How to import footage to my external

Hi all,
this might be a really silly question but I've never actually had an external hard drive. So usually when I capture footage I just use the fire wire port on my MacBook Pro to capture footage into Final Cut. Now however that fire wire port is used to connect the external hard drive. How do I link up my camera now? There is a second fire wire 800 port on the external hard drive so would it be possible to use that or would the camcorder need to be plugged directly into my MacBook Pro?
If not what can I do?

Hi Kevin,
When I use my MacBook Pro out in the field, I connect my cam to the MacBook and I run a connection to the external Drive using a USB to Firewire cable from a USB slot on the MacBook or if you have a USB port the the external drive just connect USB on both,  this works well.  On occasions I've used a USB to Firewire adaptor on another Computer. Don't forget to select the external drive in your FCP preferences before shooting. I use this system while filming mostly sports events.
  hope this helps.

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    That camera shoots AVCHD.
    Are you using Log & Transfer to access the footage?
    Can you see the camera's storage in the Finder?

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    I don't know if this method is supported anymore but you can give it a try.
    If you backed up bookmarks in IE using the following directions, you should be good!
    *In IE, "File -> Import and Export -> Export Cookies".
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    *Go to '''about:support''' and click Show Folder next to Profile Directory.

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    A few more questions for now.
    Taking your particular .avi files out of the equation, can you import any other format from Add Media/Files and Folders pointed to this external hard drive? What is the format of the external hard drive? NTFS or FAT32?
    It is my recollection that AVCHD.avi has always been reported as highly problematic. Yet you seem to be saying that you have no problem importing them in to the project from the desktop with the program's Add Media/Files and Folders/Project Assets to Expert workspace Timeline.
    Did you purchase your Premiere Elements 12 from the Mac App Store or from Adobe? If Mac Store, what do you have Adobe Premiere Elements Editor or Adobe Premiere Elements Quick Editor or some variation thereof?
    You wrote
    A number of users are experiencing this issue - they connect their hard drive, load Elements, start a new project and go to add media (from the ext hard drive) using the files and folders option.
    Could you supply more information on this via link(s) which have reported this issue.

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    There is no direct way to do this. The VIDEO_TS folder will have one, or more .VOB files. What you are looking for is probably in the first of these. You might get lucky (.VOB files can contain a lot more than just the Video & Audio), and copy that VOB to your computer. Rename it with an .MPG extension, and try to Import that - might work for your purposes.
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    The bookmarks and history are stored in the places.sqlite database file in the profile folder and there are also ten JSON backups (one is created each day) in the bookmarkbackups folder.
    You can use this button to go to the Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Open Directory)
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