How to implement a "mutex" lock

Hi there, I'm in a need of creating something like a mutex mechanism, not related to a table.
Is it possible or do I have to fill in any dummy table ?

The status monitor for the integrated ITS (transaction SITSPMON) is used to display the current status of the integrated ITS functionality in the application server. You can display and change the currently set parameters. You can get information on the memory load, on the content of the ITS caches, on set locks and on activated features.
The different pieces of information displayed on the screen are sorted by categories, which you can view using the respective tabstrip. Currently, the following display screens are available:
·        Parameters
·        Memory Statistics
·        Template and MIME Cache
·        Mutex Locks
·        HTML Template Directory
·        Feature List
Mutex Locks
Mutex Locks (Mutual Exclusions) prevent competing access to resources. The integrated ITS function uses mutex locks for the HTML template cache, which exists only once for all work processes, to prevent the situation that a work process stores a new HTML template version in the HTML template cache while another work process processes an HTML template.
Apart from this, mutex locks are used for
·        Memory statistics
·        Individual HTML template cache entries
·        HTML Template Directory
Try exploring how this functionality have been done in transaction SITSPMON.

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    Please refer this link to find solution to your querry.
    Hope it helps.

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    Hi brother
    I think that this link can help you
    Good luck

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    Edited by: 812643 on 17-Nov-2010 12:39

    totally plagiarized from expert oracle database architecture 9i, 10g, 11g by Tom Kyte pg201
    one popular implementation of optimistic locking is to keep the old and new values in the application and upon updating the data use and update like this
    update table
    set column1 =: new_column1, column2 = : new_column2, ...
    where primary_key = :primary_key
    and decode( column1, :old_column1, 1 ) = 1
    and decode( column2, :old_column2, 1 ) = 1
    another implementation
    optimistic locking using a version column
    add a single column to each database table you wish to protect from lost updates. this column is generally either a number or date/timestamp column
    It is typically maintened via a row trigger on the table, which is responsible for incrementing the number column or updating the date/timestamp column
    every time a row is modified.
    another one on page 204
    optimistic locking usin a checksum
    similiar to the version column implementation but it uses the base data itself to compute a virtual version column.
    the ones suggested where owa_opt_lock.checksum, dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5, dbms_crypto.hash, ora_hashEdited by: pollywog on Nov 17, 2010 3:48 PM
    might be a good book for you to look into getting it has a whole chapter on locking and latching.
    Edited by: pollywog on Nov 17, 2010 3:54 PM

  • Implementing "critical sections" using recursive mutex locks

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    Any insight on this problem or suspected problems with the code I described would be GREATLY appreciated! I would be happy to send the source to this simple application to anyone interested in observing it's behavior.
    Regards and thanks in advance.
    Chad Attermann

    Solaris 7 is shipped broken for recursive mutexes... You can fix it by using patch 106980-13 and everything it depends on...
    Good luck!

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    Check these 2 articles
    This might help you.
    Thank you.

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  • Mutex locking issue on Solaris 10

    We are having a problem with mutex locking.
    On one scenario we are running our application
    On a v245 running Solaris 10 6/06 update 2 patch 118833-24
    On our 5120 we are running Solaris 10 8/07 update 4patch 137111-05.
    Our application creates several thousand simultaneous mutex inits (pthread_mutex_init). Approx 12 are locked at any one time. Our problem is after several min the application fails because the mutex destroy does not appear to destroy the mutex. This is true only on our 5120 but not on our v245. As a result our application runs fine on the v245 but fails quickly on the 5120.
    Do you have any knowledge of why this might be happening?
    Any help you can provide in this will be greatly appreciated.
    If this is not the right group to post this messages please let me know.

    How many threads do you have performing these mutex operations? The 5120 probably runs a lot more concurrent threads than the v245 does, so it's likely you're running into a race condition that's only apparent when the number of concurrent threads is large enough.
    What kind of mutexes are they? Recursive, process-shared, "normal"? Where are they located? Dynamically-allocated heap memory, local stack variables, mmap()'d memory? If they're recursive or "normal" mutexes in heap memory, you've most likely got a race condition in your application, because the source code at for pthread_mutex_destroy() is pretty much nothing but "memset( &mutex, 0, sizeof( mutex ) )" for normal mutexes. It's hard to imagine how that could fail.
    You can use the race-condition tools that are part of Sun Studio 12 or another memory-checking application such as Purify to find out where your error may be. Given the timing issues apparently involved, those are probably your best options. The overhead of tools such as watchmalloc or even the run-time memory checker in Sun Studio may be too much and mask your timing issues. Assuming that's what the root cause of your problem is.
    I didn't look at what's involved in destroying a process-shared mutex, though. That's a lot more complicated.
    On edit: How do you know that pthread_mutex_destroy() is not destroying the mutex?
    Edited by: AndrewHenle on Jun 16, 2009 3:46 PM

  • Multi processor Solaris 2.6 and mutex locks

    is anyone aware of any documented issues with Solaris 2.6 running
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    as far as i remember, in some OS book, maybe Peterson's, it was said
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    systems is to use low-level spin-locks. this brings down performance
    on a single-processor system, making the processor doing busy-wait,
    but this happens to be the only way of mutex-locking in a multi-processor
    system. if this is so, then where is such behaviour documented in case
    of Solaris 2.6.
    i have had problems with my applications crashing (rathing hanging up)
    in a vfork() on such a system, but same application works fine, with
    100% reproducability, on a single-processor system.
    thanks for any inputs or suggestions and/or information.
    banibrata dutta

    I am also facing similar problem. Application which written using Mulit-Threaded using Posix Mutexes. When i run on SINGLE processor manchine, i.e.
    SunOS sund4 5.7 Generic_106541-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
    It works perfectly.
    But when try to run on dual processor machine, i.e.
    SunOS sund2 5.7 Generic_106541-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-250
    It is blocking in the one of mutexes.
    Please inform us what is problem. Mr. B. Datta, you comes to know
    any channel, please inform me also at [email protected]
    Thanx & regards,

  • How to impement Webi Report locking mechanism

    Hi ,
    Can you please suggest me how to implement Webi Report Locing Mechanism .
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi ,
    Thanks for your reply .
    we have comments column in our report .  for each we have added one blank cell to give the comments purpose .
    But Multiple Users are trying to edit the report same time  so who ever saved the report those comments only available .
    To avoid multiple users to edit the same report we want to implement the report locking mechanism similar to Universe Locking mechanism in Designer .
    appreciate your speedy response .
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to implement authorization at sales order/projects level?

    If we open a sales order in VA02 and then try to open the same sales order in another session in VA02, there will be a message that the sales order is being processed. 
    I wish to implement similar functionality in my application which consists of editable report. 
    I tried to debug the situation in VA02 case mentioned above, to know something more about it, but could not understand anything!
    I know that lock objects can be helpful in this, but in my case there can a be range of sales orders (and projects within a range of profit centers). 
    How to implement such a functionality?
    Edited by: Ankit Modi on Dec 30, 2009 10:54 AM
    Edited by: Ankit Modi on Dec 30, 2009 10:55 AM

    @ Max -
    Yes Max, but the problem is that I want the lock on many sales orders at a time.  Its like, there is a report in which many rows (for sales orders) are editable.  I want all those to be locked at a time. This will not work by Lock object, I believe...
    @ Soumya -
    Yes Soumya, but, as I explained above, I want a range of sales orders rather than a sales order in particular.  That will not work by lock object.  Right?

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    I've been involved in a similar proyect too.
    If you want to do lock the SIM editing those files contect, you should check out the READ_UPDATE Conditions ( problably, as those are very sensitive data the conditions defined are NEVER. If you are defining a complete card pesonalization, you can change it to ADM... and then you will be able to modify the values.
    for further information you can contact me by email...

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    Can anyone give a pointer to this info or a piece of code using it. I want to use it in application program and which need not necessarily use ddi interface.
    Also I want info about if these mutex locks can be created with "process robust" option.

    So do you mean I have a per-instance pollhead structure and I make the *phpp (4th argument to xxchpoll)  point to the address of this pollhead structure so that once xxchpoll()  returns, my local pollhead structure (for that instance of the driver) will be initialized  ??                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Is there any standard DataSources/InfoObjects/DSOs/InfoCubes etc. available in SAP BI Content?

    The point I think was to ensure that you knew exactly what was required. A customer service desk can have many interpretations from a BI perspective.
    You could have :
    1. Operational reports - calls attended per shift , Average number of calls per person , Seasonality in the calls coming in etc
    2. Analytic views - Utilization of resources , Average call time and trending , customer satisfaction , average wait time
    3. Strategic - Call volumes corresponding to campaigns etc , Employee churn and related call times
    Based on these you would then have to construct your models which would be populated by data from the MySQL instance for you to report.
    Else if you have BWA you could have data discovery instead or if you have HANA - you could do even more and if you have a HANA sidecar - you technically dont need BW. The possibilities are virtually endless - it depends on how you want to drive it and how the end user ( client ) sees value in the same.

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