried using MARK ( iv_index = lv_index ), but it did not work because the first statement in the MARK method is
    Mine is a single-select table. So, using the MARK of the iterator object, with either the IV_BO or the IV_INDEX parameter also does not work. Is there any other way for a table with single row selection?

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    ie i have one employee name column
    in tabular form if v pressed add row then one row ll be added
    In my scenario based on first row value
    the second row value to be displayed
    To achieve this what i have to do ..

    READ Cascading select list on tabular form  and
    Oracle APEX 4.0: Cascading LOVs/Select Lists | Inside Oracle APEX by Patrick Wolf BLOG
    helps you,

  • Is it ok? if we have 42 million records in a single fact table!!

    We have three outstanding fact tables, and we need to add one more fact type, and we were thinking whether we can do two different fact tables, or can we put the values in one of the same fact table which is similar, but the records are upto 42 million if we add ,so my question is having a single fact table with all records, or breaking it down, to two different ones!!!Thnx!!

    I am not sure what is an "outstanding fact" or an "fact type". A 42m fact table doesn't necessarily indicate you are doing something wrong although it does sound as odd. I would expect most facts to be small as they should have aggregated measures to speed up report. In some cases you may want to drill down to the detailed transaction level in which case you may find these large facts. But care should be taken not to allow users to query on this fact without user the "transaction ID" which obviously should be indexed and should guarantee that queries will be quick.
    Guessing from your post (as it is not clear not descriptive enough) it would seem to imply that you are adding a new dimension to your fact and that will cause the fact to increase it's row count to 42m. That probably means that you are changing the granularity of the fact. That may or may not be correct, depending on your model.

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    For Example,
    Customer Product Number
    xyz A 1
    xyz B 2
    xyz B 1
    AAA C 7
    AAA A 1
    The result should look like this,
    Customer Value
    xyz A1 B2 B1
    AAA C7 A1
    How would I group this into once value ?
    Thanks in advance ...

    Tom's discussion of writing your own aggregate routines
    starts off with a link to the 8i alternatives
    for 8i methods (not aggregates)"
    Unforutnately, it's a lot more work in 8i.

Maybe you are looking for

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