How to implement row span and column span in JTable.

How do we implement Col span and row span in JTable as in Html.
Kindly help.
Thank You

Although I suppose you could extend JTable to support column and row spans, this would involve a lot of of work and quite a few hacks. I think you will be better off either creating a new custom JComponent with an appropriate model for this purpose or using an existing solution such as [JIDE Grids|] which includes a CellSpanTable.

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    Here is a script doing all the job for us.
    Just select one or several cells in a table and run the script.
    It duplicates it, add an header row, an header column, insert the needed labels and fill the other cells with a formula grabbing the contents of the original table.
    --[SCRIPT build a table with headers]
    Enregistrer len tant que Script: build a table with headers.scpt
    déplacer le fichier créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Selectionner une cellule dans la table à dupliquer
    menu Scripts > Numbers > build a table with headers
    Le script duplique la table et crée des en-têtes de lignes et colonnes.
    L'aide du Finder explique:
    L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
    Save the script as Script: build a table with headers.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Select a range of cells in the table to 'duplicate'
    menu Scripts > Numbers > build a table with headers
    The script duplicate the table and inserts columns/rows headers.
    The Finder's Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    property theApp : "Numbers"
    my activateGUIscripting() (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
    set {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
    if r_Name is missing value then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "No selected cells"
    error "Il n'y a pas de cellule sélectionnée !"
    end if
    end if
    set new_Table to t_Name & "_#"
    my duplicateTable(s_Name, t_Name, new_Table)
    set delim to my getLocalizedDelimiter()
    (* grab localized function names and add an open parenthesis at end *)
    set IF_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "IF") & "("
    set CHAR_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "CHAR") & "("
    set INT_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "INT") & "("
    set MOD_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "MOD") & "("
    set INDIRECT_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "INDIRECT") & "("
    set ADDRESS_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "ADDRESS") & "("
    (* grab localized function names and add a couple of parenthesis at end *)
    set ROW_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "ROW") & "()"
    set COLUMN_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "COLUMN") & "()"
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document d_Name to tell sheet s_Name to tell table new_Table
    if column count = 256 then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "Oops, already 256 columns !"
    error "Désolé, il y a déjà 256 colonnes !"
    end if
    end if
    if row count = 65536 then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "Oops, already 65536 rows !"
    error "Désolé, il y a déjà 65536 lignes !"
    end if
    end if
    add row above row 1
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "Oops, already five header row !"
    error "Désolé, il y a déjà cinq rangs d’en tête !"
    end if
    end try
    add column before column 1
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "Oops, already five header columns !"
    error "Désolé, il y a déjà cinq rangs d’en tête !"
    end if
    end try
    set nbr to row count
    set nbc to column count
    (* =IF(COLUMN()<28,CHAR(COLUMN()63),CHAR(INT((COLUMN()-2)/26)+64)&CHAR(MOD(COLUMN()-2,26)65)) *)
    set theFormula to "=" & IF_loc & COLUMN_loc & "<28" & delim & CHAR_loc & COLUMN_loc & "+63)" & delim & CHAR_loc & INT_loc & "(" & COLUMN_loc & "-2)/26)+64)&" & CHAR_loc & MOD_loc & COLUMN_loc & "-2" & delim & "26)+65))"
    tell row 1
    repeat with c from 2 to nbc
    set value of cell c to theFormula
    end repeat
    end tell -- row 1
    (* =ROW()-1 *)
    set theFormula to "=" & ROW_loc & "-1"
    tell column 1
    repeat with r from 2 to nbr
    set value of cell r to theFormula
    end repeat
    end tell -- column 1
    (* =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()-1,,,"Tableau 2")) *)
    set theFormula to "=" & INDIRECT_loc & ADDRESS_loc & ROW_loc & "-1" & delim & COLUMN_loc & "-1" & delim & delim & delim & quote & t_Name & quote & "))"
    repeat with r from 2 to nbr
    repeat with c from 2 to nbc
    set value of cell r of column c to theFormula
    end repeat -- with c
    end repeat -- with r
    end tell -- Numbers
    Set the parameter delimiter which must be used in Numbers formulas
    on getLocalizedDelimiter()
    if character 2 of (0.5 as text) is "." then
    return ","
    return ";"
    end if
    end getLocalizedDelimiter
    on getLocalizedFunctionName(theApp, x)
    local p2bndl
    set p2bndl to (path to application support as text) & "iWork '09:Frameworks:SFTabular.framework:Versions:A:Resources:"
    return my getLocalizedName(theApp, x, p2bndl)
    end getLocalizedFunctionName
    on getLocalizedName(a, x, f)
    tell application a to return localized string x from table "Localizable" in bundle file f
    end getLocalizedName
    on getSelection()
    local _, theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc, errMsg, errNum
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
    tell sheet i
    set x to the count of tables
    if x > 0 then
    repeat with y from 1 to x
    (selection range of table y) as text
    on error errMsg number errNum
    set {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
    return {theDoc, theSheet, theTable, theRange}
    end try
    end repeat -- y
    end if -- x>0
    end tell -- sheet
    end repeat -- i
    end tell -- document
    return {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
    end getSelection
    on decoupe(t, d)
    local l
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return l
    end decoupe
    on isItAsheet(s)
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
    count of tables of sheet s (*
    Post an error if s is not a sheet *)
    end tell
    return true
    on error
    return false
    end try
    end isItAsheet
    on activateGUIscripting()
    tell application "System Events"
    if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
    end tell
    end activateGUIscripting
    on duplicateTable(sourceSheet, sourceTable, newName)
    local lesFeuilles, lesTables1, found, listOfRows, cor, i, isSourceSheet, nameI, j, lesTables2
    tell application "Numbers"
    tell document 1
    set lesFeuilles to name of sheets
    if sourceSheet is in lesFeuilles then
    tell sheet sourceSheet to set lesTables1 to name of tables
    if sourceTable is not in lesTables1 then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The sheet “" & sourceTable & "” of sheet “" & sourceSheet & "” is unavailable ! "
    error "La table “" & sourceTable & "” de la feuille “" & sourceSheet & "” n'existe pas ! "
    end if
    end if -- sourceTable is not
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The sheet “" & sourceSheet & "” is unavailable ! "
    error "La feuille “" & sourceSheet & "” n'existe pas ! "
    end if
    end if -- sourceSheet is in
    end tell -- document
    end tell -- application
    if newName is not in lesTables1 then (*
    Now, an ugly workaround to duplicate the sheet *)
    set isOS4 to (system attribute "sys2") < 5
    tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Numbers"
    set docWindow to false (* CAUTION, an inspector ("AXFloatingWindow") or a Find/Search ("AXDialog") window may be open *)
    repeat with i from 1 to (count of windows)
    if subrole of window i is "AXStandardWindow" then
    set docWindow to i (* got the document's window *)
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    if docWindow is not false then
    tell outline 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window docWindow
    select row 1
    set value of attribute "AXFocused" to true
    set found to false
    set listOfRows to name of static text of every row
    set cor to count of rows (* equal count of listOfRows *)
    if isOS4 then (*
    for mac Os X 10.4.11
    CAUTION, listOfRows it's a list of lists !
    {{"Feuille 2"}, {"Tableau 1"}, {"theSheet"}, {"Feuille 1"}, {"Tableau 2"}, {"Clément"}, {"Feuille 4"}} *)
    repeat with i from 1 to cor (*
    Scan the thumbnails *)
    set nameI to item 1 of item i of listOfRows
    set isSourceSheet to (sourceSheet = nameI) and my isItAsheet(nameI)
    if isSourceSheet then
    select row i
    if (i < cor) and not my isItAsheet(item 1 of item (i + 1) of listOfRows) then (*
    Here we may scan the thumbnails of tables of sourceSheet *)
    repeat with j from i + 1 to i + (count of lesTables1)
    if sourceTable = item 1 of item j of listOfRows then
    select row j
    set found to true
    exit repeat
    end if -- sourceTable
    end repeat
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The sheet “" & sourceTable & "” of sheet “" & sourceSheet & "”" & return & " is not revealed in thumbnails ! "
    error "La table “" & sourceTable & "” de la feuille “" & sourceSheet & "”" & return & " n'est pas affichée dans les vignettes ! "
    end if -- my parleFrancais
    end if -- (i < cor)
    end if -- isSourceSheet
    if found then exit repeat
    end repeat -- i
    else (*
    for mac Os X 10.5.x
    CAUTION, listOfRows is a list of lists !
    {{}, {"Tableau 1"}, {"theSheet"}, {}, {"Tableau 2"}, {"Clément"}, {}}
    With 10.5.x, the names of sheets are empty *)
    repeat with i from 1 to cor
    set isSourceSheet to (class of UI element 1 of row i is group) and (get value of static text 1 of group 1 of row i) is sourceSheet
    if isSourceSheet then (*
    Here we may scan the thumbnails of tables of sourceSheet *)
    if value of UI element 1 of group 1 of row i is 0 then (*
    reveal the tables's thumbnails and adjust the list accordingly *)
    click UI element 1 of group 1 of row i (* click the black triangle to reveal tables *)
    delay 0.1
    set listOfRows to name of static text of every row (* update the list accordingly *)
    end if -- value of UI…
    repeat with j from i + 1 to i + (count of lesTables1)
    if sourceTable = item 1 of item j of listOfRows then
    select row j
    set found to true
    exit repeat
    end if -- sourcetable
    end repeat -- with j
    end if -- isSourceSheet
    if found then exit repeat
    end repeat -- with i
    end if -- check OS
    end tell -- outline …
    keystroke "d" using command down
    end if -- docWindow
    end tell -- System Events…
    if docWindow is not false then (*
    Rename the new table according to the passed name: newTable *)
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1 to tell sheet sourceSheet
    set lesTables2 to name of tables
    repeat with i in lesTables2
    if i is not in lesTables1 then (*
    Here i is the name of the newly created table *)
    set name of table i to newName
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    end if -- docWindow
    end if -- newName is not…
    end duplicateTable
    on parleAnglais()
    local z
    tell application theApp to set z to localized string "Cancel"
    on error
    set z to "Cancel"
    end try
    return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 19 septembre 2009 17:33:59

  • How to implement Rows Per Page Selector for a tabular form kind of report

    Can somebody please tell how to implement Rows Per Page Selector in a tabular form (updatable report)
    -- similar to what we can have in an Interactive report---
    Plz help me out.

    You have to create item text field or select list (in interactive report is select list, you can create static value for example 10, 15, 50 , 100,500,.....) . In the Tabular form you have to go Report Attributes, search Number of Rows (Item) and select your item. And thats all. If I help you please check CORRECT or Helpful.

  • Updating the particular row and column in a JTable

    I have a JTable which is having fixed number of columns. When i am trying to update a particular cell in the table
    during programm execution i am not able to do it.
    I am getting the row number and column number correctly. But when i am going to set the data it is not setting at the same row. It is setting some other row according to the m_index (according to the sorting).
    i am doing :
    JTableModel model = (JTableModel) m_TablePan.getTableModel();
    model.setValueAt(savedData, row, column);

    See the convertXxxIndexToView and convertXxxIndexToModel methods.
    Edited by: Darryl.Burke -- wrong methods suggested
    Edit2: Evidently lipumama doesn't follow up on many questions posted.
    One for the blacklist.

  • How to implement session varibles and how to use it

    how to implement session varibles and how to use it.ple help me

    Please see the below blog, Hope it helps!!!

  • 1 How to setup new company name   2 How to setup row, rock and bin

    Anybody who can help me how to setup new company.
    And also how to setup row, rock and bin because we need to assign a location for our spare parts inventory.
    Thanks in advance.

    Row/rack/bin sounds like an inventory system. For a simple system you might want to build your own from scratch, but for even a mid-sized company you really want a shrink-wrapped solution -- i.e. Oracle apps or SAP.
    You don't want to be figuring out how to model material transactions, move orders, etc. Nor do you probably want to dive into various cost accounting options.

  • ( im new to java) How do I increase number of columns in a JTable ?

    I am dooing a small calculating program in school and can't figure out how to change the amount of columns in a JTable, my programming skills sofar are extremely basic and therefore we are using the netbeans GUI to create our windows. The code generated by the GUI cannot be edited and I have tried to copy paste the code into Eclipse but it didn't work.
    I have a fair idea of where in the code you can preform the things I want but I need to do it in the grapical interface.
    any suggestions are very much appriciated.

    my programming skills sofar are extremely basic and therefore we are using the netbeans GUI to create our windows.Using and IDE doesn't not make it easier. As you've found out it only makes it harder since you can't edit the code and take full control.
    Read the Swing tutorial, it contains plenty of example for building GUI applications:
    I don't really understand your question, because if you create the table correctly, then then is no need to increase the number of columns. However, the table does support an addColumn(....) method.

  • How to implement uplink redundancy and spanning tree in SFP-300 switches

    We have several Small Business 300 Series Managed Switches, the 10/100 ones with PoE, the first generation ones.
    We've been advised to implement uplink redundancy and spanning tree on these switches.
    I'm sure spanning tree is a checkbox somewhere in the web interface.
    How does one implement uplink redundancy besides interconnecting the switches plus turning on spanning tree (RSTP)??
    Thank you, Tom
    P.S. I also tried to file a service request but it does not work, I get: "Error 500: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException"

    Hello Thomas,
    Thanks for using the Cisco Small Business eSupport Community. I've looked through the articles that are available in our Knowledge Base and found a few that I hope will be able to assist you in setting up spanning tree and link redundancy on your SFP300s:
    In regards to link redundancy, the following article on LAG can hopefully provide some guidance:
    Link Aggregate Group (LAG) Configuration on 200/300 Series Managed Switches
    And for your question on setting up STP, here are a few articles with additional information:
    Configure Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Status and Global Settings on 200/300 Series Managed Switches
    Setup Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on a Interface on the 300 Series Managed Switches
    I hope that this information helps! Please remember to mark your question as answered and rate if this solves your problem.

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    Hi Roanto,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    We're all feeling out way around in this newly designed environment, but I think I've discovered that the iWork applications for iPad are still in a community separate from those for the Mac versions of the iWork appplications.
    Seeing as you question is about Numbers for iPad, you might find it better served in the>Numbers for iPad Community area. The link will take you to the front page of that community.
    PS: You might also consider rewriting your question. I'm having some difficulty deternmining exactly what you want to accomplish.

  • How to implement row level security?

    Hi all,
    There is a database which is for 3 companies to use it and how to use row level security to make sure that they can only manipluate their own data? For example, "employee" table, for each company they just can see their own employees information. How to use dynamic view to do it?
    Many Thanks

    Here are two options to achieve what you want.
    A. You can do this by coding, that's if you are ready to. Are you? If yes then try the steps below:
    1. create a security codes table. Say for example
    001 - company a
    002 - company b
    2. create a security table that will list all users and which company they should have access to. You can also implement this by roles.
    3. alter all tables in the application schema to add a security code column. This will be a foreign key reference to table created in 1 above.
    4. update all data in the tables according to which company they belong to.
    5. write a procedure or package that does a validity check whenever a user requests for data. This procedure/package determines which company data the user has access/rights to.
    With this, you should be able to achieve what you want if you do not want to spend on VPD and FGAC. The problem comes where there are users who would have cross access to data from both companies. In this regard, then you have to modify your security table a little bit to handle this.
    B. This option i will admit is not so clean. You can also achieve this by two different views for every table in the application schema. And on each of these views, create a private synonym for every user. For illustration purposes:
    Table name = Employee.
    Create a view employee_a on employee
    create a view employee_b on employee
    Let's say you have users x and y. X has access to employees of company a and y has access to employees of company b. You can now create private synonyms for each of these users as follows:
    create synonym employee on employee_a in x schema.
    create synonym employee on employee_b on y schema.
    This i have not tried but believe should work.
    Hope one of these options serve your purpose.

  • How to implement row level secuirty at universe level

    Hi All
    How can we implement row level security in universe ?

    Can we try this?
    Open designer >>tools>>Manage security>Manage access retrictions
    Click on "new" under available restrictions area .
    Select "rows" tab click add select the table and an appropriate where condition.
    Click ok .
    Add a user\group on which the retriction is to be imposed Click Ok.
    Hope this will help

  • How to implement row level security using external tables

    Hi All Gurus/ Masters,
    I want to implement row level security using external tables, as I'm not sure how to implement that. and I'm aware of using it by RPD level authentication.
    I can use a filter condition in my user level so that he can access his data only.
    But when i have 4 tables in external tables
    Then in which table I need to give the filter conditions..
    Pl let me know this ...

    You pull the Group into a repository variable using a session variable init block, then reference that variable in the data filters either in the LTS directly or in the security management as Filters. You reference it with the syntax VALUEOF("NQ_SESSION.Variable Name")
    Hope this helps

  • How to filter rows where multiple columns meet criteria, ignoring rows where only some columns meet criteria

    Hi All,
    Question: How do I filter rows out of a query where multiple columns are equal to a single question mark character?
    Background: I'm using SQL 2008 R2.  Furthermore, the part of my brain that helps me create less-than-simple queries hasn't been working for the last 4 days, apparently, and now I need help.
    We have about 4,000 rows in a table.  This data set was generated from an exported report, and many of the rows in the detail table were not actual data rows but were simply "header" rows.  For those table rows, most of the columns have
    a single question mark as the value.
    Some of the detail rows have one or more question mark values, too, so it's important that these rows don't get filtered out.
    When I include criteria like "WHERE col1 <> '?' AND col2 <> '?' AND col3 <> '?' AND col4 <> '?'", all rows with a question mark value for even a single one of those columns get filtered out.  How do I filter out rows
    where all columns 1-4 contain a question mark value?
    Thanks for your help,

    I just tried to create to create a scenario for you. Please see ig you're looking for something like this.
    Create table test_Question_mark
    RecordID INT identity(1,1),
    Col1 varchar(10),
    Col2 varchar(10),
    Col3 varchar(10),
    Col4 varchar(10),
    insert into test_Question_mark (Col1, Col2, Col3, col4) values ('?','?','?','?')
    insert into test_Question_mark (Col1, Col2, Col3, col4) values ('?','??','?','?')
    insert into test_Question_mark (Col1, Col2, Col3, col4) values ('?','??','??','?')
    insert into test_Question_mark (Col1, Col2, Col3, col4) values ('??','??','??','??')
    insert into test_Question_mark (Col1, Col2, Col3, col4) values ('?','?','?','?')
    insert into test_Question_mark (Col1, Col2, Col3, col4) values ('??','test ??','??','??')
    insert into test_Question_mark (Col1, Col2, Col3, col4) values ('??','test ?','??','??')
    --drop table test_Questio_mark
    select * from test_Question_mark
    select * from test_Question_mark 
    (CHARINDEX('?', Col1,1) > 0 AND CHARINDEX('?', Col1, CHARINDEX('?', Col1,1)+1) = 0) AND 
    (CHARINDEX('?', Col2) > 0 AND CHARINDEX('?', Col2, CHARINDEX('?', Col2,1)+1) = 0) AND 
    (CHARINDEX('?', Col3,1) > 0 AND CHARINDEX('?', Col3, CHARINDEX('?', Col3,1)+1) = 0) AND 
    (CHARINDEX('?', Col4,1) > 0 AND CHARINDEX('?', Col4, CHARINDEX('?', Col4,1)+1) = 0) 
    --drop table test_Questio_mark
    I hope above solution will help.

  • How to suppress row when one column has zero  using condition

    Hi Experts,
    How do I suppress row when one column has zero.
    I read it is possible using conditions.
    How ?

    Check this
    1. for Query Properties, go to the Display tab and Supress Zeros is "Active"
    2. select the Structure, right-click, select Properties, then click "on" Also Use Zero Suppression for Structure Elements
    Hope it Helps

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