How to invoke PL\SQL Function from HTML

I have creadted empty functin in protal30
i receive ERROR when i invoke ANY function in existing scheme
DAD name: portal30
PROCEDURE : portal30.FOO
URL : http://'server':80/pls/portal30/portal30.FOO

url above is not corect
DAD name: portal30
URL : http://'server':80/pls/portal30/foo
I can't invoke any existing function in prtlal30 schema

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    In R12, in Payroll Deposit adivce/Check writer, We need to sort the earnings tag <AC_Earnings> in to two different categories as regular and other earnings. In the DB and form level of element defintiion we have a DFF which differentiates between the two kinds of earnings. But the seeded XML that is gerneated by the check writer does not have this field.
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  • How to call pl/sql function from element values

    XMLP 5.6.3
    I noticed that the output of the rdf-to-data template conversion process makes use of an undocumented feature of data templates, and I would like to get input from experts as to which situations this feature is usable.
    The closest thing I can find in the documentation is a sample in the user guide. There is a "General Ledger Journals Data Template Example" that has a <dataStructure> section that contains <element> nodes which are NOT children of a <group> node. I can't find any explanation of this in the user guide.
    I've noticed from converted templates that in these un-grouped elements you can make calls to PL/SQL functions in the "value" attribute, like this:
      <group name="G_LINES" source="Q_MAIN">
        <element name="Line_Num"           value="Line_Num"/>
      <element name="C_CALCULATED_VALUE" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.SOME_FUNCTION"/>
    </dataStructure>Has anyone had any success being able to call PL/SQL functions from grouped elements? Whenever I try, it doesn't seem to work.
    When I try something like this:
      <group name="G_LINES" source="Q_MAIN">
        <element name="Line_Num"           value="Line_Num"/>
        <element name="some_calculation"   value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.SOME_FUNCTION"/>
        <element name="some_calculation_b" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.SOME_FUNCTION_B(:Line_Num)"/>
      <element name="C_CALCULATED_VALUE" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.SOME_FUNCTION"/>
    </dataStructure>The <SOME_CALCULATION/> and <SOME_CALCULATION_B/> nodes come out empty in the output data xml file, but <C_CALCULATED_VALUE> would have a value as desired.

    ah - perfect. That makes sense. Thank you for the response!
    But what about when we need to pass parameters to those functions whos values are the results of aggregate element values?
    This happens a lot in the converted data templates, where pl/sql package functions are meant to replace formula columns from the original Oracle Report. Take this example from the conversion of ARXAGMW.rdf (Aging Report, 7 Buckets):
    (note the function call in the value of "Set_Percent_Inv_Inv" is using aggregate results from subgroups)
      <group name="G_INV_INV" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_Amt" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Amt_Due_Rem_Inv"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B0" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B0"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B1" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B1"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B2" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B2"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B3" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B3"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B4" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B4"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B5" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B5"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B6" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B6"/>
        <element name="Set_Percent_Inv_Inv"  dataType="number"  value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.set_percent_inv_invformula(:Total_Inv_Inv_Amt, :Total_Inv_Inv_B0, :Total_Inv_Inv_B1, :Total_Inv_Inv_B2, :Total_Inv_Inv_B3, :Total_Inv_Inv_B4, :Total_Inv_Inv_B5, :Total_Inv_Inv_B6)"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B0_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B0_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B1_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B1_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B2_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B2_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B3_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B3_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B4_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B4_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B5_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B5_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B6_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B6_Inv_p"/>
        <group name="G_Cust_Inv" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
          <group name="G_Site_Inv" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
            <group name="G_1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
              <group name="G_Invoice" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
                <element name="C_Amt_Due_Rem_Inv" dataType="number" value="C_Amt_Due_Rem_Inv"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B0" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B0"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B1" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B1"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B2" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B2"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B3" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B3"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B4" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B4"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B5" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B5"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B6" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B6"/>
      ...All of these groups and sub-groups are based on one single query, so I am not sure how I would move the function call into the query without changing the results of the function.
    In the example above, elements Sum_Percent_B0_Inv through Sum_Percent_B6_Inv grab the results of the calculation done in set_percent_inv_invformula. Here is the essence of that function:
      sum_percent_b0_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b0 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b1_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b1 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b2_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b2 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b3_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b3 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b4_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b4 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b5_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b5 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b6_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b6 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);The only solution I can think of is to have separate queries, one for each subgroup, that do the "sum" in sql; but that seems terribly inefficient.

  • How to call pl/sql function from oaf

    Dear  Friends,
    I am trying to call a function from oaf page .but iam getting error like
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    THis is my function  ,,callable statement
                                    ,P_DEDUCTION_START_DATE IN DATE
                                    ,P_DEDUCTION_END_DATE IN DATE
                                    ,P_LOAN_VALUE IN NUMBER
          l_message                 VARCHAR2(100);
          l_contract_type           VARCHAR2(50);
          l_loan_eligible_date      DATE;
          l_grade                   VARCHAR2(15);
          l_old_loan_end_date       DATE;
          l_max_loan_end_date       DATE;
          l_remaining_amount        NUMBER;
          l_eligible_amt            NUMBER;
                SELECT --papf.person_id,
                       (SELECT meaning
                          FROM hr_lookups
                         WHERE lookup_type = 'ADTC_CONTRACT_TYPE'
                           AND lookup_code = attribute3) contract_type,
                       ADD_MONTHS (papf.original_date_of_hire, 11) loan_eligible_date,
                       DECODE (paaf.ass_attribute2,
                               'Chairman', 'Chairman',
                               SUBSTR (ass_attribute2, INSTR (ass_attribute2, '.', 1, 1) + 1,
                              ) grade,
                       (SELECT nvl(MAX (deduction_end_date),null)
                          FROM xxadtc_car_loan_request
                         WHERE person_id = p_person_id) old_loan_end_date,
                       to_date(ADD_MONTHS (p_deduction_start_date, 47)) max_loan_end_date
                       --to_date(ADD_MONTHS (sysdate, 47)) max_loan_end_date
                  INTO  l_contract_type
                  FROM per_all_people_f papf, per_all_assignments_f paaf
                 WHERE SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
                   AND papf.business_group_id = 81
                   AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
                   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
                   AND papf.person_id =P_PERSON_ID;
                WHEN others THEN
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error ');
            -- get Previous Car loan amount --
                SELECT to_number(prrv.result_value)
                  INTO l_remaining_amount
                  FROM per_all_people_f papf,
                       per_all_assignments_f paaf,
                       pay_assignment_actions pac,
                       pay_run_results prr,
                       pay_run_result_values prrv,
                       pay_element_types_f petf,
                       pay_input_values_f pivf,
                       pay_element_classifications pec,
                       pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       per_time_periods ptp
                 WHERE SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
                   AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
                   AND papf.business_group_id = 81
                   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
                   AND paaf.assignment_id = pac.assignment_id
                   AND pac.assignment_action_id = prr.assignment_action_id
                   AND prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
                   AND prr.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
                   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN petf.effective_start_date AND petf.effective_end_date
                   AND prrv.input_value_id = pivf.input_value_id
                   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN pivf.effective_start_date AND pivf.effective_end_date
                   AND pivf.NAME = 'Remaining Amount'
                   AND petf.classification_id = pec.classification_id
                   AND pac.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                   AND ppa.time_period_id = ptp.time_period_id
                   AND TO_CHAR (ptp.pay_advice_date, 'Mon-YYYY') =
                                                                 TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'Mon-YYYY')
                   AND petf.element_name = 'Motar Ahlami Loan'
                --and     employee_number='10185'
                   AND papf.person_id = p_person_id;
                WHEN no_data_found THEN
                   --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR: No data!');
                WHEN others THEN
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error ');              
               select   GET_CAR_LOAN_ELIGI_AMT(P_PERSON_ID)
               into     l_eligible_amt
               from     dual;
               IF l_contract_type NOT IN ('Permanent') THEN
                    l_message := 'Contract Type Is not valid';
               END IF;
               IF l_loan_eligible_date < SYSDATE THEN
                    l_message:= 'Date of Join is less then one year';
               END IF;
               IF l_grade IN ('US','00','AUS','EM') THEN
                    l_message:= 'Your are not Eligible Grade';
               END IF;
               IF l_old_loan_end_date < SYSDATE THEN
                    l_message:= 'Previous Loan Duration is not completed';
               END IF;
               IF l_max_loan_end_date > P_DEDUCTION_END_DATE THEN
                    l_message:= 'Maxinum number of monthly payment of 48 month';
               END IF;
               IF l_remaining_amount >0 THEN
                    l_message:= 'Previous Car Loan amount is pending till';
               END IF;
               IF l_eligible_amt < p_loan_value THEN
                    l_message:= 'Please check Eligible Amount ';
               END IF;
          RETURN nvl(l_message,'S');
             RETURN 'Error';
          if(pageContext.getParameter("Submit")!=null) {
             OAViewObject vo2 = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("XxadtcCarLoanRequestEOVO1");
                   vo1.getCurrentRow().setAttribute("LoanStatus","Pending Approval");
                   int xxpersonId = pageContext.getEmployeeId();
                   String xxDeductionStartDate = vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("DeductionStartDate").toString();//pageContext.getParameter("DeductionStartDate").toString();
    //                SimpleDateFormat dateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd");
    //                Date convertedDate1 = dateFormat1.parse("xxDeductionStartDate");
                   String xxDeductionEndDate = vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("DeductionEndDate").toString();//pageContext.getParameter("DeductionEndDate").toString();
    //                SimpleDateFormat dateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd");
    //                Date convertedDate2 = dateFormat2.parse("xxDeductionEndDate");
                   String xxLoanValue = vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("LoanValue").toString();//pageContext.getParameter("LoanValue").toString();
                    int iLoanValue = Integer.parseInt(xxLoanValue);
                    System.out.println("Entered into submit loop");
                    System.out.println("xxpersonId id is:"+xxpersonId);
                    System.out.println("xxDeductionStartDate id is:"+xxDeductionStartDate);
                    System.out.println("xxDeductionEndDate id is:"+xxDeductionEndDate);
                    System.out.println("xxLoanValue id is:"+xxLoanValue);
                  OADBTransaction txn = am.getOADBTransaction();
                  String sql ="BEGIN :1 :=XXADTC_CAR_LOAN_REQUEST_PKG.CAR_LOAN_VALIDATION(:2,:3,:4,:5); END;";
                  CallableStatement cs =  txn.createCallableStatement(sql,1);
                  String outputval = null;//  int outputval = 0;
                  try {
                      System.out.println("Entered in try loop of callable funtion validation");
                        System.out.println("cs setInt(2,xxpersonId);is executed");
                        System.out.println("cs.setString(3,xxDeductionStartDate is executed);");
                        System.out.println("cs.setString(4,xxDeductionEndDate is executed);");
    //                              cs.setDate(3,xxDeductionStartDate);
    //                              cs.setDate(4,xxDeductionEndDate);
                  cs.registerOutParameter(1,Types.VARCHAR);//  cs.registerOutParameter(1,Types.NUMERIC);
                  outputval = cs.getString(1);// txn.commit();
                             throw new OAException("Organization name is:"+outputval,OAException.INFORMATION);
                        catch(Exception sqle){
                        try {
                        catch (Exception e)
                        throw OAException.wrapperException(e);
                        throw OAException.wrapperException(sqle);
    Please help .where is the error is.
    please help
    let me know for any clarification.

    Hi Arvinda,
    Refer Below code.
    // In Controller
    java.sql.Date DeductionSDate; //declare variable
    //In PFR
      String xxDeductionStartDate = vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("DeductionStartDate");
       OADBTransaction txn = am.getOADBTransaction();
                java.sql.Date startDate= txn.getOANLSServices().stringToDate(xxDeductionStartDate);
                DeductionSDate = startDate;
        Set this to cs.setDate(3,DeductionSDate);

  • How to call PL/SQL function from ODBC

    Greetings (and thanks for reading),
    I am using Oracle 9i ( database, running on SUN [sparc] Solaris 9. I have created the following types:
    create or replace type NAME_VAL_TYP is object
    (NAME   varchar2(30)
    ,VALUE  varchar2(30))
    create or replace type PARMS_VARRAY_TYP is varray(10) of
    /and the following PL/SQL function:
    function F0 (P_PARAMS  PARMS_VARRAY_TYP) return numberHow do I call this function from ODBC?
    Thanks (in advance),

    Sorry, this is not mapped in the ODBC driver--none of the object types are. The spec doesn't really account for them.

  • How to call PL/SQL function from JSP ?

    We have the JSP application developed using the JDeveloper 3.0. I am trying to call the PL/SQL DB function. I'm trying to use the method of ApplicationModule:
    The problem is that I can not get the function result back to JSP. The executeCommand() does not seem to accept any host variables.
    What to do ? Did anyone manage to get the feedback from DB ?
    Here is the code in the JSP page:
    <%! String res=" ";%>
    <jsp:useBean id="rsn"
    scope="request" >
    rsn.initialize(application,session, request,response,
    // this is the ID to be copied
    String copy_id = request.getParameter(TRS.LOOK_UP_PK_FIELD);
    if( copy_id != null) {
    // call the PL/SQL procedure to create copy of this auction
    String sCommand = "DECLARE a NUMBER; BEGIN :res:=Copy_Auction("
    copy_id"); END;";
    I receive the following error:
    Error Message: JBO-27121: SQL error during statement execution. Statement: DECLARE a NUMBER; BEGIN :res:=Copy_Auction(45); END;
    JBO Error:JBO-27121: SQL error during statement execution. Statement: DECLARE a NUMBER; BEGIN :res:=Copy_Auction(45); END;: ORA-01008: not all variables bound
    What criteria has the host variable meet to be used in the executeCommand(sCommand) method ?

    I could be wrong there, but I have experienced similar problem on tru64 unix, with sticky bit not in place for the following files: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle and $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracleO. Once you restore those files via tar command (this is what happened to me), the sticky bit disappears, and you have to re-introduce it by issuing unix command: chmod 1777 on those files.
    What it does for you - it allows you to execute the sql statements as an oracle user & group!
    Otherwise, if this bit is lost, whenever you try to connect to sqlplus via user / password it hits you back with:
    ORA-01034 ORACLE not available
    ORA-27121 unable to determine size of shared memory segment
    Compaq Tru64 UNIX Error: 13:Permission denied
    This should not be a problem if you try and execute the same sql statements using listener (connecting to the server by using @ statement).
    I could be late in response to you, but maybe not for other people.

  • How to call PL/SQL function from php

    I have one function define in package,like below
    create or replace package body Intg$Label_DB as
    Future constant date := to_date ('21990101', 'YYYYMMDD');
    Max_Annotation_Len integer := 3995;
    function Get_Tagged_Label (Product_Name varchar2,Branch_Name varchar2, Platform_Name varchar2, Schema_Name varchar2) return varchar2 is
    Series_Id integer := Get_Series (Product_Name,Branch_Name,Platform_Name);
    Schema_Id integer := Get_Schema (Schema_Name);
    Dep_Label_Id integer;
    Next_Dep_Label_Id integer;
    Result_Id integer;
    Result Intg$Labels.Name%type;
    select SLT.Dep_Label_Id, SLT.Next_Dep_Label_Id into Dep_Label_Id, Next_Dep_Label_Id
    from Intg$Series_Label_Tags SLT
    where SLT.Series_Id = Get_Tagged_Label.Series_Id and SLT.Schema_Id = Get_Tagged_Label.Schema_Id;
    Result_Id := Next_Dep_Label_Id;
    if Result_Id = -1 then
    Result_Id := Dep_Label_Id;
    end if;
    select L.Name into Result from Intg$Labels L where L.Id = Result_Id;
    return Result;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    return '';
    end Get_Tagged_Label;
    i want to call Get_Tagged_Label() from php and print the output,I tried below code but seems i am missing lots of things here.Any help will be appreciate.
    $sql = 'BEGIN INTG$Label_DB.Get_Tagged_Labell(:Product_Name,:Branch_name,:Platform_Name,:message,:message_1,:message_2); END;';
    $stmt = oci_parse($conn,$sql) or die ('Can not parse query') ;
    // Bind the input parameter
    // Bind the output parameter
    // Assign a value to the input
    $name = 'PCBPEL';
    $branch ='MAIN';
    $pt ='GENERIC';

    What errors are you getting?
    It's always helpful to know the version of PHP and the database.
    When calling a function, you'll need a bind variable to hold the return value, and make sure the number of parameters match:
    $sql = 'BEGIN :rv := INTG$Label_DB.Get_Tagged_Labell(:Product_Name,:Branch_name,:Platform_Name,:message); END;';
    This new variable will need to bound with oci_bind_by_name()
    Have you looked at my free Underground PHP and Oracle Manual at ? Or any one of the other fine PHP-Oracle books available?

  • Calling a PL/SQL function from java

    I would like to call a pl/sql function from java. My pl/sql function is taking arrays of records as parameters. How do i proceed? Which specific oracle packages do I have to import?
    Please send an example.
    Darko Guberina

    Documentation here:
    says JPublisher can publish records too.
    But when I change the example given at as following:
    type emp_rec is record (empno number, ename varchar2(10));
    type emp_list is varray(5) of emp_rec;
    type factory is record (
    name varchar(10),
    emps emp_list
    function get_factory(p_name varchar) return factory;
    then I see <unknown type or type not found> at sql or java files generated. Any ideas?

  • Calling PL/SQL function from external Java class

    I was wondering if I was able to call a pl/sql function from an external java class? If so, would you be able to tell me briefly on how to go about it. I know I can call java methods that are internally stored in the db from pl/sql, but I was hoping I could call pl/sql from external java. Thanks,

    Ok, I made the changes, but I'm now getting the following error:
    Error code = 1403
    Error message = ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-06512: at "IOBOARD.GETSTATUS", line 6
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    The ora-01403 I don't understand because there is data for the name Kelly.Brace.
    ora-06512 error: at string line string.
    Here's what the code looks like after I made the changes:
    String sql = "{?=call ioboard.GetStatus(?)}";
          // create a Statement object
          myStatement = myConnection.prepareCall( sql );
          myStatement.setString( 1, "Kelly.Brace" );
          myStatement.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR );
          // create a ResultSet object, and populate it with the
          // result of a SELECT statement
          ResultSet myResultSet = myStatement.executeQuery();
          // retrieve the row from the ResultSet using the
          // next() method
          // retrieve the user from the row in the ResultSet using the
          // getString() method
          String status = myResultSet.getString(1);
          System.out.println("Hello Kelly, your status is: " + status);
          // close this ResultSet object using the close() method
          myResultSet.close();Here's what the function looks like:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetStatus( user_name in varchar2)
    v_status varchar2(10);
    select iob_location into v_status
    from ioboard.iob_user
    where iob_username = user_name;
      RETURN( v_status);
    END;This works perfectly in the SQL Window:
    select iob_location
    from ioboard.iob_user
    where iob_username = 'Kelly.Brace';

  • Calling PL/SQL function from OCI?

    How do I execute a PL/SQL function from OCI?
    My test function:
    Query VARCHAR2(500);
    Query := 'Select * from Logical_Name';
    RETURN Query;
    END GetNodeQuery;
    char SQL[16];
    strcpy(SQL, "GetNodeQuery(1)");
    char ColumnVariable[500];
    int VariableSize = 500;
    OCIStmtPrepare(qHandle, hError, SQL, (ub4)strlen(SQL),
    OCIDefineByPos(qHandle, &pDefine, hError, 1,
    (dvoid*)ColumnVariable, (sb4)VariableSize,
    1,(dvoid*)0, (ub2*)0, (ub2*)0,
    OCIStmtExecute(svchp, qHandle, hError, (ub4)1, (ub4)0,
    (CONST OCISnapshot *)NULL, (OCISnapshot*)NULL,
    On the Execute I get an error saying that ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
    Any Help would be appreciated.
    Thank You,
    Scott Metzger

    Ok, I made a mistake the
    select GetNodeQuery(1) from dual
    only works with a simple function. My real life function has a cursor via DBMS_SQL.
    I presume I would need to pass the following in my OCIStmtPrepare call:
    tmp Varchar2[256];
    tmp := GetNodeQuery(1);
    Now how do I get the value of tmp out?
    I couldn't find any examples for calling functions from OCI. If you know of some could you post the url or send them to me?
    *:> Scott
    [email protected]
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiago Nodari ([email protected]):
    you need to modify the sqlstatement to look something like this...
    look into the OCI documentation, there are various examples of how to do it, including, binding and defining variables...

  • How to passing value into Captivate from html?

    How to passing value into Captivate from html?
    How to communicate between objects in one slides?

    Hi czhao0378 and welcome to the forums!
    Captivate does not natively allow you to communicate your own
    data, either internally or externally. The only way to make this
    happen is to create your own functionality, either via custom-built
    Flash objects or JavaScript code executed in the browser or a
    combination of both.
    The only example I've seen of any "data passing" inside
    Captivate is a custom text input/output solution that was posted on
    the Captivate Developer Exchange: 021
    This solution consists of an input box that takes information
    from the user on one slide and a second box that displays that
    information on another slide. The functionality was built in Flash
    and is embedded in Captivate as a Flash "animation". Unfortunately,
    since this is a custom functionality, the information is not
    included in the user completion results Captivate can pass to a
    Learning Management System.
    Since the solution mentioned above relies on a Flash
    Actionscript variable to hold the information that is displayed,
    you can also pass the information from HTML to Captivate using the
    "SetVariable" command in JavaScript. This would at least allow you
    to display your own HTML-based data inside Captivate.
    Beyond that, I'm not aware of any other way to gather and
    pass data in Captivate.

  • How to invoke the exported function of odbc32.dll

    I am unable to find the dll (SQLAllocHandle.dll) in our system. Its mentioned that the ‘SQLAllocHandle’ is one of the exported function of odbc32.dll
    I want to find out how to invoke this exported function and make use of the same in our system?

    Your question leads me to believe you're not sure what you're asking.
    SQLAllocHandle is an ODBC api call, and you use it in your ODBC API program, the same way you use other ODBC api calls.
    Here's an example of a simple ODBC API program that uses SQLAllocHandle.
    Hope it helps,
    #include "windows.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    #include "sql.h"
    #include "sqlext.h"
    void GetSQLError();
    #define checkforerrors if (rc!=SQL_SUCCESS){GetSQLError();exit(1);}
    static      HENV     henv;
    static      HDBC     hdbc;
    void main(int argc, char *argv[])
         SQLRETURN rc=0;
         SQLCHAR* uid="SCOTT";
         SQLCHAR* pwd="tiger";
         SQLCHAR* dsn="orcl32";
         rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV,SQL_NULL_HANDLE,&henv);checkforerrors
         rc = SQLSetEnvAttr(henv,  SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,(SQLPOINTER)SQL_OV_ODBC3,0);checkforerrors
         rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);checkforerrors
         rc = SQLConnect(hdbc, dsn, (SWORD)strlen(dsn), uid,(SWORD)strlen(uid),pwd,(SWORD)strlen(pwd));checkforerrors
         rc = SQLDisconnect(hdbc);checkforerrors
         rc = SQLFreeConnect(hdbc);checkforerrors
         rc = SQLFreeEnv(henv);checkforerrors
    void GetSQLError()
    long    llDbErrCd = 0;
    short   llRetMsgLen = 0;
    char    lszSqlErrMsg[255];
    char    lszSqlMsg[255];
    SQLError(henv,hdbc,0,(SQLCHAR*) lszSqlErrMsg,&llDbErrCd,(SQLCHAR*) lszSqlMsg,255,&llRetMsgLen);

  • How can I call a function from a procedure

    I have a function named: f_calc_value which return the variable v_result. This function is part of a package.
    How can I call this function from a new procedure I am creating?

    or refer this theread....calling function from procedure

  • How to call a Javascript function from backing bean without any event

    Someone knows how to call a Javascript function from backing bean without any event ?

    Please review the following thread:
    ADF Faces call javascript

Maybe you are looking for

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    when i go to use my 2nd gen ipod touch it freezes all the time i have a lot of music on it and it is almost full but i had lots of music on it for a while it is usually when i have to use a process like the internet or pinger is it just so old that i